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Prediction of protein-to-protein interactions

C. Gilissena, P. Grootb, P. Lucasb,

J. Veltmana, A. Geurts van Kessela, M. Egmont-Petersena
a) Department of Human Genetics - UMC St.Radboud Nijmegen
b) Faculty of computing sciences - Radboud University, Nijmegen

2 2 2 1.5
Data set 1 Data set 2

Gene P
1.5 1.5
1.5 0.5 YCR042C,YHL025W YCR040W,YIL115C
0 YCR042C,YHR202W YCR042C,YKR051W
1 1
1 −0.5
YCR042W,YIL049W YCR042C,YML107C YDL006W, YER042W 0.54%


0.5 −1.5
0 5 10
15 20 YDL002C, YCR042C YCR091W,YDR540C YDL058W,YHR004C 0.37%
0.5 0.5
0 1.5
YDL006W,YER042W YDL26W,YNL159C YCR042C,YHR202W 0.23%

YDL034W,YER054W 0.11%
0 0

Gene Q
−0.5 0.5
0 YDL054C,YAL019W YDL036C,YIL065W
−0.5 −0.5
−1 −0.5 YDL058W,YFL048C YDL058W,YJL037W
−1 YDL058W,YHR066W YDL058W,YHR004C
0 5 10 15 20
0 5 10 15 20
0 5 10 15 20
0 5 10 15 20 YDL076C,YCR066W YDL058W,YLR241W
time time time

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)

Figure 1: An overview of the applied method. a) original expression data; b) expression data after smoothing; c) data discretised based on local extrema; d) comparison of discrete patterns; e)
removal of chance findings by comparing predictions of two data sets; f) ranking of predictions according to confidences of the local extrema.

Abstract 0.2
2. Results

We use local extrema in microarray time series 0 We applied the method to two yeast datasets of Spell-
data as the basis for discretisation. By com- −0.1 man et. al. and validated the resulting predictions by
paring discretised gene expressions using simi- negative−positive using a public Gold standard protein-to-protein interaction

zero transition,
larity functions, we discover putative protein-to- −0.3 positive−negative indicating a
database. We compared the results to a similar approach
zero transition,
protein interactions. We validate the results by −0.4
indicating a minimum where discretisation was based on per gene thresholding
use of public true positive and true negative −0.5
as shown in Figure 4.
databases for protein-to-protein interactions and swi4 epxression
demonstrate the high predictiveness of these lo- swi4 first−order derivative
zero axis 2

cal extrema as a time series feature. −0.7

0 2 4 6 8 10
12 14 16 18 20

up regulated

1. Method Figure 3: Expression of swi4 (blue), and first-order deriva- 1

tive of swi4 (green), where zero transitions indicate local

extrema. 0.5
1.1 Smoothing
We create a smoothed version of our original signal h, Discretisation is now straightforward,
which removes noise and effectively captures the proper- • a positive-negative transition becomes a maximum −0.5
down regulated

ties of the signal at a higher scale (Figure 1b). We obtain

such a smoother signal by convolving the original signal h • a negative-positive transition becomes a minimum
0 5 10 15 20
with the Gaussian function: • remaining samples are labeled change. time

Z ∞ This results in a discrete time-series per gene where each

Figure 4: Discretisation based on thresholding for RAD51.
h(t) ∗ k(t) = h(t − τ )k(t) dτ (1) sample can be either a maximum, minimum, or change
−∞ Thresholds are drawn at c = 0.6 of the distance between
(Figure 1c).
where k(t) is the Gaussian function: the mean and maximum / minimum.
1 (t − m)2 1.3 Similarity function
k(t; m, s) = √ exp − . (2) option # pred. % TP % TN
s 2π 2s2 We distinguish four kinds of possible relations and the as-
sociated relation between the discrete time patterns, as no options 21 33% 14.29%
By varying s, we can vary the scale level (and thus the smoothing 43 11.63% 18.60%
smoothing) of the scale-space representation. shown in Figure 5. We find putative relations by compar-
ing discrete gene patterns using these similarity functions lagfunction 146 8.90% 11.64%
(Figure 1d). no begin/end 118 13.56% 15.25%
original swi4 expresion c = 0.99 1, 968 0.51% 17.47%
smooth swi4 expression
0.2 (s = 1.0) c = 0.95 1, 059 0.76% 18.13%
1.4 Integration of data sets c = 0.90 486 0.62% 16.87%
0 Many patterns are similar by mere chance. We remove c = 0.80 98 0.00% 19.39%
these chance findings by combining the results of two in-

dependent data sets using a logical AND (Figure 1e). Table 1: # pred. is the number of predictions % TP is
−0.4 the percentage true-positives, % TN is the percentage true-
−0.6 1.5 Confidence intervals
For each detected local extrema tl in a gene pattern we Results are shown in Table 1. Above: the results of
calculate the probability of a type I error, P (tl ). The total the method with varying options: no options; increased
confidence for a gene Q with n extrema is then calculated smoothing factor; comparison using the lagfunction; ignor-
0 5 10 15 20
by the geometric mean: ing extrema at the first and last samples of the series. Be-
low: results from discretisation based on thresholding.
 1
Figure 2: Smoothing of swi4 expression, across 19 time n
samples. The original signal in blue; the smooth signal in CQ =  (1 − P (tl )) (4)
3. Conclusion
green. l=1

We rank predictions according to their confidence (Fig- Local extrema are a feature in time-series gene
1.2 Discretisation ure 1f). For any relation consisting of genes Q and R the expression data that can be used for finding bi-
We compute the regularized (smoothed) derivative of the confidence measure becomes: ologically relevant interactions (e.g., protein-to-
gene expression time signal by convolution with the first-
order derivative of the Gaussian function as: CQR = CQ · CR (5) protein interactions). The applied method is in-
variant under scaling and shifting and can be ad-
D(h ∗ k)(t) = (h ∗ Dk)(t) = (Dh ∗ k)(t) (3) justed for the amount of experimental noise.

2 2 1 1
rad51 pol32 pob1 pol2
msh2 rad51 ase1 msh2
1.5 0.5 0.5

1 0 0




0 0.5 −0.5 −0.5

0 −1 −1


−0.5 −1.5 −1.5


−2 −1 −2 −2
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
time time time time

( a ) protein-to-protein interactions, if ( b ) controlled interactions, if ( c ) inhibitory interactions, if ( d ) Lagfunction, anticipating translocated

∀t : Qt = Rt (i.e., the patterns are the same) ∀t : Qt = Rt+1 (i.e., the pattern of R ∀t : Qt = −Rt (i.e., the patterns extrema: ∀t : Qt = Rt ∨ Qt = Rt+l
is shifted one sample into the future are opposite)
with respect to the pattern of Q)
Figure 5: Discrete patterns corresponding to possible biological relations. Arrows indicate the similarity functions.

AMT 2006, International Conference on Advances in Microarray Technology, 31 October - 2 November, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

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