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Na m e: Ca s im er o Glenn V.

Ger ona
Sect ion: BSCE- 13


For t his a ct ivit y, you w ill ident ify or fina lize your Pr oject pr opos a l
t ha t you m ight t hink is ver y helpful to t he com m unit y. Ba s ed on t he
r ecom m enda t ion, a ns w er the follow ing:

1. Wha t m a de you decide to choos e your pr oject des ign t ha t is helpful

t o the com m unit y?

The reason why I decided to go through with my project design is that I

believe pollution is an ever-growing problem not just in my community but it is a
problem that the whole world is facing. From what we’ve seen online and in news
articles, it can be seen that pollution has severe negative impacts on the
community. Even though it has become a huge problem, some people are
unaware of such negative consequences. With that said, I choose this project
because I believe it can help my community and start a ripple effect in which it
could raise awareness of how pollution can severely harm us. I think that this
project can make a small but lasting change in the community as I think we can
embed in their minds what to do to help combat pollution in small but effective
ways. Even though it is a small project, I believe that this project is what the
community needs to make it become a healthy and progressive place for all.

2. Wha t do you hope/ w is h/ dr ea m the com m unit y t o becom e?

I wish for the community to become more aware of the problems we are
facing right now. When they become more aware of what adversities we face in
our daily lives, these problems would be given attention and action so that they
could be given resolution. Just like my project design, if people are aware of
pollution, we could work together to combat it. When we are aware, when we
take action, our community could become a place where each individual could
grow and foster, and everyone would have a smile on their face.

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