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7iIGHLANDER B= IN ¥ uLp-ins600 INTEGRATED NAVIGATION SYSTEM = Integrated Navigation System ‘The Highlander “Inteligent ridge" integrated navigation system (HLD:INS 600) isthe second generation of INS of Highlander, HLD.INS 600 is the fist integrated navigation systom in China which has passed the ype approval tests from CCS and DNV-GL fully meeting the requirements of IMO MSC. 252 (83) and IEC 61924-2. HLD-INS 600 is composed ofthe multifunction workstations wich can be easily configured according to customer's individual requirements ~ from a radar or ECDIS up to a fully intograted mulifunctional workstation which provides data, features and functions. Each workstation can provide tasks of route planning, route monitoring, colision avoddance, navigational contol data, saus and data display and alert management, HLD-INS 600 seamlessly integrates sensors for heading, positon, target detection and further safety relatod data. Tho consistont design of usorintorface supply the conveniont operation to reduce the workload {nd stress of sallor so that they ean do more tasks ecient BENEFIT Improve Safety © Safe decision making and precision navigation by providing relable and validated information ‘© CCRS (Consistent Common Reference System) checks all sensor data, select the best data and transfor it to all modules in system via LAN to make sure all modules use the same data © CAM who aims at minimizing the total numberof alerts ‘Supplies the presentation and handle ofall lets to avoid misunderstanding du to complex information of alerts (¢ The overlay of RADAR, AIS, Weather data and NAVTEX ‘enhances the safety ‘¢ The redundancy of multifunctional workstation reduces the influence of failure single RADAR, or single ECOIS, or single point ‘System customized '* HLD.INS 600 is designed based on several standard hhardware modules and consistent design of user client, all data, including RADAR echo, are collected, analyzed land transmitted via LAN, This enables the possiilly of system configured according to customer's individual requirements, including budget. Based on the redundancy, the minimum number of workstation Is three to Supply tasks of route planning, route monitoring, collision avoidance, navigational control data, status and data display and alert management, Increase of efficiency ‘© ‘The system simpifies the operation of routine tasks to reduce the workload and stress and increase efficiency ‘© The muttfunctional workstation enables to do many tasks on one workstation, for example, view and check all navigational data and alerts information, luminance adjustment, which saves timo. ‘© All workstations use the same data, which makes use of data convenient and increase eiciency, ‘© CAM supplies the presentation ofall alerts to reduce the time of judgement. ‘© Track contol can conta the ship saling on the rule to release the salor from the frequent adustment of rudder, reducing workioad and stress. ‘© Tho consistent design of user interface makes ‘operation convenient and short time use, Hi-Cloud service ‘© HiCioud remote access facity enables ship data to be checked and utlized ashore for fleet management ‘and technical service. Either fixed of mobile computing devices can be used to connect to the ‘vessel via H+-Cloud SYSTEM COMPONENTS & DESCRIPTION Stable system architecture ‘© HLD:INS 600 is based on dual-redundant Gigabit Ethernot ‘© Allworkstations use the same identical hardware and sofware. © Tho main control computor is ultra-compact, fanloss industrial computor with solid-state dives. Display unit is marino industrial display, meeting requirements of IEC 60045, with stable performana and long ie FB virien ? Multitunction Workstations Each workstation is 9 mmutifunctional workstation which supplies tasks of faut planning, route ‘monitoring, colision avoidance, navigational control data, status and data display and alert management. cers CRS chocks tho valty, plausibly, latoncy and intoarty of al sonsor data, refer to the consistent common reference point based on the shape of vessel and transmit the ‘analyzed data to all modules via LAN to ensure the consistency of data cam CCAM supplies the presentation and handle ofall lets, based on the prioty, category and raised time of alerts. This helps customer handing the alerts with high attention necessity Safety + Efficiency OPTIONAL WORKSTATIONS Individual Processor, Shared information with INS EcoIs RADAR CONNING RADAR RADAR ECDIS CENTRE EcDIS CONNING CONNING = ALARM_=—=—CONNING. SYSTEM OVERVIEW S-Band Radar System and Multifunction workstation © 12h SBand Antenna 1 HLDATH2 (© Transceiver Unit 1 HLD-TUI30 ‘© Power Supply Unit 1 HUD-PcUG00 © Display Unit 4 HUD-DUN2/I34/t35/140r141 (© Main Control Unit 1 HUD-MIcUG00/200 (© Human Interface Unit 1 HUD1U600 © uPS(Option) 1 ECDIS System and Multitunction workstation ‘© Power Supply Unit 1 HLD-PcuG0D © Display Unit 1 HUD DUTTartaa/tasrt40/144 {© Main Contot Unit 1 HLD-Mcus007200 (© Human Interface Unit 1 HLDsUE00 © ups 1 Steering Control System ‘© Follow-Up Uni(Dual Channel) 1 HLD-FU200 (© Non Folow-Up UntOual Channa) 1 HLD-NFLUV200 ‘© Steering Mode Switch 1 HLD-sw200 (© Alarm Display Unit 1 HLD-AD600 © Steering Control Unit 1 HLD-scUs00 Other Components # LAN Sten 2 HLDA.s000 ‘© Signal Conversion Unit 1 HLD-scuso EcoIS tvs RADAR AMIE 2 Small Target Montonng 1cs [Re 2.04 spi Monitoring 4 Wave Monitoring X-Band Radar System and Multifunction workstation f¢ 6/8f. X-Band Antenna == 1-—-HLD-AT 06/108, © Transceiver Unit 1 HUD-TUNNONT25 ‘© Power Supply Unit 1 HUD-PCU6o0 © Display Unit 4 HUD-DUTI2/I3a/tasv140ri41 {© Main Control Unit 4 HUD-McU600/200 ‘© Human interface Unt = 1-_‘HLD-IU600 © UPS (Option ) 1 Conning & Alert Management System and ‘Multifunction workstation ‘© Power Supply Unit 1 HUD-Pcu6o0 © Display Unt 1 HUD-DUTI2/I34/t38/140r41 ‘© Main Control UnitMonitor) 1 HLD-MCU800/200 (¢ Human Interface Unt = 1.“ HLD-IU800 © UPS(Option) 1 ‘© ‘Steering Compass Repeater 1. HLD-RP200 '® ‘Stooring Gonsolo 1 HLD-ST200, (@ Rudder angle feedback Unit 1 HLD-RF6OO ‘@ Automation Control Unt. 1 HLD-ACUG00 © Relay 2 HLDRE200 Integrated Navigation System WORLD-WIDE SERVICE NETWORK \With more then 80 service pertners covering more than 40 countries worldwide such as USA, France, Russia, Belgium, Spain, Canada, Brazil, India, Korea and Singapore, Highlander is able to provide professional and prompt sorvice to the customers. The service plosophy places the eustomers’ interests inthe highest pony. "iM /Atica HIB HL Service Center © EE Service Station bo dianlieeliiieed bellied o oO = o a) me eee en eee a mje) Ooo jefe} e)e) ee) e |e) eee eee) ala |elele ia] (eee en) fos ee) || | | [| ||| [eee eet) =) =e |e i OOoOoooo 800000 o0 oOOO0 0000 oo oooo Coo ee eee ooo a ae) Le) o o ohm ee a ad meses) eee eee . . cad i) es . ee eT eae Ca iCute Rm ee eee on ie oe ad ee) eee eee pee acd cee ae eer at a ee ee eee ee) Ce) os

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