Video Games - 1

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Video Games
Technology just keeps on improving as years goes by and so
do video games: From Nintendo Game Boys to PSPs and now
Nintendo Wii. Who knows what they could bring us next.
Children all over the world just can't get enough of them.
But with these advancements, do education and moral
values improve as well?

Questions for Discussion:

1. What kind video games did you play as a child and how different are they from video
games of today?
2. What changes have you noticed about the video games that are available to children
3. Do you feel like video games are a good way for children to enjoy their spare time?
Why or why not?
4. Why do you think some kids get so addicted to playing video games?
5. How could video games affect a child's studying?
6. How could video games affect a child's behavior?
7. Do you think video games industry provides enough educational games nowadays?
Why or why not?
8. How do you think does video games affect a child's social growth?
9. Do you think video games could also affect a child's health? Explain your answer.
10. Do you think video game industries should be blamed for some negative effects of
video games to young people? Why or why not?
11. How could parents avoid their children from being affected by video games negatively?
12. Do you think parents should not buy their children any kind of video games? Why or
why not?
13. What other options could children have to enjoy their free time?
14. If you had a child who is addicted to video games, how would you handle the situation?
15. How do you think a person's life could be like if he/she spends most of his life playing
video games until adulthood?

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