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Permission to answer, Sir

1. Business emails and business letters are both used for communication in a professional setting,
but they differ in their format and level of formality.

 Business letters usually follow a more formal structure with a header, date, inside
address, opening salutation, body, closing, and signature. Business letters are usually
printed on paper and sent via post or courier service. Business letters are usually printed
on paper and sent by post or courier service.
 Meanwhile, business emails are less formal and usually shorter than business letters. It
usually consists of a subject line, opening salutation, body, and closing. Business emails
are usually sent electronically which requires internet access, and can be replied to
faster than business letters. Business emails are usually sent electronically and can be
replied to faster than business letters.

2. To : All employees
From : Ana Uswatun Khasanah, Head of HR
Date : May 7, 2023
Subject : Mandatory CPR training

Information for all employees that there will be a mandatory CPR training session this coming
Friday at 15.00 WIB in the training room.

The training will be conducted by our certified CPR trainer and will cover basic CPR techniques
and emergency response procedures. This training is an important part of our company's
commitment to providing a safe and healthy workplace for all employees.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me or our HR training

Thank you for your cooperation in this matter, please arrive on time.

Ana Uswatun Khasanah

Thank you.

Source : BMP MKWI4201 – Bahasa Inggris

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