Happiness Scape

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Consumable Booklet ©) of HS—rums Dr. Himanshi Rastogi (Jaipur) Dr. Janki Moorjani (Jaipur) (Hindi Version) wren ferwar waRoat at yfet ad Rearia| a Rat or ar orate I | fer: yor C] ott Aer eter eer : wet O] freer QQ) aafrer Caer wear TRE BEAT AH wer : wort [] fire at: eed 1] arefter 2] feréer srt & Ye UE 6 2 were sued Rareref Ra ae F | Buen veep wera wy ererephes ug cen srueft acer ferns wre & arene wy fea one her sae reser wen— gular Bead, Bea, siferisa, srerears cen Wor: srergarr HH Git Repen airds Rresecrat B, sad ores Ff wd a fires con &1 pun wall 62 wert d saz stage F) Rroarer eat, sad sere vileaiter eet oes | Upeiebal TfeTaST Raw Score | z-Score| Grade Dimension Career Well-being Subjective Well-being Social Well-being Level of Happiness. Spiritual Well-being Emotional Well-being T Full Scale ___t t —| Estd. 1971 beetebecl ea) (0562) 2601080 NATIONAL PSYCHOLOGICAL CORPORATION UG-1, Nirmal Heights, Near Mental Hospital, Agra-282 007 Scanned with CamScanner 2 | Consumable Booklet of HS-RHMr or [2 [rer titan] me] I 1. ot go ah & Pian weed & ae at ar zaaes cravat &1 Oo o@mM 2. Ff waet ah Bret saan aan see opt aed aT woorraensit 3 aragee I ogo 3. staat wef alt vores Beige &! Oo (=| Cy) 4, Fi ser eoreif a weet Hi, of HY Ore MARR wa %, ware vd ava & O Co 5. H sae sigqara a aera ar suelo wea arreree etet/eicht G1 i Oo qa 6. H oar a amar aha & fered ge-ziewfewer 1 C] CoO 7. % ara orberer oz wet Poker weet at arch ahear & ufer srenfavart €1 Oo ] CO 8. ai ga vide a ameter hes aouet madd uate fereaeer G1 O oO el ee 9. df facareet & fee Um Reet H aret creeit aot orter ae Sandal oO a 10, efdar ufderar Qyad$ ot sever ower azar eoay | o Ca 41. & Reh off orf a az arr at ag Agar} sree Ue OROWaT wr stiencrat He wepaT/eEA KI Cc 12. 3 aruett aufero ud arafereit wareensit ar arent & wer weet atte GI (a O 1 CO 13, di aieareirerht feo me A arel a sragerepat = ar ah, ga sive Ricorer awed wear ety [ go0 44, aneurait a sreronerer & aero aft sry crit ah vafter dig eretet wercefer wecitrewe & CO U Be uae a 1 45. Hf arenes ahah ere af Perey adh eee og CO 16, aaa serearPredt @ yar HA aT aI amreree amrat & Ol Oo © 17. H pfeiiter a eraser feeensit Y wanes adh Braver G1 Oo Eley (Gaz) 18. arorera: F eeret Br were afar ware {1 1 1 c=) Scanned with CamScanner 23. 24, 25. 26. = 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34, 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. wert H dae wd wekes oftaer ftervahtdh Ri Fi aargaT & fos FF uRRerfer at srrreersit @l waRed Ge wearer €1 Consumable Booklet of HS-RHMT |3 0 _ Hemera: ame oftrer & wage & . ge ahaa ear Ba 8, sa we es eavedt &) dar eae & Pears S1 a orf velar & arate Si u 0 U & sigare weaweoech & Re dra sraare wfc S| anfercer 3 fer fae arora aerrenaencht F arch warensit a eet ect wena € H aad cas sifkreoter onoit & weg g1 tt 3 ard Pedi wr anez wecv@edt &I aranfirs aril # segerferee aa & feret Bea Tee wee GI arad BgaLS Pars seed gH yeh aeator apeciieoedt GI Ay fra Far sree weet SI aR Peel aren ud geewre ave 3 H gaat A aah wd wear 8g treat F aot aeverdt & 3 arae wacrelt wr are Taree GI H afte ar regalia zeor whore at RATE | it green wore H apolt ofefeaferoret ea Sa aang ETE EI H arad waacel By aa a ge wert H TTT aromerveraret GI Ht arsacelt cor arraree: araetct GI IV grccrrar wafereit & exter aft sree rarer echt ava waa % ANANNA UUUUU oo O00 0 oooo0o00 o U U 4 d : O -) El oO 9.00 a00 0 Ala & Y oe ee an UU U 0U Scanned with CamScanner Booklet of HS-RHMs wert sree, | eorar|aiea srere sro] ™] 41, silat or siete det JB 1 CO 42, H ayaa oftacr & Ba sedeer aH welaw st KI c=) 43. Sa eee eee UT ree C4 44, dar Be Wee US werrare ceo tt te eee = 45. 3 awa shes a ore werganesect £1 = 46. A oflaa S ster wre F) (ep) 47. rue sear wie Caer seer Haat stare Co 48. 3 ohaa @ zac: (Granted) aa Bereta & & Cy) 49. ¥ Bites # ala (Bonus) & aa F sacnewie (=) 50. ee Ueee weet KI CoO Vv 51. 3 oqaensit_aen caf & seer ear ar fafine Refer ae A ware &I qa 52. & uRRefe ar stimc oe caer Gea FT wart & oO 53. gucteerall oh wag a ae & sat wel a, fiears &, Wee Be Beare SI Bl 54, aageed abated evormeene oo 55. H amet ot oe wares wr uratay we weaned SI oO 1 56. # crop & Fs Hi uftRafs of snawernaratt wl AAA BE BATA | 57. ga wr mem ae yd Bret . 58. sta di sift wager ud weather aa KI Oo 59. a warensit Ba At cane wear she St IE aa liad Graar anzanened 60. ater wre $1 > 61. F areata waa, dal oRefereli a eer we amarrercdt GI fe 62. a Roe ae arerdt wr Peronel dH arama Ki O Ber undies aa V (rattan senes epoca ay on na von a Copyright Ad Cnmos Booka ot Napines es NEAT Pe) OO U c C UU Scanned with CamScanner Assistant Professor & Head Dem e Metg Kanodia Girls College Wancis eu Eee) JAIPUR (Raj Reese aarrs Pea ale a eC) JAIPUR (Raj.) Scanned with CamScanner INTRODUCTION Positive psychology is the scientific and applied approach to uncovering people's Strengths and promoting their positive functioning. Positive psychological science and practice are situated fortuitously for the identification and understanding of human Strengths and virtues as well as for helping people to live happier and more productive lives..Most people today think of happiness as a feeling, specifically, a feeling of pleasure. Not all pleasures are simple sensory pleasures. Philosopher John Stuart Mill spocke of "higher pleasures' the joy that comes from art, music, philosophy, religion and so on. - The humanists believed that Happiness is fultillment of human potentials. Happiness is better viewed as a way of living, nota temporary state that comes and goes: None of us will ever fully realize our potentials but is a matter of degree : itis about going as far as possible. James OToo! (2005) examined Jefferson's copy of Aristotle's Nichomachean Ethics and, concluded that “there is but one way to understand 'the pursuit of happiness’ : /t refers to the process of realizing one's full potential." The Factors of Happiness were selected with the help of thoroughly researched material (Hefferon & Boniwell, 2011). In all Five Factor as under were selected Factors : 1. Subjective Well-being SWB is defined as : satisfaction with life + high positive affect + low negative affect. Life satisfaction encompasses the cognitive component of happiness when individuals rate the way their life turns out to be. Affect refers to the emotional side of wellbeing, including moods and emotions associated with experiencing momentary events (Diener et. al., 1999). People who demonstrate higher levels of SWB tends to deionstrate higher levels of creativity, increased task persistence, multitasking, being systematic, optimism, attending to relevant negative information; longevity, less vulnerable to illness, trust, helpfulness, and less self-centeredness. 2. Social Well-being It represents your relationships and experiences of love. Recognizing emotions in others, where one has the ability to exhibit empathy, which is important for social relationships. Scanned with CamScanner ——————— = 4| Manual for HS-eHis_ 3. Emotional Well-being Itis where one is able to identify and understand one’s own emotions. Exper fewer negative emotions but a similar number of positive emotions and develop emotional complexity (example, joy and sadness can be intermixed at the s moment), enhancing mood, health (fewer illnesses and visits to doctors) insig self examination. 4, Career Well-being This represents where you spend most of your time during the day. How constructively and satisfactorily one spends their day in major activities. 5. Spiritual Well-being People who report themselves as being spiritual or religious tend to report slightly higher levels of wellbeing, in addition to higher scores on hope and optimism. Connecting to something permanent and important that can give comfort, meaning and sense of identity. Need for the Test The scale is developed for the adult urban population in India. From our point of view, happiness is not a series of transient pleasures or fabulous wealth, and it's not dependent on religious belives. The kind of happiness, the test refers to continues even when we feel bad. Happiness is a way of living that enables us to fulfill potentials and move towards a good human life. The researchers believe in the importance of positivity in daily life. Development of the Scale Atotal of 124 items were constructed based on the already existing international | Scales on positive psychology. They were given to 12 judges for rating. The judges had to rate the test on its relevance to the topic on a §-points scale also on 5dimensions The items with rating lesser then 3 or 3 were rejected. The judges also had to cateno"?? the items into sub factors, subjective wellbeing, social wellbeing, emotional wel@P Career wellbeing, spiritual well-being. Alter the process 32 items were rejected and 92 items were retained. Scanned with CamScanner we eee eee eee Manual for HS-auis | 5 The first draft of 92 items in the scale was given to a randomly selected sample of 120 youths in the age range of 18 to 40 years, male and female. The response to each item was decided on Likert type Five-point alternative response, viz., Strongly Agree, Agree, Undecided, Disagree and Strongly Disagree and for scoring the responses, the scoring system was as following Table 1. TABLE 1 : Scoring System [Nature of Item| Strongly Agree | Agree | Undecided | Disagree | Strongly Disagree ] [__ Positive 5 4 3 2 1 Item Analysis The 120 youths were scored on the basis of the scoring system given in Table 1. The sheets were arranged in descending order from the highest score to the lowest score. The possible minimum & maximum range of score was 92 to 460. For the purpose of item analysis 27% from the higher scoring from top to lower and 27% from the lowest scorer were separated. In this way 2 sets of scores (a) Higher and (b) Lower were made. Both the group had 33 scores each. Between these two groups for each item. t-test of mean difference was calculated and those items which could not differentiate at .05 level of significant difference were rejected. In this way 30 items were rejected, and the final draft had 62 items, whose distribution in the Five Factors has been given in Table 2. TABLE 2 : Serial Number-wise Distribution of items into Factors Sr. No. Factors Sr. No. of Items Total 1. | Career Well-being |1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, 10, 11, 12, 13,14 | 14 Subjective 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, " Well-being 26, 27, 28 14 Social Well-being |29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38,39 | 14 Spiritual Well-being |40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49,50 | 11 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62 12 Grand Total 62 v. |. Emotional Well-being MMMM Scanned with CamScanner _ a The final draft of 62 items was administered on a sample of 350 male female group in the age range of 18 to 40 years. The minimum to maximum range of scores as per scoring table 1, was 62 10.310, For the Factor-wise smooth scoring, the code of the factor as : CW for Career Well-being, SuW for Subjective Well-being, SoW for Social Well-being, SpW for Spiritual Well-being and EM for Emotional Well-being has been printed as prefix before the serial number of the items. Reliability The reliability of the scale was calculated on the basis of split-half (odd-even method). Itwas calculated to be r = 0.88. Which is significant at .01 level of significance. Validity The items once constructed were then sent to 12 judges for rating the relevance, which shows that the final items contained in the scale contain face validity. Items were also validated with an external criteria test Subjective Happiness Scale, which is likert scale as well, the correlation was calculated to be r= 0.91. The test had been subjected to item analysis and as such has content validity. TABLE 3 Factor-total Correlation FACTOR Correlation Subjective Well-being 0.84 Social Well-being 0.62 Emotional Well-being 0.80 Career Well-being 0.53 Scanned with CamScanner Manual for HS-ews._ | Statistical Results Based on the scores (Factor-wise and Total) following statistical results were got : TABLE 4 Statistical Results Sr. No. Factors N Mean sD 1 Career Well-being 350 45.50 8.36 M Subjective Well-being 350 44.50 9.00 ml. Social Well-being 350 35.00 8.63 Iv. Spiritual Well-being 350 33.50 9.50 ve Emotional Well-being 350 38.00 9.70 Total Scale : 350 196.50 | 45.19 Norms Based on the statistical results presented in Table 4, 2-Score Norms for each factor & for total scale have been prepared & the same have been presented in Tables 5, 6, 7, 8,9 and 10. Norms for interpretation of the level of Happiness (Factor-wise & for total scale) have been presented in Table 11. Scanned with CamScanner 8 | Manual for HS-rHity \ TABLE 5 z-Score Norms for Factor I : Career Well-being Mean = 45-50 SD = 8.36 N=350 RAW z RAW z RAW z AW a|pates Score | Score | Score Score | Score | Score | score | score 0 5-45 18 -3-29 36 A113 4 +101 ot 583 19 347 37 1.01 5 | stag 0 521 20 305 38 ~0-89 Be | 25 6 5.09 21 -2.93 39 ~077 57 “97 4 4.97 2 2-81 40 0-65 58 +149 05 4-85 23 2:69 a 0-53 59 +161 6 ~473 24 257 42 0-44 60 “1.73 o7 461 8 2.45 43 -029 6 41.85 08 4-49 26 2:33 44 017 62 +197 cc) 4.37 a 221 45 0.05 6 | +209 2 425 28 ~2.09 46 +0-05 6 4221 u a 29 -1.97 a7 40-17 65 42:33 : ~401 30 1-85 48 40.29 66 42.45 13 3.89 31 173 49 10-41 a7 42.87 “ et 32 1-61 50 +053 68 12.69 ® _] 8 1-49 51 10-65 69 +281 16 3.53 34 -1:37 52 40-77 70 42.93 a om cs 1:25 53 +089 = Scanned with CamScanner Manual for HS-RHis 1© TABLE 6 z-Score Norms for Factor II : Subjective Well-being Mean = 44-50 SD =9.00 N=350 RAW 2 RAW z RAW 2 RAW z score | Score | Score score | Score | Score | Score | Score | 00 494 18 2.94 36 0-94 54 41-05, \ a1 483 19 2.83 a7 0-83 55 +146 02 4.72 20 2:72 38 0-72 56 41-27 03 461 21 2.61 39 0-61 a7 +1-38 04 4:50 22 2:50 40 0-50 58 41-50, 05 4:38 23 2:38 a 0-38 59 +161 06 4:27 24 227 42 027 60 41-72 or 416 2 2:16 43 0-16 61 41-83 08 4.05 26 2:05 4 0-05 62 +194 09 3.94 a7 1-94 45 +005 63 +2:05 10 3-83 28 1:83 46 40-16 64 42:16 | n 3-72 29 1-72 a7 +0:27 6 42:27 | 2 361 30 1-61 48 40:38 66 42:38 13 350 31 1-50 49 +0:50 67 42:50 4 3.38 32 50 +061 68 +261 15 3.27 33 127 51 40-72 69 42:72 16 316 a 116 52 +083 70 +283 7 -3.05 35 1.05 53 40.94 Scanned with CamScanner [———— a _| 10 | M -) TABLE 7 z-Score Norms for Factor IIL : Social Well-being Mean = 35-00 SD = 8-63 N= 350 RAW z RAW z RAW z —_— Score | Score | Score Score Score Score Score | Score oo 4.05 4 2.42 28 ~0-81 42 4081 on 3.93 15 2:31 29 0.69 43, 4092 | 02 3:82 16 2:19 30 0-57 44 $1.04 03, -3-70 7 2.08 31 0-46 45 +145 4 -3.59 18 -1.96 32 0:34 46 +27 05 347 19 1-84 33 0-23 a7 41-38 06 3:36 20 1-73 4 0-114 48 +150 o7 3-24 21 -1.61 35 40.00 a9 +161 08 312 22 150 36 40-11 50 +173 09 -301 23 1-38 37 +023, 51 1 10 2:88 Py 1.27 38 40.34 52 +1-96 1 277 25 5: 39 +046 53 | +208 12 2.65 26 “1.04 40 40.57 sa | 4219 13 2. 1 = a ~0.92 a +0-69 = | 2 Scanned with CamScanner Manual for HS-aumz | 14 TABLE 8 z-Score Norms for Factor IV : Spiritual Well-being Mean = 33-50 SD = 9-50 N=350 RAW ze RAW z RAW z RAW z Score Score Score Score Score Score Score Score 00 3-52 14 2:05 28 -0-57 42 +0-89 o1 15 1.94 2a 0-47 43 +100 o2 16 20 -0.36 4 110 03 7 Hn 0:26 45 +421 oO -3-10 18 2 -0-15 6 41-31 6 -3.00 19 B -0.05 47 +142, 05 -2:89 2 u +005 48 +152 7 -2.78 2 131 38 40.15, 49 41-63 08 -2.68 2 121 6 40:26 50 +1-73 0 _287 2B 1-10 7 +036 st +184 10 2.47 24 1.00 8 +047 52 +194 1 a 3 0-89 39 +057 53 $2.08 12 -2:26 26 0-78 40 +0-68 4 4215 B 215 7 068 a 40-78 = cooe Scanned with CamScanner z-Score Norms for Factor V : Emotional Well-being Scanned with CamScanner Mean = 38-00 SD =9-70 N= 350 aa = RAW z RAW z RAW score | Score | Score Score Score Score | Score | scorq 0 -391 16 2.27 32 -061 48 +41.03 ot 3-80 7 216 3 051 49 HA3, vd 3:70 18 -2.06 34 0-41 50 1.29 03 3-60, 19 —1-96 35 -0:30 5I +134 4 -3-50 20 186, 36 0-20 52 Hdd 05 3:39 a 37 -0-10 53 +154 06 329 2 1.64 38 10.00 5s Het a 319 23 154 39 10:10 55 W175; 08 3.09 24 144 40 10:20 56 H186 09 ~2.98 25 “13d at +0:30 57 1196 10 ~2.88 26 1:23 42 10-41 +208 " 2:78 Ea “113 43 10-51 59 1216 12 2.68 28 1.03 “4 +061 60 207 — 2 oor a 0.92 45 10-71 " ear * 061 46 1081 15 237 at foe | Manual for HS-eHuz | 13 TABLE 10 z-Score Norms for Full Happiness Scale Mean = 196-50 SD = 45-19 N=350 RAW z RAW z RAW z RAW z score | Score | Score Score Score Score Score | Score 401 241 123 163 145 113 167 | 065 102 -2.09 124 161 146 11 168 | -063 103 2.08 125 1.58 147 1.09 169 | 061 104 2.04 126 156 148 1.07 170 | 059 105 2.02 127 1.53 149 1.05 im 0-56 106 -2.00 128 151 150 1.02 172 | -054 107 1.98 129 1.49 151 1.00 173 | -052 108 1.95 130 1-46 152 098 174 109 1.93 131 1.44 153, 0.96 175 | 0-48 110 1.91 132 154 -094 476 | 0-45 11 1-89 133 1-40 155 0.92 im | 043 112 “1.87 134 1:38 156 -089 178 | -0-41 113 1-85 135 A135 157 -087 179 | 0:99 114 1-82 136 1.33 158 085 180 | -036 115 1-80 137 1:31 159 0:83 181 0:34 116 178 438 1.29 160 081 12 | -0:32 17 1.76 139 127 161 078 183 | -030 18 1.74 140 1-24 162 0.76 184 0-27 119 1.72 141 1.22 163 0.74 185 | ~025 120 1.69 442 1:20 164 -0-72 186 0:23 121 1.67 143 1-18 165 0-70 187 | -021 122 1.65 144 116 166 ~067 188 019 — — contd. Scanned with CamScanner a ————— | aa ae 217 10-45 205 +1.06 i a 218 10-47 206 +109 fa “0.12 219 10-49 247 Het i “0.10 20 4051 248 1-13 198 0.08 221 1053, 249 194 0.08 222, 40-56 250 AT og: ||| -o0a | 233 1058 251 +120 196 0.01 224 +0-60 252 41-22 197 40-01 225 +0-62 253 41-25 198 +0.03 26 40-65 254 41-27 282 41-89 199 +0:05 227 +0-67, (255 +129 283 41-91 200 | 4007 | 228 40.69 256 +431 zea | +193 201 4009 | 229 4071 257 +193 25 | +195 202 40-12 230 40-73 258 +136 286 +197 203, 40-14 231 +076 259 +1-38, 287 +200 204 | 4016 | 232 40-78 260 +140 zea | +202 (205 +018 233 +080 261 41-42 289 +204 206 40-20 234 40-82 262 +144 290 | +208 207 +023 | 235 +084 263 +147 aor | +208 28 | +025 | 236 40.87 264 a a2 | seit cid +027 | 237 +089 265 +151 293. | +218 : 210 | +029 | 296 40.91 266 +153 24 | 215 an +031 | 299 5005 _ sass o05 | +27 BB | 1004 | aa 40.95 268 visa | 296 | 29 oe | ce 40:98 269 seo | 27 | 22 | 214 40.38 242 1-00 270 41-62 ao] 215 40-40 243, +1.02 - _ = 4208 216 40.42 244 41.04 272 41.66 300 42:28 Scanned with CamScanner TABLE 11 ‘Norms for Interpretation of the Level of Happiness Full Seale Level \ Area-wise Raw Score Range Raw Score zScore _ | Grade of i StNo. Range Range Happiness |! subjective! sociat | spictut | emotional I ea] 63a | ssa | soa | soa | 2e¢amore | +201eabove| A | Extremely High || more| more | more | more | more ql 2. | sre2| secz | 4e40 | sese| sts7 | ase2e7 | +1.26t0+200] B High N 3. | 5056] soss | aoas | soa | aoso | 220253 | sosttort25 | c | Above Average |! 4, | ata] 4o-4o | ats9 | 2008) ase | 174219 | -0.50t0+050] 0 Average I 3. | ss40| 3430 | 2500 | 2220] 2500 | tots | -1.25t0-051 | & | Below Average 6. | 2034| 2723 | teed | 1521] 1925 | 106199 | -2.00t0-126 | F Low q 7 | | 26a | 17a | 14a | 102 | t05atess |-201abeow| i tess | less | less | tess | less Extremely Low Note: Higher the score, the betters the level of Well-being and Happiness 51 | ie S70) enueyn Scanned with CamScanner 16 | Manual for HS-rviss REFERENCES aa Craver, C. S. and Schier, M. F. (2009). Optimism. In S. Lopez (ed.) The a Encycloped, of Positive Psychology. Chichester : Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Diener, E. (2009). The Science of Well-being : The Collected Work of Ed 0 York : Springer. ener. New Myers, D. G. (2000). The funds, friends and faith of happy People. Amercen Psychologist, 55(1) : 56-67. Robson, C. (2002). Small Scale Evaluation. London : Sage Publications, Sheldon, K. and Lyubominsky, 8. (2007). Is it possible to be become happier ? (ang i180, how ?) Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 1 129-45, Tennen, H. and fleck, G, (2002). Benefit-fnding and benefit-reminding. In C.R. Snyder and S. Lopez (eds) Handbook of Positive Psychology (pp. 584-96). Oxford: Oxtord University Press, Tomes, N. (1986). Income Distribution, happiness and satisfaction. A Direct test of the independent model. Journal of Economic Psychology, 7: 425-46, Wong, P. (2009). Existential Psychology. In S. Lopez (ed) Encyclopedia of Positive Psychology, (pp. 361-8). Chichester : Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ©2017. All rights reserved writen permission of No portion of tho pubisher, tthe ne ventory maton shoul be reproaucod many fw 0 1089, Menu for Happiness Scale (HS-nunw), Scanned with CamScanner

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