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Quarter2 Organizing a Dance Fitness Event for A Target
Module 9 Health Issue or Concern
Session Week 7-8/ Second Semester

Most Essential Learning Competencies

1. Participates in an organized event that addresses health/sports issues and concerns

2. Organizes sports event for a target health issue or concern

What I Need to Know

This module is guided with set of instruction specifically for grade 12 students who are
taking up H.O.P.E. 3 under the K to 12 curriculum. You can go through the material at
your own pace of creativity at your own time. Let your output set as a recorded performance
at the same time engaging in this different physical activity in promoting active lifestyle
and achieve holistic development of an individual.

I. Learning Objectives
At the end of this supplemental module the learners are expected to:

● Participate in an organized dance virtual event that addresses health / fitness issue and
● Display initiative, responsibility and leadership in dance event fitness activities.
● Organize dance event fitness event for a target health issue or concern.
● Prepare own dance event production.
What’s In

Learning task 1

Complete the table below. Give your most favorite genre (type) of dance that you are fond
of doing in your free time. Explain how the benefits of the chosen activities help you
physically, socially, emotionally and mentally.

Type of Dance :





What is it ?

Dance fitness event during pandemic

Pandemic lockdowns might be pervasive, but not all our movements are restricted.
This has led to a rise in dance, as people seek fitness, stress relief, healing—and
connection. Live classes on Instagram and YouTube have proliferated, Living rooms are
becoming rave scenes and mindfulness is taking center stage at dance therapy sessions
on Zoom.

Choreography is a conversation. Thanks to the recent uptick in virtual events,

geographically separated groups of strangers are moving in the same direction to the
same rhythm without speaking a word. Recent research has proven that even our earliest
ancestors recognized the health and social benefits of dance.

Fitness Facts Benefits
1. Exercise Boosts Brainpower. Not only does exercise improve your body, it helps your
mental function, says certified trainer David Atkinson. "Exercise increases energy levels
and increases serotonin in the brain, which leads to improved mental clarity".
2. Movement Melts Away Stress. As much as it may stress you out just to think about
exercising, once you actually start working out, you will experience less stress in Week
1 8 68 every part of your life. "Exercise produces a relaxation response that serves as a
positive distraction," It also helps elevate your mood and keep depression at bay.

3. Exercise Gives You Energy. You might be surprised at how, say, popping in a
workout tape for 30 minutes in the morning can change your whole day. When
endorphins are released into your bloodstream during exercise, you feel much more
energized the rest of the day.

4. It's Not That Hard to Find Time for Fitness. Use your time more wisely. Think about
killing two birds with one stone.

5. Fitness Can Help Build Relationships. Think of what exercising with a partner can
do for a relationship.
6. Exercise Helps Ward-Off Diseases. With a spouse, a sibling, or a friend, you used to
go to lunch with once a week. Research has shown that exercise can slow or help prevent
heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, arthritis,
osteoporosis (bone loss), and loss of muscle mass, says Astorino. It also helps ease some
aspects of the aging process.

7. Fitness Pumps Up Your Heart. Not only does exercise help fight disease, says Bryant,
it also creates a stronger heart -- the most important muscle in the body. That helps
make exercise -- and the activities of daily life -- feel easier.

8. Exercise Lets You Eat More. Pound for pound, muscle burns more calories at rest
than body fat. So the more muscle you have, the higher your resting metabolic rate will
be. And, of course, you also burn calories while you're actually exercising.

9. Exercise Boosts Performance. After a few weeks of consistent exercise, you may feel
your clothes fitting differently and see that your muscle tone has improved. 10. Weight
Loss Is Not the Most Important Goal. Weight loss is the reason many people exercise in
the first place. But it's certainly not the sole benefit of an exercise program.

How to organize a Dance Fitness Event during pandemic?

Virtual events were adopted as a means to minimize costs while reaching large
numbers of participants and these provided a great way to host large-scale events digitally.
A virtual event is one where an individual attends a session online rather than in-
person. Virtual events could be online conferences, webinars, exercise sessions, cooking
lessons, Yoga and Dance Parties using any of the very many available conferencing tools or
social platforms. Virtual events can be equally effective as In-Person events, the only
difference is that there is no physical venue/audience in the former. However, it’s important
to note that they may both require the same efforts to make them happen.
Organize - is making arrangements or preparations for an event or activity
which are often arranged in a systematic way, especially on a large scale.
Organizing an event or an activity is always associated with a plan. 69

Planning - the process of making plans for something. It is the most
important part of the success of every activity. The planning process provides the
information. Top management needs to make effective decisions about how to
allocate the resources in a way that will enable the organization to reach its
objectives. Productivity is maximized and resources are not wasted on projects
with little chance of success. Planning is essential to the success of any activities
or project. When a leader or manager has a plan to follow, he will be better and
equipped to prepare for the future. A project plan creates a focus for the activity,
uniting groups toward common goals. When everyone works together, it’s easier
to manage time and resources.

Key Elements of Effective Event Planning:

1. Understand the purpose of the event.

2. Know your audience.

3. Selection of right venue is vital.

4. Suitable timing.
5. Draft a plan and follow the timeline.
6. Create content that attracts your target audience.

7. Design the message you want to share through the event.

8. Lead capture mechanism.

What’s More

We need to be at the forefront with virtual events to make sure the effectivity of this fitness
event work and can continue happening.

Choose an easily accessible Channel

Let your audience know which platform and format you are going to reach them with, use
one that allows them to stay connected from the beginning to the end. You might be
wondering where to start planning your event, with so many platforms available. We have
made some quick lists to help you out! Here are 5 platforms each for smaller team meetings
and for larger events like a conference.

Choosing the right time

Similar to face to face events, one has to put a lot of effort into picking the right date and
time for a virtual event, regardless of size or platform. Before proceeding to the next step of
advertising your event, do a little research and ensure that there are no competing events
or holidays that would interfere with the attendance.

Create Engaging Content

Virtual events rely on content, be sure to curate content that is consumable, present it in
the easiest way possible and ensure its engaging.

Keeping Attendees Engaged

You know that moment someone is standing and presenting in front of an

audience, and they look up and everyone is on their phone? Yikes. The distraction
when someone is on their computer is even higher. Let’s look at how to encourage
more focused attention and interaction.

Privacy Concerns

As the event organizer you need to understand the areas of concern in cybersecurity for
your event. You should always know that breaches can happen and must put measures
in place to prevent them. As an organizer, consider:
 Website Encryption, so that information submitted through your site is only
readable by you.
 Only collect relevant information from participants
 Be sure to use a secure platform

The key to running a successful virtual event is to start right from the beginning.
Before you even start planning your event, ask yourself “Why am I hosting this event?
What do I want my viewers to take away?” “Who are my attendees” and these should help
you plan an event that works for you. Although virtual events will never be able to replace
in-person gatherings, sometimes they are the only option.

Learning Task 2: SELF CHECK

1. You are chosen by the Municipal Government to organize a Dance Virtual event like
“Dance for a Cause”. Virtual dance event to be attended as audience by all government
employees and students of the locality. How are you going to plan the activities? Present
your plan of the program. (Use you answer sheet.)
2. As you go to your Rural Health Unit, you learned that many of your townmates are
suffering from cardio-vascular disease and diabetes. Being a student of P.E. class, how
can you help them in addressing their health problems?

What I Have Learned

Learning Task 3:

Complete the following unfinished statements below.

1. I discovered that organizing a virtual event is …

2. I discovered that in planning a virtual event …

3. I can say that if an event or activity is well organized …

4. I learned that initiating a virtual event will help me to …

5. Being the leader or organizer, my responsibility is …

What I Can Do

Learning Task 4:

You were assigned by the Barangay Captain to organize a virtual dance event in your
barangay. The said event will be participated by the parents and elderlies. Being the
chairman of the activity, prepare the following:

a. Letter of request addressed to the Barangay Chairman,

b. Your own plans and programs of the said virtual dance event.
(Use the table on the next page)

Virtual Dance Event

Name Duty Description Remarks


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