Manual - Golf PGA - Demo

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The purpose of this Whether the athlete is a

beginner, intermediate
program is to provide or an advanced golfer,
we are providing you
you, the facilitator, with various platforms

a golf performance
to implement for
fitness programming

programming surrounding golf

solution for the
golfing population.

2 3
Technogym and the PGA Tour
established a partnership in 2019, which
saw the creation of two brand new and
improved player performance centers
be created for the PGA Tour.

As the official supplier of equipment for the aiding the performance of players, whether
Player Performance Centers Technogym con- professional or amateur. The popularity of the
tinues to be at the cutting edge of elite per- game of golf attracts sponsors, equipment
formance training by creating the most scien- manufacturers, merchandisers, as well as many
tifically advanced, smart digitally connected other populations that make it one of the high-
equipment, while creating state of the art est profile and richest sports in the world.
scientific programming designed specifical-
ly to improve the performance if the world’s With the ever-increasing rise in popularity of
greatest athletes. the game it is vital that fitness professionals
have an understanding of the stress the game
After being selected as the official supplier of of golf places on the body, as well as how being
the past 8 Olympic games, Technogym contin- appropriately conditioned is more commonly
ues to be the leader in the industry of sports understood than ever before. In today’s game
performance worldwide by becoming the official there have been advances in technology to al-
supplier of the PGA Tour. This partnership allows low golf instructors to better assess the swing.
Technogym to continue to provide the most ad-
vanced scientifically products and programming It has become common knowledge that golfers
associated with elite sports such as golf that will at any level will be at a significant advantage
permit optimal training of the world’s greatest if they are more physically fit in order to meet
athletes. or, individuals who inspire to train in the tremendous physical demands of the golf
order to become better at the game of golf. swing, and for this very reason golf fitness
programs have increased in popularity. Many
It is estimated that there are 36 million people golfers participate in a golf-conditioning pro-
worldwide who participate in the game of golf. gram desiring many different golf related per-
It is a popular sport that is played in over 140 formance outcomes. Commonly, it is further
countries and has continued to see an increas- distance off the tee. In 2017 it was estimated
ing interest level of interest worldwide(1). Golf is that the average carry off of the tee when using
a game that involves numerous professionals a driver for an amateur male was 208 yards,
4 5
Whether training a recreational
or a professional golfer, fitness
professionals will need to take
a total body approach when
creating their athletes’ golf
conditioning program.

and for a female was 146 yards(2). When com- for that golfer to walk in the facility, there needs With the increased popularity and rise in par- tivated to maintain their participation in their
pared to the PGA and LPGA, males have been to be a structured program in place for them ticipation in the game of golf, fitness profes- training program. The integrated program pro-
shown to have an average carry of 275 yards, to follow to in order to establish a connection sionals who have a desire to work with golfers motes an individualized approach starting with
whereas females have been shown to have a between the game of golf and their fitness of any level need to have an advanced under- a golf specific assessment that ensures sports
carry of 218 yards(21). Another common meas- program and ensure that their goals are met standing of the physical demands of the of the orientated movements are carried out and will
urable at the highest level of golf is club head through the correct programming. game of golf, as well as how to properly per- have a positive effect on sports performance as
speed. When using a driver off the tee the av- form golf specific fitness assessments, design it pertains specifically to each individual(4,5).
erage club head speed on the PGA Tour is 113 Whether training a recreational or a profes- and implement sound golf fitness programs,
MPH and 94 MPG on the LPGA Tour(21). sional golfer, fitness professionals will need to and how to create a yearly periodized training Commonly, when individuals think of perfor-
take a total body approach when creating their program(4). mance training they commonly think of fast,
Other motivational components associated with athletes’ golf conditioning program. Having heavy, and intense exercise that far exceeds the
carrying out a performance program involve a total body approach is essential to ensure Technogym’s Golf Performance program can safe and prudent prescription of exercise that
golfers looking to improve swing characteristics that each of the joints involved with the dy- provide a safe and effective platform to ap- should be implemented to the general popula-
and golfers looking to decrease the risk of the namic rotational movement of the golf swing proach a progressive golf-conditioning pro- tion. In regard to golf performance, there must
injuries commonly associated with the game are functioning properly and collaboratively in gram. The rhythmic changes in programming be a structure that provides the fitness pro-
of golf. Whichever component is the motivator order to maximize the individual’s movement(3). and monitoring of results will keep golfers mo- fessional with a progressive plan to enhance
6 7
the performance of their golfers in a manner variety of capacities through specific training There has yet to be a scientific based program
that optimizes the different training adapta- principals that are essential for the game of that provides progressive overload, within a
tions without the risk of over training. The main golf. In order to maximize results participants tiered system that is Golf specific. The Tech-
emphasis of programming should be to reduce will need to follow specific protocols to improve nogym Golf Performance program requires
the risk of injury and then properly develop the their musculoskeletal performance as it relates fitness professionals to meet specific criterion
specific components of performance. to golf. The utilization of the Technogym Golf within each tier to keep the programming on
Performance Program permits the athlete to track and to maintain training standards ac-
For the average amateur that already partici- progress along the neurological spectrum in all cording to the Technogym system, in order to
pates in an exercise program, there may be a the three planes of motion while considering see the highest-level results with their client
slight adjustment to their traditional workout foundational movement progressions. possible according to the most recent research
regimens or exercise beliefs as the Technogym This will ensure that neurological and muscular available to date.
Golf Performance Program will develop a wide adaptations take place in a sequential format.

In regard to golf
performance, there
must be a structure
that provides the
fitness professional
with a progressive
plan to enhance the
performance of their
golfers in a manner
that optimizes the
different training
adaptations without the
risk of over training.

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Golf Performance

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The Technogym Golf Performance Program is golf swing. For this reason, explosive move-
Movement Demands designed to incorporate training adaptations ments should be implemented only after the
required to meet the physical demands re- muscular endurance or building phase, and the
When evaluating the physical demands of the quired to successfully improve an individual’s improving, or strength phase. These specific
game of golf, it is clear that there needs to be physical capacities necessary to successfully training progressions will be discussed later in
a focus on power development. However, a play the game of golf. This will be carried out this manual.
proper training program should include many in a systematic fashion to aid in the develop-
other training parameters such as movement ment of the athletic capacities the sport of S AGI T TAL PL ANE Motion can be categorized
preparation, cardiovascular training, progres- golf requires. This approach offers a system of as a movement that occurs around the coronal
sive resistance training, golf specific con- training that provides both formats as well as axis. These exercises involve joint flexion and
ditioning drills, and recovery/regeneration specific training techniques, while including extension. Some examples include shoulder
techniques(3,4,5). fundamental movement patterns linked with flexion, hip extension and knee extension(3,5).
the application of sport specific skills.
can be categorized as a movement that oc-
curs around the anterior and posterior axis of
Dissociation of Upper the body. These joint motions associated with
these exercises involve abduction, adduction,
and Lower extremities lateral flexion, eversion and inversion. Some
examples include hip abduction, ankle inver-
When training athletes in preparation for ro- sion(3,5).
tational sports, fitness professionals need to
condition the athlete in a way that can promote TR ANSVER SE PL ANE Motion can be catego-
the dissociation between the upper and lower rized as a movement that occurs around the
body. Without the ability to dissociate properly, longitudinal axis. These motions involve rota-
individuals will find it hard to rotate and move tion, internal and external rotations, horizontal
in the most efficient way. There are many ways adduction and abduction. Some examples
of overcompensating during rotational move- include the golf swing, throwing and transverse
ments. Moreover, this is why there is a need for plane lunges.
this component to be considered in the training
program to permit optimal torso and pelvic
mobilization to carry out the best possible golf
mechanics(10). Major Joints that
The mobility of the thoracic spine and hip joint
must be considered, as well as core stability,
contribute to
strength and power. These areas need to be
able to move effectively before the overall rota-
the Golf Swing
tional pattern can collaborate as one. The golf
assessments will test both of these areas to As mentioned previously, the golf swing is
provide a baseline to training. Once a baseline comprised of multiple joints and muscles
has been established, pre-exercise protocols and when working in unison it is possible for
can be implemented to each individual who golfers to be more able to swing with optimal
The Technogym Golf Performance Program requires corrective exercises to assist in mas- efficiency. Even though this is true, each joint
will systematically address the specific phys- tering this dissociation. must be analyzed individually to ensure there
ical demands that must be considered when are no restrictions, as a restriction in one joint
designing golf-training programs. There are a The use of the core during a rotational pat- could cause the body to find the path of least
number of variables that must be incorporat- tern is evident. Therefore, core stabilization, resistance which is a less than ideal way to ac-
ed into a training program in order to ensure strength, and power need to be trained in the complish the golf swing. Another key issues is
that the physical demands of the golf swing sagittal, and frontal plane prior to building on that when movement restrictions are present in
are met. Training variables such as mobility, the dissociation of the lower and upper body certain joints it will create compensatory move-
stability, strength, power, and stamina all play through the transverse plane. By applying this ment patterns that can lead to possible overuse
an important factor in developing a well-condi- type of progression, we can ensure that the injuries. The following joints are considered
tioned golfer and will need to be implemented kinematic sequence which will be covered in major contributors of the golf swing.
into a comprehensive golf-training program. later section of this manual, is optimal in the
12 13
glute muscles, hamstrings, hip flexors, hip ab- a forward head posture. When a sound pro-
ductors and adductors all contribute to the vari- The Spine gressive fitness program associated with golf
ety of motions that the hips have to go through specific requirements based off of a proper
to help perform the golf swing. When training CERVICAL SPINE golf assessment have been implemented it will
golfers, it is very important to for fitness profes- ensure that movement imbalances are being
sionals to properly create a fitness program that addressed and that the golfers who participate
will increase the mobility of the hips while simul- are improving on components that will en-
taneously making them more powerful. This hance athletic performance.
is a key step in increasing the likelihood that
the golfer is able to move efficiently enough to
swing a club. In the set -up position the hips are THORACIC SPINE
in a flexed or hinged position. As the athlete be-
gins the backswing, the back leg moves into hip
internal rotation, while the lead leg moves into
hip external rotation. As the golfer transitions
into the downswing the roles of each independ-
ent hip reverse, with the lead leg moving into
internal rotation and the back leg moving into
external rotation. The activation of each of the
major muscle groups required to perform a golf
swing must be considered to ensure the golfer is
The Ankle not restricted in anyway during their golf swing
in order to maximize their golfing abilities while
The ankle is a common joint that is overlooked minimizing the chance of injury. An example of
by both fitness professionals as well as golfers a way to properly train the hips for golfers would
themselves. When training a golfer, the trans- be to perform agility drills on the Skillmill. The In the golf swing the cervical spine is required
fer of weight between one side of the body to Skillmill is a great method of improving the golf- to be stable the majority of the time while the
the other is vital for power production in the er’s pelvic rotation, as the movement of the low- thoracic spine creates the rotation required for
swing. Along with lateral transfer of power, er body can be maximized by the assistance of a proper golf swing.
compression into the ground via increased the handlebars, which provides stability for the When the backswing begins the athletes’ eye-
dorsiflexion can assist in utilizing ground upper body. Skillmill agility training can be im- line is focused on the ball and is encouraged to
force reaction. In Addition, if the athlete lacks plemented to help promote pelvic rotation while continue to do so until contact is made with the
foot stability and optimal ankle mobility, the promoting the proper dissociation sequence. ball during the downswing. However, during The thoracic spine plays a very important role
overall balance of the athlete will be affected. the follow through the golfer will be required in the golf swing as with all other rotational
This would then have a negative effect on the to create cervical rotation in order to have a sport. The thoracic spines primary function is
overall swing, as the athlete would not have proper follow through. Once the downswing to create rotation for this reason it is essential
the necessary stability to perform the dynamic is complete then the athlete will begin to turn for the rotational movement of the upper ex-
motion required in the golf swing. An exam- their head towards the target as they approach tremities, that are required for an effective golf
ple of an exercise that maximizes the proper their finishing position. This component can swing. Unfortunately, it is common for particu-
activation of the foot and ankle while creating be promoted throughout training by encourag- lar muscles such as the pectoral major and
additional proper muscle activation throughout ing individuals to maintain a neutral spine and minor, upper trapezius, as well as the latissimus
the entire kinetic chain is a: Single leg balance good posture while carrying out the exercises dorsi to be overactive, which in turn limits the
medicine ball chop. This exercise is a great way involved within the program. Whether using the spines ability to rotate, flex and extend with
to incorporate balance with an exercise that Skill-Line or the Kinesis, golfers can implement ideal form and technique. In order to properly
will challenge the athlete in the plane of motion this component very easily in order to improve generate the force required in the golf swing
that is specific to the sport. their ability to carry over this technique to the the transfer of power should be created in the
golf course. hips and lower body, then transferred to the
If a golfer begins golfing or their golf fitness upper body, with the help of the thoracic spine
program with overactive upper trapezius, leva- and scapular. Optimal health and mobility of
The Hip Complex tor scapulae and sternocleidomastoid muscles, the thoracic spine are imperative to maintain
then they will have restrictions in the upper stable posture throughout the golf swing. Due
The hips are a mobile joint which if functioning cervical spine that will need to be addressed as to the nature of most individuals daily postural
properly will allow for optimal range of motion in compensations will have been created in other patterns, commonly seen by spending extend-
the golf swing, which in turn will then become areas of the body. This compensation pattern is ed periods of time in a seated/flexed position,
a primary power source for the golf swing. The referred to as UCS (upper-cross syndrome) or golfers will commonly demonstrate poor move-
14 15
ment patterns effecting their overall quality of When the golfer transitions into the downswing, The acute movements in the wrist allow swing
movement. It is imperative to promote a golf The Shoulder Complex the shoulders then reverse their motions with instructors to coach the athlete to change
conditioning program that promotes improved the assistance of the hips and thoracic spine. specific components of their game related to
rotation and fluidity of the thoracic spine. Just like the hip, the shoulder is another high- The lead arm carries out horizontal abduction the type of shot that they are trying to carry
ly mobile joint within the body. In the set-up while the trail arm performs horizontal adduc- out. Movements such as wrist flexion, exten-
LUMBAR SPINE phase of the golf swing the shoulder should tion. Even though these are the primary move- sion, pronation, supination and deviations
be flexed while holding the club. Once the ments of the shoulder that occur throughout the occur throughout the swing. However, what is
backswing begins, the lead arm performs golf swing, scapula-thoracic stability must be commonly overlooked is that if there is a lack
horizontal adduction, while the trail arm will implemented into the athlete’s program to assist of optimal mobility of the wrist in each golfing
carry out the opposite motion, horizontal ab- in the athletes’ shoulder health and rhythm. movement pattern this can lend itself for com-
duction. While the shoulders perform these pensatory patterns to occur leading to excess
motions individually, the golf swing can involve Uni-lateral shoulder abduction in split force and stresses in the elbow increasing the
a combination of motions rather than one true stance on Kinesis. likelihood of faulty swing patterns as well as
movement. For example, shoulder flexion and the chance of commonly seen golf injuries.
horizontal abduction. This exercise will help the athlete strengthen The elbows are either performing flexion or
the shoulder in abduction but will also allow extension when executing the swing. The prime
In the backswing optimal external rotation of the athlete to control the arms eccentrically, movers involved with these movements need
the trail arm as well as internal rotation of the which will translate into the golf swing when to be activated in a way that can positively con-
lead arm will need to occur. In the downswing the swing transitions from backswing to down- tribute to the golfer’s swing.
transition all the way through impact and the swing. As the athlete progresses, the complexi-
follow through the roles of each shoulder re- ty of the exercise can increase. It is very important to prescribe exercises that
verse movement patters as it pertains to ex- simulate these actions that occur throughout
ternal and internal rotation just as with the hip the golf swing as well as ensuring they are con-
complex. ditioned properly in order to reduce the injuries
that are common in golf. For example, exercis-
es that involve loading rotational patterns, such
as the golf swing on the Kinesis allows the
skeletal muscles involved with the movements
The lumbar spine is a part of the lumbo-pelvic associated at the wrist and elbows to activate
hip complex, which is also known as the core of in a similar way that they would when playing
the body. The lumbar spine is a vital aspect of the game of golf.
the spine that is required to maintain stability
throughout the golf swing. Having proper core
stability should be the main focus for golfers
as it is vital for maintaining ideal golfing pos-
ture, general fitness and movement during the Technical Factors
golf swing. A very important component that
should be stressed upon the athlete is anti-ro- of the Golf Swing
tation Anti-rotation is the ability to hold a stable Elbow and Wrists
position while dynamic movement is occurring. A golfer requires a combination of proper pos-
When mastering the ability to perform anti-ro- ture, balance, flexibility and rotational power to
tation exercises, the body is improving its profi- perform at an optimal level. All of these strate-
ciency in establishing rotary patterns in further gic physical elements allow the golfer to pre-
progressions. These movements will enhance pare and execute each shot to the best of their
the golfer’s ability to utilize the intrinsic core ability. These physical elements accompanied
musculature to develop proper posture, devel- by a sound mental approach and course man-
op sensory motor integration by understanding agement maximize the golfer’s approach to the
where specific body parts must be for optimal technical components involved in the game of
positioning when playing the game of golf. golf. There are many technical factors that the
golf fitness instructor must consider from a golf
instructor’s standpoint. This is where communi-
cation with the players golf instructor could be
a good way to specify the individual’s program
The elbow and wrists are always involved in needs even further, in turn maximizing the golf-
each movement that occurs when playing golf. er’s performance.
16 17

Analysis Right Hip Internal Rotation External Rotation

The golf swing is a motor sequence requiring The 5 different phases of the golf swing are:
flexibility, balance, co-ordination, stamina, and Left Hip External Rotation Internal Rotation
power. Golf instructors can provide a great 1 THE SET UP
overview and instruction on how to improve Positioning before carrying out movement.
Right Shoulder Horizontal Abduction Horizontal Adduction
golf performance as it pertains to the technical
abilities of the golf swing. This is where it is 2 THE BACK SWING
vital for fitness professionals to communicate Separation and loading of the thoracic spine. Left Shoulder Horizontal Adduction Horizontal Abduction
with the golfer’s swing instructor to establish
an understanding of what the golfer is having 3 THE DOWN SWING
problems with as it pertains to their current Lowering the club, changing direction Lumbar Spine Stabilization Stabilization
golfing abilities. With this technical information towards impact.
the fitness professional can then provide a pro- Thoracic Spine Thoracic rotation (Right) Thoracic Rotation (Left)
fessional opinion of how each joint and muscle 4 THE IMPACT ZONE AND
group may be contributing to the problems THE FOLLOW THROUGH
seen within their golf swing. Fitness profes- Impact with the ball and crossing the club. Cervical Spine Stabilization Stabilization
sionals must remember that they are aiding
performance from a physical standpoint, not a 5 THE FINISH
technical one. If the golfer is asking the fitness Final control aimed position at the target.
professional to improve technical aspects of
their game, they must involve a golf profes-
sional to assist in this portion of the program. This exact movement pattern would be re-
It is critical to take a holistic approach for the versed if the golfer was left handed. Refer to
golfer to improve in all areas of the game both the table below showing the major joints in-
physical and technical, as the best results will volved with the golf swing and the movements
be seen when there is an improvement in the each joint is performing during the backswing
physical abilities of a golfer matched with a verses the downswing.
simultaneous improvement in the technical
aspects as well. With the implementation of Technogym Golf
Performance Programming, fitness profession-
Even though the fitness professional will not als will ensure that all areas of the body will
be instructing the technical factors of the golf be optimally trained and progressed in order
swing it is imperative for them to fully under- to allow their golfers to have the most efficient
stand the mechanics of golf swing in order to swing possible. Within this structured program,
communicate with golf instructors, their golfing mobility, stability, balance, and coordination are
clients, and use this knowledge to create the some of the variables that will be addressed in
best programming possible. order to create the most complete golf fitness
program possible. Therefore, the Technogym
Golf Performance Program will include aspects
that are applicable for both recreational and
professional golf athletes and ensure that they
are completing a conditioning program carry-
ing out movements that will correlate to multi-
ple phases of their swing.


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