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English Activity Sheet

Quarter 4 – MELC 5
Distinguish Among Types of
Journalistic Writing


Quarter 4, Week 5

Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) No. 5

Name of Learner: Grade & Section: _



I. Learning Competency with Code

Distinguish Among Types of Journalistic Writing

II. Background Information for Learners

Journalistic writing is a style of writing that is used to

report news stories in a variety of media format. These can be
read usually in newspapers and other social media accounts.

There are four types of Journalistic Writing and they are

the news, sports, feature, and opinion/editorial writing.


News reports are found in newspapers and their purpose
is to inform readers of what is happening in the world around
them. It is a timely, and factual narration of past, present and
future events.


An editorial is an article that presents the newspaper's
opinion on an issue. It reflects the majority vote of the editorial
board, the governing body of the newspaper made up of editors
and business managers. Editorials are meant to influence public
opinion, promote critical thinking, and sometimes cause people
to take action on an issue. In essence, an editorial is an
opinionated news story.

Feature article is a special-interest article with details that
makes for pleasurable reading. It instructs, informs and advises
but its main objective is to entertain.


Sports news article is a form of journalism or creative
nonfiction in which a sporting event, individual athlete or
sports-related issue serve as dominant subject.

In this learning activity sheet, you are going to learn the

different types of Journalistic Writing its characteristics,
similarities and differences.

III. Reference/s
Peracullo, Mary Honesty L. (2018) English 8 Learner‘s Material
pages 3-13

IV. Activity Proper

Activity 1
Directions: Read and analyze the following examples on the
types of Journalistic Writing. Then answer the questions that
follow. Write the answer in your notebook.

A. News Report

President Rejects Face-to-Face Classes

President Duterte again rejected a bid to hold face-to-face

classes until a COVID-19 vaccine becomes available in
the country. Presidential Spokesperson Harry Roque
made the announcement in a virtual press briefing last
February 22, 2021.

"Nagdesisyon na po ang Presidente, wala pa rin po

tayong face-to-face classes sa bansa," Roque said.

Although it could not give the exact date of the arrival of

COVID-19 vaccines in the country, the government said
that its vaccination program will start this February.

B. Opinion Article or Editorial

Race for a Vaccine

The Philippine Star - September 22, 2020

From the start of the coronavirus pandemic, the battle cry

was healing as one. The message applies not only to just
one city or country, but to the entire world. Just one COVID-
19 hotspot on the planet can put the rest at risk.

With healing as one in mind, the World Health Organization

is mobilizing governments and the private sector for a
coordinated rollout of vaccines for coronavirus disease

2019. There‘s a gap, however, between best intentions and
action. Warnings have been aired against ―vaccine
nationalism‖ – with governments holding vaccines in reserve
for their citizens.

Such behavior is not unexpected: governments serve their

own people first, and priority in this crisis naturally goes to
their own. Still, it is worrisome that rich countries accounting
for just 13 percent of the global population have reportedly
cornered about half of the vaccines that are in the advanced
third phase of clinical trials – meaning the vaccines can be
out later this year, with the commercial distribution seen in
the first quarter of 2021.

Countries such as the Philippines, with limited resources

and with no local program for vaccine development, will be
unable to compete. President Duterte and the Department of
Health have pointed out that private pharmaceutical
companies with vaccines in advanced stages of
development are demanding advance payment or
reservation fees for their products. Philippine procurement
laws, however, prohibit such fund disbursements.

The government had announced plans to provide free

COVID immunization to an estimated 20 million of the
poorest Filipinos as soon as a vaccine becomes available.
The recipients will just have to put their faith in whatever
vaccine the government can obtain quickest. The
government has promised that only vaccines vetted by the
WHO will be administered in the Philippines.

International bodies will have to step into this scramble, to

ensure the timely and equitable distribution of COVID
vaccines across the globe. This pandemic has highlighted
the importance of healing as one. In a globalized
environment, this is true whether at the community or
national level or in the international arena. In immunizing
against COVID, no country must be left behind.

C. Feature Article

The Role Social Media Plays in Mental Health

Human beings are social creatures. We need the

companionship of others to thrive in life, and the strength
of our connections has a huge impact on our mental
health and happiness. Being socially connected to others
can ease stress, anxiety, and depression, boost self-
worth, provide comfort and joy, prevent loneliness, and
even add years to your life. On the flip side, lacking strong
social connections can pose a serious risk to your mental
and emotional health.

In today‘s world, many of us rely on social media

platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, YouTube,
and Instagram to find and connect with each other. While
each has its benefits, it‘s important to remember that
social media can never be a replacement for real-world
human connection. It requires in-person contact with
others to trigger the hormones that alleviate stress and
make you feel happier, healthier, and more positive.
Ironically for a technology that‘s designed to bring people
closer together, spending too much time engaging with
social media can actually make you feel more lonely and
isolated—and exacerbate mental health problems such as
anxiety and depression.

If you‘re spending an excessive amount of time on

social media and feelings of sadness, dissatisfaction,
frustration, or loneliness are impacting your life, it may be
time to re-examine your online habits and find a healthier

D. Sports News Article

Kai Sotto: Filipino Basketball Prodigy

Kai Sotto, a Filipino basketball sensation, is locked

in to his ultimate goal. The towering 18-year-old is forever
accompanied by his proud, basketball-obsessed
homeland, taking note of his every move as he edges
closer to becoming the first full-blooded Filipino to play in
the NBA.

A big leap of decision for this prodigy as he is taking

the risk of moving-out from the Philippines and to pursue
his dream in the United States. Together with his family,
Kai will train hard to make himself ready for the NBA Draft.

Sotto describes ‗blessing and challenge‘ in

representing his beloved homeland and his desire to
follow in Manny Pacquiao‘s footsteps to greatness. The
young stalwart also wanted to be the best in Asia, so let‘s
keep on supporting him to keep the fire burning on the
ultimate goal he desires.

1. Which article reported about a thing that has happened

2. Which article talked about an individual athlete dream of
becoming NBA player?
3. Which article tackled about their view-point regarding
COVID-19 vaccine?
4. Which article aroused our interest to read more because
of the information, instructions and advises they brought to
5. What are the similarities and differences between news
report and sports articles?
6. What are the similarities and differences between feature
and editorial article?

Activity 2
Directions: Supply each missing letters to complete the
word. The meaning of the word is given as your guide.
Write the answer in your notebook.

1. A special interest article with details and facts that make

reading pleasurable.
f _ _ _ _ _e a _______ e
2. A new information or a report about something that has
happened recently.
n _ _ _ r _____ t
3. A creative nonfiction about a sporting event, athlete, or
sports-related issue.
s _____ s
4. An article that presents the newspaper‘s opinion on an
_ _ i _______ l

Activity 3
Directions: Read the following characteristics of an article.
Identify the type of Journalistic Writing.
Write the answer in your notebook .

1. It has been weeks since authorities are battling against the

pandemic and has been preparing for the arrival of
COVID- 19 vaccines. However, this case of delaying the
said vaccines arrival is making more comedic for some
and less virtuous.

2. The Local Government Unit (LGU) of Ibajay started its first

ever E-Sports Tournament on February 13-14, 2021 held
at Senior High School Function Hall of Melchor Memorial
School, Inc. There were 32 teams competing over the final
victory from the 10 Barangay Clusters of Ibajay.

3. This selective hunger or just simply called ―food craving‖ is
a way distinct form of normal hunger. It can be considered
to be a major road block due to its intense desire to
consume or take some specific foods. Remember, one
should always follow a healthy lifestyle.

4. Around 30,000 Filipinos regardless of their immigrant

status were given free COVID 19 vaccines by the
government of Israel. Israeli Ambassador to the Philippines
Rafael Harpaz said the free access to COVID 19 vaccine
is a way of showing gratitude to Filipino workers to their
significant contribution to Israel and ensuring their health
and safety.

1. News Report  Factual- consists of actual persons and
events with no invented information.

 Balance- gives proper emphasis on

each fact in relation to other facts: gives
attention to both sides in controversial

 Concise- short enough to contain the

most important facts.

 Timely- freshness of immediacy of the


2. Opinion Article  Represents the newspaper‘s opinion on

or Editorial an issue.

 Influence public opinion.

 Promote critical thinking and sometimes
cause people to take action on an

3. Feature Article  Deals with any topic.

 May be light or serious, depending on

its purpose.

 May or may not be timely.

 Uses adjectives, figure of speech,

dialogue, anecdote, local color and
idiomatic expressions.

 Based on facts, though sometimes, the

writer uses his imagination to play up by

4. Sports News  Describes the most thrilling and eventful

Article part of the game.

 Uses more colorful words, adjectives,

figure of speech,local color, and longer
sentences, which are not common to
straight news.

 Uses special vocabulary called sports


V. Reflection

It is important to learn these types of journalistic writing


Journalistic Writing will help me to improve

VI. Answer Key


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