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Worksheet A 1 Underline the correct adjective, and write one more question. it's Thursday. You have to finish a project bythe end of the week, How do you fee? a) Reloxed!Relaxing. You'l get it done. bb) Abit stressingistressed, but you'l ett finished somehow. ©) Very, very worriedvorrying. You don't have ‘enough time let 2 You've just seen @ new horror film at the cinema, a) Itwas boringibored. Not scary ata. b) You feel embarrassinglembarrassed. You think your friends saw you were scared. ©) Ityasso frighteningifightoned that you won't be able to sleep tonight! 3 Someone jumps the queue infront of you at the supermarket, a) You're surprisedisurprising that someone could do that, buti’s OK. b) t's bit annoyinglannoyed, but you don't ay anything. ©) You're disgusting/disgusted at their behaviour, and tell them angrily to wait. 4 You find out that your English teacher sgving you a test this week. How do you feel” a) Pleasod!Pleasing. it will be good to see your progress +) Abit confusingleonfused. You're not sure what to study. 6) Terrftedt Terrifying. You hate tests! Worksheet B 1 Underline the correct adjective, and write one more question. les Friday afternoon. How do you feel? 2) PleazediPleasing, because it's the end of the week 1b) This time of the week ls exeltediexelting. Here comes the weekend! ©) Heel absolutely exhaustinglexhousted. I's been a very emotional week (again)! 2. Your rend calls you to tll you his/her pet has just dled, 2) You're confusingleonfused about why he/she is 50 upset. I's only a pet. ) The situation isa litle worryingiworried. You know your friend s going to be upset. ©) You're devastatedidevastoting. Why did ithave to ied 3. les your birthday, but nobody remembered. 2) Ising. Infact, you're quite pleasedipleasing because you don't tke lots of attention, 6) It’s nota problem; it's jsta bit annoyed/annoying that nobody remembered. ©) Youare diagustingldtsgusted wih ther. They call themseles ‘friends? 4 You arrive ata party and don’t know anyone. 8) Youknow it's going to be boredlboring. You have nobody to talk to, 30 you leave, 8) You feel attic uncomfortable, buts interesting! Interested to meet new people. ©) You feel realy embarrassediembarrassing about betng alone and pani! Student B's answer: Student A's answer: 2. Look at your partner's answers and read the analysis. Do you agree? FOUNEUOS UMOP Mofg“suENOU sNOK joNUOD 1 wea} 03 past ang ‘uostod areuopsed Aran 24,n0, sromsue (2 ARSON itdesoyn 2 atuooeq prous noK éoysny Yonve> Jono 308 won ]3,uop nok pu fa suo NOK BBEUEL Ok sromsue (q ARSojd Bu.09 28 29 21 2.lop~ sun w da uado pnoy nok an > ¥ Pood 24,NOA “par1axe S198 Ajases YM Losued Wye? AIBA E 24,NOA suamsue (e ApSopd HiRicecreis Oo Pearson Education Limited 2011 2 Look at your partner's answers and read the analysis. Do you agree? js0tugauios unop soys suopouis snok aves 02 wseo| 02 paou ing ‘uosiod areuoyssed Aion Bano, suamsue (2 ARSObl Asideroig e owreq pjnoys nod sdeqiog“Janvod Jo.3n0 198 ura 2) 3,u0p NOK Pu "fam SuONOWE snoK sBeuU NO} suamsue (q ARSOW Bog 89912) 2 Mop ~ sou 2 dn odo pons nok nq 89 POO sno} potaneso8 fares um uoEzed tas oat 2470, sromsue (2 ARSON

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