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A Formal Physics Laboratory Report



Class: CC19 - Group: 01 Lecturer’s comment

Full name:
1. Tăng Gia Bảo – 2152429
2. Lê Dương Khánh Huy – 2153380
3. Nguyễn Lê Anh Tuấn – 2153079

I. Aims/Purposes:
Solidifying the concept DC and AC circuits; verifying the Stefan’s law and the
Ohm’s law with an incandescent light bulb; determining the unknown resistance,
capacitance, and inductances.
II. Equipment, Methods and Procedure:
1. Equipment:
● Digital multimeter, Incandescent light bulb 12V-3W, Unknown-value Resistor,
Unknown-value Capacitor, Unknown-value Inductors, Variable power supply 12V-
2. Theory and Equations:
● Investigating of DC circuit with an incandescent light bulb
-When an electric current flows through the filament in an incandescent light bulb, the
filament heats up. The filament loses heat in two ways: electromagnetic radiation
(mainly visible light and invisible heat radiation) and conduction (through the base of
the bulb). The heat conducted away from the filament increases linearly with filament
temperature. The air in the bulb is pumped out during manufacture so no heat is lost
by convection.
-It is difficult to measure the temperature of the filament directly, however the
filament resistance is approximately proportional to its temperature. Therefore,
the filament resistance is used as a measure of filament temperature. The graph
of electrical power against resistance should be like graph 1 as shown in Figure
Lab 1-1. At low temperatures (AB) most of the heat is lost by conduction and
little of the heat is lost due to radiation. Therefore, this part of the graph is
extrapolated to estimate the conducted power at higher temperatures. Since this
is an extrapolation (dotted line on graph 1) the data in region AB of the graph
must be accurately measured. The radiated power is simply the electrical power
minus the conducted power (PQ on the graph).

Stefan's law states that the radiated power is proportional to the absolute
temperature T raised to the fourth power so the equation is:
P =sT (1)

Where s is a constant.
Taking natural logarithm Eq. 1 on both sides, we obtain:
ln(P) = ln(s) + 4ln(T) (2)
The temperature is proportional to the filament resistance so:
T = kR (3)
where is a constant.
Replacing in Eq. 2 with from Eq. 3, we obtain:
ln(P) = 4 ln(R) + ln(s) + 4ln(k) (4)
Equation 4 loge (radiated power) = 4 log (R) + log (s) + 4 log (k) Therefore, a
e e e

graph of log -log (or ln-ln) with the radiated power against resistance with a gradient
e e

of 4 (within the error in the gradient) will confirms Stefan's Law as shown in Figure
Lab 1-1 (graph 2). The last two terms in Eq. 4 are constants.
The main measurements in this part are to very carefully determine the
Voltage vs. Current characteristics of an incandescent lightbulb throughout the
entire range of possible voltages. An incandescent light bulb with filament
resistance R connected to a variable DC power supply U as shown in Figure Lab 1-

2. The output voltage of the power source U can be changed by the rheostat P. The

voltage U between the two ends of the light bulb is measured by a DC voltmeter,
and the current I flowing through the light bulb is measured by a DC ammeter.
According to Ohm's law for a DC circuit, the current flowing through

the circuit is proportional to the potential difference between the two ends of
the circuit and inversely proportional to the resistance of the circuit:
I=UR 5
If R is constant, then is first-order proportional to U. The graph I = f(U)
is called volt-ampere characteristic, in the form of a straight line through the
origin with slope:
=1R=G 6
where G is the electrical conductivity of circuit.
Due to the effect Joule-Lenz, heat radiating across resistor in time by:
Q=RI2τ 7
This heat increases the temperature and thereby changes the resistance of
the circuit section. Filament of light bulb is made up of tungsten, its
resistance R changes with temperature t:
Rt=R01+αt+βt2 8
with R is resistor at ℃; R is resistor at 0℃; α = 4.82 × 10 K and
t 0
-3 -1

= 6.76 × 10 K are the thermal coefficient of resistance (tungsten).

-7 -7

Note: t is the value comparing the difference between the temperatures t ℃

and 0℃. It must convert to Kelvin temperature and substitute the Eq. 8.
As a result, the current I flowing through the filament D does not increase
linearly with the potential difference U between the two ends of the filament.
Volt- ampere characteristic of the incandescent light bulb is in the form of a curve.
Let R be the resistance of the filament at room temperature t , from Eq. 8 we
p p

R0=Rp1+αtp+βtp2 9
Note: t is the value comparing the difference between the temperatures t ℃
p p

and 0℃. It must convert to Kelvin temperature and substitute the Eq. 8.
Solve Eq. 8 for t, adding 273K, we can determine the absolute temperature
of the lamp filament:
T=273+12β2+4βRtR0-1-α (10)
where R and R calculated according to Eq. 5 with I is the direct current flowing
p t

through the filament, and U is the voltage between the two ends corresponding
bulb filament.
● Investigating RC circuit with an alternating current (AC)
Apply an AC voltage u with frequency f at the two ends of a circuit consisted of
a inductor L (a coil of wire with a resistance r and the inductance L) connected in
series with a resistor R as shown in Figure Lab 1-5.
Suppose an alternating current flowing in the circuit at time has the form:
ⅈ=I0sin 2 πf⋅t (21)
at that time:

u=uR+ur+uL (22)
uR and ur are in same phase with i, u is early than i by a phase of π/2:

u=U0Rsin 2 πf⋅t+U0rsin 2 πf⋅t+U0Lsin 2πf⋅t-π2

Using the phasor diagram (or Fresnel vector diagram) of RL circuit as shown in
Figure Lab 1-6, we will find the alternating voltage u:
u=U0Rsin 2πf⋅t+φ (23)
U0=U0R+U0r2+U0L224 =U0LU0R+U0r=2πfLR+r25
Substitute U0R= I R, U0r= I r và U0L= I Z = I 2πfL into Eq. 24:
0 0 0 L 0

U0=I0R+r2+ZL2=I0Z (26)
with Z is the inductance of the inductor:

ZL=2πfL (27)
The total impedance Z of the RL circuit:
Z=R+r2+ZL2 (28)
Dividing both sides of Eq. 26 by 2, we have Ohm's law for the RC circuit as:
I=UZ (29)
with U and I are the r.m.s. values of the AC voltage and current in the RC
circuit, that can be measured with a digital multimeter.
3. Procedure:
a) Determining the filament temperature of an incandescent light bulb:
Before starting the experiment, we must measure the resistance of the
filament at room temperature. Using the digital voltmeter V, turn its scale selector switch
to the "200 Ω" position to measure the resistance of the filament. The "V/Ω" and
"COM" terminals of the ohmmeter are connected to both ends of the bulb D.
Record filament resistance value into Table 1.
Measure room temperature using the thermometer 0-1000℃.
Record data into Table 1: limit value, sensitivity, accuracy, and a specified
number of n for the selected scale on voltmeter V and ammeter A (using
specifications of the digital multimeter).
b) Checking the operation of the variable power supply 12V-3A:
Figure Lab 1-7 shows the interface of the variable power supply 12V3A/AC-DC.
A DC voltage output of 0:12 is drawn from the two ±12 terminals on the right
with a maximum current of 3A, that can be continuously adjusted with the
knob P. Two meters A and V connected to the source using an approximate
indication of output voltage and current (~1.5%). An AC voltage output is
supplied from the left with a fixed output ~12V.
Checking the operation of the power supply:
- Power on the device, the LED glows, the device is ready for operation.
- Turn knob “P” clockwise while observing the voltmeter V on the power
supply. If its indicator moves steadily across the full scale (0:12), the device
is ready.
- Turn knob “P” to the leftmost position. Power off the device.
c) Graphing characteristic volt-ampere of the tungsten filament:
a. Set up the circuit according to the diagram as shown in Figure
Lab 1-2. Using the DC output 0¸12 of the variable power supply. Use
two digital multimeters as a DC voltmeter V and a DC ammeter A.
b. Set the scale for two digital multimeters:
- Voltmeter V: set at DCV20V DC scale. Hole "V/ Ω" is the positive
terminal (+), hole "COM" is the negative terminal (-) of the voltmeter.
Use two test leads with two plugs to connect the voltmeter in parallel
with the circuit.
- Ammeter A: set to DCA mA scale. The "mA" hole is the positive
terminal (+), the "COM" hole is the negative terminal (-). Use two test
leads with two terminals to connect the Ammeter in series with the
After the setup is complete, ask the instructor for checking.
c. Measurement: press the "ON/OFF" button on the voltmeter V and
ammeter A, let them start working. Fit the P knob of the power supply
while observing that the voltage U (only on the voltmeter shows V)
increasing volts one by one, from 0 to 10V. Read and record the
corresponding amperage I values (on ammeter A only) into Table 1.
Turn the knob “P” slightly to the left, power off the power supply. Press
the "ON/OFF" buttons on the two digital multimeters to turn them off.
d) Determine the capacitance of the capacitor in the RC circuit:
a. Set up the experiment with the capacitor C and resistor R according to the
diagram of Figure Lab 1-3. The AC voltage ~12V is taken from the AC
output on the variable power supply. Then use two digital multimeters
as an AC voltmeter and an AC ammeter.

b. Set the scale for two digital multimeters:

• The voltmeter V is placed on the ACV 20V AC scale, connected in
parallel with the circuits to be measured.
• Ammeter A placed at 200mA AC scale, two test leads plugged into 2
terminals “COM” and “A”, then connected in series to the circuit
between R and C by two pins.
• After the setup is complete, ask the instructor for checking the circuit.
c. Measurement: press the "ON/OFF" button on the voltmeter V and
ammeter A, let them start working. Power on the power supply.
Observe, read and write the value of amperage on Ammeter A into
Table 2.
• Using a voltmeter V, measure the values of the effective potential
difference U at the ends of the circuit, UR between the two ends of the
pure resistor R, UC between the two ends of the capacitor C, read and
write into Table 2.
d. Power off the power supply. Press the "ON/OFF" buttons on the two
digital multimeters to turn them off.
• Record data into Table 2: limit value, sensitivity, accuracy, and specified
number n for the selected range on the voltmeter and ammeter.
e) Determining the inductance L of the windings in the RL circuit:
• Set up the experiment with the inductor L and resistor R according to the
diagram of Figure Lab 1-5 The AC voltage ~12V is taken from the AC
output on the variable power supply. Then use two digital multimeters as an
AC voltmeter and an AC ammeter.
• Set the scale for two digital multimeters:
a. The voltmeter V is placed on the ACV 20V AC scale, connected in
parallel with the circuits to be measured.
b. Ammeter A placed at 200mA AC scale, two test leads plugged into 2
terminals “COM” and “A”, then connected in series to the circuit
between R and C by two pins.
• After the setup is complete, ask the instructor for checking the circuit.
• Measurement: press the "ON/OFF" button on the voltmeter V and ammeter
A, let them start working. Power on the power supply. Observe, read and
write the value of amperage on Ammeter A into Table 3.
Using a voltmeter V, measure the values of the effective potential
difference U at the ends of the circuit, UR between the two ends of the
resistor R, UL between the two ends of the inductor L, read and write into
table 3.
• Power off the power supply.
• Remove the voltmeter V from the circuit, change its scale to the
“200Ω” or “2k” position. The using it as an ohmmeter to measure the
resistance r of the coil. The "V/Ω" and "COM" terminals of the
ohmmeter are connected to the ends of the inductor L coil.
Press the "ON" button on the face of the ohmmeter, read the value of the
resistance r of the coil and record into Table 3. Then, press the "ON/OFF" button to
turn off the power to the ohmmeter.
Record data into Table 3: limit value, sensitivity, accuracy, and number n
specified for the selected scale on voltmeter V, ammeter A, and ohmmeter Ω.
IV. Experimental Data:
Table 1
Voltmeter DC Ammeter DC: Ohmmeter :
Um =20 V α = 0.01V Im=200 mA α = 0.1mA Rm=200 Ω α =0.1Ω
δU = 0.5% n =3 δI= 1.2% n = 5 δR= 1% n =3
tp = 30 ±1O C R P=7

U ΔU I ΔI U (V) ΔU I (mA) ΔI (mA)

(V) (V) (mA) (mA) (V)
1 0.035 56.3 1.176 6 0.060 133.2 2.098
2 0.040 73.6 1.383 7 0.065 146.0 2.252
3 0.045 92.3 1.608 8 0.070 158.6 2.403
4 0.050 108.5 1.802 9 0.075 169.4 2.533
5 0.055 122.4 1.969 10 0.080 180.1 2.661

Table 2
Voltmeter AC Ammeter AC:
Um =20 V;α = 0.01 Im=200 mA;α=0.1mA
δU = 1%;n = 5 δI= 1.8%;n =3
I U (V) UR UC Z R(Ω ) C(F)
Z c ( Ω)
(mA) (V) (V)
C1 34.5 12.40 10.09 5.05 359.42 292.46 146.38 2.18x10−5
Serial 27.4 12.35 8.82 8.11 450.73 321.90 295.99 1.08x10−5
r circuit
C1 , C2
Parallel 37.1 12.32 11.63 2.73 332.08 313.48 73.58 4.33 x10−6
r circuit
C1, C2

Table 3
Ohmmeter: Rm= 200 Ω α =0.1 δr =1% n =3
Internal resistance r = 72
I (mA) U (V) UR (V) UL (V) Z R ZL L
25.4 12.30 8.03 6.26 484.25 316.14 235.71 0.75

Zcd= 246.46(omega)
V. Calculation works
Δ U 1=δ ( % ) ⋅ U 1+ n⋅ α =0.5 % ⋅1+3 ⋅0.01=0.035 (V )
Δ U 2=δ ( % ) ⋅U 2+ n ⋅α =0.5 % ⋅2+3 ⋅ 0.01=¿0.040(V)
Δ U 3=δ ( % ) ⋅U 3 +n ⋅α =0.5 % ⋅3+3 ⋅0.01=0.045(V)
Δ U 4=δ ( % ) ⋅U 4 +n ⋅ α =0.5 % ⋅ 4+3 ⋅ 0.01=¿0.050(V)
Δ U 5=δ ( % ) ⋅ U 5 +n ⋅ α =0.5 % ⋅5+3 ⋅0.01=0.055(V)
Δ U 6=δ ( % ) ⋅U 6 +n ⋅α =0.5 % ⋅ 6+3 ⋅0.01=0.060 (V)
Δ U 7=δ ( % ) ⋅U 7 +n ⋅α =0.5 % ⋅7 +3 ⋅0.01=¿ 0.065(V)
Δ U 8=δ ( % ) ⋅U 8 +n ⋅α =0.5 % ⋅ 8+3 ⋅0.01=0.070 (V)
Δ U 9=δ ( % ) ⋅ U 9 +n ⋅α =0.5 % ⋅ 9+3 ⋅ 0.01=¿ 0.075(V)
Δ U 10=δ ( % ) ⋅ U 10 + n⋅ α=0.5 % ⋅ 10+3 ⋅0.01=0.080(V)

Δ I 1=δ ( % ) ⋅ I 1+ n⋅ α=1.2% ⋅ 56.3+ 5⋅ 0.1=1.176 ( mA )

Δ I 2=δ ( % ) ⋅ I 2+ n⋅ α =1.2% ⋅73.6+5 ⋅0.1=1.383( mA)
Δ I 3=δ ( % ) ⋅ I 3+ n ⋅ α =1.2 % ⋅ 92.3+5 ⋅0.1=1.608 (mA )
Δ I 4 =δ ( % ) ⋅ I 4 + n ⋅α =1.2 % ⋅108.5+5 ⋅ 0.1=1.802(mA )
Δ I 5=δ ( % ) ⋅ I 5+ n ⋅ α =1.2 % ⋅122.4+5 ⋅0.1=1.969(mA )
Δ I 6=δ ( % ) ⋅ I 6 +n ⋅α =1.2 % ⋅ 133.2+5 ⋅ 0.1=2.098( mA )
Δ I 7=δ ( % ) ⋅ I 7 +n ⋅α =1.2 % ⋅ 146.0+5 ⋅ 0.1=2.252( mA )
Δ I 8=δ ( % ) ⋅ I 8 +n ⋅α =1.2 % ⋅ 158.6+5 ⋅ 0.1=2.403(mA )
Δ I 9=δ ( % ) ⋅ I 9 +n ⋅α =1.2 % ⋅ 169.4+5 ⋅ 0.1=2.533(mA )
Δ I 10=δ ( % ) ⋅ I 10+n ⋅ α=1.2 % ⋅180.1+5 ⋅ 0.1=2.661(mA )

U 12.4
Z= = =359.42 ¿)
I 34.5 ⋅1 0−3
U 12.35
Z1 = SC = =450.73 ¿)
I 34.5 ⋅ 1 0

U PC 12.32
Z2 = = −3
=332.08 ¿)
I 34.5 ⋅ 1 0

UR 10.09
R= = =292.46¿ )
I 34.5⋅1 0

UR 8.82
R1= =
=321.90¿ )
I 34.5⋅ 1 0−3
UR 11.63
R2= =
=313.48¿ )
I 34.5⋅1 0

UC 5.05
ZC = = =146.38 ¿)
I 34.5 ⋅ 1 0−3
UC 8.11
ZC = =
=295.99 ¿)
I 34.5 ⋅1 0

UC 1.73
ZC = =
=73.58 ¿)
I 34.5 ⋅ 10

U 12.3
Z= = =484.25 ¿)
I 25.4 ⋅1 0−3
U 8.3
R= R = =316.14 ¿)
I 25.4 ⋅1 0
UL 6.26
Z cd= = =246.46 ¿)
I 25.4 ⋅ 1 0−3
Z L = √ ❑)
Z L 235.71 235.71
L= = 2 πf = 2 π 50 =0.75( H )

V.1. Plot the volt-ampere characteristic of the bulb's filament

(size A2 graph paper)

V.2. Calculation R0, T when U = 10V

Rp 7
R0 = 2
= =6.112 ( Ω )
1+α .t p + β tp1+ 4.82⋅ 1 0 ⋅ 30+ 6.76⋅1 0−7 ⋅ 3 0 2

U 10 10
When U =10V Rt = I = =55.525( Ω)
10 180.1 ×10−3

T=273+ 2 β [ √ ❑ ]=1674.732(K)

V.3. Calculation of the capacitance values of these capacitors, and the

inductance of the coil.
1 I 34.5 ×1 0
C = 2 π Z 2 πf U = =2.178 ×10−5(F)
C c 2× 3.14 ×50 ×5.05
1 I 27.4 × ⋅10−3
C 1= −5
2 π Z C = 2 πf U c = 2× 3.14 ×50 ×8.11 =1.08 ×10 (F)

1 I 37.1⋅×1 0
C2 = = −6
2 π ZC
2 πf U c 2× 3.14 ×50 ×2.73 =4.33 x 10 (F)
UL 6.26
Z cd= = =246.46 ¿ )
I 25.4 ×1 0−3
Z L = √ ❑)
Z L 235.71 235.71
L= = 2 πf = 2 π 50 =0.75( H )

V.4. Calculation of the uncertainties

Δ R p=R p ×δ +α × n=7 × 1% +0.1 ×3=0.37 ¿)
Δ Rt Δ U 10 Δ I 10 0.080 2.661
= + = + =0.023=¿ Δ Rt =1.277 ( Ω )
Rt U 10 I 10 10 180.10
Δ R0 Δ R p
α+2 β tp
1+α t p + β t p2
Δt p =
+ (
4.82×1 0−3+ 2× 6.76 ×1 0−7 ×30
1+4.82 1 0−3 ×30+6.76 ⋅1 0−7 ×30 2
× 1=0.057 )
¿> Δ R0=0.057 × R0=0.057 × 6.112=0.348( Ω)

1 4β α −4 β
ΔT = [( 2 ) Δ Rt +( 2 ) ΔR 0 ]× √❑
2 α R0 + 4 β ( R t−R 0 ) α R0 +4 β ( Rt −R0 )
× √❑
¿ 1.29 ×10 ( K )

One capacitor:
Δ U c =δ ( % ) .U c +n × α=1 % ⋅5.05+5 ×0.01 =0.1005(V)
−3 −3
Δ I c =δ ( % ) . I c +n × α =34.5⋅ 1 0 ⋅1.8 %+ 0.1× 10 ⋅3=9.21×10−4 (A)

ΔC Δ U c ΔI Δπ Δf
= + + +
C Uc I π f
0.1005 9.21 ×10−4 0.005 0.5
¿ + + + =0.058
5.05 34.5 ⋅ 10−3 3.14 50
⟹ ΔC=0.058× 2.178× 10 =1.263 µF
Two series capacitors:
Δ U c =δ ( % ) .U c +n . α =1 % ⋅8.11+5 ⋅0.01=0.1311(V)
1 1
−3 −3
Δ I c =δ ( % ) . I c +n . α =27.4 ⋅ 1 0 ⋅1.8 %+0.1 ×10 ⋅3 =7.932×10−4 (A)
1 1

Δ C 1 ΔU C ΔI Δπ Δf
= + +1
C1 Uc1
I π f

0.1311 7.932× 10 0.005 0.5
¿ + −3
+ + =0.057
8.11 27.4 ⋅10 3.14 50
−5 −6
⟹ Δ C 1=0.057 ×1.08 ×10 =6.156 ×10 F
Two parallel capacitors:
U c =δ ( % ) . U c + n . α=1% ⋅2.73+5⋅ 0.01=0.0773(V)
2 2

Δ I c =δ ( % ) . I c +n . α =¿37.1⋅ 1 0−3 ⋅1.8 %+ 0.1×10−3 ⋅3 =9.678×10−4 (A)

2 2

Δ C 2 ΔU c ΔI Δπ Δf
= + +2
C2 Uc2
I π f
0.0773 9.678 ×10−4 0.005 0.5
¿ + + + =0.066
2.73 37.1 ⋅ 10−3 3.14 50
−6 −7
⟹ ΔC 2=0.066 × 4.33 x 10 =2.858× 10 F

Δ U L =δ ( % ) .U L + n . α=6.26 ⋅ 1 % +5⋅ 0.01=0.1126(V)

Δ I L=δ ( % ) . I L + n. α=25.4 ⋅1 0−3 ⋅1.8 % +3 ⋅ 0.1× 10−3=7.572×10−4 (A)
Δ Z cd Δ U L ΔI 0.1126 7.572× 10−4
= + = + =¿0.048
Z cd UL I 6.26 25.4 ⋅ 10

⟹ Δ Z cd =0.048× 246.46=11.83¿ )

Δr=δ (% )⋅r + n⋅ α=1 % ⋅ 72+3 ⋅0.1=1.02

Δ L Z cd Δ Z cd + rΔr Δπ Δf 246.46 ×11.83+72 ⋅1.02 0.005 0.5
= + + = + + =0.065
L Z c d −r
2 2 π f 246.46 2−7 22 3.14 50
⟹ ΔL=0.065 ×0.75=0.049( H )
VI. Conclusion:

R=R 0 ± ∆ R 0= 6.112± 0.348 (Ώ)

T =T ± ∆ T = 1674.732 ± 1.29 ×10−4 (oK)

C −5 −6
C= ± ΔC = 2.178 ×10 ± 1.263 ×10 (F)
C1 −5 −6
C1 = ± ΔC1 = 1.08 ×10 ±6.156 ×10 ¿F)
C2 −6 −6
C2 = ± ΔC2 = 4.33 x 10 ±2.858 ×10 ¿ F)

r= ± Δ r = 72 ± 1.020 (Ώ)
L= ± Δ L = 0.75 ±0.049 (H)
VII. Question.
1. State and write the equation of Ohm's law for a constant current U =
Why characteristics volt-ampere (I = f(U)) of an incandescent light bulb is not
a straight line?
Because when an electric current flows through the filament in an incandescent
light bulb, the filament heats up
2. State the relationship between frequency, phase, and amplitude of
alternating current and alternating voltage in a circuit:
With only resistance R:
u and i have the same phase and frequency
With only capacitance C:
1 U
Z c= →I=
ωC Zc
i has the same phase and frequency with u and is early than u by a phase of
With only inductance L:
Z L =ω L → I =
u has the same phase and frequency with i and is early than i by a phase of
3. Using a Fresnel vector diagram, establish a frequency, phase, and
amplitude relationship between AC amperage and AC potential
difference in an unbranched RLC circuit. Since then infer the
expression determined impedance of the RLC circuit. Conditions for
amperage reaches the peak in RLC circuit?

Z L > ZC : φ > 0
Z L < ZC : φ < 0
The amperage reaches its peak when Z L =Z C
4. Demonstrates the determination of the capacitance C and the
inductance L according to the volt-ampere method for alternating
I. The determination of the capacitance C
a. Set up the experiment with the capacitor C and resistor R according to the
diagram of Figure Lab 1-3. The AC voltage ~12V is taken from the AC
output on the variable power supply. Then use two digital multimeters as
an AC voltmeter and an AC ammeter.
b. Set the scale for two digital multimeters: The voltmeter V is placed on the
ACV 20V AC scale, connected in parallel with the circuits to be measured.
Ammeter A placed at 200mA AC scale, two test leads plugged into 2
terminals “COM” and “A”, then connected in series to the circuit between
R and C by two pins. After the setup is complete, ask the instructor for
checking the circuit.
c. Measurement: press the "ON/OFF" button on the voltmeter V and ammeter
A, let them start working. Power on the power supply. Observe, read and
write the value of amperage on Ammeter A into Table 2. Using a voltmeter
V, measure the values of the effective potential difference U at the ends of
the circuit, UR between the two ends of the pure resistor R, UC between
the two ends of the capacitor C, read and write into Table 2.
d. Power off the power supply. Press the "ON/OFF" buttons on the two digital
multimeters to turn them off.
II. The determination of the inductance L
a. Set up the experiment with the inductor L and resistor R according to the
diagram of Figure Lab 1-5 The AC voltage ~12V is taken from the AC
output on the variable power supply. Then use two digital multimeters as
an AC voltmeter and an AC ammeter.
b. Set the scale for two digital multimeters: The voltmeter V is placed on the
ACV 20V AC scale, connected in parallel with the circuits to be measured.
Ammeter A placed at 200mA AC scale, two test leads plugged into 2
terminals “COM” and “A”, then connected in series to the circuit between
R and C by two pins. After the setup is complete, ask the instructor for
checking the circuit.
c. Measurement: press the "ON/OFF" button on the voltmeter V and ammeter
A, let them start working. Power on the power supply. Observe, read and
write the value of amperage on Ammeter A into Table 3. Using a voltmeter
V, measure the values of the effective potential difference U at the ends of
the circuit, UR between the two ends of the resistor R, UL between the two
ends of the inductor L, read and write into table 3.
d. Power off the power supply.
e. Remove the voltmeter V from the circuit, change its scale to the “200Ω” or
“2k” position. The using it as an ohmmeter to measure the resistance r of
the coil. The "V/Ω" and "COM" terminals of the ohmmeter are connected
to the ends of the inductor L coil. Press the "ON" button on the face of the
ohmmeter, read the value of the resistance r of the coil and record into
Table 3. Then, press the "ON/OFF" button to turn off the power to the
5. Explain how to determine the absolute error of amperage and voltage
measured directly on digital multimeters.
The accuracy of an electronic measurement defines how close the indicated
value is to the true value of the measured signal. Analog meters usually have
their accuracy listed as a percentage of the full-scale reading. When a measured
value is close to full scale, or at least above 2/3 of full scale, the published
accuracy is meaningful. However, the further away the reading is from full
scale, the greater it can deviate from the true value when viewed as a percentage
of reading, not as percentage of full scale.
6. Based on the formula C and L demonstrate the expression for relative
error of capacitance C and inductance L form:
The formula of capacitance: C= 2 πf U

⇨ ln ln ( C )=ln ln ( I )−ln ln ( 2 ) −ln ln ( π )−ln ln ( f )−ln ln ( U C ).

∂C ∂ I ∂ π ∂ f ∂ U C
⇨ = + + +
C I π f U C (take an absolute value)
∆ C ∆ I ∆ π ∆ f ∆ UC
⇨ C = I + π + f + U (replacing the differentials by the uncertainties)

The formula of inductance: L= √❑❑

⇨ ln ln ( L )=ln ln ( Z −r ) −ln ln ( 2 )−ln ln ( π ) −ln ln ( f )
2 2
∂L U ∂U ZU ∂ I ∂ π ∂f r∂r
⇨ L = I 2( Z 2−r 2) − I 2 ( Z 2−r 2) − π − f − ( Z 2−r 2 ) (take the full differential)
∂ L U ∂ U +ZU ∂ I + I 2 r ∂ r ∂ π ∂ f
⇨ L= I 2(Z 2−r 2 )
f (take an absolute value)
∆ L U ∆U + ZU ∆ I + I r ∆ r ∆ π ∆ f
⇨ L = 2 2
I (Z −r )
(replacing the differentials by the uncertainties)

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