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The Exact Plan I

USED To Bank

Over 200K Monthly

Before I start, I’ll like to tell you something that will surprise you. I

started my online business using this particular proven method I am

showing you in this report. These same methods was the baseline of my

business and guess what, it still works!

If I want to play on your intelligence or make you feel high or brag about

myself, just like other marketers do, I’ll first of all tell you big stories

about me and how

I am a master at what I do. But to be honest, I believe more in action,

rather than mere Talking.

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Now Listen Carefully:

Each time I teach this method, only a few people implement it and guess

what; I have noticed that individuals who implement it ALWAYS get result

of cash into their account. In lay man’s term, they were able to turn

simple pdf files into loads of cash in the bank.

Let me tell you a story!

Few months ago, a young man named Azeez approached me and asked

me to teach him one of the simplest methods of making money online.

I then asked him how much he’ll be willing to pay me for consulting if I

show him a guaranteed method that will earn him 50K weekly.

He then went on to say, I have only =N=10,000 only. I’ll pay you


I siled back to him and said;

“Sorry Azeez, If you want me to consult for you, I’ll charge you N15,000 for just

5 hours of my time. When you have =N=15,000 and you are ready let me


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Did I hear you say wow? Yes, i currently charge that much for my consulting

fees and the truth is that, yes I am not cheap. I am arguably a big fish in a small

river and I can tell you authoritatively that I am successful at what I do, albeit


Azeez contacted me back few weeks later and told me he was ready. I showed

him exactly the same method I am going to show you part of it in this book.

In the week of sitting with Azeez for just 3 hours, Azeez did

=N=45,000. By month end, he did =N=185,500.

He simply implemented what I taught him and he is smiling to the


See the Email He sentTo Me

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I have been making money online for some years now, but what I am

about to tell you will surely trill you.

Some years ago, while browsing around 2 am on the same facebook we

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I saw something online on getting a visa without going to the embassy

Immediately, my brain began to work. How can I make legal income from


I know the person who wrote that on facebook, incidentally he too was

online at same time, so we chatted and I asked him if what he said was

true and he said yes, then I asked him if he has actually used that

knowledge which he had to get a visa for himself, he said no but that he

knows someone who has.

So I told him right there I would pay him =N=2,000 if he was selling the

information. He agreed and I simply logged into my GTBank account

online, transferred the money and got the report.

That day I was too excited because I just got something I could offer to

people in exchange for money. I then went on to do a 2 week research,

helped my friend to get a visa, sold the information to people and made

over N300,000 in less than 30 days ONLINE selling an information

product. I’m talking about 0.3 million Naira in 30 days.

What is the Information Marketing Business?

The information marketing business is a business in which you sell

information as a product. Just as bottled water, coke,indomie,DVD

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machine, weapons, Blackberry,Torch, Ipads, Land etc are sold as

products, information also can be sold as a product.

Information marketing business is lucrative and I have sold thousands of

information products online since 2005 when I first got introduced to the

business a complete newbie.

Information has been sold for years and decades even before you and I

were born. In fact, YOU have been buying information ever since you

were 3 years old when you began Nursery school.

Your parents dropped you off at school in the morning and paid your

school fees, right? What were they buying for you? It is Information.

They bought information for you so you can be educated. Also, companies

till tomorrow pay other companies to train their staff, what are they

buying? Information

When your parents attended workshops in the past and paid for those

seminars or lectures, they were also buying information. What are

APTECH and NIIT selling? Information

The books you buy, textbooks, novels, even newspapers, magazines etc

are all information which you and OTHERS already buy. I hope you get

the drift.

So How do You SELL Information as a Product?

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Information can be sold in various formats as a product such as:

- Ebooks

- CDs/DVDs

- Books (hardcopy)

- Seminars

- Workshops

- Memberships etc

One of the best ways to sell your information is in the form of an ebook

because you can use the Internet to sell it even from a blackberry,

android, Samsung galaxy or CYBER CAFÉ.

How do I know that? I have done that several times myself. So this free

training will deal mostly about the basics of how to start and sell your

information product ebooks online.

Let me tell you something. . .

If you want to make money, you will have to sell something (a

product) or provide something (a service) to people who want it.

Now if you don’t agree with the above statement, please close this

ebook because you will wasting your time.

Now there is only one kind of people you can sell some thing to. And that

is. . . Real Live Breathing Human Beings!

Now we know that all humans have their need and wants ranging from:

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So hitting 200k per month simply means we have to look out for people

with specific need and sell something to them.

Case Study: Eben Pagan

Now I want to tell you about one of my great mentors online. His name is

Eben Pagan (aka David Deangelo)

You see, Eben Pagan is a great mentor of mine. I have never met him,

but he mentors me almost every day through emails I get from him and

through his books i buy. I once paid over $350 to buy an educational

product from him on how to sell online. I read it, read it again,

implemented it, failed at it, tweak it, and until it starts to give me result.

You see, Eben pagan like i said is a guy who owns a $30 million business

on the internet. Yes, he makes that much every year and guess what he

sells? He sells "e-books".

And guess what the e-book is all about? No...It has nothing to do with

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"how to make money". He sells ebooks to millions of people on "how to

get a girlfriend"....can you imagine that?

If you don't believe me, then you should go to his website at

And that is what this guy sells. And because a lot of people have

issues/difficulties with getting a girlfriend or approaching a lady to woo

them, they are rushing to buy his ebooks. The ebooks were written by

him as a result of extensive research and experience as a pick up artiste

or “babes Toaster”…

Now for you to sell something to people, you have to FIRST LOOK out for

were you will see them in large number? That’s what I call a starving


Once you are able to figure out were to find them, then we have to look

at their feeding/buying pattern.

Now since we are savvy business men/women with small money and

looking out for much profit, we will need to choose a product that will not

cost much to produce, so in this case, we are going with our information

business model.

So now you need to ask yourself:

Where can I find a Voraciously Hungry/Thirsty Crowd

congregating in LARGE numbers?

Why is it important you do this? Simply because you want to tip the scale

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of success in your favour and increase your chances of success.

And BECAUSE when you find these people in ONE PLACE in LARGE

NUMBERS, you simply then need to find out what one thing they want,

and then go there where they congregate and give it to them!

You see the wisdom there?

Let me give you a concrete example where this happens:

Have you been to any crusade by pastor Adeboye or pastor Chris

Onyakilome? Either at redeem camp or the national stadium surulere.

What do you see those church members doing apart from praying and


They are EATING Gala, Buying Recharge Cards, and DRINKING

Pure water, Lacasera, Yogurt, buying T-shirt with their pastors

picture etc

Do you think the guys selling that entire product in those places are fools?

No they're not. They know there will be probably 50,000 worshipers who

are out there for days, fasting and praying.

The smart merchants who go there to sell their ware are making a killing

by providing the wants and needs of the worshippers.

Note that in the above scenario, we will be having men and women there.

Lest say I want to sell our product to men only and I know I will have to

advertise it, and since I know that I don’t have much money like those big

companies spending millions for TV commercials I would concentrate on

avenues where I can find LARGE numbers of men where my budget can

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allow me enter.

And that is. . .


So what newspapers do Nigerian men read in their thousands everyday?

You guessed right? It's Tuesday Guardian and completes sport…but in this

case study, we will use…


Now let me tell you something…

Complete Sports sells an average of 150,000 copies daily! And of which

about 50 % of its readers are not just blind club supporters, but literate

young men that can respond to offers.

Now this 50% will leave us with 75,000 prospects (huge HUNGRY


Hmmm... Its time for us to dance assonto, because we have found a huge

crowd and the next thing is to ….

Think Of What To Sell to Them!

Remember I told you above that people have specific needs right?

Now this is where you need to begin to ask some cool questions about

complete sports readers like:

1. What are they interested in?

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2. What sort of things have they bought before?

3. What sort of things is being advertised in the current and past

editions of Complete Sport?

Checking my copies at home, I saw a lot of advertisers selling from:

1. Visa Procurement

2. scholarship information

3. money making

4. Cures for quick ejaculation,

5. cures/remedies for weak erection

6. gsm recharge card business opportunity.

Here is what you need to do:

Get a copy of Wednesday and Saturday editions of complete sports and

pick your pen and paper and start listing the stuffs you see people

advertising their.

Next try to think up ideas for what you think will sell to 75,000 men who

read Complete Sports daily.

To make things very easy for yourself, sell information product to them.

Now what I do is when I want to sell info product, I ONLY sell those

products that solves a desperate problem for people. Problems that keep

them awake at night.

From my end here, since I know men read Complete Sports, I have

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thought of these information product ideas:

- How To Satisfy Your Woman In Bed And Make Her Beg For More Without

Drugs Or Unhealthy Herbs…

- How To Increase The Size of Your Manhood Without Using An Expensive

Machine That Will Probably Make You Impotent Forever!

- How To Easily Migrate To Canada As A Skilled Worker! Guaranteed

-How To Get 5years Qatar Working Visa Within One Month..

- How To Migrate To The UK without stress

-How to cure premature ejaculation in 30 days

Next thing you do is this:

Go to Google type in your topic and you'll find more than enough content

to create a 15-20 page ebook.

When you get the raw information, you have to organize the information

you in a useable format and convert it to PDF. Use this free tool here.

What you do next is this:

Write your sales letter describing how your information can help them

solve their problem.

Write A Powerful Sales Letter!

That's right. You need a sales letter to move your information product.

Sales letters are those long pieces you see that convinces you to buy.

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They usually have a powerful headline and they are very persuasive. You

probably saw the sales letter I used to promote this product.

Writing sales letters is different from the “general” kinds of adverts you

already know. Do not allow any advertising agent tell you anything

different from what you are learning here. You are learning from someone

who already does it so you should listen to this only.

Here are the things that make up a powerful sales letter.

- Headline

- Opening Hook

- Credibility

- Product Intro

- Benefits

- Price and Bargain Appeal

- Bonuses

- Money Back Guarantee

- Post Scripts.

Lets take a brief look at each of them...

1. The headline is used to capture the reader’s attention. It serves as

an advert to your advert so you need to spend a lot of time writing

it. If your headline fails, the rest of your sales letter will fail.

2. The opening hook is the first sentence/paragraph that will make the

reader want to read more. You can say something like “If you have

ever desired to …..... Then this could be the most important letter

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you've ever read.”

3. The credibility is to make sure that your readers see you as an

authority. You can establish this in many ways. One of them is to

get testimonials from users of your product. For new products, you

can give your product away to a few people so they can give you


4. Then you need to introduce your product to let them you are

offering them something.

5. Then you have to list the benefits of your products one after the

other. Make it look like a series of mini headlines. Write a minimum

of ten.

6. Do not just tell people the price of your products. You need to

explain why the product should be expensive before you now give

them the real price.

7. Give bonuses. Give as many bonuses as possible. It will boost the

vale of your product in the eyes of the buyer. it can be something

like in the next 12 hours and you’ll also get a free ebook.

8. Offer a money back guarantee. Put the entire risk on your shoulders

If not satisfied within 30 days, you will refund their money.

Customers feel easier about spending money because they know

they can still get it back if not happy with the results. It’s a way of

telling them to use it for 30 days before they make up their minds.

9. Then write a PS at the end stating clearly why they must order right

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away. Something like this “When you buy today, you will receive

instant access to a free report that will show how to lose 30 kg in

one week without starving

Final Result = Money

Next thing is you go to get an auto responder account.

You can use a free auto responder like or a paid one like will allow you to use it for FREE for 30 days.

If you follow my instructions to the later, you will be able

to have enough money to pay for the monthly fee within 30


Then load up your sales letter into the autoresponder

message queuing system and save it.

The listwire auto responder is strictly configured to be double opt-in

I will advice you price your product for between =N=2,500 to =N=3,000.

This means that you only need like 80 to make at least =N=200,000 in

one month.

Next create your advert:

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You will need to create an eye popping advert that turn glances into

stares and turn readers to your subscribers and lastly your customers.

Here are some powerful advert headlines:

"Forex Secrets Exposed!" (Every forex loving person will take out his

time to read this)

"24 Years Old Farmer Finally Reveals"

"Canada Immigration Secrets Revealed" (I made over 450k with this

particular headline within 2 months)

"Ejaculation Control System Revealed”

Well you get the drift.

Make sure you use this same headline for your sales letter as well.

Call the Complete Sports advert person Theresa on 07066122760 and

tell her you want to run an advert. You'll need to have at least =N=7,500.

Here’s what your advert should look like

“How To Migrate To Canada

As A Skilled Worker Without

Paying Any Agent!

For more info send an email to

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Check your email after 2 mins for instant reply.

WARNING: This info is for 50 people


The above sample advert will cause a stampede for people wanting to

subscribe and get the information from you.

The Big Thing…

From this point you can expand your new business by building a website

for this project, running adverts in social media and other traffic sources

(places with thirsty/hungry crowd)

See what I just showed you? That’s how I got started some years ago.

Now I can beat my chest and tell you that if you implement this method,

you can be pulling in 30k weekly for a start.

I have tutored many Nigerians on this simple money making system and

they all appreciate.

I gave you this ebook free because I want you to have a feel of how

simple it is to raise money working from the comfort of your bedroom.

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If I have put a price tag of =N=5,000 on it, you could have still pull out your

wallet and pay for it. But I am happy for giving it out because I am the

nice guy!

Do have a wonderful day.

My Offer
The truth is what I just showed you above is the most basic form of this
system. It will easily make you =N=30,000 every week, if you work on it.
I know this because someone I have shown it to one of my students Mr
Charles Abamwa, a former petrol station attendant does this amount
every single month!
But the most amazing thing is, if you improve on it, by adding some very
important elements, like:
A mini website, an email sequence, up-sold products, other traffic sources
(hungry crowd), etc, you can easily be making as much as =N=200,000
per month, seriously!
If you’d like to know how to do that, then. . .

Now let me tell you something…

I Want To Make You An Offer You Can’t Refuse!

I have just described to you.

This is part of what I currently use to generate loads of naira and dollars every

To show you I am not joking, here’s a screen shot of one of my bank account
Using this system.

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If you are too lazy to do all that, then I can help you set up your own online

business for you where you can be making money from also like I did at , or a forum like

Do you know with just #5,500 I can do the same for you completely like or with #12,000 like exactly .

If you are ready just ring me up for details on how to go about it

Call : +2348164985039 or



Omani Chukwunalu


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