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Name:______________________________ Score: ____________

Grade & Section:____________________ Date: _____________

Directions: Choose and encircle among the selections the letter of your choice.
1. Which is an accurate system done by carpenters to help them provide standards
from weighing of materials, measuring the length of a surface, and others that
might be meaningful to them? Page | 1
a. Measurement
b. Estimate
c. Strong belief
d. Livelihood

2. Which of these was considered as the first standard linear measurement made in
antiquity and was used to build the pyramids in Egypt?
a. Cubit
b. Meter
c. Kilograms
d. Fahrenheit

3. Which of these are the body parts used by the people in ancient times to
measure objects?
a. Hand and foot
b. Head and shoulder
c. Kneecap and hind legs
d. Fingers and nails

4. Which specific event of history paved way to the discovery of the two standards
for measurement in length and weight?
a. French Revolution
b. Independence Day
c. Christmas Day
d. New Year’s Eve

5. Who was the first philosopher to make absolute measurements who was also the
one promoting the metric system?
a. Carl Friedrich Gauss
b. Emmanuel Kant
c. David Hume
d. Karl Marx

6. Which system of measurement is typically used for board foot as a unit of

measure? a. International System (SI) or Metric System
b. English System
c. French System
d. Decimal Point
Directions: Enumerate the following.
1-2 – What are the 2 systems of measurements?
1. ________________________
2. ________________________
3-5 - Give at least 3 units of linear measurements in the English system.
1. ___________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________ Page | 2
3. ___________________________________________________________
6-9 – Give at least 4 units of linear measurements in the Metric System.
1. __________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________

II. Directions: Convert the following measurement to their unit equivalents

1. 5 meters = ____________ cm. 4. 6 inches = ____________ cm
2. 3 meters = ____________ ft. 5. 30 inches = ___________ meters
3. 7 feet = _______________ inches
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Solve each problem using the formula. Show your solution
Bd.Ft. = TxWxL

1. T= 2 inches; W= 10 inches; L= 12 ft.

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2. T= 8 inches; W= 15 inches; L= 16 ft

3. T= 3 inches; W= 5 inches; L= 17 ft

4. T= 4 inches; W= 6 inches; L= 9 ft

5. T= 5 inches; W= 12 inches; L= 24 ft

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