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Test Type Flexure

Method N C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\Instron\Bluehill\Templates\flextural Test.im_flex

Sample na C:\Documents and Settings\STRUCTURE\Desktop\CO,FT,5,MD.is_flex
Sample note 1
Sample note 2
Sample note 3
Geometry Rectangular
Specimen 1
Specimen lCO,FT,5,MD
Width 10 mm
Thickness 1 mm
Length 100 mm
Diameter 10 mm
Inner diam 8 mm
Outer diam 10 mm
Wall thickn 1 mm
Area 0.1 cm^2
Linear dens 100 tex
Sled weigh 10 N
Loading sp 10 mm
Support sp 120 mm
Span ratio 2
Fixture typ3-point
Final width 10 mm
Final thick 1 mm
Final lengt 100 mm
Final diame 10 mm
Final Inner 8 mm
Final outer 10 mm
Final wall 1 mm
Final area 0.1 cm^2
Final linea 100 tex
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Time sec Extension Strain 1 % Load N Flexure st Cycle CounTotal CycleRepetitionsFlexure ex Flexure str
0 0 -17.19499 1.493031 -26.87455 0 0 0 0 0
0.3 -0.251695 -17.19784 -102.3149 1841.668 0 0 0 0.251695 0.010487
0.6 -0.499613 -17.18747 -169.6146 3053.064 0 0 0 0.499613 0.020817
0.9 -0.749892 -17.19654 -261.757 4711.626 0 0 0 0.749892 0.031245
1.2 -0.999816 -17.18391 -417.0161 7506.29 0 0 0 0.999816 0.041659
1.5 -1.249977 -17.18173 -771.6139 13889.05 0 0 0 1.249977 0.052082
1.8 -1.499783 -17.19482 -1231.729 22171.12 0 0 0 1.499783 0.062491
2.1 -1.750062 -17.18475 -1714.85 30867.31 0 0 0 1.750062 0.072919
2.4 -1.999515 -17.19234 -2124.995 38249.91 0 0 0 1.999515 0.083313
2.7 -2.249675 -17.18491 -2557.77 46039.86 0 0 0 2.249675 0.093736
3 -2.499836 -17.19568 -2941.513 52947.24 0 0 0 2.499836 0.10416
3.3 -2.74976 -17.1929 -3214.718 57864.92 0 0 0 2.74976 0.114573
3.6 -2.999685 -17.18832 -3409.565 61372.17 0 0 0 2.999685 0.124987
3.9 -3.2502 -17.18949 -3506.022 63108.39 0 0 0 3.2502 0.135425
4.2 -3.499888 -17.19837 -3479.288 62627.19 0 0 0 3.499888 0.145829
4.5 -3.749577 -17.18439 -3263.708 58746.74 0 0 0 3.749577 0.156232
4.8 -4.00021 -17.18671 -2921.893 52594.08 0 0 0 4.00021 0.166675
5.1 -4.249898 -17.19594 -2452.677 44148.19 0 0 0 4.249898 0.177079
5.4 -4.499823 -17.18909 -1884.732 33925.18 0 0 0 4.499823 0.187493
5.7 -4.749983 -17.19338 -1438.703 25896.66 0 0 0 4.749983 0.197916
6 -5.000026 -17.19752 -1100.682 19812.28 0 0 0 5.000026 0.208334
6.3 -5.250069 -17.19457 -829.5625 14932.12 0 0 0 5.250069 0.218753
6.6 -5.499875 -17.18478 -610.8632 10995.54 0 0 0 5.499875 0.229162
6.9 -5.749917 -17.19526 -444.5064 8001.115 0 0 0 5.749917 0.23958
7.2 -5.999842 -17.1901 -335.3301 6035.942 0 0 0 5.999842 0.249993
7.5 -6.249885 -17.18571 -280.9858 5057.745 0 0 0 6.249885 0.260412
7.8 -6.499692 -17.19202 -245.9268 4426.682 0 0 0 6.499692 0.270821
8.1 -6.749852 -17.18869 -224.9537 4049.167 0 0 0 6.749852 0.281244
8.4 -6.999658 -17.18719 -203.6205 3665.169 0 0 0 6.999658 0.291652
8.7 -7.249937 -17.18974 -178.2475 3208.455 0 0 0 7.249937 0.302081
9 -7.49998 -17.19057 -158.9587 2861.257 0 0 0 7.49998 0.312499
9.3 -7.750022 -17.19175 -148.0211 2664.379 0 0 0 7.750022 0.322918
9.6 -7.999829 -17.19187 -140.1946 2523.502 0 0 0 7.999829 0.333326
9.9 -8.249871 -17.18899 -133.1971 2397.547 0 0 0 8.249871 0.343745
10.2 -8.499796 -17.1841 -119.9126 2158.426 0 0 0 8.499796 0.354158
10.5 -8.749485 -17.18162 -108.9001 1960.202 0 0 0 8.749485 0.364562
10.8 -8.999409 -17.18488 -103.6521 1865.737 0 0 0 8.999409 0.374975
11.1 -9.249924 -17.18433 -98.85672 1779.421 0 0 0 9.249924 0.385414
11.4 -9.499967 -17.1813 -94.26974 1696.855 0 0 0 9.499967 0.395832
11.7 -9.749891 -17.18129 -83.61044 1504.988 0 0 0 9.749891 0.406246
12 -9.999934 -17.18453 -74.9552 1349.194 0 0 0 9.999934 0.416664
12.3 -10.25021 -17.18607 -70.2247 1264.045 0 0 0 10.25021 0.427092
12.6 -10.49978 -17.18252 -62.00377 1116.068 0 0 0 10.49978 0.437491
12.9 -10.74971 -17.18508 -57.12414 1028.234 0 0 0 10.74971 0.447905
13.2 -11.0001 -17.18947 -50.96048 917.2887 0 0 0 11.0001 0.458338
13.5 -11.24979 -17.18516 -47.07346 847.3223 0 0 0 11.24979 0.468741
13.8 -11.49983 -17.18698 -43.79001 788.2202 0 0 0 11.49983 0.47916
14.1 -11.75011 -17.19096 -41.75782 751.6408 0 0 0 11.75011 0.489588
14.4 -12.00004 -17.18776 -34.07575 613.3635 0 0 0 12.00004 0.500002
14.7 -12.25008 -17.18797 -31.67707 570.1873 0 0 0 12.25008 0.51042
15 -12.49965 -17.18539 -29.26143 526.7057 0 0 0 12.49965 0.520819
15.3 -12.74981 -17.19055 -30.69111 552.4399 0 0 0 12.74981 0.531242
15.6 -12.99962 -17.19125 -26.74976 481.4956 0 0 0 12.99962 0.541651
15.64 -13.03338 -17.1871 -26.75581 481.6045 0 0 0 13.03338 0.543058
al Test.im_flex
Flexure loaAxial Strai Corrected du du/dab 0 0
-1.493031 -17.19499 0 -0.007465 #DIV/0! 0 0
102.3149 -17.19784 -0.251695 0.511575 #DIV/0! 0 0
169.6146 -17.18747 -0.499613 0.848073 #DIV/0! 0 0
261.757 -17.19654 -0.749892 1.308785 #DIV/0! 0 0
417.0161 -17.18391 -0.999816 2.085081 3.642062 0.5725 0.5725 n*mm/mm2 120
771.6139 -17.18173 -1.249977 3.85807 1.761676 2.7625 3.335
1231.729 -17.19482 -1.499783 6.158645 1.903754 5.9975 8.76 100
1714.85 -17.18475 -1.750062 8.57425 2.650464 9.2325 15.23
2124.995 -17.19234 -1.999515 10.62498 3.777097 12.0455 21.278 80

2557.77 -17.18491 -2.249675 12.78885 5.383646 14.421 26.4665

2941.513 -17.19568 -2.499836 14.70757 6.642983 16.635 31.056
3214.718 -17.1929 -2.74976 16.07359 13.26204 17.847 34.482
3409.565 -17.18832 -2.999685 17.04783 3.284428 23.0375 40.8845
3506.022 -17.18949 -3.2502 17.53011 2.091899 31.4175 54.455 20
3479.288 -17.19837 -3.499888 17.39644 2.760244 37.72 69.1375
3263.708 -17.18439 -3.749577 16.31854 3.275007 42.70275 80.42275 0
0 10 20
2921.893 -17.18671 -4.00021 14.60947 3.567199 46.79825 89.501
2452.677 -17.19594 -4.249898 12.26339 2.994356 50.89375 97.692
1884.732 -17.18909 -4.499823 9.42366 2.300979 54.98925 105.883
1438.703 -17.19338 -4.749983 7.193515 3.512887 57.037 112.0263
1100.682 -17.19752 -5.000026
829.5625 -17.19457 -5.250069
610.8632 -17.18478 -5.499875
444.5064 -17.19526 -5.749917
335.3301 -17.1901 -5.999842
280.9858 -17.18571 -6.249885
245.9268 -17.19202 -6.499692
224.9537 -17.18869 -6.749852
203.6205 -17.18719 -6.999658
178.2475 -17.18974 -7.249937
158.9587 -17.19057 -7.49998
148.0211 -17.19175 -7.750022
140.1946 -17.19187 -7.999829
133.1971 -17.18899 -8.249871
119.9126 -17.1841 -8.499796
108.9001 -17.18162 -8.749485
103.6521 -17.18488 -8.999409
98.85672 -17.18433 -9.249924
94.26974 -17.1813 -9.499967
83.61044 -17.18129 -9.749891
74.9552 -17.18453 -9.999934
70.2247 -17.18607 -10.25021
62.00377 -17.18252 -10.49978
57.12414 -17.18508 -10.74971
50.96048 -17.18947 -11.0001
47.07346 -17.18516 -11.24979
43.79001 -17.18698 -11.49983
41.75782 -17.19096 -11.75011
34.07575 -17.18776 -12.00004
31.67707 -17.18797 -12.25008
29.26143 -17.18539 -12.49965
30.69111 -17.19055 -12.74981
26.74976 -17.19125 -12.99962
26.75581 -17.1871 -13.03338
Chart Title






0 10 20 30 40 50 60

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