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Test Type Flexure

Method N C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\Instron\Bluehill\Templates\flextural Test.im_flex

Sample na C:\Documents and Settings\STRUCTURE\Desktop\PR,FT,1.is_flex
Sample note 1
Sample note 2
Sample note 3
Geometry Rectangular
Specimen 1
Specimen lPL,FT,1
Width 10 mm
Thickness 1 mm
Length 100 mm
Diameter 10 mm
Inner diam 8 mm
Outer diam 10 mm
Wall thickn 1 mm
Area 0.1 cm^2
Linear dens 100 tex
Sled weigh 10 N
Loading sp 10 mm
Support sp 120 mm
Span ratio 2
Fixture typ3-point
Final width 10 mm
Final thick 1 mm
Final lengt 100 mm
Final diame 10 mm
Final Inner 8 mm
Final outer 10 mm
Final wall 1 mm
Final area 0.1 cm^2
Final linea 100 tex
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Time sec Extension Strain 1 % Load N Flexure st Cycle CounTotal CycleRepetitionsFlexure ex Flexure str
0 0 -17.19322 0.188432 -3.391783 0 0 0 0 0
0.3 -0.251932 -17.19601 -237.2354 4270.237 0 0 0 0.251932 0.010497
0.6 -0.499849 -17.18997 -752.627 13547.29 0 0 0 0.499849 0.020827
0.9 -0.749774 -17.18611 -1486.662 26759.92 0 0 0 0.749774 0.031241
1.2 -0.999816 -17.19703 -2167.537 39015.66 0 0 0 0.999816 0.041659
1.5 -1.249741 -17.18141 -2758.605 49654.89 0 0 0 1.249741 0.052073
1.8 -1.499783 -17.18125 -3239.101 58303.82 0 0 0 1.499783 0.062491
2.1 -1.74959 -17.1869 -3575.083 64351.49 0 0 0 1.74959 0.0729
2.4 -1.999869 -17.18892 -3755.443 67597.97 0 0 0 1.999869 0.083328
2.7 -2.249911 -17.18816 -3723.376 67020.76 0 0 0 2.249911 0.093746
3 -2.50019 -17.1877 -3452.023 62136.41 0 0 0 2.50019 0.104175
3.3 -2.750233 -17.19703 -2945.298 53015.37 0 0 0 2.750233 0.114593
3.6 -3.000275 -17.18777 -2204.378 39678.81 0 0 0 3.000275 0.125012
3.9 -3.250082 -17.18484 -1435.356 25836.41 0 0 0 3.250082 0.13542
4.2 -3.500006 -17.18132 -990.8815 17835.87 0 0 0 3.500006 0.145834
4.5 -3.750167 -17.18991 -697.8883 12561.99 0 0 0 3.750167 0.156257
4.8 -3.999855 -17.18682 -515.522 9279.395 0 0 0 3.999855 0.166661
5.1 -4.249898 -17.18796 -400.3441 7206.194 0 0 0 4.249898 0.177079
5.4 -4.499941 -17.18859 -316.0069 5688.125 0 0 0 4.499941 0.187498
5.7 -4.749983 -17.1917 -257.0037 4626.067 0 0 0 4.749983 0.197916
6 -5.000026 -17.1887 -217.0205 3906.37 0 0 0 5.000026 0.208334
6.3 -5.24995 -17.1893 -187.9444 3382.999 0 0 0 5.24995 0.218748
6.6 -5.499875 -17.18333 -166.8675 3003.615 0 0 0 5.499875 0.229162
6.9 -5.749917 -17.18118 -145.9025 2626.245 0 0 0 5.749917 0.23958
7.2 -5.999724 -17.18771 -124.4695 2240.451 0 0 0 5.999724 0.249989
7.5 -6.249766 -17.18689 -107.4139 1933.451 0 0 0 6.249766 0.260407
7.8 -6.499927 -17.19035 -95.67383 1722.129 0 0 0 6.499927 0.27083
8.1 -6.749852 -17.18992 -88.17846 1587.212 0 0 0 6.749852 0.281244
8.4 -7.000131 -17.18769 -82.15881 1478.859 0 0 0 7.000131 0.291672
8.7 -7.249937 -17.18366 -74.98523 1349.734 0 0 0 7.249937 0.302081
9 -7.49998 -17.18775 -66.39841 1195.171 0 0 0 7.49998 0.312499
9.3 -7.749787 -17.18962 -64.61841 1163.131 0 0 0 7.749787 0.322908
9.6 -7.999947 -17.19325 -62.17645 1119.176 0 0 0 7.999947 0.333331
9.9 -8.249754 -17.18864 -54.49044 980.828 0 0 0 8.249754 0.34374
10.2 -8.499915 -17.18828 -50.18884 903.3992 0 0 0 8.499915 0.354163
10.5 -8.749838 -17.18771 -43.98613 791.7504 0 0 0 8.749838 0.364577
10.8 -8.999881 -17.18518 -40.43346 727.8023 0 0 0 8.999881 0.374995
11.1 -9.25016 -17.18526 -39.80839 716.5511 0 0 0 9.25016 0.385423
11.4 -9.499967 -17.18958 -37.25426 670.5767 0 0 0 9.499967 0.395832
11.7 -9.750009 -17.19108 -33.6993 606.5874 0 0 0 9.750009 0.40625
12 -9.999698 -17.18791 -32.45521 584.1938 0 0 0 9.999698 0.416654
12.3 -10.24986 -17.18567 -29.71904 534.9428 0 0 0 10.24986 0.427078
12.6 -10.49978 -17.19034 -29.71241 534.8233 0 0 0 10.49978 0.437491
12.9 -10.74983 -17.19141 -28.4112 511.4016 0 0 0 10.74983 0.447909
13.2 -10.99987 -17.18848 -27.98367 503.7061 0 0 0 10.99987 0.458328
13.5 -11.25003 -17.18713 -27.72015 498.9627 0 0 0 11.25003 0.468751
13.8 -11.49972 -17.18451 -28.11 505.98 0 0 0 11.49972 0.479155
14.1 -11.75 -17.18728 -25.15909 452.8635 0 0 0 11.75 0.489583
14.4 -11.99992 -17.18945 -27.37822 492.8079 0 0 0 11.99992 0.499997
14.7 -12.24973 -17.18765 -25.39759 457.1566 0 0 0 12.24973 0.510405
15 -12.49989 -17.18577 -21.63193 389.3748 0 0 0 12.49989 0.520829
15.3 -12.74981 -17.18991 -19.58221 352.4798 0 0 0 12.74981 0.531242
15.49 -12.90836 -17.18484 -21.62503 389.2506 0 0 0 12.90836 0.537848
al Test.im_flex
Flexure loaAxial Strai Corrected Position mm
-0.188432 -17.19322 0
237.2354 -17.19601 -0.251932
752.627 -17.18997 -0.499849
1486.662 -17.18611 -0.749774
2167.537 -17.19703 -0.999816
2758.605 -17.18141 -1.249741
3239.101 -17.18125 -1.499783
3575.083 -17.1869 -1.74959
3755.443 -17.18892 -1.999869
3723.376 -17.18816 -2.249911
3452.023 -17.1877 -2.50019
2945.298 -17.19703 -2.750233
2204.378 -17.18777 -3.000275
1435.356 -17.18484 -3.250082
990.8815 -17.18132 -3.500006
697.8883 -17.18991 -3.750167
515.522 -17.18682 -3.999855
400.3441 -17.18796 -4.249898
316.0069 -17.18859 -4.499941
257.0037 -17.1917 -4.749983
217.0205 -17.1887 -5.000026
187.9444 -17.1893 -5.24995
166.8675 -17.18333 -5.499875
145.9025 -17.18118 -5.749917
124.4695 -17.18771 -5.999724
107.4139 -17.18689 -6.249766
95.67383 -17.19035 -6.499927
88.17846 -17.18992 -6.749852
82.15881 -17.18769 -7.000131
74.98523 -17.18366 -7.249937
66.39841 -17.18775 -7.49998
64.61841 -17.18962 -7.749787
62.17645 -17.19325 -7.999947
54.49044 -17.18864 -8.249754
50.18884 -17.18828 -8.499915
43.98613 -17.18771 -8.749838
40.43346 -17.18518 -8.999881
39.80839 -17.18526 -9.25016
37.25426 -17.18958 -9.499967
33.6993 -17.19108 -9.750009
32.45521 -17.18791 -9.999698
29.71904 -17.18567 -10.24986
29.71241 -17.19034 -10.49978
28.4112 -17.19141 -10.74983
27.98367 -17.18848 -10.99987
27.72015 -17.18713 -11.25003
28.11 -17.18451 -11.49972
25.15909 -17.18728 -11.75
27.37822 -17.18945 -11.99992
25.39759 -17.18765 -12.24973
21.63193 -17.18577 -12.49989
19.58221 -17.18991 -12.74981
21.62503 -17.18484 -12.90836

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