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Test Type Flexure

Method N C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\Instron\Bluehill\Templates\flextural Test.im_flex

Sample na C:\Documents and Settings\STRUCTURE\Desktop\CO,FT,6,MD.is_flex
Sample note 1
Sample note 2
Sample note 3
Geometry Rectangular
Specimen 1
Specimen lCO,FT,6,MD
Width 10 mm
Thickness 1 mm
Length 100 mm
Diameter 10 mm
Inner diam 8 mm
Outer diam 10 mm
Wall thickn 1 mm
Area 0.1 cm^2
Linear dens 100 tex
Sled weigh 10 N
Loading sp 10 mm
Support sp 120 mm
Span ratio 2
Fixture typ3-point
Final width 10 mm
Final thick 1 mm
Final lengt 100 mm
Final diame 10 mm
Final Inner 8 mm
Final outer 10 mm
Final wall 1 mm
Final area 0.1 cm^2
Final linea 100 tex
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Time sec Extension Strain 1 % Load N Flexure st Cycle CounTotal CycleRepetitionsFlexure ex Flexure str
0 0 -17.19144 0.62351 -11.22317 0 0 0 0 0
0.3 -0.251814 -17.18794 -70.20486 1263.687 0 0 0 0.251814 0.010492
0.6 -0.499967 -17.1857 -190.0068 3420.123 0 0 0 0.499967 0.020832
0.9 -0.749892 -17.1903 -371.9425 6694.965 0 0 0 0.749892 0.031245
1.2 -0.999934 -17.1829 -629.9539 11339.17 0 0 0 0.999934 0.041664
1.5 -1.249977 -17.1851 -1080.796 19454.33 0 0 0 1.249977 0.052082
1.8 -1.499902 -17.18981 -1613.997 29051.95 0 0 0 1.499902 0.062496
2.1 -1.74959 -17.19184 -2219.12 39944.15 0 0 0 1.74959 0.0729
2.4 -1.999751 -17.19251 -2697.982 48563.67 0 0 0 1.999751 0.083323
2.7 -2.249675 -17.19422 -3028.873 54519.71 0 0 0 2.249675 0.093736
3 -2.499718 -17.19066 -3202.284 57641.11 0 0 0 2.499718 0.104155
3.3 -2.749878 -17.19275 -3246.1 58429.8 0 0 0 2.749878 0.114578
3.6 -3.000157 -17.18841 -3156.693 56820.47 0 0 0 3.000157 0.125007
3.9 -3.250082 -17.18904 -2993.069 53875.24 0 0 0 3.250082 0.13542
4.2 -3.500242 -17.18438 -2763.582 49744.48 0 0 0 3.500242 0.145843
4.5 -3.750167 -17.18966 -2453.023 44154.42 0 0 0 3.750167 0.156257
4.8 -4.00021 -17.18435 -2141.867 38553.6 0 0 0 4.00021 0.166675
5.1 -4.250134 -17.18917 -1831.932 32974.78 0 0 0 4.250134 0.177089
5.4 -4.499941 -17.18965 -1521.791 27392.23 0 0 0 4.499941 0.187498
5.7 -4.749865 -17.19025 -1230.02 22140.36 0 0 0 4.749865 0.197911
6 -5.000144 -17.18597 -969.7876 17456.18 0 0 0 5.000144 0.208339
6.3 -5.250069 -17.18708 -804.1058 14473.9 0 0 0 5.250069 0.218753
6.6 -5.500111 -17.18706 -698.9794 12581.63 0 0 0 5.500111 0.229171
6.9 -5.75039 -17.18515 -605.3104 10895.59 0 0 0 5.75039 0.2396
7.2 -6.000078 -17.18259 -513.4416 9241.948 0 0 0 6.000078 0.250003
7.5 -6.250121 -17.1851 -444.5053 8001.096 0 0 0 6.250121 0.260422
7.8 -6.49981 -17.18821 -387.5398 6975.717 0 0 0 6.49981 0.270825
8.1 -6.750088 -17.18228 -343.3047 6179.485 0 0 0 6.750088 0.281254
8.4 -7.000131 -17.1844 -312.1301 5618.342 0 0 0 7.000131 0.291672
8.7 -7.249937 -17.19004 -285.7779 5144.002 0 0 0 7.249937 0.302081
9 -7.499862 -17.18473 -266.5663 4798.193 0 0 0 7.499862 0.312494
9.3 -7.750141 -17.18651 -245.8105 4424.59 0 0 0 7.750141 0.322923
9.6 -8.000066 -17.19181 -234.4029 4219.252 0 0 0 8.000066 0.333336
9.9 -8.249754 -17.19275 -217.479 3914.622 0 0 0 8.249754 0.34374
10.2 -8.50015 -17.18366 -197.9807 3563.652 0 0 0 8.50015 0.354173
10.5 -8.749603 -17.18977 -189.7023 3414.642 0 0 0 8.749603 0.364567
10.8 -8.999881 -17.18686 -172.3268 3101.883 0 0 0 8.999881 0.374995
11.1 -9.250042 -17.18942 -162.8212 2930.782 0 0 0 9.250042 0.385418
11.4 -9.500203 -17.18939 -148.9622 2681.32 0 0 0 9.500203 0.395842
11.7 -9.749655 -17.18559 -141.5116 2547.209 0 0 0 9.749655 0.406236
12 -10.00029 -17.18825 -135.285 2435.129 0 0 0 10.00029 0.416679
12.3 -10.24998 -17.18979 -125.9617 2267.311 0 0 0 10.24998 0.427082
12.6 -10.4999 -17.19104 -117.8423 2121.162 0 0 0 10.4999 0.437496
12.9 -10.74971 -17.19003 -109.1158 1964.085 0 0 0 10.74971 0.447905
13.2 -10.99975 -17.19038 -101.4225 1825.605 0 0 0 10.99975 0.458323
13.5 -11.25003 -17.18973 -95.28926 1715.207 0 0 0 11.25003 0.468751
13.8 -11.49983 -17.19315 -81.54202 1467.756 0 0 0 11.49983 0.47916
14.1 -11.75011 -17.19254 -74.82296 1346.813 0 0 0 11.75011 0.489588
14.4 -12.00004 -17.18965 -65.54706 1179.847 0 0 0 12.00004 0.500002
14.7 -12.2502 -17.1879 -61.69322 1110.478 0 0 0 12.2502 0.510425
15 -12.49989 -17.18838 -53.63773 965.4792 0 0 0 12.49989 0.520829
15.086 -12.57155 -17.18987 -51.57465 928.3436 0 0 0 12.57155 0.523815
al Test.im_flex
Flexure loaAxial Strai Corrected Position mm
-0.62351 -17.19144 0
70.20486 -17.18794 -0.251814
190.0068 -17.1857 -0.499967
371.9425 -17.1903 -0.749892
629.9539 -17.1829 -0.999934
1080.796 -17.1851 -1.249977
1613.997 -17.18981 -1.499902
2219.12 -17.19184 -1.74959
2697.982 -17.19251 -1.999751
3028.873 -17.19422 -2.249675
3202.284 -17.19066 -2.499718
3246.1 -17.19275 -2.749878
3156.693 -17.18841 -3.000157
2993.069 -17.18904 -3.250082
2763.582 -17.18438 -3.500242
2453.023 -17.18966 -3.750167
2141.867 -17.18435 -4.00021
1831.932 -17.18917 -4.250134
1521.791 -17.18965 -4.499941
1230.02 -17.19025 -4.749865
969.7876 -17.18597 -5.000144
804.1058 -17.18708 -5.250069
698.9794 -17.18706 -5.500111
605.3104 -17.18515 -5.75039
513.4416 -17.18259 -6.000078
444.5053 -17.1851 -6.250121
387.5398 -17.18821 -6.49981
343.3047 -17.18228 -6.750088
312.1301 -17.1844 -7.000131
285.7779 -17.19004 -7.249937
266.5663 -17.18473 -7.499862
245.8105 -17.18651 -7.750141
234.4029 -17.19181 -8.000066
217.479 -17.19275 -8.249754
197.9807 -17.18366 -8.50015
189.7023 -17.18977 -8.749603
172.3268 -17.18686 -8.999881
162.8212 -17.18942 -9.250042
148.9622 -17.18939 -9.500203
141.5116 -17.18559 -9.749655
135.285 -17.18825 -10.00029
125.9617 -17.18979 -10.24998
117.8423 -17.19104 -10.4999
109.1158 -17.19003 -10.74971
101.4225 -17.19038 -10.99975
95.28926 -17.18973 -11.25003
81.54202 -17.19315 -11.49983
74.82296 -17.19254 -11.75011
65.54706 -17.18965 -12.00004
61.69322 -17.1879 -12.2502
53.63773 -17.18838 -12.49989
51.57465 -17.18987 -12.57155

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