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Republic of the Philippines

University of Cabuyao
(Pamantasan ng Cabuyao)
College of Education
Katapatan Mutual Homes, Brgy. Banay-banay, City of Cabuyao, Laguna 4025

STS 101: Science, Technology, and Society

Finals - Homework #1
Conceptualizing a GMO

Name: Myla M. Galleros Course and Section: 2EED-A

Date Submitted: 05/15.2023 Professor: Edward Francis G.

Instructions: On the space below, draw or paste your drawing on a possible GMO.
In conceptualizing a GMO, think of the features or characteristics that you imagine
it possesses and its potential impacts on society. Answer the questions briefly and
concisely. Creativity – 15pts; Content – 15 pts; Total – 30 pts.

1. What is your GMO, its modified characteristics, and features?

Answer. A caterpillar that eats insects is my potential GMO. The majority of the
morphological characteristics resemble those of a typical caterpillar. However, via
genetic engineering, the caterpillar's mouth will enlarge and develop a "long tongue"
inside of it as a means of catching larger bugs—similar to the frog's.

2. In what ways do you think this GMO can positively impact society.
Answer. Normal caterpillars, like all other crop pests, have the potential to harm crops
significantly if not controlled or avoided in the early stages. Fast-feeding, ruthless pests,
they have the potential to be so bad that they completely defoliate crops, causing
catastrophic crop loss. Therefore, a genetically modified bug-eating caterpillar can assist
in solving this conundrum in two ways: instead of eating leaves, they would consume bugs
(which are also crop pests) that land on the specific plant and reduce the potential damages
it could cause, and as a result, the crops can be able to produce more healthy yields, which
is advantageous to society's consumption and economy.

Republic of the Philippines
University of Cabuyao
(Pamantasan ng Cabuyao)
College of Education
Katapatan Mutual Homes, Brgy. Banay-banay, City of Cabuyao, Laguna 4025

3. What ethical issues or concerns may arise as a result of this GMO?

 This could result in even more severe damage, which could perhaps have an impact
on the organisms that feed on it, as well as health problems for the caterpillar and
the specific plant it lives in.

 The rights of the caterpillars are violated when their style of eating is changed for
human gain because they do not directly harm people and simply exist as they are
naturally programmed to.

 The extent to which the organism would be subjected to intrusive operations is not
properly constrained. Competition between naturally occurring and genetically
altered caterpillars can result, which might have an impact on their population.

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