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Name: Cristensen C.

Year and Section: 2nd year INF211
Date: 03/16/2023

Digital Technology on Human Workforce

Equipment is one of the most recent innovations in data technology that is being
presented to boost employee numbers and business operations. To achieve these
results, it blends packaged code with automation, machine learning, and learning tools.
In the coming years, information science automation will make it possible for scientists
to produce sophisticated reasoning quickly. Given how quickly machines are learning
and scaling, human workers' digital proficiency may be a must for the newest industry
developments in the upcoming years. Even while cloud, analytics, and digital movement
may even stand crucial for preparedness but are no longer the top jewels of "turbulent
technologies," the existing human force is still enrolled, trained, and evaluated in pre-
digital ways as it deals with the turbulent digital transition.
I was amazed by the knowledge that Mr. Ong shared, it is true that we learn to
enhance our skills when we are doing the tasks personally. Most of the time, it is
beyond our expectations when it is time for us to step up to apply our learnings in the
industry. Technology is huge, maybe now, we only know 10 or 20% of the technology.
But, as we go along and start to learn things on-site, we will be amazed by the power
of technology.
Automation is one of the many stunning beauties of technology. One example of
automation is the helpful automatic parking in cars today. The Valet Park4U automatic
parking system from Valeo is like having your own parking valet available all the time if
you hate parallel parking or having to back into a place. The technology distinguishes
itself from existing in-car systems such as those made by Volvo and Audi because it can
gather data using its own scanning laser, ultrasonic sensors, and cameras aboard the
vehicle rather than relying on communication with the parking lot.
When the Park4U mode is engaged, the vehicle will locate a parking spot, pull
into it, and then send photographs to the owner's phone. When it's time to leave, you
can switch back to this mode, and the vehicle will also navigate to pick you up.
Automobiles like the Mercedes-Benz E-Class and S-Class come with the Valet Park4U
option. Isn’t it amazing to know this kind of technology?
Another example of automation is the automated pot stirrer, it totally automates
any requirement for a chef to stir a pot. Although the process is not tough, the
automated stirrer will undoubtedly help you save time and effort if a certain meal
requires regular stirring. The robotic pot stirrer includes movable arms that hook onto a
pot's sides. After it is set up, it lifts and lowers to mix anything from dinnertime robust
stews to morning oatmeal. The appliance may operate unattended for up to 45 minutes
and has two stirring speeds. The tool is easy to use and to clean up after. After drying,
it can be put in the dishwasher for the majority of its parts with the exception of the
Because of Mr. Ong, I think I am one of the thousands of people who want to
learn automation, I find it amazing to create this kind of technology.
The second speaker, Mr. Franco discussed his knowledge of salesforce, based on
his discussion, I learned that salesforce is a cloud-based client relationship operation or
CRM software that helps businesses connect with and get further information about
their client base. Examples of CRM companies are Apple CRM, Coca-cola CRM, and
Amazon CRM.
Apple CRM Client Relationship Management plays a vital part in Apple’s growth
strategy. Still, we presumably had to register it using an Apple ID, If we’ve ever used
an Apple device. An Apple ID is an account we use to pierce Apple services like the App
Store, Apple Music, iCloud, iMessage, FaceTime, and more. These unique IDs attend
across the bias, save music and film preferences, and give bespoke recommendations
grounded on what we like. For users, this is accessible. For Apple, it’s a tool that
provides perceptivity on what guests like and it can be used for royal, targeted
Next, CRM is used by Coca-Cola to encourage teamwork and resolve customer
issues quickly and effectively. Every member of a Coca-Cola team can use CRM
software to identify issues, monitor customer behavior, and promote offers and
promotions on social media. In addition, team members can use mobile apps on the go
to create and update work orders, send out field technicians in real-time, and access
customer history at any time.
Lastly, Amazon has emerged as the preferred online shopping platform over the
past few years. This is due in large part to Amazon's CRM system. Amazon's customer
relationship management (CRM) infrastructure is one of the most extensive in the
world. It uses customer data collected during purchases to instantly tailor users' online
experiences. We will be required to create a personal account in order to make a
purchase from Amazon. Then, Amazon can tailor marketing and email campaigns based
on what we probably like by tracking our purchases and browsing history.
In addition, we can set up your account to make purchases with just one click.
Customers appreciate this feature because it significantly speeds up the purchase
checkout process. It is one of Amazon's most popular features.
I did not actually understand the salesforce discussion since I get confused
between salesforce software and salesforce marketing management. But I find it
interesting because I think it is one of the in-demand works in the industry.
Last but not the least, Mr. Cipriano shared his knowledge and experience in SEO.
SEO stands for "search engine optimization". Simply put, SEO is the process of
improving your website to increase its visibility on Google, Microsoft Bing, and other
search engines when people search for the products you sell, services you offer, and
Information on subjects with deep knowledge and/or experience. The better your pages
appear in search results, the more likely you will be found and clicked. At the end of the
day, SEO is about attracting website visitors who become clients, customers, or an
audience that keeps coming back.
Businesses look to search engine optimization or SEO to increase awareness and
increase their company's search engine rankings. SEO is used by search engines like
Google, Yahoo, MSN, Bing, etc. Search engine optimization uses keywords that attract
the user to the company. For example, if you own a cell phone company, the keywords
would be "cell phones," "Apple cell phones," or whatever else you want the reader to
search for to find the product. People can use various SEO methods to promote their
Search engine optimization is an important part of internet marketing because
search is one of the most important ways users navigate the web. Search results are
presented in a ranked list, and the higher a site reaches on the web, the more that site
usually gets. For example, for a typical search query, the number one result receives. 0-
60% of all traffic for that query, while the number two and three results receive
significantly less traffic. Only 2-3% of applicants click past the first page of search
results. So even a small improvement in search engine rankings can lead to more
website traffic and possibly business.
Therefore, many companies and website owners try to manipulate search
results so that their website appears higher on the search engine results page (SERP)
than their competitors. This is where SEO comes into play. Search engines like Google
use an algorithm or rules to determine which pages are displayed for a particular query.
These algorithms have become extremely complex, considering hundreds or even
thousands of different ranking factors when determining their SERP ranking.
Automation, Salesforce, and Search Engine Optimization are one of the many
branches of technology. Being in the IT industry has a huge role in society. One of our
tasks is to provide innovations and inventions that will fully become helpful to society.
The main benefits for employers have increased productivity and lower labor
costs. Unlike humans, AI, robots, and other digital technologies do not need to rest and
can be used to work around the clock. The decreasing costs of computer technology
over time also make it more attractive compared to salaried work.
According to Ying Zhou, a professor of human resource management at the
University of Surrey in the United Kingdom, "these benefits may come at a significant
cost to workers," suggesting that the negative consequences may be more obvious and
deeper than just people losing their jobs.
"There is an obvious threat of technological unemployment - jobs that
technology takes away from people - but digital technology can also be used to
increase control over workers. Increased monitoring, evaluation, and control of
employees can lead to an erosion of work autonomy, which is important for work
motivation and employees' personal well-being," she notes. According to a 2019 report
by the Office for National Statistics (ONS), based on data collected in 2017, only 7.% of
UK jobs are currently "at high risk of automation". Interestingly, a similar ONS survey
from 2011 found that 8.1 percent of jobs were at high risk of being replaced by
technology, meaning that the risk has decreased slightly over time.
But such information did not reassure everyone. According to a 2021 survey by
University College London (UCL), more than half of 16-25-year-olds fear their future
and job prospects, while a 2019 survey by CNBC found that 27 percent of workers
surveyed said technology is taking their jobs. . of their jobs in the next five years. The
same survey revealed that 37 percent of 18-2 year olds suffer from the same concern.

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