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Read the following text and then answer the questions on it.

Text: Computers and society

During the past few decades, computers and electronic technology have been
incorporated in almost every aspect of society. They now play a role in how we learn, how
we take care of our money, and how we are entertained. Today there is probably no better
indication of how advanced is a society than how computerized it is. In our society,
computers are now a fundamental component of our jobs, our stores, our means of
transportation, and our health care. Our complex systems of banking and investments
could not function without computers. Essentially, all our medical and scientific facilities
now depend entirely upon incredibly complex computer-based systems.

The PC is changing the way people live and work. The office for example, is
becoming paperless, thanks to word-processing and e-mail. Even more revolutionary is
telecommuting. The increasing sophistication in communication technology permits a
worker to stay at home and work through his PC, though he suffers from isolation and
insecurity because of a lack of social contacts, as experiments have revealed.
Nevertheless, it is a convenience for mothers with young children, who appreciate flexible
working hours, and the physically handicapped.

Almost all our businesses now use computers to maintain information about
customers and products. Our schools use computers to teach and to maintain students’
records. In industry, robots replace man in dirty, dangerous or boring activities. There are
more and more tools available for small firms, allowing them to compete with efficiency:
libraries of digitized data means to communicate rapidly and cheaply, computerized
management, computer-integrated manufacturing. In the medical field, expert systems
assist doctors and patients in making a correct diagnosis. Surgery makes more and more
use of the new technology for a safer operation or to implant microcomputers such as

And yet, computer enthusiast must be certain flaws. Major social problems are
connected to the computer revolution. Unemployment is the most obvious one. We can
speak of the following out of corporations which replace many workers by digital

Computer users must be aware of the increasing number of computer crimes. A

code or a password can be cracked and confidential information can be lost or used for
criminal purposes. The virus that lies dormant in the memory can cause malfunctions or
cancel out a program. A private or public network can be used to sell illegally commercial
software. So the private individual must find ways to protect his PC and the authorities
must find means to police cyberspace.

A- Read this text carefully and say if the following sentences are true or false. Write
only “T” if the answer is true and “F” if the answer is false.
1- At the present stage of world development computers are useless.
2- Computers are widely used in schools as well as in offices.
3- Physically handicapped are relieved in using computers.
4- Computers have come to put an end to unemployment.
5- Few social problems are linked to computers development.
6- Computers are nevertheless harmful.
7- Computers increase the efficiency in offices
8- Political authorities are called to secure the use of computers.

B- Answer the following questions

1- On what basis do we acknowledge the advance of a society?
2- Write down from the third paragraph three sentences mentioning how computers are being
used in business, schools and medicine.
3- What are the problems created by the revolution in computers?

C- Find in the text words or definitions meaning the same as the following
1- Shops (first paragraph)
2- Easily changed to suit new conditions
3- However
4- Information prepared for or stored by a computer

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