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Modelling Cognitive Process

Illustrative Case Study (25%)

A case study is an “in-depth investigation of one unit, e.g. individual, group,
institution, organization, program, or document” (Gay & Airasian, 2003, p.585). It
has also been referred to as a form of qualitative descriptive research (Colorado
State University, 2008). Illustrative case study is a type of case study that is
descriptive in nature and it typically utilizes one or two instances of an event to
illustrate what a case is like. The intention is to make the “unfamiliar familiar & to
give readers a common language about the topic in question” (Colorado State
University, 2008)

Purpose of assignment:
This assignment gives you the opportunity to work together (2-3 persons) to illustrate
a case that is related to the areas of investigation in Cognition & Learning that you
believe is present in your respective organizational settings. Choose a topic based on
the suggested area of investigation below.

Suggested Area of Investigation:

1. Memory at the workplace
2. Distributed cognition at the workplace
3. Problem solving at the workplace
4. Expert-novice knowledge at the workplace
5. Knowledge representation at the workplace
6. Reasoning at the workplace
7. Creativity at the workplace
8. Cognitive work analysis at the workplace

Expected Outcome:
You are expected to produce a written report (to be submitted on the day of your
presentation, that is, 18 April 2020) of the case you investigated (plus the findings
you obtained) and present the outcome of your investigation to the class during the
Case-Study Presentation & Discussion session, which is scheduled for 18 April 2020.

Breakdown of Marks
• Written Report (20%):
o Format
Length: 12-15 pages in Times Roman or Century Schoolbook font size
12 with 1.5 spacing.
o Suggestion on Report Presentation:
Introduction to Case Study
Background of the Case Study (Problem/Issue)
Purpose/Objectives of the Case Study (Justification)
Method(s) of Investigating Case
Findings (develop a model) & Discussion
Conclusion (how an this model be used)
• Oral Presentation (5%):
o Format
PowerPoint presentation/other Visual Aids. Time allocated for each oral
presentation is 15-20 minutes and 10-15 minutes for Q&A.

Instructor’s Evaluation:
The Report will be evaluated based on:
• Relevance of case to area of investigation in Cognition & Learning
• Quality of presentation & insight (Justification, Logical Arguments,
Substance, Breadth & Depth of Discussion)
• Format of reporting (referencing)
The Oral Presentation will be evaluated based on:
• Effectiveness of Delivery (Gaining & engages attention, communication)
• Appropriate use of presentation aids (slides, pictures, etc)
• Effectiveness of response to queries made

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