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Decision Making is a basic procedure in management. The results of making decisions are
rarely evaluated separately, because decisions are frequently linked to one another. For
example, the decision of the sales department to establish a sales strategy may have an impact
on the decision of the quality control department and the human resource department when
determining the sales forecast of a new product. According to Huber (1980), problem-solving
process refers to a set of activities which involves exploring and implementing corrective
action in a certain condition.

Decisions are divided by two which is programmed decision and non-programmed decision.
In this context on how ministry of sport and youth manage issue of E-sport in Malaysia is
categorized as a non-programmed decision. It is because this approach suitable for solving
problems that cannot be solved based on organizational policies. In addition, this approach
also used by top-line managers to solve complicated and complex problems.

Example of problems using this approach are how we can open their eyes about the existence
of e-sport world, the lack of confidence of young people in venturing into the professional
world of e-sports or uncertainty about job opportunities in the field of e-sports are not yet

Thus, the consequences of this problem are society will look down on the world of e-sports
by labelling that the hobby has no future and does not bring any benefits to society. On the
other hand, youngster will only waste their times by playing video games without having any
benefits from it. There are also no doubts that upcoming sports league will remain the same
from time to time without having various type of it.

Making decisions is important since it allows you to select from a variety of possibilities.
Earlier than deciding, there is a need to compile all accessible data and analyses the benefits
and drawbacks of it. It is vital to concentrate on actions that can assist in making the best

One of the importance of decision making is risk assessment. Risk assessment is the process
of determining whether risks are present or could exist in the workplace. As example, Syed
Saddiq acknowledges that a lot of e-sports organizations have expressed frustration over how
tough it was to set up their training facility due to licensing issues. He also voices his hope
that his ministry will receive the budget allocation for e-sports under budget 2020. This
examples show that they also taking a risk because they don’t know whether it will be
successful or not.

Besides, future forecasting is also the importance of decision making. Future forecasting is
practice using past data as the main source of data to determine the future direction of trends.
For example, Budget 2019 announced that they will reduce fixed line broadband prices and
allocate RM1 billion for the National Fibre Connecting Plan to boost internet connectivity in
rural areas and it’s now up to the internet operators to carry out their responsibilities.

Furthermore, the next importance of decision making is finding decision alternatives. To be

instance, E-sports Malaysia (ESM) president Datuk Latt Shariman Abdullah thanked the
government for allocating RM10 million to the e-sports in Malaysia. He compiles all of the
possible decision to decide whether the budget will use for software development or to the
from athletes. But he thinks it’s for both.

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