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Test Type Flexure

Method N C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\Instron\Bluehill\Templates\flextural Test.im_flex

Sample na C:\Documents and Settings\STRUCTURE\Desktop\RU,FT,LA,S3.is_flex
Sample note 1
Sample note 2
Sample note 3
Geometry Rectangular
Specimen 1
Specimen lRU,FT,LA,S3
Width 10 mm
Thickness 1 mm
Length 100 mm
Diameter 10 mm
Inner diam 8 mm
Outer diam 10 mm
Wall thickn 1 mm
Area 0.1 cm^2
Linear dens 100 tex
Sled weigh 10 N
Loading sp 10 mm
Support sp 120 mm
Span ratio 2
Fixture typ3-point
Final width 10 mm
Final thick 1 mm
Final lengt 100 mm
Final diame 10 mm
Final Inner 8 mm
Final outer 10 mm
Final wall 1 mm
Final area 0.1 cm^2
Final linea 100 tex
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Time sec Extension Strain 1 % Load N Flexure st Cycle CounTotal CycleRepetitionsFlexure ex Flexure str
0 0 -17.1828 -0.024513 0.441231 0 0 0 0 0
0.3 -0.251932 -17.18366 -1.060813 19.09464 0 0 0 0.251932 0.010497
0.6 -0.500085 -17.1881 -63.2365 1138.257 0 0 0 0.500085 0.020837
0.9 -0.749892 -17.18512 -120.879 2175.822 0 0 0 0.749892 0.031245
1.2 -1.000288 -17.19378 -218.9242 3940.635 0 0 0 1.000288 0.041679
1.5 -1.249977 -17.19388 -456.1917 8211.45 0 0 0 1.249977 0.052082
1.8 -1.50002 -17.18764 -808.2204 14547.97 0 0 0 1.50002 0.062501
2.1 -1.749826 -17.18516 -1236.182 22251.28 0 0 0 1.749826 0.072909
2.4 -1.999633 -17.18893 -1656.548 29817.86 0 0 0 1.999633 0.083318
2.7 -2.249675 -17.18645 -2110.244 37984.39 0 0 0 2.249675 0.093736
3 -2.499954 -17.19039 -2585.588 46540.59 0 0 0 2.499954 0.104165
3.3 -2.749878 -17.18748 -3083.506 55503.1 0 0 0 2.749878 0.114578
3.6 -3.000039 -17.18851 -3515.944 63287 0 0 0 3.000039 0.125002
3.9 -3.250082 -17.18903 -3862.732 69529.18 0 0 0 3.250082 0.13542
4.2 -3.500006 -17.18233 -4148.232 74668.18 0 0 0 3.500006 0.145834
4.5 -3.750049 -17.18853 -4367.996 78623.93 0 0 0 3.750049 0.156252
4.8 -3.999737 -17.19135 -4491.74 80851.33 0 0 0 3.999737 0.166656
5.1 -4.24978 -17.19345 -4545.148 81812.67 0 0 0 4.24978 0.177074
5.4 -4.499941 -17.18836 -4495.671 80922.07 0 0 0 4.499941 0.187498
5.7 -4.749983 -17.19043 -4318.222 77728 0 0 0 4.749983 0.197916
6 -5.000144 -17.19189 -4004.031 72072.55 0 0 0 5.000144 0.208339
6.3 -5.250305 -17.18271 -3605.535 64899.63 0 0 0 5.250305 0.218763
6.6 -5.500111 -17.18418 -3036.197 54651.55 0 0 0 5.500111 0.229171
6.9 -5.750154 -17.18673 -2423.005 43614.09 0 0 0 5.750154 0.23959
7.2 -6.000078 -17.18833 -1871.959 33695.27 0 0 0 6.000078 0.250003
7.5 -6.250121 -17.18806 -1480.297 26645.35 0 0 0 6.250121 0.260422
7.8 -6.499927 -17.18849 -1188.449 21392.08 0 0 0 6.499927 0.27083
8.1 -6.750088 -17.19034 -959.6797 17274.24 0 0 0 6.750088 0.281254
8.4 -7.000131 -17.18962 -783.2753 14098.96 0 0 0 7.000131 0.291672
8.7 -7.249819 -17.1882 -622.8306 11210.95 0 0 0 7.249819 0.302076
9 -7.500216 -17.18763 -509.3153 9167.675 0 0 0 7.500216 0.312509
9.3 -7.750141 -17.19155 -420.4679 7568.422 0 0 0 7.750141 0.322923
9.6 -7.999947 -17.19173 -357.2076 6429.736 0 0 0 7.999947 0.333331
9.9 -8.249871 -17.18633 -304.6269 5483.284 0 0 0 8.249871 0.343745
10.2 -8.499915 -17.1969 -271.2666 4882.799 0 0 0 8.499915 0.354163
10.5 -8.749838 -17.19526 -240.7926 4334.266 0 0 0 8.749838 0.364577
10.8 -8.999881 -17.1924 -209.3486 3768.276 0 0 0 8.999881 0.374995
11.1 -9.249924 -17.19198 -180.787 3254.167 0 0 0 9.249924 0.385414
11.4 -9.500084 -17.19139 -150.4063 2707.314 0 0 0 9.500084 0.395837
11.7 -9.749891 -17.18917 -134.8797 2427.834 0 0 0 9.749891 0.406246
12 -10.00005 -17.19194 -116.0481 2088.866 0 0 0 10.00005 0.416669
12.3 -10.24998 -17.19261 -105.6657 1901.982 0 0 0 10.24998 0.427082
12.6 -10.49978 -17.19272 -98.28977 1769.216 0 0 0 10.49978 0.437491
12.9 -10.74971 -17.19337 -91.25408 1642.573 0 0 0 10.74971 0.447905
13.2 -10.99999 -17.18855 -86.33822 1554.088 0 0 0 10.99999 0.458333
13.5 -11.24991 -17.18536 -78.1486 1406.675 0 0 0 11.24991 0.468746
13.8 -11.49995 -17.18924 -71.71807 1290.925 0 0 0 11.49995 0.479165
14.1 -11.75 -17.1838 -68.00959 1224.173 0 0 0 11.75 0.489583
14.4 -12.00004 -17.18376 -59.73563 1075.241 0 0 0 12.00004 0.500002
14.7 -12.24996 -17.18589 -53.6973 966.5515 0 0 0 12.24996 0.510415
14.8 -12.33355 -17.1794 -52.05872 937.057 0 0 0 12.33355 0.513898
al Test.im_flex
Flexure loaAxial Strai Corrected Position mm
0.024513 -17.1828 0
1.060813 -17.18366 -0.251932
63.2365 -17.1881 -0.500085
120.879 -17.18512 -0.749892
218.9242 -17.19378 -1.000288
456.1917 -17.19388 -1.249977
808.2204 -17.18764 -1.50002
1236.182 -17.18516 -1.749826
1656.548 -17.18893 -1.999633
2110.244 -17.18645 -2.249675
2585.588 -17.19039 -2.499954
3083.506 -17.18748 -2.749878
3515.944 -17.18851 -3.000039
3862.732 -17.18903 -3.250082
4148.232 -17.18233 -3.500006
4367.996 -17.18853 -3.750049
4491.74 -17.19135 -3.999737
4545.148 -17.19345 -4.24978
4495.671 -17.18836 -4.499941
4318.222 -17.19043 -4.749983
4004.031 -17.19189 -5.000144
3605.535 -17.18271 -5.250305
3036.197 -17.18418 -5.500111
2423.005 -17.18673 -5.750154
1871.959 -17.18833 -6.000078
1480.297 -17.18806 -6.250121
1188.449 -17.18849 -6.499927
959.6797 -17.19034 -6.750088
783.2753 -17.18962 -7.000131
622.8306 -17.1882 -7.249819
509.3153 -17.18763 -7.500216
420.4679 -17.19155 -7.750141
357.2076 -17.19173 -7.999947
304.6269 -17.18633 -8.249871
271.2666 -17.1969 -8.499915
240.7926 -17.19526 -8.749838
209.3486 -17.1924 -8.999881
180.787 -17.19198 -9.249924
150.4063 -17.19139 -9.500084
134.8797 -17.18917 -9.749891
116.0481 -17.19194 -10.00005
105.6657 -17.19261 -10.24998
98.28977 -17.19272 -10.49978
91.25408 -17.19337 -10.74971
86.33822 -17.18855 -10.99999
78.1486 -17.18536 -11.24991
71.71807 -17.18924 -11.49995
68.00959 -17.1838 -11.75
59.73563 -17.18376 -12.00004
53.6973 -17.18589 -12.24996
52.05872 -17.1794 -12.33355

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