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Inplant Training 2020

Assignment No:- 4

Name of Student:- Rakesh Rajesh Chavan.

Roll No:- 320

Enrollment no.:- 1816460084

Name of Industry:- Varad Engineering


Safety measures are taken in industries to prevent accidents and to improve the productivity.
Safety measures are essential for the welfare of the people working in the industry and for the
overall benefit of the organization. By incorporating safety measures at various levels, the
awareness on safety will improve. It is possible to prevent accidents. It is possible to handle
emergencies in a better way. There will not be a breakdown of machines. Employees will be able
to work without being exposed to conflicting conditions.

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Inplant Training 2020


Training plays an important role to implement safety policies in an organization. Training brings
uniformity among various levels of employees. There will not be any confusion or conflict. By
imparting training on a regular basis, it is possible to impart the basic and specific skills to
perform the job in an efficient manner. It is the responsibility of each and every employee to
follow the guidelines laid by the management. Unsafe working conditions should be reported to
the supervisory and management staff. Employees should work in a professional way by taking
all the necessary precautions.

Safety and training in the company should be monitored by the safety director. Safety director
should train foremen so that they will be able to know the procedures to investigate accidents.
Machine operators should be trained both in the classroom environment and in the workplace.
Training at various levels should comply with the state and federal regulations. It should be
ensured that no employee will work on unguarded machine.


In order to take safety measures effectively, organizations should have a safety policy. The safety
policy statement will give direction to the management. The management is responsible for the
implementation of safe methods and practices. The organization should realize that worker’s
health and safety takes precedence to the job or task to be accomplished. If there is any threat of
safety in the way the worker is performing the job, there should be concerted effort to finish the
task with least health effect on the worker. The procedures implemented in the organization
should be verified, inspected and subjected for improvement if there is any requirement for the
enhancement of safety.

If a job cannot be done in a safe method, the job should not be attempted. The place of work
should be safe to perform various tasks. There should be proper lighting, ventilation and no
congestion of things.

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Inplant Training 2020


Different workshops have different work practices and different machines; however, there are
certain rules that apply to any mechanical workshop of the world.
 Always wear safety gear while working in the workshop. Hand gloves, safety shoes, helmets
and eyeglasses are mandatory for workshops jobs like plumbing, machine fitting, welding or
carpentry. For instance, some people do not wear welding glasses while dealing with welding
works. This might result in temporary or permanent blindness because welding sparks can
destroy the tissues of the human eye.
 Malfunctioning machines can occur any time. It could happen during the process of screw
tightening or replacing the motor of the machine. Irrespective of the type of break down,
never try to work on it while the machine is on and running. Electrical components always
have a scope of error, irrespective of their design, make or technology. Even if the break
down is normal and requires just screw tightening, it is always advisable to switch off the
machine and then do the repair. Electrical shocks can be fatal or at least be capable of
damaging human cells due to the workshop machines very high power rating.
 Maintain all the service records of machines and equipment. It will not only save time but
also help you to take care of repetitive break downs.
1. All the tools and accessories must be kept back at their relevant places. Placing them
anywhere will lead to chaos and inefficient working.
2. Smoking and drinking should be prohibited in the workshop.
3. Gangway through the workshop must be kept clear. Any grease or oil the spillage must
be cleaned on a regular basis.

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Inplant Training 2020


 Workshops are prone to accidents in general but fire can be the most deadly. These are some
of the rules and guidelines that help keep a check
on injuries and accidents.
 Before commencing any welding operations,
make sure that an appropriate fire extinguisher is
readily accessible. All the workers must know
how to use fire extinguishers, although clear
instructions are always written on them.
Inflammable materials must always be
accompanied with fire extinguishers.
 One must know the difference between water extinguishers and carbon dioxide extinguishers
and when to use them as well. For electrical fires, water extinguishers should not be used.
Proper training is advised so that no confusion arises at the time of emergency.
 Dealing with chemicals requires extra safety because chemicals have contagious effects and
they can spread from one person to another. Washing hands, wearing gloves and masks, and
using barrier creams are all advisable. At the very first glimpse of any skin or respiration
disorder, consult a doctor.
1. Working with toxic materials like lead, manganese, and nickel etc. also requires special
attention because these materials have long term adverse effects on human health.
Metalworking fluids can also cause health issues like occupational asthma. Ensure all the
exhaust fans and respirators are working properly before you start working with
chemically hazardous substances.
2. Most importantly, every person inside
the workshop must know the contact
number of ambulance and fire services.

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Inplant Training 2020


We get to know about following process take place in their industry:-



Bending is a metal forming process in which a force is applied to a piece of sheet metal, causing
it to bend at an angle and form the desired shape. Bending is the forming of sheet metal by
application of force, which exerts pressure on a certain length of material either at a certain point
or linear as an evenly distributed weight. This applied force is also called the bending moment.
The force of the bending moment determines the degree of deformation. Bending of sheet metals
can be done with press brakes, roll bending machines and embossing/coining machines.


There are several processes that utilize “shearing force” to cut sheet metal, but the actual term
“shearing” refers to a more specific cutting process within these. Shearing produces straight line
cuts to separate a piece of sheet metal, and it’s most commonly used to cut a sheet parallel to an
existing edge which is held square. Angle cuts can also be made. The shearing process is
performed using a shear machine, often also called a squaring shear or power shear. This
machine can be operated manually, or by hydraulic, pneumatic or electric power sources. A
standard machine includes a table with support arms for the sheet, guides to secure the sheet,
straight-edge blades (both upper and lower) and a gauging device to help with positioning.

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Inplant Training 2020


Welding is the process by which two pieces of metal can be joined together. The process of
welding doesn’t merely bond the two pieces together as in brazing and soldering, but, through
the use of extreme heat and sometimes the addition of other metals or gases, causes the metallic
structures of the two pieces to join together and become one. There are a number of different
welding methods, including spot welding, metal inert gas (MIG), and tungsten inert gas, which
are forms of gas metal arc welding, arc welding, and gas welding, to name a few. Welding can
even be done underwater.

The type of joint to be created and the type of material to be used, among other considerations,
will determine the type of welding process that will be used to complete the project. All welding
processes can be broken down into the two categories Pressure Welding and Fusion Welding.

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Inplant Training 2020


Hot-dip galvanizing is the process of immersing iron or steel in a bath of molten zinc to produce
a corrosion resistant, multi-layered coating of zinc-iron alloy and zinc metal. While the steel is
immersed in the zinc, a metallurgical reaction occurs between the iron in the steel and the molten
zinc. This reaction is a diffusion process, so the coating forms perpendicular to all surfaces
creating a uniform thickness throughout the part. The hot-dip galvanizing process has been used
since 1742, providing long-lasting, maintenance-free corrosion protection at a reasonable cost for
decades. Although hot-dip galvanizing has been utilized to protect steel for generations, the
galvanizing process continues to evolve with new technologies and creative chemistries. The
three main steps in the hot-dip galvanizing process are surface preparation, galvanizing, and
post-treatment. The process is inherently simple, which is a distinct advantage over other
corrosion protection methods.

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