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NAME - Aditya Anil More


CONTACT NUMBER -9730080601

Explain any 3 features of the Byjus App and How are they relevant
to a customer:Video lessons: The Byjus app provides video
lessons on various topics and subjects. These video lessons are
designed by experts and cover all the important concepts in a
clear and easy-to-understand manner. These lessons are relevant
to customers as they allow them to learn at their own pace and
convenience, as well as reinforce their understanding of key

Interactive quizzes: The Byjus app also offers interactive quizzes

that help customers test their understanding of the topics they
have learned. These quizzes are relevant as they provide
customers with immediate feedback on their performance and
help them identify areas where they need to focus more.

Personalized learning: The Byjus app uses machine learning

algorithms to personalize the learning experience for each
customer. This means that the app adapts to the individual
learning style and pace of each user, providing them with a
customized learning path that meets their unique needs. This
feature is relevant to customers as it allows them to learn in a
way that is most effective for them and helps them stay
motivated throughout the learning process.

Mr Dharma is a parent who works in the security industry and is
employed as a watchman in a rural area. Mr. Dharma is not aware
about the ed-tech space. Child has a medium engagement level with
the BYJU'S Learning App. He goes to a government scho l and is
studying in 10th Grade. Scored 50% in previous grade. Based on the
above info, Write a Calling Pitch to book a home counselling session
with Mr. Sharma.
:-Hello Mr. Dharma,

We hope this message finds you well. We understand that you are a hardworking parent who
works in the security industry and is employed as a watchman in a rural area. We also
understand that you may not be familiar with the ed-tech space, but we would like to introduce
you to the BYJU'S Learning App, which can greatly benefit your child's education.

We have noticed that your child has a medium engagement level with the app, and we believe
that a home counselling session could greatly help your child's academic progress. Our home
counselling session is designed to provide personalized guidance and support to your child,
helping them to understand the key concepts and improve their grades.

Your child is currently in 10th Grade and scored 50% in their previous grade. We believe that
with the help of our expert educators, your child can improve their academic performance and
achieve their full potential. Our educators are experienced and knowledgeable, and they will
work closely with your child to ensure that they receive the support they need.

We would like to offer you the opportunity to book a home counselling session with us. During
this session, we will discuss your child's academic progress and identify areas where they may
need additional support. We will also provide you with information on how the BYJU'S Learning
App can benefit your child's education.

We look forward to hearing from you and helping your child succeed academically. Thank you
for considering our services.

Best regards,

[Aditya more and the BYJU'S team]

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