Home Automation System

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Home Automation system using node MCU and Blynk app


Submitted by
Saurav Kumar
Mayank Kumar
Arjun Singh

in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of


Chandigarh University
MAY 2023

Certified that this project report “HOME AUTOMATION SYSTEM USING

NODE MCU AND BLYNK APP” is the Bonafide work of “AVNISH RANJAN,
SAURAV KUMAR, MAYANK KUMAR, ARJUN SINGH” who carried out the project

work under my/our supervision.



Gursimran Kaur (E7544)

Submitted for the project viva-voce examination held on



List of Figures ............................................................................................................................. 7

List of Tables .............................................................................................................................. 8

List of Standards ......................................................................................................................... 9

CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION ....................................................................... 11

1.1. Identification of Client/ Need/ Relevant Contemporary issue ....................................... 11

1.2. Identification of Problem ............................................................................................... 11

1.3. Identification of Tasks .................................................................................................... 11

1.4. Timeline ......................................................................................................................... 11

1.5. Organization of the Report ............................................................................................. 11

List of Tables

Table 1.1 Introduction

Table 1.2 Application of Home Automation System

Table 1.3 Timeline

List of Figures
Figure 1.1 Gant chart of Timeline

Home automation systems are becoming increasingly popular as more

people seek to enhance the comfort, convenience, and security of their
homes. These systems use a range of sensors, controllers, and
actuators to automate various tasks and processes, such as lighting,
heating and cooling, security, entertainment, and more. Home
automation systems offer numerous benefits, including energy savings,
improved comfort and convenience, and enhanced security and safety.
However, they also face several challenges and limitations, such as
interoperability issues, security and privacy concerns, and cost
considerations. To overcome these challenges, stakeholders in the
home automation ecosystem must work together to standardize and
regulate the industry, educate users, and improve design and
engineering practices. Looking ahead, emerging trends and
technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and the
Internet of Things (IoT) are likely to shape the future of home
automation systems, creating new opportunities and challenges for
users, developers, and policymakers alike.

1.1. Identification of Client /Need / Relevant Contemporary issue

To identify the client for a home automation system, you need to consider several
factors such as their needs, preferences, budget, and lifestyle. Here are some questions
that can help you identify the ideal client:

1.What are their primary reasons for wanting a home automation system?
2.What is their budget for the system?
3.What is the size and layout of their home?
4.What are their preferences in terms of technology and design?
5.What are their daily routines and lifestyle habits?

Based on the answers to these questions, you can identify the ideal client for a home
automation system. For example, if a client is looking for a system primarily for
security purposes and has a larger budget, they may be a good fit for a high-end system
that includes smart locks, security cameras, and a professional monitoring service. On
the other hand, if a client is looking for a more budget-friendly option to simplify their
daily routines, they may be a good fit for a basic system that includes smart lighting,
thermostats, and voice control. Ultimately, it's important to understand the client's
needs and preferences to provide the best possible solution for their home automation

1.1. Identification of Need

The identification of the need for a home automation system depends on several factors
that can vary from one household to another. Here are some common situations where
a home automation system could be beneficial:

1.Convenience: A home automation system can simplify daily routines by automating

tasks such as turning on lights, adjusting thermostats, or locking doors.

2.Energy efficiency: A smart home system can help reduce energy consumption by
automatically adjusting lights, thermostats, and other devices based on occupancy and
time of day.

3.Security: A home automation system can provide added security and peace of mind
by allowing remote access and monitoring of security cameras, door locks, and other
4.Accessibility: Home automation can help make a home more accessible
for people with disabilities or mobility issues by providing voice control, remote
access, and other assistive technologies.

5.Entertainment: A smart home system can enhance entertainment experiences by

integrating with home theater systems, music players, and other devices.

6.Cost savings: A home automation system can help reduce long-term costs by
improving energy efficiency, preventing damage from leaks or other issues, and
reducing the need for manual maintenance and repairs.

These are just a few examples of situations where a home automation system could be
beneficial. Ultimately, the need for a home automation system depends on the specific
needs and preferences of the homeowner, as well as the features and capabilities of the
system itself.

1.1. Identification of Relevant Contemporary issue

One relevant and contemporary issue for home automation systems is data privacy and
security. As smart homes become increasingly connected and integrated with various
devices, the amount of personal data being collected and transmitted is growing. This
data can include everything from usage patterns and preferences to sensitive
information such as passwords, credit card numbers, and other personal data. If this
data is not properly secured, it can be vulnerable to hacking, cyberattacks, or other
security breaches, potentially leading to identity theft, financial loss, or other serious
Identification of Problem

One common problem with home automation systems is their complexity and
difficulty of use. Many systems require a significant amount of technical expertise to
set up and configure, and the user interface can be confusing or unintuitive for some
homeowners. This can lead to frustration and a lack of adoption of the system,
ultimately rendering it useless.

1.2. Identification of Tasks

There are many tasks that can be automated using a home automation system. Here are some

Lighting: A home automation system can be used to automate the turning on and off of lights based
on occupancy, time of day, or other parameters.

Heating and cooling: Home automation systems can automatically adjust thermostats based on
occupancy, temperature, and other parameters, helping to improve energy efficiency.

Home security: Home automation systems can be used to automate the arming and disarming of
security systems, as well as the monitoring and notification of security events such as motion
detection, door openings, and more.

Entertainment: A home automation system can be used to control home theater systems, music
players, and other entertainment devices, allowing for easy control of audio and video throughout the

1.3. Timeline
1.4. Organization of the Report

The given report basically consists of five chapter each having relevant data regarding
project which would give clear view of all aspect of proposed project.
The first chapter is the INTRODUCTION chapter which basically gives an idea of how
the project would be used and its importance in society and the problem that would be
solved by this project.
The second chapter is related to LITERATURE REVIEW and the backgroundstudy of this
technology. This include about those solution and researches which are already present in
society and has been solving the proposed problem. This would also consist of goals and
objectives of the project.
The third chapter DESIGN FLOW / PROCESS will give us idea of what all equipment
we are using to build this project , its design and working of project. We would also be
defining the methodology and implementation of the project.
The fourth chapter is RESULT ANALYSIS where we would note down the result of the
The last chapter would basically consists of overall summary of the project and the future
work that can be done so that problem can be solved in better way.

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