Essay 4 Tô Phương Linh

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With the dramatic development of technology, it is a fact that young

people are depending on the internet and this certainly has enormous
impacts on children. Some assume that the digital devices havr more
demerits than merits for young users. In this essay, I will argue my
personally opinion that high-tech gadget really facilitates children a lot
if they are used properly.
I am convinced that the growing popularity of technology brings more
enormous benefits for small children. Computers provide children
with diversity methods helping them learn more effectively.
Especially in the covid pandemic, internet is a helpful tool connecting
online learning students and teachers. Some web pages are designed
with lively illustration increasing creativity and inspiring to access
more information. Using computer suitably is a good way for children
to spark passion about technology since it tends to be prevalent in the
future. The children who using proficiently the computer proving they
are intelligent and sprightly. It is not deny that modern devices brings
unbelieveablely numerous upsides for children.
However , negative effects of using computers need to be warned
alarmingly. In reality, many young users are getting seriously addicted
to online games and other toxic information on the internet. As a
result, they get neglected their studies at school so the academic
achivements are also reduced significantly. In addition, getting
exposed to high-tech gadgets every day decreases children’s
imagination and how to solve the problem instead of wishful thinking
or illusion. Overusing technologies not only increases the risk of eye
diseases but also make the body tired leading to lack of concentration.
Spending more time on the computers can build an isolated attitude
and this is a causitive factor leading to the autism in this day and age.
In conclusion, the exsiting data already shed light on my opinion that
technologies bring numerous pros for children but it is hamrful to
young users if not using appropriately. The ideal solution is that
parents should manage children in using internet.

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