CO, FT, 2, UN - Is Flex

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Test Type Flexure

Method NaC:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\Instron\Bluehill\Templates\flextural Test.im_flex

Sample naC:\Documents and Settings\STRUCTURE\Desktop\CO,FT,2,UN.is_flex
Sample note 1
Sample note 2
Sample note 3
Geometry Rectangular
Specimen 1
Specimen lCO,FT,2,UN
Width 10 mm
Thickness 1 mm
Length 100 mm
Diameter 10 mm
Inner diam 8 mm
Outer diam 10 mm
Wall thickn 1 mm
Area 0.1 cm^2
Linear dens 100 tex
Sled weigh 10 N
Loading sp 10 mm
Support sp 120 mm
Span ratio 2
Fixture typ 3-point
Final width 10 mm
Final thick 1 mm
Final lengt 100 mm
Final diame 10 mm
Final Inner 8 mm
Final outer 10 mm
Final wall 1 mm
Final area 0.1 cm^2
Final linear 100 tex
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Time sec Extension Strain 1 % Load N Flexure st Cycle CounTotal CycleRepetitionsFlexure ex Flexure str
0 0 -17.18982 0.542058 -9.757042 0 0 0 0 0
0.3 -0.252168 -17.18233 -104.8776 1887.797 0 0 0 0.252168 0.010507
0.6 -0.500085 -17.18545 -318.8124 5738.624 0 0 0 0.500085 0.020837
0.9 -0.749774 -17.18819 -602.4635 10844.34 0 0 0 0.749774 0.031241
1.2 -0.999934 -17.18701 -994.2655 17896.78 0 0 0 0.999934 0.041664
1.5 -1.250095 -17.18195 -1657.28 29831.04 0 0 0 1.250095 0.052087
1.8 -1.499783 -17.18838 -2278.531 41013.55 0 0 0 1.499783 0.062491
2.1 -1.749944 -17.1862 -2797.945 50363.01 0 0 0 1.749944 0.072914
2.4 -1.999987 -17.18313 -3226.594 58078.69 0 0 0 1.999987 0.083333
2.7 -2.249793 -17.17852 -3589.079 64603.42 0 0 0 2.249793 0.093741
3 -2.499954 -17.19315 -3901.153 70220.76 0 0 0 2.499954 0.104165
3.3 -2.749996 -17.19203 -4169.6 75052.8 0 0 0 2.749996 0.114583
3.6 -2.999803 -17.19126 -4377.75 78799.49 0 0 0 2.999803 0.124992
3.9 -3.250082 -17.18759 -4516.605 81298.9 0 0 0 3.250082 0.13542
4.2 -3.500124 -17.18825 -4565.433 82177.8 0 0 0 3.500124 0.145839
4.5 -3.750049 -17.19183 -4522.323 81401.81 0 0 0 3.750049 0.156252
4.8 -4.000092 -17.1865 -4374.497 78740.95 0 0 0 4.000092 0.166671
5.1 -4.250016 -17.18681 -4108.227 73948.09 0 0 0 4.250016 0.177084
5.4 -4.500059 -17.1917 -3708.832 66758.98 0 0 0 4.500059 0.187502
5.7 -4.749983 -17.1849 -3099.093 55783.68 0 0 0 4.749983 0.197916
6 -5.000144 -17.19008 -2379.356 42828.41 0 0 0 5.000144 0.208339
6.3 -5.250069 -17.18768 -1716.324 30893.82 0 0 0 5.250069 0.218753
6.6 -5.499993 -17.19037 -1228.683 22116.3 0 0 0 5.499993 0.229166
6.9 -5.750272 -17.19082 -894.7707 16105.87 0 0 0 5.750272 0.239595
7.2 -6.000078 -17.18784 -670.6517 12071.73 0 0 0 6.000078 0.250003
7.5 -6.250003 -17.18685 -511.9694 9215.45 0 0 0 6.250003 0.260417
7.8 -6.499927 -17.18428 -401.6367 7229.46 0 0 0 6.499927 0.27083
8.1 -6.750088 -17.18965 -330.1346 5942.424 0 0 0 6.750088 0.281254
8.4 -6.999777 -17.18988 -283.3841 5100.914 0 0 0 6.999777 0.291657
8.7 -7.250173 -17.18995 -240.4451 4328.013 0 0 0 7.250173 0.302091
9 -7.500216 -17.18536 -209.9944 3779.899 0 0 0 7.500216 0.312509
9.3 -7.750376 -17.19121 -184.7311 3325.159 0 0 0 7.750376 0.322932
9.6 -8.000184 -17.19025 -157.6383 2837.489 0 0 0 8.000184 0.333341
9.9 -8.250343 -17.18378 -138.435 2491.83 0 0 0 8.250343 0.343764
10.2 -8.50015 -17.1861 -124.1446 2234.603 0 0 0 8.50015 0.354173
10.5 -8.749957 -17.18298 -111.5536 2007.965 0 0 0 8.749957 0.364582
10.8 -9.000236 -17.18316 -103.079 1855.422 0 0 0 9.000236 0.37501
11.1 -9.249924 -17.18907 -88.05465 1584.984 0 0 0 9.249924 0.385414
11.4 -9.499967 -17.18804 -76.30595 1373.507 0 0 0 9.499967 0.395832
11.7 -9.750128 -17.19152 -67.97814 1223.607 0 0 0 9.750128 0.406255
12 -10.00029 -17.18832 -60.66778 1092.02 0 0 0 10.00029 0.416679
12.3 -10.24998 -17.18787 -52.57429 946.3372 0 0 0 10.24998 0.427082
12.6 -10.50014 -17.18669 -46.66177 839.9118 0 0 0 10.50014 0.437506
12.9 -10.75006 -17.18411 -46.54131 837.7436 0 0 0 10.75006 0.447919
12.906 -10.75502 -17.1838 -46.51659 837.2986 0 0 0 10.75502 0.448126
Flexure lo Axial Strai Corrected Position mm
-0.542058 -17.18982 0
104.8776 -17.18233 -0.252168
318.8124 -17.18545 -0.500085
602.4635 -17.18819 -0.749774
994.2655 -17.18701 -0.999934
1657.28 -17.18195 -1.250095
2278.531 -17.18838 -1.499783
2797.945 -17.1862 -1.749944
3226.594 -17.18313 -1.999987
3589.079 -17.17852 -2.249793
3901.153 -17.19315 -2.499954
4169.6 -17.19203 -2.749996
4377.75 -17.19126 -2.999803
4516.605 -17.18759 -3.250082
4565.433 -17.18825 -3.500124
4522.323 -17.19183 -3.750049
4374.497 -17.1865 -4.000092
4108.227 -17.18681 -4.250016
3708.832 -17.1917 -4.500059
3099.093 -17.1849 -4.749983
2379.356 -17.19008 -5.000144
1716.324 -17.18768 -5.250069
1228.683 -17.19037 -5.499993
894.7707 -17.19082 -5.750272
670.6517 -17.18784 -6.000078
511.9694 -17.18685 -6.250003
401.6367 -17.18428 -6.499927
330.1346 -17.18965 -6.750088
283.3841 -17.18988 -6.999777
240.4451 -17.18995 -7.250173
209.9944 -17.18536 -7.500216
184.7311 -17.19121 -7.750376
157.6383 -17.19025 -8.000184
138.435 -17.18378 -8.250343
124.1446 -17.1861 -8.50015
111.5536 -17.18298 -8.749957
103.079 -17.18316 -9.000236
88.05465 -17.18907 -9.249924
76.30595 -17.18804 -9.499967
67.97814 -17.19152 -9.750128
60.66778 -17.18832 -10.00029
52.57429 -17.18787 -10.24998
46.66177 -17.18669 -10.50014
46.54131 -17.18411 -10.75006
46.51659 -17.1838 -10.75502

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