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Model Question -- 01

1. When a girl gets married, she usually drops out of school and begins full-time work ….
(a) ‘In the in-laws’ house, she is marginalized.’ The (e) What does the word ‘curtail’ in the passage refer to?
underlined clause means —. I. stimulate ii. relinquish in. retrench lv. cut out
i. she is extoled ii. he is stroked iii. she is relegated iv. she (f) What does the word ‘practice’ in the passage refer to?
Is puffed up. i. execution ii. exercise lii. action iv. custom
(b) ‘The maternal mortality rate for adolescents is double (g) What does the word ‘contribution’ in the passage refer
the national rate’- means —. to? / i. the subsidy donated ii. the part played
1. national death rate has bypassed adolescent death rate iii. the subscription offered iv. the article submitted
ii. national maternal mortality has overcome twice (h) Non-formal education means —.
compared to adolescent mortality rate i. planned and social education to improve a wide range of
ill, adolescent maternal mortality rate is twice compared to skills
national maternal mortality rate ii. Unplanned and personal education to improve a wide
iv. adolescent maternal mortality rate is making the range of skills
national maternal mortality rate twice. iii. Unauthorized and free education to improve a wide
(c) The word ‘supportive’ in the passage does not refer to range of skills
—. iv. Structured and curriculum-based education to improve
i. benevolent ii. admiring iii. concerned iv. callous a wide range of skills
(d) What does the word ‘mobility’ in the passage mean? (i) What does the word ‘uninformed’ In the passage refer
I. moving between different places in-law’s house and so to?
on. I. prepense ii. preconceived iii. oblivious lv. cognizant
ii. moving from one place to another place. (j) Adolescent fertility rate is a matter of—.
lii. moving between different social and economic level. i. boon ii. apprehension iii. queasiness iv privilege
iv. moving between and beyond the social and economic

Model Question – 02
1. When a girl gets married, she usually drops out of school and begins full-time work . . .

(a) The word ‘mobility’ means —. i. aerial ii. moderate iii. meager iv. mediocre
I. ability ii. creativity iii. movement iv. activity (h) What is the number of adolescents who have heard of
(b) The phrase ‘expose to’ may best be replaced by HIV?
I. to remove something ii. make public i. five out of seven ii. four out of five iii. three out of five
lii. experience something harmful iv. shocking news iv. two out of five
(c) The word ‘anaemia’ refers to —. (i) Which of the following statements is true?
i. blood pressure ii. blood sugar iii. shortage of blood iv. I. Exchange of dowry is not illegal
contamination II. Exchange of dowry is a part of legal marriage
(d) The ‘neonatal’ is closely related toe’—. ill. Dowry Is an illegal practice iv. Dowry is an accepted
1. a newborn baby Ii. a mother iii an adolescent iv. a practice in marriage
disease (J) What Is almost mandatory for a bride’s family?
(e) ‘Undernourished’ could be best replaced by i. To educate the bridegroom ii. To take care of the
i. starved ii. malnourished iii. nutritive iv. nutriment bridegroom’s family
(f) In their in-laws’ house, many girls fall a victim to —. iii. To pay dowry iv. To take care of the bridegroom’s
1. emancipation ii. complacency iii. maul iv. better health
(g) Which of the following describes the maternal
mortality rate in Bangladesh best?
2. My brothers, The Assembly has been called into session on the 25th of March. . . .
(a) What requests did our great leader make to the people of East Bengal?
(b) What did Bangabandhu imply in the line “You’ll have to listen to my demands first?”
(c) Which Institutions were not exempted from General Strike?
(d) Upon which conditions did Bangabandhu want to join the Assembly?
Model Question – 03
1. My brothers, The Assembly has been called into session on the 25th of March. . . .
(a) Bangabaudhu wanted to free the people from—.. iii. to make something motionless lv. to stand with a
I. martial law Ii. the representatives iii. oppression iv. demand
hardship (C) Bangabandhu requested the employees to — their
(b) The phrase ‘bring to a standstill’ means —. salaries on the 28th.
i. standing abruptly ii. transform i. surrender ii. give up iii. abdicate lv. withdraw
(d) The expression ‘starve to death’ refers to (h) The 7th March speech of Bangabandhu has —.
I. die without food ii. die from over eating iii. die from i. no significance
voraciousness iv. die for gluttony ii. immense significance
(e) The best synonym of ‘investigate’ is—. iii. little significance iv. hardly any significance
i. ignore ii. neglect iii. avoid iv. look into (i) The phrase ‘wading over’ stands for
(f) The passage deals with Bangabandhu’s —. I. evaluating ii, accepting iii. dishonouring Iv. honouring
i. Eagerness of name and fame (j) The only desire that Bangabandhu nourished in his
ii. Eagerness of independence heart was —.
iii. Disregard for Independence i. to remove racism ii. to alleviate poverty
iv. Hatred for the opposition leaders iii. to become the Prime Minister iv. to establish his
(g) Which word is close to ‘assembly’? people’s right
i. gathering ii. assumption iii. assimilation lv. assertion
Model Question – 04
1. Shilpi was only 15 years old when she married Rashid in 2008. . . .
(a) The phrase ‘many off mentioned in the passage means iii. one person giving suggestions to one person iv. one
i. to find husband or wife for someone ii. to find husband suggestion for one p”son system
for someone (g) “It also offers peer-to-peer support and life skill
iii. to find wife for someone iv. none training that help adolescents say ‘no’ to
(b) According to the text what is the synonym of early marriage”. Here, the word “no” is a/an
‘wedding’? i. noun ii. verb iii. adjective iv. adverb
i. marriage ii. ceremony iii. jilt iv. nuptial (h) The word “aim” mentioned in the passage means
(C) The word “pertain” means in the passage i. to achieve ii. to plan to achieve iii. sure to achieve iv.
1. to join ii. to relate iii. to continue iv. to do goal
(d) What does “reproductive” mean in the content? (1) What is the antonym of the word “potentially4’?
i. connected with nurturing baby ii. connected with birth i. probably ii. possibly iii. perhaps iv. unlikely
iii. connected with giving birth iv. nuptial (j) What is the main idea of the passage?
(e) What does the word ‘tool’ mean in the passage? i. To focus on social change
i. achieving ii. a helpful thing iii. education iv. test ii. To highlight on the change of cultural practices .1,
(f) “One-on-one” counselling means iii. To put emphasis on the harmful effects of early
I. giving suggestions by one meeting ii. giving only one marriage and pregnancy
suggestion iv. To stress on maternal mortality in Bangladesh
2. Dreams have fascinated philosophers for thousands of years.
(a) What is a dream?
(b) How do the researchers opine regarding the purpose of dreams?
(c) ‘Dreams are a representation of subconscious desires’ Explain this opinion of Sigmund Freud in your own way.
(d) ‘Dreams can be focused and understandable or unclear and confussing” — What do you understand by this statement?
Model Question – 05
1. Dreams have fascinated philosophers for thousands of years,
(a) The word ‘puzzling’stands for—. i. sure ii. certain iii. definite iv. of the same opinion
i. horrifying ii. terrifying Iii. perplexing iv. sneering (g) Science Is still trying to find out the exact reason of—.
(b) The word vivid’ stands for—. i. sleep itself ii. dream iii. purpose of dream iv. content of
i. puzzling ii. interesting iii. entertaining iv. very clear dream
(c) The word ‘consensus’ stands for —. (h) For which one, as mentioned in the passage dreaming
i. conclusion ii. difference iii. opinion Iv. agreement Is not essential?
(d) The word ‘perspective’ could be best replaced by —. I. Mental well-being ii. Physical uplifitment
i. viewpoint ii. perception III. concept iv. precept ifi. Sentimental development iv. Anger management
(e) “Dreams can be extraordinarily vivid or vague.” — (i) The correct meaning of the prd ‘unravel’ Is —.
what does it imply? i. riddle ii. bathe iii. unearth lv. unbridle
1. Dreams are always obscure and unclear. (j) What Is the main Idea of the passage?
ii. Dreams are neither clearly stated nor expressed i. To focus the purpose of dream ii. To disintegrate dreams
intensely. from nightmare
iii. Dreams are never explained. iv. Dreams are easily iii. To define dreams and its purposes iv. To give us idea
perceived. about dreams
(i) Philosophers are not — about the purpose of the dream.

2. We have two terms to describe our social behaviour— ‘etiquette’ and ‘manners.’
(a) What is the difference between ‘etiquette’ and ‘manners’?
(b) What is appropriate when the elders talk?
(c) When you were a child, how were you taught to greet the visitors and guests?
(d) Why can’t we behave poorly even if we are at home?

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