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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII-Central Visayas

Weekly Prototype Plan for Grade 9 Health

Quarter 3, Week __, ______________-

Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Competency: Demonstrates the conduct of primary and secondary survey Demonstrates proper first aid procedures for common
of the victim unintentional injuries
Strategy: Content Attainment (FrayerA
I. Objectives
A.     Knowledge 1. Identify common unintentional injuries in the school setting Identify the different types of carrying and transporting of an
injured person and its proper dressing and bandaging

B.     Skills 2. Demonstrate properly the procedurs in doing primary and demonstrate proper techniques in carrying and transporting
secondary survey of victims an injured person and the appropriate bandaging techniques

C.      Attitude/Values 3. Develop the sense of responsibility to help others through Develop the sense of responsibility to help others through the
the knowledge and application of first aid. knowlede and application of first aid

II. Subject Matter Unintentional Injury Prevention, safety and First Aid First aid for common unintentional injuri

III. References Physical Education and Health 9 Learners' Material Physical Education and Health 9 Learners' Material
IV. Procedure
A.   Preparation Activity 1: The students will answer the Test II in page 323 in Activity 1: The students will answer the activity in page 343
(Introductory Activity, Drill, PE and Health 9 textbook called Twist and Double Match
Review of Past Lesson,
B.     Presentation Activity 2: The students will answer the Activity on page 324 Activity 2: The students will do the activity called First Aid
(Activity, Analysis) called EMRGENCY! EMERGENCY! WHAT WILL I DO? Challenge. Analysis: 1. What important thing did
Direction: The class will be divided into groups with 4-5 you learn in the game? 2. What are the common
members. Each group will pick a situation and do the unintentional injuries that may happen in school? 3. Why is it
necessary, immediate and appropriate action. Idf done important to give correct first aid?
individually, you amy also write down your immediate action
to the following situations. Analysis:
1. What will you do if these happen? 2. How are these
situations preventable? 3. Whay do we need to givve
immediate action to an emergency situation?

C. Abstraction The teacher will discuss the following: 1. The Basics of First The teacher will discuss the following: 1. Firs aid for
(Discussion) Aid 2. Survey of the scene of the victims Common Unintrntional Injuries 2. Dressimg and Bandaging
3. Carrying and Transporting an injured Person

D. Practice Let the students go to their group and practice the Activity 3: First Aid Olympics. Direction: Students will be
(Application) procedures. Apply the proper procedure to the situations grouped and given several injuries. Their task is to quickly
given. The performance will be graded according to the apply the proper first aid to each situation. The group who
rubrics. After the presentation the finishes the shortest time and correct application wins the
students will answer the activity 3: Rate Yourself on page 340
of PE and Health 9 textbook game.

V. Evaluation (Assessment) Let the students answer a 10 item test Activity 4: Let's Go and Let's do! (pg 364)

VI. Assignment/Enrichment The students will create a graphic organizer using the given The students will do the activity on page 364 Fully Packed
information card

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