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Inlong, John Kevin Punzalan MM3B

Summary of Spanish Colonial

Philippines and Mexico trade products or called Galleon Trade. Products of

the Philippines like mango,buffalo,tea and tuba are traded by products of other

countries like Avocado,Guava,Pineapple,Horse, and a cow. Before Galleon Trade

exist, countries like China, Japan and Thailand,India,Cambodia and the Spice

Islands were already having transactions of Trading products. Then when the

Spanish came to the port in Manila, they get the power to close all the ports to

other countries except for Mexico. The name Galleon Trade is a Ship used to get

products from Manila to Mexico. This idea was started by Andres Urdaneta

together with Miguel Lopez De Legaspi. They discover a way from Cebu to

Manila and bring some products. Because of that, Manila became a place where

they could trade their products and generate income for the Spanish. The galleon

ended when Mexico fight fir their independence. Spain control the Philippines.

The opening of the Suez Canal and the new ships lessened their travel time

which made them more convenient. This canal was constructed by the Suez

Canal Company under the leadership of Ferdinand de Lesseps. This canal helps

Spain to easily reach the Philippines. It creates a large advantage for every

business, especially for Europe and East Asia because of that Jose Rizal and other

Filipino Illustrados take it as a significant factor for the growth of nationalistic

desires. Books, magazines and newspapers also enter the Philippines, which

have liberal ideas from America and Europe. The construction of the canal also

gave a way for the illustrado like Jose Rizal to study abroad, which gave

thoughts about nationhood, politics and government.

After the galleon trade, the Philippines developed its export crop economy.

Crops were produce for foreign markets, while foreign products found a way to

sell their products to many parts of the philippines. It provides opportunities for

expanding Chinese population and Chinese targeted many areas that produce

export crops especially to Southern Luzon, eastern Visayas, some areas in

western Luzon which produce sugar, and tobacco in northern Luzon.

When trade ended, monopoly enters which also main source of wealth. It is a

contract collects different revenues were open to foreigners. Chinese business

took this advantage and enjoyed pre-eminent position in monopoly in the

Philippines. The opium monopoly was legalized by Spanish government, and a

government monopoly of opium was limited for Chinese. The Majority of

contracts were held by the Chinese. Some product Monopolies controlled by

colonial government.

The Philippine Tobacco industry was placed under Governor General Jose

Basco establishing the tobacco monopoly, its aim was to increase its revenue

because of the insufficient subsidy by Mexico. Many provinces in Philippines

was issued a widespread cultivation of tobacco. This provinces produce only a

tobacco and sold only to the government which makes farmer to live no profit.

Farmers has a required number of tobacco plants must sold by each family and

they are not allowed to keep for their personal use because of that they buy to

government. Government sold those tobacco to other countries and to the

cigarette factory of cigarettes in manila. It raised revenue for government and

made the Philippines prominent all over Asia. Tobacco monopoly was ended

in1882, a century of hardship and social injustice.

19th Century was a Century of change

The 19th century was a century of change because in this Century, education

was introduced and a school was established which was run by catholic

missionaries. Their aim was to convert the natives to the Catholic Faith. They

teach them to read and to write and learn Spanish, but they don't teach Spanish

seriously because they are afraid that indios will become knowledgeable.

Colleges for girl and boys were also opened, but only for Spaniards and mestizos

only. But in 19th colleges started to accepts native Filipinos. During the half of

the 19th century, the church controlled its curriculum, university became open

natives though they limited their accommodation to the sons of wealthy Indio

families. This changes has a big impact, as a result there are growing number of

educated natives, a new social class in country emerged, which they called

illustrados but they still deemed by Spaniards. Because of the opening Suez

canal, many locals pursue higher education to the other country. There

nationalism bloomed, which led for the Philippine independence movement,

using the Spanish language and they are called the propaganda movement. Jose

Rizal was the most prominent among illustrados who writes novels in Spanish.

During the 19th century economic and political changes in Europe affected

Spain and the Philippines. Manila became open to foreign merchants almost

without restrictions. The amount of exports grew when the Suez Canal was

opened. From a broader perspective, the rapid pace of economic development in

the Philippines during the 19th century, driven by a number of factors

mentioned, led to the rise of a new race of wealthy middle classes. has and is

influential in the Philippines. Non-existent in previous centuries, this class,

composed of mixed Hispanic and Chinese people, rose to positions of power in

Philippine society and over time became leaders in the field of education. and

finance. In the 19th century the inquilino system was established. This system
eventually became very profitable, with some Inquilinos acquiring their own

land and entering other profitable commercial ventures. When the Philippines

opened to world trade in the 19th century, liberal ideas from America, brought

by ships and people from foreign ports, began to permeate the country and begin

to influence the illustrados.

Spanish Bourbon Ruler Philip V, Ferdinand VI, Charles III, and Charles IV

supported a century-long exertion to change and alter the Spanish realm.

Bourbon change arrangements –were an advantage that was beneath Spain from

1565 to 1898. They doubtlessly affected by the how colony was run by Spanish

but as it were to a restricted degree. This approach includes the various and

possibly contradictory points of Madrid's politics, which hesitantly struggled to

accommodate some of the royal family's commercial, authoritarian, financial and

military points. , needed a few of ideological coherence. Effects of change within

various Spanish territories – changes had a much more limited impact due to the

far-reaching effects of colonial progress in areas such as Mexico, the Philippines,

Chile and the vacant Granada At the very least, its effect was to give the people,

especially the natives of the Philippines, the idea that colonization could be

accomplished without much intermediation from the Catholic Church. abolished

feudalism, established equality between Spanish-born Spaniards and Americans,

and ended the Inquisition.

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