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Manufacturing Human Replicated Animatronics for Robotics

The focus of this project was to construct a humanoid animatronics eyes that had sufficient
degrees of freedom to mimic human facial expression As such, sufficient degrees of freedom
were assigned to the robot for the face. From these degrees of freedom, the mechanics of the
animatronics head were designed such that the neck and facial features could move with the
same range and speed of a human being.

Once the head was realized, various face-tracking software like SOLIDWORKS were utilized
to analyze a pre-recorded video of a human actor and map the actors eye motion to the
corresponding degrees of freedom on the robot.

The corresponding values from the face-tracking software were then converted into required
servomotor angles. And also create animations for this animatronics project. And also
manufacture the robot individual parts by using 3D printing and to create the motion for the
Declaration of Authorship …………………………………………….
1. Introduction
1.2.Animatronics ……………………………..................................1
1.3 Degrees of freedom…………………………………….….……3
1.3.1Degrees of freedom of a rigid body in a plane…………..3
1.3.2Degrees Of Freedom of a Rigid Body In Space…...……..3

2. Components used for animatronics

2.1. Components required ………………………….………………..……4
2.1.1. Electrical hardware ………………………………………….4
2.1.2. Mechanical hardware ………………………………………..15
3. Design of animatronics
3.1. Designing ……………………………………………….………19
3.2. Softwares used for designing……………..…………………….19
3.2.1 Tinker CAD……………………………………………...….19

4. Implementation of programming
4.1. Embedded C……………………………………………..……..28
4.2. Software used for programming...............................................29
4.2.1ARDUINO IDE………………………………...………….29
4.3 Software used for Simulation………………………………….31
5. Manufacturing of animatronics eyes
5.1. Introduction to 3D-printing......................................................35
5.2. Different 3D-printing processes................................................37
5.3 Process using for our project (FDM method).......................... 37
5.4. Slicing......................................................................................... 39
5.4.1 Generate slicing planes………………………..………...39
5.4.2 Calculate intersections…………………………...……..40
5.4.3 Generate contour curve for each layer………………...40
5.4.4 Generate slicing planes…………………………….……40

5.5. Creality slicing software............................................................40

5.5.1 Opening Page…………………………………….………41
5.5.2 UI Overview……………………………………..……….41
5.5.3 G-code Editor………………………………………...…..42
5.5.4 Multiple Machines……………………………………….43

5.6. Creality Ender-3.........................................................................44

5.7. Ender-3 FDM 3D printer features……………….....................44
5.7.1. Technical specifications....................................................45
5.8. Material used for Fabrication....................................................45
5.8.1. Physical and mechanical properties................................46
5.9. Procedure for creating animatronics components…………..47
5.10. Construction details.................................................................49

6. Working Operation
6.1 Problems faced in Designing………………………………….51
6.2 Problems faced in Coding………………………………….…51
6.3 Problems faced in Manufacturing & Assembly……………..52
7. Results
7.1 Proteus Simulation .................................................................. 53
7.2 Simulation of Animatronic eyes in Solidworks .....................57
7.3 Working of Animatronic eyes .................................................58

8. Conclusions and future scope of animatronics

8.1. Conclusions...............................................................................60
8.2. Future scope of animatronics of eyes......................................60
9. References…………………………………………………………….…63
1.1 Animatronics 2
1.2 Degrees of Freedom of a rigid body in a Plane 3
1.3 Degrees of Freedom of a rigid body in Space 3
2.1 Arduino Nano 5
2.2 an Arduino Nano Application 6
2.3 Servo mechanism 7
2.4 DC Servo motor 9
2.5 AC Servo motor 9
2.6 Positional Rotation Servo motor 9
2.7 Continuous Rotation Servo motor 10
2.8 Linear Servo motor 10
2.9 Servo motor SG90 11
2.10 Arduino Nano with Servo motor 12
2.11 Wave form of PWM Module 13
2.12 Battery 15
2.13 Link 16
2.14 Linkages 16
2.15 Link 16
2.16 Ball and socket joint 17
2.17 Ball and socket joint designed in tinker CAD 17
2.18 3D printed Eye 18
3.1 Frame Design in Tinker cad 20
3.2 Design of Eye lids in Tinker cad 20
3.3 Design of Eye Ball in Tinker cad 21
3.4 New Sketch in Solid works 23
3.5 Eye Ball design in Solidworks 24
3.6 Frame Design in Solidworks 24
3.7 Assembly in Solidworks 25
3.8 Insert components 25
3.9 Assembly of Animatronic Eye 25
3.10 Standard Mates 26
3.11 Servomotor Design 27
4.1 Examples Of Arduino IDE 29
4.2 Port Selection in Arduino IDE 31
4.3 The Basic Workplace of schematic capture in Proteus 32
4.4 PCB Layout in Proteus 33
4.5 Connection of Servomotors with Arduino Nano 33
5.1 3D Printing 36
5.2 Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) 39
5.3 Process of Slicing 40
5.4 Creality Slicer overview 41
5.5 Creality Slicer expert settings 42
5.6 Frame in Creality slicer to generate G-codes 43
5.7 Setting for adding multiple machines 43
5.8 Ender 3 3D Printing machine 44
5.9 Poly Lactic Acid Formula 46
5.10 Poly Lactic Acid material 46
5.11 Manufacturing Eye lids using 3D Printing method 48
5.12 Manufactured Eyes from 3D Printing Machine 49
5.13 3D Printed Components Assembly 50
5.14 Linkages between motor and Eye lids 50
5.15 Links between motor and eye balls 50
7.1 Selection of Components 55
7.2 Selection of terminals from terminal mode 55
7.3 Interfacing of Components 56
7.4 Circuit is Powered ON 56
7.5 Eye Blink with motors in Proteus 57
7.6 Left movement with motors in proteus 57
7.7 Right movement with motors in proteus 58
7.8 Animation in Solidworks 59
7.9 Right motion in Solidworks 59
7.10 Left motion in Solidworks 59
7.11 Eyes in open view 60
7.12 Eyes in closed view 60
7.13 Right movement of Eyes 60
7.14 Left movement of Eyes 60
Chapter 1 Introduction

Chapter 1


1.1 Motivation

Robot any automatically operated machine that replaces human effort, though it may not
resemble human beings in appearance or perform functions in a humanlike manner. By
extension, robotics is the engineering discipline dealing with the design, construction, and
operation of robots.

Humanoid robot deals with facial expression are most important components in recent
developments of this type of robot. By this project we all are develops how the humanoid robot
facial expressions are done. In this how it eyes are moving left and right, up and down, eye

All these facial expressions are done by using the 3d printings Humanoid robots are constructed
in such a way that they mimic the human body, so they use actuators that perform like muscles
and joints, though with a different structure. To achieve the same effect as human motion,
humanoid robots use mainly rotary actuators.

1.2 Animatronics

Animatronics refers to the use of robotic devices to emulate a human or an animal, or bring
lifelike characteristics to an otherwise inanimate object. Animatronic creations include animals
(including dinosaurs), plants and even mythical creatures. A robot designed to be a convincing
imitation of a human is more specifically labelled as an android. Modern animatronics have
found widespread applications in movie special effects and theme parks and have, since their
inception, been primarily used as a spectacle of amusement.

Animatronics is a multi-disciplinary field which integrates anatomy, robots, mechatronics, and

puppetry resulting in lifelike animation. Animatronic figures are often powered by pneumatics,
hydraulics, or by electrical means, and can be implemented using both computer control and
human control, including tele operation. Motion actuators are often used to imitate muscle
movements and create realistic motions in limbs. Figures are covered with body shells and

Chapter 1 Introduction

flexible skins made of hard and soft plastic materials, and finished with details like colors, hair
and feathers and other components to make the figure more realistic.

Fig:1.1 Animatronics

Animatronics is a multi-disciplinary field which integrates puppetry, anatomy and

mechatronics. Animatronic figures can be implemented using both computer control and
human control, including teleoperation. Motion actuators are often used to imitate muscle
movements and create realistic motions in limbs.

Animatronic means combination of animation and electronics technology. In Animatronic we

use 3D printings. In 3D printings we use joints and connections all requirements’ components
and make to use in a perfect action.

Animatronics refers to mechatronic puppets. They are a modern variant of the automaton and
are often used for the portrayal of characters in films and in theme park attractions. Before the
term "animatronics" became common, they were usually referred to as "robots.

They are mainly used in field of entertainment and are also used to make all kind of modern
movies which make use of mythical creatures. They can also used to make an experience any
of the worlds of creature a using animatronics.

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.3Degrees of freedom

1.3.1Degrees of freedom of a rigid body in a plane

The degrees of freedom (DOF) of a rigid body is defined as the number of independent
movements it has. Figure shows a rigid body in a plane. To determine the DOF of this body
we must consider how many distinct ways the bar can be moved. In a two dimensional plane
such as this computer screen, there are 3 DOF. The bar can be translated along the x axis,
translated along the y axis, and rotated about its centroid.

Fig :1.2degrees of freedom of a rigid body in a plane

1.3.2Degrees Of Freedom Of a Rigid Body In Space

An unrestrained rigid body in space has six degrees of freedom: three translating motions
along the x, y and z axes and three rotary motions around the x, y and z axes respectively.

Fig :1.3 Degrees of Freedom of a Rigid Body In Space

Chapter 2. Component used for animatronics

Chapter 2

Components used for animatronics

2.1Components required

➢ Electrical Hardware

➢ Mechanical Hardware

2.1.1 Electrical Hardware

Component Quantity


Servo motors 4

9V Battery 1

➢ Arduino Nano
The ARDUINO NANO is a small, complete, and breadboard-friendly board based on the
ATMEGA 328P released in 2008. it offers the same connectivity and specs of the Arduino uno
board in a smaller form factor. The Arduino Nano is equipped with 30 male i/o heads, in a dip
30 like configuration, which can be programmed using the Arduino software integrated
development environment (IDE), which is common to all Arduino boards and running both
online and offline. The board can be powered through a type-b-micro-USB cable, or through a
9v battery.

Features of Arduino Nano are:

• Much smaller than the UNO (only 18x43 mm).

• Mini USB for data and power and programming.
• Input 6-20 V on Vin (6-12 recommended).
• Male headers at the bottom side, so ideal to use on a solder less breadboard.
• 14 digital I/O ports (of which 6 PWM).
• 8 analog input ports.
• 1 hardware serial port (UART)

Chapter 2. Component used for animatronics

➢ Technical Specifications
Microcontroller Atmega238
Operating Voltage 7-12 V recommended, 6-20 V limits
Digital I/O pins 14 (of which 6 PWM)
Analog input pins 8
DC current per I/O pin 40 mA
DC current for 3.3V pin 50 mA
Flash memory 32 KB
3.3V Only available through FTDI, so only when
powered through USB!

fig.2.1 Arduino Nano

➢ Arduino Nano uses

It is used to produce a clock of precise frequency using constant voltage. There is one limitation
using Arduino Nano i.e., it doesn’t come with DC power jack, means you cannot supply
external power source through a battery.
The Arduino hardware and software was designed for artists, designers, hobbyists, hackers,
and anyone interested in creating interactive objects or environments.
Arduino can interact with buttons, LEDS, motors, speakers, GPS units, cameras, the internet,
and even your smart-phone or your TV.

Chapter 2. Component used for animatronics

fig 2.2 an Arduino nano application

➢ Use of Arduino nano in this project

We use Arduino nano here in the place of Arduino uno because Arduino uno size is double to
the size of nano board.It has more or less the same functionality of the Arduino Duemilanove,
but in a different package. It lacks only a DC power jack, and works with a Mini-B USB cable
instead of a standard one. So, UNO boards use more space on the system. The programming
of UNO can be done with a USB cable whereas NANO uses the mini USB cable.

How does Arduino Nano works?

• Open your first sketch. Open the led blink example sketch: file>examples>01.
• Select your board type and port. Select tools >board>Arduino avr boards>Arduino
Arduino nano has 14 digital pins on the nano can be used as an input or output, sing pin Mode,
digital Write, and digital Read functions. they operate at 5 volts. Each pin can provide or
receive a maximum of 40mA and has an internal pull-up resistor.
The programming of an Arduino nano can be done using the Arduino software. Click the Tools
option and select the nano board. Microcontroller ATmega328 over the Nano board comes
with pre-programmed with a boot loader. This boot loader lets to upload new code without
using an exterior hardware programmer.
We use the arduino nano board in this humanoid animatronics eyes project. So, why we used
Arduino nano board is when the arduino nano board is compared to the arduino uno board, it
is smaller in size and it will offer same connectivity and the specifications of arduino uno board.
Generally, arduino nano board is one type of micro controller board based on the ATmega 328p

Chapter 2. Component used for animatronics

microcontroller, Basically the micro controller can do only one task at a time. This arduino
nano board will have the 30 input/output headers.
There are some special types of application of electrical motor where rotation of the motor is
required for just a certain angle not continuously for long period of time. For these applications,
some special types of motor are required with some special arrangement which makes the
motor to rotate a certain angle for a given electrical input (signal). This is normally a simple
motor which is controlled for specific angular rotation with the help of additional
servomechanism (a typical closed loop feedback control system). Servo motor is a special type
of motor which is automatically operated up to certain limit for a given command with help of
error-sensing feedback to correct the Performance. A servo motor is a motor that can rotate
with great Precision and provides feedback on the current Position of the motor shaft.

A servo system mainly consists of three basic components,
1. controlled device
2. output sensor
3. feedback system.

fig 2.3Servo mechanism

This is an automatic closed loop control system. Here instead of controlling a device by
applying the variable input signal, the device is controlled by a feedback signal generated by
comparing output signal and reference input signal. When reference input signal or command
signal is applied to the system, it is compared with output reference signal of the system
produced by output sensor, and a third signal produced by a feedback system. This third signal
acts as an input signal of controlled device. This input signal to the device presents if there is

Chapter 2. Component used for animatronics

a logical difference between reference input signal and the output signal of the system. After
the device achieves its desired output, there will be no longer the logical difference between
reference input signal and reference output signal of the system. Then, the third signal produced
by comparing theses above said signals will not remain enough to operate the device further
and to produce a further output of the system until the next reference input signal or command
signal is applied to the system. Hence, the primary task of a servomechanism is to maintain the
output of a system at the desired value in the presence of disturbances.

➢ Categories of Servo Motor:

Servo motors are classified into different types based on their application,
1. DC servo motor
2. AC servo motor
3. brushless DC servo motor
4. positional rotation
5. continuous rotation
6. linear servo motor
Typical servo motors comprise of three wires namely, power control and ground. The shape
and size of these motors depend on their applications. RC servo motor is the most common
type of servo motor used in hobby applications, robotics due to their simplicity, affordability
and reliability of control by microprocessors.
The motor which is used as a DC servo motor generally have a separate DC source in the field
of winding & armature winding. The control can be archived either by controlling the armature
current or field current. Field control includes some advantages over armature control. DC
servo motor provides very accurate and fast respond to start or stop command signals due to
the low armature Inductive Reactance.

fig 2.4 Dc servo motor

Chapter 2. Component used for animatronics

AC servo motor is an AC motor that includes encoder is used with controllers for giving closed
loop control and feedback. This motor can be placed to high accuracy and alsocontrolled
precisely as compulsory for the applications. Frequently these motors have higherdesigns of
tolerance or better bearings and some simple designs also use higher voltages in order to
accomplish greater torque. Motor mainly involve in automation, robotics, CNC machinery, and
other applications a high level of precision and needful versatility.

fig 2.5 Ac Servo motor

Positional rotation servo motor is a most common type of servo motor. The shaft’s o/p rotates
in about 180o. It includes physical stops located in the gear mechanism to stop turning outside
these limits to guard the rotation sensor. These common servos involve in radio controlled
water, radio controlled cars, aircraft, robots, toys and many other applications.

fig 2.6 Positional rotation servomotor

Continuous rotation servo motor is quite related to the common positional rotation servo motor,
but it can go in any direction indefinitely. The control signal, rather than set the static position
of the servo, is understood as the speed and direction of rotation. The range of potential
commands sources the servo to rotate clockwise or anticlockwise as preferred, at changing

Chapter 2. Component used for animatronics

speed, depending on the command signal. This type of motor is used in a radar dish if you are
riding one on a robot or you can use one as a drive motor on a mobile robot.

fig 2.7 Continous rotation servmotor


Linear servo motor is also similar the positional rotation servo motor is discussed above,
butwith an extra gear to alter the o/p from circular to back-and-forth. These servo motors are
not simple to find, but sometimes you can find them at hobby stores where they are used as
actuators in higher model airplanes.

fig 2.8 Linear servo motor

➢ Servo motor SG90 :

We use the servo motor SG90 in this humanoid Animatronics project eyes project. This servo
motor SG90 has the capability to rotate from (0-180) degrees. We pick this servo motor
specifically why because it will help to mimic the human facial expressions with exact required
degrees. This servo motor SG90 can rotate from (0-180) degrees in 0.3 seconds, it offers the
high speed rotation. And this servo motor use feedback signal to control the system.

Chapter 2. Component used for animatronics

fig 2.9 Servo motor SG90

For this servo motor SG90 there are three terminals

• Orange - pulse width modulation (PWM)

• Red - voltage common collector (VCC)
• Brown - ground

These three terminals are connected to the arduino board. From the arduino nano board the
servo motor gets the power supply and pulse width modulation. The operation given to the
arduino board in terms of program that will be performed by the servomotor.

➢ Arduino nano with servomotor

fig 2.10 Arduino Nano with servomotor

1. Physical connection of the servo motor to Arduino nano. Connect the following: servo
motor (GND) to Arduino nano (GND) servomotor(VCC) to Arduino nano(VCC/+5v).

Chapter 2. Component used for animatronics

2. Software connection for Arduino to servo motors. Open your Arduino to servo motors.
Open your Arduino IDE. Go to tools and change your board to Arduino nano

Use the servo trigger, you simply connect a hobby servo and a switch, then use the onboard
potentiometers to adjust the start/stop positions and transition time. You can use a hobby servo
in your projects without having to any programming. Servomotors have three wires: power,
ground, and signal. The power wire is typically red, and should be connected to the 5v pin on
the Arduino board. The ground is typically black or brown and should be connected to a ground
pin on the Arduino board. The signal pin is typically yellow, orange or white and should be
connected to a digital pin on the Arduino board.

• Pulse-Width Modulation:
Pulse-width modulation (PWM) is a method of reducing the average power delivered by an
electrical signal, by effectively chopping it up into discrete parts.
Pulse-width modulation (PWM) is a modulation process or technique used in most
communication systems for encoding the amplitude of a signal right into a pulse width or
duration of another signal, usually a carrier signal, for transmission. Although PWM is also
used in communications, its main purpose is actually to control the power that is supplied to
various types of electrical devices, most especially to inertial loads such as AC/DC motors.

Chapter 2. Component used for animatronics

fig 2.11 wave form of pwm module

➢ Use of PWM:
PWM varies the speed of the appliances’ motors so they only consume as much power as they
need, but without the usual consequence of burning off unused current as heat. An example of
an older alternative is a simple transistor circuit that varies the current passing through it by
varying its resistance.
➢ How Does PWM Works?
PWM works by pulsating DC current, and varying the amount of time that each pulse stays
‘on’ to control the amount of current that flows to a device such as an LED. PWM is digital,
which means that it has two states: on and off (which correspond to 1 and 0 in the binary
context, which will become more relevant to you if using microcontrollers).
The longer each pulse is on, the brighter the LED will be. Due to the fact that the interval
between pulses is so brief, the LED doesn’t actually turn off. In other words, the LED’s
power source switches on and off so fast (thousands of times per second) that the LED actually
stays on without flickering. This is called PWM dimming, and such as circuit is just called a
PWM LED dimmer circuit.
➢ Servo Motor with pulse with modulation
Servo motor works on the PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) principle, which means its
angle of rotation is controlled by the duration of pulse applied to its control PIN. Basically,
servo motor is made up of DC motor which is controlled by a variable resistor (potentiometer)
and some gears. Servo motors control position and speed very precisely. Now a potentiometer

Chapter 2. Component used for animatronics

can sense the mechanical position of the shaft. Hence it couples with the motor shaft through
The current position of the shaft is converted into electrical signal by potentiometer, and is
compared with the command input signal. In modern servo motors, electronic encoders or
sensors sense the position of the shaft. We give command input according to the position of
shaft. If the feedback signal differs from the given input, an error signal alerts the user. We
amplify this error signal and apply as the input to the motor; hence the motor rotates. And when
the shaft reaches to the require position, error signal become zero, and hence the motor stays
standstill holding the position. The command input is in form of electrical pulses. As the actual
input to the motor is the difference between feedback signal (current position) and required
signal, hence speed of the motor is proportional to the difference between the current position
and required position. The amount of power require by the motor is proportional to the distance
it needs to travel.

• Battery

This Arduino nano board can be powered through a 9V battery or type-B micro USB cable. we
use the 9V battery when there was no availability of electricity. Where there is availability of
electricity we use the adaptive electricity to power the arduino nano board through the type-
B micro USB cable.

fig 2.12 Battery

Chapter 2. Component used for animatronics

2.1.2 Mechanical hardware

Component Quantity
Eye balls 2
Eye lids 4
Strings As per required
Base plate 1
Linkages As per required
Ball and Socket joints 2

Component description

• Here all the mechanical hardware was created by using the 3D printing machine.

• Here we use the base plate for support, all the components will be placed on the base

➢ Linkages

A linkage is an assembly of rigid links connected to manage forces and movements.

Linkages are usually designed to transform a given input force and movement into a desired
output force and movement. We usually found these linkages where there is some distance
between the input medium and the output medium and power to be transmitted among them.

fig 2.14 Linkages

Chapter 2. Component used for animatronics

➢ Link

A mechanical linkage is an assembly of bodies connected to manage forces and movement.

The connections between links are model as providing ideal movement, pure rotation or sliding
for example, and are called joints. A linkage model as a network of rigid links and ideal joints
is called a kinematic chain.

Linkage, in mechanical engineering, a system of solid, usually metallic, links (bars)

connected to two or more other links by pin joints (hinges), sliding joints, or ball-and-socket
joints so as to form a closed chain or a series of closed chains.

A link is defined as a rigid body having two or more pairing elements which connect it to other
bodies for the purpose of transmitting force or motion (Ham et al. ... In every machine, at least
one link either occupies a fixed position relative to the earth or carries the machine as a whole
along with-it during motion.

fig 2.15 Link

➢ Ball and Socket Joints

The ball and socket joints is a joint in which a ball moves within a socket so as to allow
rotary motion in every direction within certain limits. It is a representation of articulation
with three rotational degrees of freedom (DOF). Usually, the socket subtends more than
a hemisphere so that the ball does not fall out. The size and shape of the remaining opening

Chapter 2. Component used for animatronics

restrict the movement of the joint. The essential feature of a joint is that it permits some
degree of relative motion between the two segments it connects.

fig 2.16 Ball and socket joint

Powered systems with ball-and-socket kinematics are usually implemented through

combinations of three rotational joints, cleverly arranged so that all three rotational axes
intersect at or near the same point. The kinematics are often not exactly equivalent, and there
are sometimes singularities -- positions where one or more degrees of freedom are lost due to
incidental alignment of rotational axes. Usually however, a functionally suitable system can

fig 2.17 Ball and socket joint designed in tinker CAD

Chapter 2. Component used for animatronics

Fig2.18 3D printed Eye

Parametrization of a ball joint

A ball-and-socket joint possesses three rotational degrees of freedom. Hence, it is the most
mobile of the purely rotational joints. It allows an axial motion (or twist) of the segment (one
DOF), as well as a spherical motion (or swing) that determines its direction (two DOFs). Ball-
and-socket joints are used to model articulations such as the human shoulder and hip. By
convention, the moving segment is aligned with the z axis of the local joint frame.

Fig. Mechanical illustration of ball and socket joint

The motion space of a ball-and-socket joint is the set of 3D rotations. There are many well-
known parametrizations of rotations, such as: the Euler angles (the angles of three successive
rotations about main axes), the unit quaternion (also known as the Euler parameters), the
axis-angle vector (also known as the exponential map).

Chapter 3. Design Of Animatronics

Chapter 3

Design of Animatronics

3.1 Designing

A design is a plan or specification for the construction of an object or system or for the
implementation of an activity or process, or the result of that plan or specification in the form
of a prototype, product or process. The verb to design expresses the process of developing a
design. In some cases, the direct construction of an object without an explicit prior plan (such
as in craftwork, some engineering, coding, and graphic design) may also be considered to be a
design activity. The design usually has to satisfy certain goals and constraints, may take into
account aesthetic, functional, economic, or socio-political considerations, and is expected to
interact with a certain environment. Major examples of designs include architectural blueprints,
engineering drawings, business processes, circuit diagrams, and sewing patterns.

The person who produces a design is called a designer, which is a term generally used for
people who work professionally in one of the various design areas—usually specifying which
area is being dealt with (such as a fashion designer, product designer, web designer or interior
designer), but also others such as architects and engineers. A designer's sequence of activities
is called a design process, possibly using design methods. The process of creating a design can
be brief (a quick sketch) or lengthy and complicated, involving considerable research,
negotiation, reflection, modelling, interactive adjustment and re-design.

3.2 Softwares used for Designing

3.2.1 Tinker CAD

The Tinker cad is a Online 3D-modelling program which is free of charge and completely an
open source software that runs in a web browser, which is known for its simplicity and ease of
use. It is a popular platform for creating models for 3D printing as well as entry level
introduction to constructive solid geometry in Schools.

Tinker cad was founded as a company in 2011 in the European union by a former google
engineer Kai Backman and his co-founder Mikko Mononen, with a goal to make 3D modelling,
especially the design of physical items, accessible to general public and allow users to publish
their designs under a creative commons license.

Chapter 3. Design Of Animatronics

fig.3.1. Frame design in tinker cad

The tinker cad can be accessible by anyone just by creating an account in this platform, which
can give access to create 3D designs in it. The creating of an account is done by signing up into
this platform thus it creates a record of our designs to be stored in this particular account as
well as users can accessible to tinker those designs, create a physical items through designing
and able to make those designs ready for 3D printing.

fig.3.2. Design of Eye lids in tinker cad

The 3D printing through this software is done by using another platform called Slicing
software which is used for 3D printing exclusively. As the tinker cad is able to make shapes,
these shapes are made by using solid and hole shapes which all are consisted by this platform.
The primitive shapes can be constructed using this software and those can be created by
combining solids and holes as per required.

Chapter 3. Design Of Animatronics

fig.3.3. Design of Eye ball in tinker cad

The custom shapes should also be generated from this platform using a built-in java script
editor. Thus, these created designs can be imported into another platforms for 3D printing as a
STL, OBJ files for 3D shapes and SVG format for 2 dimensional shapes.

The STL files are named as stereolithography files which are preferably used for 3D printing
of the designs created in tinker cad. Those files are exported to another software platforms for
3D printing those designs created in tinker cad.

The shapes can be generated by using various symbols, basic shapes, numbers, characters,
connectors, assemblies, components and all featured shapes available from this platform which
are built in package of this platform. By using these shapes an user can create more custom
shapes and then acquire an output of his design.

The STL files thus exported to another software for further process of printing thus the 3D
designs are created and converted into required formats and thus are exported to another
software for 3d printing is the concept of tinker cad. While exporting from tinker cad it shows
us to choose the format required either as STL, OBJ or any other else. Thus, we can create a
STL file from tinker cad which should be saved for further process.

3.2.2 Solid works

SolidWorks is a solid modeling computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided engineering
(CAE) computer program published by Dassault Systems, that runs primarily on Microsoft
Windows. While it is possible to run SolidWorks on an Intel-based Mac with Windows

Chapter 3. Design Of Animatronics

installed, the application's developer recommends against this. SolidWorks does not support

The SOLIDWORKS® CAD software is a mechanical design automation application that

lets designers quickly sketch out ideas, experiment with features and dimensions, and
produce models and detailed drawings.

More than 3,246,750 product designers and engineers worldwide, representing 240,010
organizations, use SOLIDWORKS to bring their designs to life–from the coolest gadgets to
innovations that deliver a better tomorrow.

Dassault Systems SOLIDWORKS Corp. offers complete 3D software tools that let you create,
simulate, publish, and manage your data. SOLIDWORKS products are easy to learn and use
and work together to help you design products better, faster, and more cost-effectively. The
SOLIDWORKS focus on ease-of-use allows more engineers, designers and other technology
professionals than ever before to take advantage of 3D in bringing their designs to life. It is
headquartered at Waltham, Massachusetts, USA.

SolidWorks partners with third party developers to add functionality in niche market
applications like finite element analysis, circuit layout, tolerance checking, etc. SolidWorks
has also licensed its 3D modelling capabilities to other CAD software vendors, notably ANVIL.

• Designing in Solid works

SOLIDWORKS is used to develop mechatronics systems from beginning to end. At the initial
stage, the software is used for planning, visual ideation, modelling, feasibility assessment,
prototyping, and project management.

➢ Design Process

The design process usually involves the following steps:

➢ Identify the model requirements.
➢ Conceptualize the model based on the identified needs.
➢ Develop the model based on the concepts.
➢ Analyze the model.
➢ Prototype the model.
➢ Construct the model.

Chapter 3. Design Of Animatronics

➢ Edit the model, if needed.

• Design Method
Before you actually design the model, it is helpful to plan out a method of how to create
the model.

After you identify needs and isolate the appropriate concepts, you can develop the model:
Sketches Create the sketches and decide how to dimension and where to
apply relations.
Features Select the appropriate features, such as extrudes and fillets,
determine the best features to apply, and decide in what order to
apply those features.
Assemblies Select the components to mate and the types of mates to apply.

• Process of completing the sketches

Fig.3.4. New sketch in Solidworks

1. Starting a New part (It can be created in inch, millimetre or other units)

2. Sketches (Collections of 2D geometry that are used to create solid features)

3. Sketch Entities/Geometry (Types of 2D geometry such as lines, circles and rectangles

that make up the sketch)

4. Sketch Relations (Geometric relationships such as horizontal and vertical are applied to
the sketch entities. The relations restrict the movement of the entities)

Chapter 3. Design Of Animatronics

5. State of the sketch (Each sketch has a status that determines whether it is ready to be used
or not. The state can fully-, under- or over defined)

6. Sketch tools (Tools can be used to modify the sketch geometry that has been created/ this
often involves the trimming or extension of the entities)

7. Extruding the sketch (Extruding uses the 2D sketch to create a 3D solid feature)

fig.3.5 Eye ball design in Solid works. fig.3.6 Frame design in Solid works

• Assembling in Solid works

You can build complex assemblies consisting of many components, which can be parts or
other assemblies, called subassemblies. For most operations, the behaviour of components is
the same for both types. Adding a component to an assembly creates a link between
the assembly and the component.

➢ Create a new assembly

To create an assembly from a part:

1. Click Make Assembly from Part/Assembly (Standard toolbar) or File >

Make Assembly from Part. An assembly opens with the Insert Component Property Manager

2. Click in the graphics area to add the part to the assembly. SOLIDWORKS makes the first
component fixed.

Chapter 3. Design Of Animatronics

fig.3.7 Assembly in Solid works

➢ Adding the first component

Create a new assembly document by clicking New (Standard toolbar) or File > New. In an
existing assembly, click Insert Components (Assembly toolbar)
or Insert > Component > Existing Part/Assembly. Insert Components/Begin Assembly
Property Manager. Use this Property Manager to add components to assemblies. The name
of the Property Manager depends on whether you are creating a new assembly or working
in an existing assembly.

fig.3.8 Insert components fig.3.9 Assembly of Animatronics eye

➢ Positioning components
Chapter 3. Design Of Animatronics

You can position a component in any of the following ways:

➢ Fix the position of a component.

➢ Move or rotate a component.
➢ Add mates to a component.
➢ Add Smart Mates.

➢ Mating components to each other

1. Click Mate (Assembly toolbar), or click Insert > Mate.

2. In the Property Manager, under Mate Selections, select the entities that you want
to mate together for Entities to Mate
3. Click to close the Property Manager, or click before you click to create a new mate.

fig.3.10. Standard mates

• Sub-assemblies
Sub-Assembly is the process that combines or builds components into
component assemblies for inclusion in larger end items. It is the combining of components to
create a new parent that requires assembly.
The subassembly process makes manufacturing more efficient. When subparts are already
assembled, the final product can be assembled much more quickly.

Chapter 3. Design Of Animatronics

Outsourcing subassembly allows you to focus your production resources on the finished
product, allowing you to create more product in a faster timeframe.

fig.3.11. Servo motor design.

Chapter 4 Implementation Of Programming

Chapter 4

Implementation of Programming

4.1 Embedded C

Embedded C is a set of language extensions for the C programming language by the C

Standards Committee to address commonality issues that exist between C extensions for
different embedded systems.In every embedded system based projects, Embedded C
programming plays a key role to make the microcontroller run & perform the preferred actions.
At present, we normally utilize several electronic devices like mobile phones, washing
machines, security systems, refrigerators, digital cameras, etc. The controlling of these
embedded devices can be done with the help of an embedded C program. For example in a
digital camera, if we press a camera button to capture a photo then the microcontroller will
execute the required function to click the image as well as to store it.
Embedded C programming typically requires nonstandard extensions to the C language in
order to support enhanced microprocessor features such as fixed-point arithmetic, multiple
distinct memory banks, and basic I/O operations. In 2008, the C Standards Committee extended
the C language to address such capabilities by providing a common standard for all
implementations to adhere to. It includes a number of features not available in normal C, such
as fixed-point arithmetic, named address spaces and basic I/O hardware addressing. Embedded
C uses most of the syntax and semantics of standard C, e.g., main() function, variable
definition, datatype declaration, conditional statements (if, switch case), loops (while, for),
functions, arrays and strings, structures and union, bit operations, macros, etc.
Embedded C programming builds with a set of functions where every function is a set of
statements that are utilized to execute some particular tasks. Both the embedded C and C
languages are the same and implemented through some fundamental elements like a variable,
character set, keywords, data types, declaration of variables, expressions, statements. All
these elements play a key role while writing an embedded C program.

The embedded system designers must know about the hardware architecture to write programs.
These programs play a prominent role in monitoring and controlling external devices. They
also directly operate and use the internal architecture of the microcontroller, such as interrupt
handling, timers, serial communication, and other available features.

An Embedded system program allows the hardware to check the inputs & control outputs
accordingly. In this procedure, the embedded program may have to control the internal
architecture of the processor directly like Timers, Interrupt Handling, I/O Ports, serial
communications interface, etc.
So embedded system programming is very important to the processor. There are different
programming languages are available for embedded systems such as C, C++, assembly
language, JAVA, JAVA script, visual basic, etc. So this programming language plays a key
role while making an embedded system but choosing the language is very essential.

Chapter 4 Implementation Of Programming

4.2Software used for Programming

Arduino Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is an open source software and a cross
platform application used in (Windows, macOS, Linux) which is written in functions from C
and C++. The Arduino software source code is released under the GNU general public license,
version 2.
Arduino IDE is a wiring platform as a master thesis project at IDII, under the supervision of
Massimo Banzi and Casey Reas. Their project goal was to create simple, low cost tools for
creating digital projects by non engineers in 2003. The Arduino IDE software was further
extended as a wiring by adding support for the Atmega8 controller in 2005. The further
developments of following the completion of platform, lighter and lesser expensive versions
were distributed in the open-source community.

fig 4.1 Examples of Arduino IDE.

The Arduino IDE software is basically required to written the programming which should be
used by arduino hardware. The arduino hardware program may be written in any programming
language with compilers that produce binary codes. The arduino IDE originated for the
languages processing and wiring. It includes a code editor with features such as text cutting
and pasting, searching and replacing text, automatic indecting, brace matching and syntax
highlighting, and provides simple one click mechanism to compile and upload programs to an
arduino board.
The arduino IDE supplies a software library from the wiring project, which provides many
common input and output procedures. User-written code only requires two basic functions, for
starting the sketch and main program stub main () into an executable cyclic executive program
with the GNU toolchain, also included within the ide distribution.
The arduino software is incapable of real multithreading, it is capable of proto threading.
Protothreads are described as extremely light weight stack less thread designed for severely

Chapter 4 Implementation Of Programming

memory constrained systems, such as small embedded systems or wireless network nodes. The
source code for the IDE is released under the GNU general public license, version 2.
The Arduino IDE employs the program to convert the executable code into a text file in
hexadecimal encoding that is loaded into the arduino board by a loader program in the board’s
firmware. The arduino ide software consists of various free library files which are used by other
developers to augment their projects.
The libraries consisted in arduino should be used by every user and can be updated whenever
an update releases for a particular library file. Those library files should be used to done the
programming for various programs based on the applications. The library files of arduino can
be downloaded through online as well as they are able to use in every program just by
mentioning them in the header file of the program.

The sketch of the programming in the Arduino IDE is consists of several steps included in
them, as they are setup(), main(), loop() and many more as per the C/C++ programming
languages as the arduino is completely based on the programming languages. Sketches are
saved in development computer as text files with the file extension as .ino.
The arduino IDE is similar to an embedded c programming as the programming is used by the
hardware of arduino for working of microcontroller mounted on arduino board as per program
dumped into it through arduino IDE, thus this software have several configurations of programs
of various boards and can be dumped by selecting the port of the computer for which the board
is connected.

Chapter 4 Implementation Of Programming

fig 4.2the port selection in Arduino IDE.

The arduino IDE software is used in various applications like MIDI controllers (device which
mimics as monome), handheld game console, drones software and hardware, open source
electric vehicle chargers and so on.

4.3Software used for Simulation

Proteus software is named as proteas design suite as it is a proprietary software tool suite used
for electronic design automation. The proteus software is also allows to perform simulation
according to circuitry. It is mainly designed for electronic design engineers and technicians to
create schematics and electronic prints for manufacturing printed circuit boards.
The proteus is initially designed and called as PC-B and was written by the chairman, John
Jameson, for DOS in 1988. Schematic capture support followed in 1990, with a port to the
windows environment shortly thereafter. Mixed mode SPICE and Simulation was first
integrated into proteus in 1996 and micro controller simulation then arrived into proteus in
1998. Shape based auto routing was added in 2002 and another major update of 3D board
visualization is further added in 2006. Recently, a dedicated IDE for simulation was added in
2011 and MCAD import/export was included in 2015. Similarly, a support for high speed
design was added in 2017. And the feature led product releases are bi annual, while
maintenance based service packs are released as it is required.

Chapter 4 Implementation Of Programming

fig 4.3The basic workplace of schematic capture in proteus.

It was developed in Yorkshire, England by Lab center Electronics ltd and is available in
English, French, Spanish and Chinese Languages.
The schematics from the proteus software are done by schematic capture for simulation and
pcb design phase of project. The schematic capture is the core component and is included with
all product configurations.
The proteus design suite is available in many configurations and the purchase should be made
according to the applications required to perform and microcontroller requirements for
simulation and also depends on the size of designs being produced.
The main concept of micro controller simulation is done by applying either a hex file or a debug
file into microcontroller part of the schematic in the proteus. This hex file or debug file are
extracted from the coding platform of arduino ide as it generates an hex file after successful
attempt of compiling of coding. Thus the generated hex file should be copied from it and should
be applied into microcontroller in proteus for simulation according to the program. It is then
co-simulated along with any analog and digital electronics connected to microcontroller.
The pcb layout designing should also be performed through this software as it consists of a tool
called PCB layout. This module is automatically given connectivity information in the form of
netlist from the schematic capture module. It applies this information, together with the user
specified design rules and various design automation tools, to assist with error free board
design. PCB’s of up to 16 copper layers can be produced with design size limited by product
Thus the designed pcb layouts are used further for applications as these are miniature printed
circuit boards which allows the reduced size of hardware parts inside the circuitry and

Chapter 4 Implementation Of Programming

fig 4.4 The PCB layout in proteus.

The 3D viewer module allows the board under developments to be viewed in 3D together with
a semi-transparent height plane that represents the board enclosure. Step output then can be
used to transfer to mechanical cad software such as solid works or Autodesk for accurate
mounting and positioning of the board.
In proteus schematic representation could be done by selecting the various components from
the library files which are embedded in software and these can be useful for various
applications as the proteus library consists of every known electronics components. So, it is
easier in proteus to combine the circuitry as per required in schematic capture and the tools like
power, ground, battery and so on all are available in the proteus software.

fig 4.5 Connection of servo motors with Arduino nano.

The technology used in the Creality Ender-3 3d printer is quite mature and stable. It can work
continuously for 200 hours without pressure. Also, Creality Ender-3 3D Printer allows it to resume
printing after power-off or lapse occurs and with thermal runaway protection itself. Stable Printing
with Creality Ender-3 3D Printer Patented technology, V-Slot+precision pulley, running more
smoothly, more wear-resistant. Effectively reduce noise. MK8 Technology Adopted in this FDM 3D
Printer MK8 extrusion mechanism is used, a brand-new patented infrastructure that effectively reduces

Chapter 4 Implementation Of Programming

the risk of plugging and poor spillage and can print almost all filaments on the market. CNC machining
of the Y-rail mounting groove to make sure precise positioning and keep the solid frame with the high-
precision printing quality. And big hand twist nut, make the print platform easier to level. Creality
Ender-3 3D Printer can Reach 110℃ for hotbed in about 5 minutes. Meet the needs of fast heating,
and printing ABS suggested to be with a 3d printing enclosure to reduce the heat dissipation.

Chapter 5 Manufacturing 0f Animatronics Eyes

Chapter 5

Manufacturing of Animatronic Eyes

5.1 Introduction to 3D printing

3D Printing technology, also known as Additive Manufacturing (AM), refers to processes used
to generate a 3D object in which layers of material are successively formed under a computer-
controlled program to create a physical object. The 3D file source is usually sliced into several
layers, each layer generating a set of computer-controlled instructions. Both 3D printing and
additive manufacturing reflect that the technologies share the theme of sequential-layer
material addition or joining throughout a 3D work. 3D printing technologies can be split up
into 2 groups: direct and indirect 3D printing. The main difference lies in the fact that the design
is directly made from 3D printing (direct) or 3D printing was used in the process of creating
your model (indirect).

The objects manufactured through 3D printing processes can be of almost any shape or
geometry. They are typically produced using digital model data from a 3D model or another
electronic data source such as a Stereolithography (STL) file, one of the most common file
types that 3D printers can read.

The term 3D printing originally referred to a process that deposited a binder material onto a
powder bed with inkjet printer heads layer by layer. More recently, the term 3D printing is
being used in popular vernacular to encompass a wider variety of additive manufacturing
techniques. For professionals, the additive manufacturing name remains more popular for its
broader sense and longer existence. Other terms are also employed, such as desktop
manufacturing, rapid manufacturing, direct digital manufacturing, and rapid prototyping.

Our Manufacturing service uses the same classification, with simplified terms, to avoid
complexity and confusion:

• Material extrusion
• Photopolymerization
• Powder bed fusion
• Material jetting
• Binder jetting
• Sheet lamination

Chapter 5 Manufacturing 0f Animatronics Eyes

• Directed energy deposition

The possibilities with 3D Printing are boundless and encompass numerous industries from
plastics and metals up to organic materials and food. A broad range of materials is used in 3D
Printing. Each one carefully corresponds to the technical requirements of the end-product and
is usually fitted for only a restrictive set of additive manufacturing technologies.

In order to illustrate the vast potential for 3D Printing, it is necessary to get a basic
understanding for the most popular materials. Let’s begin with sintered powdered metal, which
is used for printing the injection moulds used in classic manufacturing like casting, as well as
for injection moulding and carbon fibre lay-up. Stainless steel, bronze, steel, gold, nickel steel,
aluminium, and titanium are just a few of the suitable metals for 3D printing. These metals are
particularly well suited for prototyping, jewellery, and tailored objects. Furthermore, Nitonol,
an alloy of nickel and titanium, is delivering a promising outlook for the medical implant
industry. Its super elasticity and ability to change shapes are two features that astonish the
scientific community.

fig.5.1 3D printing

A significantly broad spectrum of plastics offers an extensive field of possibilities for 3D

Printing. Far from an exhaustive list, some possible plastics include acrylics, polyamides, ABS
plastic, assorted polyurethanes, epoxy resins, nylon, and PEBA 2301. These plastics offer a
plethora of conceivable objects such as prototypes, gear systems, ornaments, or educational
modelling. Additionally, wax can be used for design verification, functional testing, and fine
feature details. Wax is also used as a smooth surface finish and in moulds for tooling.

Carbon fibre and composites are cutting-edge materials that offer a fast way of producing an
object that is as-strong or stronger than metal. They are most commonly employed in the

Chapter 5 Manufacturing 0f Animatronics Eyes

bicycle and aeronautics industries. Graphene, an allotrope of carbon, is the strongest material
ever tested. It has the potential to create totally new technologies, thanks, in part, to its efficient
heat and electrical conductivity as well as its near-transparent appearance.

Some of the more unusual materials encompass stem cells, paper, concrete, food, and yarn. As
difficult as it may be to imagine, the 3D Printing of stem cells is a showstopper in 3D Printing
technology. It would make it possible to print tissues, organs, or bones that go on to be
implanted into a patient.

3D Printing of paper offers a full-colour spectrum for designers that want to produce a realistic
3D model prior to advancing a product onto final engineering. Concrete is currently used for
portions of housing, and even entire homes, in China. Chocolate, pizza, and cake decorations
are being tested and employed for 3D Printing in the food sector. Also, the wide range of
materials makes it possible to produce yarn with 3D Printing.

5.2 Different 3-D printing process

There are several types of 3D printing, which include:

• Stereolithography (SLA)
• Selective Laser Sintering (SLS)
• Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM)
• Digital Light Process (DLP)
• Multi Jet Fusion (MJF)
• Poly Jet.
• Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS)
• Electron Beam Melting (EBM)

5.3 Process using for our project (FDM method)

There are several different methods of 3D printing, but the most widely used is a process known
as Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM). FDM printers use a thermoplastic filament, which is
heated to its melting point and then extruded, layer by layer, to create a three dimensional

The technology behind FDM was invented in the 1980s by Scott Crump, co-founder and
chairman of Stratasys Ltd., a leading manufacturer of 3D printers. Other 3D printing

Chapter 5 Manufacturing 0f Animatronics Eyes

organizations have since adopted similar technologies under different names. The Brooklyn-
based company MakerBot (now owned by Stratasys), was founded on a nearly identical
technology known as Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF).

Objects created with an FDM printer start out as computer-aided design (CAD) files. Before
an object can be printed, its CAD file must be converted to a format that a 3D printer can
understand — usually .STL format. FDM printers use two kinds of materials, a modeling
material, which constitutes the finished object, and a support material, which acts as a
scaffolding to support the object as it's being printed. During printing, these materials take the
form of plastic threads, or filaments, which are unwound from a coil and fed through an
extrusion nozzle. The nozzle melts the filaments and extrudes them onto a base, sometimes
called a build platform or table. Both the nozzle and the base are controlled by a computer that
translates the dimensions of an object into X, Y and Z coordinates for the nozzle and base to
follow during printing.

In a typical FDM system, the extrusion nozzle moves over the build platform horizontally and
vertically, "drawing" a cross section of an object onto the platform. This thin layer of plastic
cools and hardens, immediately binding to the layer beneath it. Once a layer is completed, the
base is lowered — usually by about one-sixteenth of an inch — to make room for the next layer
of plastic.Printing time depends on the size of the object being manufactured. Small objects
just a few cubic inches and tall, thin objects print quickly, while larger, more geometrically
complex objects take longer to print. Compared to other 3D printing methods, such as
stereolithography (SLA) or selective laser sintering (SLS), FDM is a fairly slow process.

fig.5.2Fused deposition modeling (FDM)

Chapter 5 Manufacturing 0f Animatronics Eyes

5.4 Slicing

A slicer is a program that converts digital 3D models into printing instructions for a given 3D
printer to build an object. In addition to the model itself, the instructions contain user-entered
3D printing parameters, such as layer height, speed, and support structure settings.

Every 3D printing technology creates 3D objects by adding material layer-by-layer. Slicer

software is therefore appropriately named because it virtually “cuts” 3D models into many
horizontal 2D layers that will later be printed, one at a time.

Slicing is an essential step in 3D printing that's characterized by the use of software to

convert an object model into instructions for a 3D printer. The software essentially slices the
object model into multiple layers. Each of these layers are then given values that denote the
way in which it should be built.

fig.5.3Process of slicing

Model slicing

Our slicing operations work directly on B-rep models. The workflow is as follows.

5.4.1 Generate slicing planes

We compute the height of the B-rep model along the slicing direction. We generate the
slicing planes according to the distance between two neighbor slicing layers.

Chapter 5 Manufacturing 0f Animatronics Eyes

5.4.2 Calculate intersections

We compute the intersection curves between each face in the B-rep model and each slicing
plane, as well as the intersection points between each edge in the B-rep model and each
slicing plane.

5.4.3 Generate contour curve for each layer

We analyze the intersection curves to obtain a contour curve of the B-rep model on each
slicing plane.

5.4.4 Generate slicing planes

The slicing direction is perpendicular to the slicing planes. We rotate the B-rep model for the
Z axis to be in the slicing direction. Then, we calculate the height of the B-rep model along
the Z axis. The number of slicing planes is the height of the B-rep model divided by the
distance between the two neighbor slicing planes.

5.5 Creality slicing software

Slicer software is used in 3D printing to cut 3D models into layers (slices) and draw a printing
path the machine can follow. Creality Slicer is Creality‘s proprietary slicer, which also
produces many popular 3D printers like the Ender 3 series.

Most 3D printer brands have their own slicing software. There’s Cura by Ultimaker and
PrusaSlicer by Prusa Printers, which are two widely popular options and, in some cases, can
be used for different brands of printers than the ones they were created for. There are also
completely third-party slicers like ChiTuBox and Simplify3D, which are developed by
companies that don’t make printers.

Creality Slicer is based on an outdated version of Cura (version 1.2.3), which was then
modified to be its own software (the same way PrusaSlicer was born from Slic3r). Even though
it may look more simplistic, some prefer it to Cura. Designed to work specifically on Creality
printers, it can sometimes have better settings for them.

Chapter 5 Manufacturing 0f Animatronics Eyes

5.5.1 Opening Page

The first time you open the program, it asks you to choose which Creality printer you have.
According to multiple users, the settings inputted in the program by Creality seem to be better
than those inputted in Cura.

However, it doesn’t come with pre-set settings for other brands’ printers, so you’d have to input
those as custom settings, making it less attractive than a third-party slicer. (Cura has profiles
for an exhaustive range of printers.)

5.5.2 UI Overview

fig.5.4Creality slicer overview

The program’s default is having quick-print settings activated. In them, you can choose things
like material, quality, support, and adhesion method, but you can’t adjust them too much.

However, in the Expert option of the toolbar, it’s possible to change to full or even expert
settings, which you can also access by pressing ctrl+E.

Chapter 5 Manufacturing 0f Animatronics Eyes

fig.5.5creality slicer expert settings

Access full settings in the expert configuration (Source: Lauren Fuentes via All3DP)

When accessing the full settings, you’ll find pretty much everything you’ll need: infill,
temperature for the nozzle and bed, supports, and even some retraction settings.

You’ll see even more options when accessing expert mode. However, these are still less than
those offered by other slicers like Cura.

5.5.3 G-code Editor

fig.5.6 Frame in Creality slicer to generate G-codes

Chapter 5 Manufacturing 0f Animatronics Eyes

Creality Slicer also comes with a nifty and very useful option to view and modify the G-
code for your print, which is much easier to use than Notepad. This is perfect for when you
want to do calibration prints to discover how different settings impact the results, without
having to manually edit the G-code or start a new print for each change.

5.5.4 Multiple Machines

fig.5.7 Setting for adding multiple machines

If you’d like to add an additional machine, here are the steps:

➢ Go to Machine and select Add New Machine (see the red ‘2’ in the image above).

➢ You should see the same opening screen you saw the first time you opened the program.

➢ After choosing the machine, the program will reopen and the new machine should be

Once you have more than one machine, changing between machines is seamless:

➢ Navigate to Machine (see the red ‘1’ in the image above) on the toolbar.

➢ Select the machine you wish to work with, and the settings will change. That way, you
can keep working with your model.

Chapter 5 Manufacturing 0f Animatronics Eyes

5.6 Creality Ender-3 FDM

The Creality Ender-3 3D Printer is one of the best FDM printers under $200 right now, desired
for its performance and versatility. Even though it's a budget FDM 3d printer, the features it
houses are comparable to many high-end printers out there. There are a number of features that
make the Creality Ender-3 3d printer one of the most popular machines currently on the market.
It has a build volume of 220 x 220 x 250mm, a BuildTak-like heated build plate, power
recovery mode, and a tight filament pathway that makes it easier to print with flexible materials.
These are attributes that are difficult to find in even more expensive printers.

fig.5.8Ender 3 3D printing machine

5.7 Ender-3 FDM 3D Printer Features

Creality Ender-3 3D Printer is an open-sourced 3d printer. For every community of users and
contributors, better improvement, and more designs can culminate from some of the best and
brightest minds in the 3D printing world.

Creality Ender-3 3D Printer is partially assembled and competed by Creality itself. Which
makes it a great 3d printing project for every school and student. The especially perfect gift to
spark a lifelong love for science and engineering and provide a deeper understanding of
machinery and robotics. Use Industrial-grade Circuit Board.

Chapter 5 Manufacturing 0f Animatronics Eyes

➢ 5.7.1 Technical Specifications

➢ Ender-3 FDM 3D Printer Properties
➢ Modeling Technology: FDM(Fused Deposition Modeling)
➢ Printing Size: 220x220x250mm
➢ Printing Speed: 180mm/s
➢ Filament: 1.75mm PLA, TPU, ABS
➢ Working Mode: Online or SD offline
➢ File Format: STL,OBJ,G-code
➢ Ender-3 FDM 3D Printer Hardware
➢ Machine Size: 440x440x465mm
➢ Net Weight: 8KG
➢ Power Supply: 100-265V 50-60HZ
➢ Output: 24V 15A 270W
➢ Ender-3 FDM 3D Printer Extruder Hardware
➢ Layer Thickness: 0.1-0.4mm
➢ Nozzle Diameter: 0.4mm
➢ Printing Accuracy: ±0.1mm
➢ Nozzle Temperature: 255℃
➢ Hotbed Temperature: 110℃

5.8 Material used for Fabrication

Polylactic acid, or polylactide (PLA) is a thermoplastic polyester with backbone formula
(C3H4O2)n or [–C(CH3)HC(=O)O–]n, formally obtained by condensation of lactic acid
C(CH3)(OH)HCOOH with loss of water (hence its name). It can also be prepared by ring-
opening polymerization of lactid [–C(CH3)HC(=O)O–]2, the cyclic dimer of the basic
repeating unit.

Chapter 5 Manufacturing 0f Animatronics Eyes

fig.5.9Poly lactic acid formula

PLA has become a popular material due to it being economically produced from renewable
resources. In 2010, PLA had the second highest consumption volume of any bioplastic of the
world, although it is still not a commodity polymer. Its widespread application has been
hindered by numerous physical and processing shortcomings. PLA is the most widely used
plastic filament material in 3D printing.

fig.5.10Poly lactic acid material

The name "polylactic acid" does not comply with IUPAC standard nomenclature, and is
potentially ambiguous or confusing, because PLA is not a polyacid (polyelectrolyte), but rather
a polyester.
5.8.1 Physical and mechanical properties
PLA polymers range from amorphous glassy polymer to semi-crystalline and highly crystalline
polymer with a glass transition 60–65 °C, a melting temperature 130-180 °C, and a tensile
modulus 2.7–16 GPa. Heat-resistant PLA can withstand temperatures of 110 °C. The basic
mechanical properties of PLA are between those of polystyrene and PET. The melting
temperature of PLLA can be increased by 40–50 °C and its heat deflection temperature can be
increased from approximately 60 °C to up to 190 °C by physically blending the polymer with
PDLA (poly-D-lactide). PDLA and PLLA form a highly regular stereocomplex with increased

Chapter 5 Manufacturing 0f Animatronics Eyes

crystallinity. The temperature stability is maximised when a 1:1 blend is used, but even at lower
concentrations of 3–10% of PDLA, there is still a substantial improvement. In the latter case,
PDLA acts as a nucleating agent, thereby increasing the crystallization rate[citation needed].
Biodegradation of PDLA is slower than for PLA due to the higher crystallinity of
PDLA[citation needed]. The flexural modulus of PLA is higher than polystyrene and PLA has
good heat sealability.

Several technologies such as annealing, adding nucleating agents, forming composites with
fibers or nano-particles, chain extending and introducing crosslink structures have been used
to enhance the mechanical properties of PLA polymers. Polylactic acid can be processed like
most thermoplastics into fiber (for example, using conventional melt spinning processes) and
film. PLA has similar mechanical properties to PETE polymer, but has a significantly lower
maximum continuous use temperature. With high surface energy, PLA has easy printability
which makes it widely used in 3-D printing. The tensile strength for 3-D printed PLA was
previously determined.There is also poly(L-lactide-co-D,L-lactide) (PLDLLA) – used as
PLDLLA/TCP scaffolds for bone engineering.

5.9 Procedure for creating Animatronic Components

• FDM begins with a software process, developed byStratasys, which processes an STL
file (stereolithography file format) in minutes, mathematically slicing and orienting the
model for the build process. If required, support structures are automatically generated.
• The machine dispenses two materials – one for the model and one for a disposable
support structure.
• The thermoplastics are liquefied and deposited by an extrusion head, which follows a
tool-path defined by the CAD file.
• The materials are deposited in layers as fine as 0.04 mm (0.0016") thick, and the part is
built from the bottom up – one layer at a time.FDM works on an "additive" principle
by laying down material in layers.
• A plastic filament or metal wire is unwound from a coil and supplies material to an
extrusion nozzle which can turn the flow on and off. The nozzle is heated to melt the
material and can be moved in both horizontal and vertical directions by a numerically
controlled mechanism, directly controlled by a computer-aided manufacturing(CAM)
software package.

Chapter 5 Manufacturing 0f Animatronics Eyes

• The model or part is produced by extruding small beads of thermoplastic material to

form layers as the material hardens immediately after extrusion from the nozzle.
• Stepper motors orservo motor are typically employed to move the extrusion head.
• Several materials are available with different trade-offs between strength and
temperature properties. As well as Polylactic acid.
• A "water-soluble" material can be used for making temporary supports while
manufacturing is in progress, this soluble support material is quickly dissolved with
specialized mechanical agitation equipment utilizing a precisely heated sodium
hydroxide solution.

fig.5.11 Manufacturing Eye lids using 3D printing method

• Fused deposition modeling (FDM) is a material extrusion technique where a print head
moves across two different directions (X- and Y-axes) while plastic filament is melted
and pushed through the nozzle to create a 2D layer. This process is repeated until, layer-
by-layer, the 3D object is complete.
• FDM printers depend heavily on movement to build a 3D object, with fine, multi-axis
control being required for an accurate print. Once the 3D model and the print settings
are defined, the slicer will process these inputs and generate a G-code file that’s then
uploaded to the 3D printer.

Chapter 5 Manufacturing 0f Animatronics Eyes

fig.5.12 Manufactured eyes from 3d printing machine

• The final step is done entirely by each 3D slicer’s internal algorithms, which means that
it’s not user-related and that each slicer will do this differently. For simple models, any
differences between slicers might go unseen, but for the more complex ones, they’ll
surely be noticeable. It’s possible that certain slicers perform better with certain 3D
printers, but there’s no hard-and-fast rule to know which one will work best for you.

5.10 Construction details

• The components which are manufactured by using 3D printing method such as frame,
eyes, eye lids, etc., are to be arranged as shown in the fig.5.12

fig.5.13 3D Printed components assembly

Chapter 5 Manufacturing 0f Animatronics Eyes

• Two Servo motors are inserted to the frame . And the eye balls are inserted to the socket
to built a ball & socket joint. The eye lids are fixed to the arms like structure with the
help of pin or hard wire as shown in the fig.5.12.
• Positive terminal from battery is connected to all positive Vcc terminals of servo motor
and to Vin pin of Arduino Nano for supply to nano board.
• Negative terminal from battery is connected to all negative terminals of servo motors
and to Gnd pin of arduino nano board.
• While all the control pins of servo motors are connected to PWM pins of nano board
according to their respective pins assigned in code.

fig.5.14 Linkages between Motors & Eye lids fig.5.15 Links between Motors & Eye balls

⚫ Two servo motors are connected to the eye lids by using linkages and another two servo
motors are connected to the respective eye balls with the help of links as shown in the
fig.5.13 & fig.5.14 respectively

Chapter 6.working operation

Chapter 6
Working Operation
⚫ The required animatronics components are designed & assembled in the Solid works
software for animation. These designed files are converted into STL file format. That STL
files are imported in Tinker CAD , here we changed view/position of the components. And
again these are converted into STL files .
⚫ The STL files which are converted in Tinker CAD are uploaded in creality slicing
software. From this software we got G-codes.
⚫ At the same time coding was done in Arduino IDE software. After successful compilation
that code was uploaded in Proteus software for simulation.
⚫ These G-codes are uploaded in 3D printer with the help of SD card and allowed the printer
to manufacture the components. After the completion of 3D printing those parts are
assembled as we mentioned in construction details in chapter 5.
⚫ We fixed the servo motors to the frame and connected servo motor wires to the circuit
which consists of power supply and Arduino Nano. Now according to the motion we want,
angles are changed.
⚫ After that we fixed links between eye balls, eye lids and servo motors. Power supply was
given to the setup , finally we got required output.

6.1 Problems faced in Designing:

• The initial model of animatronics was not able to insert inside the robotic head. If we
decrease its dimensions strength will be loosen. At that time we gone through this
youtube link . In this video they used 4 Servo motors for
each eye . But we minimized by using 2 motors for each eye. We gone through that
design by doing some modifications according to our robotic head.
• While assembling the designed components in solidworks we faced a problem. In
physical assembly we can able to tie the hard steel wire which is used as links to eye
ball, but in solidworks assembly there is no such type of mates in standard mates,
advanced mates & mechanical mates. So we used lock mate as alternate mate between
eye ball and steel wire.

6.2 Problems faced in Coding:

• We have assumed that both the servo motors should rotate in same direction but later
on in practical situation we concluded that both motors should rotate in different
directions at the same time. So this is the reason new code is employed according to it.
• Even though the code is dumped perfectly, we need to check the servo angles each time
while eyes closing, opening and eye ball rotation movement for perfect output and it
should be implemented in coding.
• The servo arm of motor should have to be fixed according to those angles of rotation.

Chapter 6.working operation

6.3 Problems faced in Manufacturing & Assembly:

• While performing 3D printing operation we are not able to know in which view/position
the component was printing. In some cases it may leads to deformation of component
at printing stage only. In order to solve this problem we converted solidworks file into
STL file. This STL file was imported in Tinker CAD, here we changed the
view/position of the component and again converted this file into STL file. This final
STL file was used for further process.
• While manufacturing the components using 3D printing process, porosity will be more
in some cases. In order to solve this problem we performed filing & sanding operations
for surface finishing after completion of 3D printing.
• The links which we’ve placed between eye ball/eye lids and servo motors should also
in desirable position for perfect motion and should not let coincide with the other

Chapter 7. RESULTS

Chapter 7
The final outcomes from software of this project are simulation performed in proteus, g-codes
and m-codes from slicer, individual design of mechanical parts from tinkercad and
animations obtained from the solid works.In these software outcomes the proteus simulation
as well as animation from solid works play major role.

7.1 Proteus Simulation

The proteus simulation output should be necessary for this application, as this application
should acquire exact rotation of eyes and also for exact eye blinking process as a human. To
obtain the simulation necessary steps should be performed in proteus.
Initially, the proteus application needed to be open and then from the dashboard of this
application we have to select the ISIS icon which indicates the schematic capture icon to
perform schematic operations in proteus.
STEP 2 :
Then after clicking schematic capture icon a workplace is obtained to make connection of
schematics and to perform simulation. This workplace should be able to change in required
grid model from toggling grid.
Then to select the components for connection we need to click either on the ‘P’ from a small
window on top left of workplace or by clicking character ‘P’ or else by selecting from the
Library of proteus.
To get the components we need to select the required ones from library by searching as
NANO and SERVO-PWM according to this application based on their ratings. They’re
assigned to workplace just by double clicking on the required component.
We also need to select the power and ground from the terminals mode of proteus which is
used to power the servo motors and grounding of servo motors.
Then after connecting all the components as per application and as per coding , an hex file
should be copied from coding application which is obtained after successful compilation and
then pasting it into the NANO board in proteus workplace which is connected to other
components just by double clicking on it and then need to apply for it. Thus the code is
technically dumped into nano board and then the simulation is performed according to it.

Chapter 7. RESULTS

fig.7.1. Selection of components

Then to perform the simulation we need to click play icon after saving this complete
schematic layout which then play according to the coding and then to stop the simulation we
need to click stop or pause icon where these all are place on bottom left of workplace. Thus,
the required simulation obtains accordingly.

fig.7.2. Selection of terminals from terminal mode.

Chapter 7. RESULTS

7.1.1 Final Output

The final outcome from proteus according to this project is when clicking on a play icon the
circuit gets powered up.

➢ Interface of all components:

fig.7.3. Interface of components

Here the servo motors are connected at 3,5,9,11 pins of ARDUINO NANO. Where the 3,5
pins are assigned for motors of eye 2 and 11,9 pins are assigned for motors of eye1.

➢ Powered circuit:

fig.7.4. Circuit is Powered ON

Here the circuit is powered up and all servo motors are initially at their respective degrees, as
the 11,5 pin configured motors are at 65 degrees while 3,9 pin configured motors are at 90

Chapter 7. RESULTS

➢ Eye Blink with motors:

fig.7.5. Eye blink with motors in proteus

Here the motors connected to 5 and 11 are assigned for eye blinking and they are initially
fixed at 65 degrees of angle in servo motor and then tends to rotate up to 10 degrees from its
initial position and again to it’s initial position of 65 degrees.

➢ Left – Right movement with motors:

fig.7.6. Left movement with motors in proteus

Here the motor connected to pin 9,3 are assigned for rotating the eye from left to right. After
process of eye blink then again this motor rotates after small delay to 40 degrees left and
again tend to rotate to their initial position of 90 degrees. Then after some delay again this

Chapter 7. RESULTS

motor tends to rotate 90 degrees right and again tend to rotate to its initial position of 90
degrees. Thus, this procedure will perform in a loop until circuit is powered off.

fig.7.7. Right movement with motors in Proteus

The simulation output thus carries out the whole hardware output of the project and how
the motors rotate in specific directions and degrees of rotation as well as sequence of their
rotation and finally the loop of process.

7.2 Simulation of Animatronic eyes in Solidworks

➢ Animation in Solidworks
To start a motion study in SOLIDWORKS you can click on “Motion Study ” tab on the
lower left corner of SOLIDWORKS user interface. Make sure to click on
“Expand Motion Manager” to display the SOLIDWORKS Motion Manager timeline view.
The first thing you need to do is to select the type of simulation you want to perform.

fig.7.8.Animation in Solidworks
Chapter 7. RESULTS

fig.7.9.Right motion in solidworks fig.7.10.Left motion in solidworks

7.3 Working of Animatronic eyes

➢ As desired output is obtained with the action of servomotors and it is to be controlled by

writing a program in Arduino IDE software and simulation is done in Proteus software.
Then, based on the program to be written, the movements takes place.

➢ When the power supply is given, the servo motors and nano gets turn on, due to presence
of closed loop feedback system in servo motor they compares their initial position with the
set position in program and then they tends to rotate to their set position until both set
position and motor position becomes same. And the linkages connected to the motors are
also tends to move according to motors rotation which intends to rotate the eye lids and
eye balls cause they are also connected to the linkages.

fig.7.11.Eyes in open view fig.7.12.Eyes in closed view

➢ Now after reaching to set position by all motors then they rotate according to the program,
initially first two servo motors which are connected to the eye lids starts rotating which
intend rotates eyelids with the help of linkages rotates with certain angle , these two eye

Chapter 7. RESULTS

lids comes closer which seems like eye blinking. Thus, after closing of eyes the servo
motor rotates in opposite direction to achieve motion of opening of eyes and finally reaches
to it set position, which operation is seems to be eye opening.

➢ Later the servo motor which are connected to eye balls with the help of links starts rotating
with certain angle, which seems to be eye ball rotating from middle to the right and again
comes to middle point as first step and then eye ball again rotates towards left and again
comes to middle point. Thus, it seems like eye ball rotating towards left and right or vice

fig.7.13.Right movement of eyes. fig.7.14.Left movement of eye

Chapter 8 . Conclusion And Future Scope Of Animatronics

Chapter 8

Conclusion And Future scope of Animatronics

8.1 Conclusion

Creating a good animatronic figure that is able to perform constantly without fail requires many
special skills and lots of technical knowhow. Before assuming the task of creating an
animatronic figure, you should have a strong hold on how these things are constructed and be
willing to spend a pretty penny on equipment and materials. Animatronics has now developed
as a career which may require combined talent in Mechanical Engineering, Sculpting / Casting,
Control Technologies, Electrical / Electronic, Airbrushing, Radio-Control etc. But the realistic
creatures that it can create are amazing and is rewarding to its creator. We introduced
animatronic Shader Lamps Avatars (SLAs), described A proof-of-concept prototype system,
and presented preliminary Results. We are currently exploring passive vision-based Methods
for tracking the real person’s head [1, 7, 21] so that we Can eliminate the separate tracking
system. We also hope to add, Very soon, additional cameras and projectors. Both will involve
the Dynamic blending of imagery: as the real person moves, textures From multiple cameras
will have to be dynamically blended and Mapped onto the graphics model, and as the physical
avatar moves, The projector imagery will have to be dynamically blended (intensity And
perhaps colour) as it is projected. We are also considering Methods for internal projection.
Some of the filtering techniques in could be useful if we use vision based Face tracking as
above. Finally, together with collaborators At the Naval Postgraduate School we plan to
undertake a series of Human subject evaluations using our next generation prototype.

8.2 Future scope of Animatronics

Like so many things these days, the field of animatronics is in a state of change. From the very
beginning, animatronics was employed as an entertaining or even awe-inspiring spectacle. The
Greeks are said to have place mechanized, moving statues of the gods within their temples to
impress visitors. Disney really knocked people’s socks off when he introduced his animatronic
Abraham Lincoln. Spectacle has always been a hallmark of animatronics and it is likely that
will continue to remain true, to some degree or another. The immediacy and physicality of
animatronics remains very useful in cinema, as it allow actors to interact directly and in real

time with the animatronic figure, which cannot be done with a CGI character. Animatronics is
alive and well in theme parks, and increasingly, in the haunted attractions that spring up across
America every Halloween.

However, there is a technical revolution currently sneaking up on us called artificial

intelligence (A.I.). There is plenty of debate about what A.I. is and is not, but, to a large degree
it is already here. People have been talking to the intelligent personal assistants (IPAs) in their
smartphones for a few years now, and social robots are becoming increasing available on the
consumer market. We are in the early days of these technologies, and the impact on the lives
of people will be profound as they continue to develop. To effectively interact with people,
these new artificial entities are going to need to move and behave in line with social
expectations. Maintaining eye contact and conveying meaning through gestures and facial
expressions are all going to be required elements of this technology, and this is where
animatronics comes in.

Robotic personal assistants, Robotic pets, Robotic friends, Robotic partners,. The possibilities
fairly boggle the mind. And animatronics can make it happen!

Chapter 9. References

Chapter 9


[1]. Andrew Sempere. Animatronics, Children and Computation, Journal of Educational

Technology and Society, Vol. 8. No. 4, 2005, pp 11-21. s

[2]. World-Wide Web URL 050629th.htm. Last

Accessed May 25, 2006.

[3]. Toukonen, Mason. Robot Construction: Animatronic Polar Bear, Senior Capstone Project
Final Descriptive Report, Ohio Northern University, 2003.

[4]. Breazeal C.“Sociable Machines: Expressive Social Exchange between Humans and
Robots”.Sc.D. dissertation, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, MIT,

[5]. Configurable Mixed-Signal Array with On-Board controller. Cypress Inc., May, 2005.

[6]. World-Wide Web URL http://www. Theater Last Accessed

Nov 18, 2005.

[7]. World-Wide Web URL Accessed May 4,





[11].Chandrashekhar Kalnad, “Review on Animatronics”, Imperical Journal of

Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR), Vol.2, No.- 9, pp : 1168- 1170, 2016.

[12]. B. Uma Maheswari, “Animatronics and Multi-Disciplinary Technologies”, International

Journal of Advance Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering (ijarcsse), Vol.
5, No. 3, pp : 1260-1262, March-2015.

Chapter 9. References

[13]. Dr. Shreenivas Jog, Abhisek Dwivedi, Sarang Ashtankar, Govind Gautam, “Animatronic
Hand Using Wireless Module”, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology
(IRJET), Vol.3, No. 5, pp : 1529-1531, May 2016.

[14]. Robin Hofe, Roger K. Moore, “AnTon: an Animatroniv Model of a Human Tongue and
Vocal Tract”,

[15]. Animatronic-Wikipedia.

[16]. Asad Yousuf, William Lehman, Phuoc Nguyen, Hao Tang, “Animatronics and Emotional
Face Display of Robots”.





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