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Church Teachings

1. God is love. (1 John 1:8) He is a Trinity: He is Love; Beloved; and Loving.

a. He is love. Love, according to Aquinas, is willing the good of another.

Jesus has indicated to his followers that he must suffer and die, like a good
shepherd, not only for his own sheep, but also for those in other folds as well.
Whoever loves his life will lose it. Jesus wills the good of all others to the
point of losing his life so that we can be saved.

In the same way, if we try to hang on to love, if we try to grasp love for
ourselves, including the love of our own life, then we are doomed to lose
everything, loving and living. Only selfless giving, and selfless willing the good
of another, can lead to true love and eternal life.

b. He is Beloved. We, humans, still have faith that whatever we do, whatever is
going through, we know that God is always there for us. We do love Him because we
know that God done everything perfectly. He turns those imperfect things in our
lives perfect. Sometimes for us we don't want what God has done to us because all
we wanted is what ourselves want. But we must know that His will are always
perfect. In addition, 2 Timothy 1:7 " I have not been given a spirit of fear, but
of power, love and self-control."

c. He is Loving. Based on 1 John 4:9, "In this, the love of God was made manifest
among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through
him." God gave His only begotten Son Jesus Christ for us to experience the freedom
that we wanted. The eagerness that we humans still don't want to choose the life,
the life that is full of sadness, full of war, full of something that we do not
want or simply as full of nothing. But God doesn't want us to experience those
things that's why He gave His only Son for all of us.

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