Selection of Copper EW Harvesting Methods and Impact On Cathode Quality

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*G. Miller1, R. Clark2, S. Williams3, G. Heferen4 and N.Aslin4

Miller Metallurgical Services,
23 Stanfell Street
Corinda, 4075, Australia
(*Corresponding Author:
SEK sprl, Democratic Republic of Congo
PPM Global
33-37 Murray Rd South
Welshpool, Perth, Australia 6106
Xstrata Technology,
160 Anne St
Brisbane, Australia 4000


The methods of harvesting copper from stainless steel mother plates has been investigated from
fundamental and operational experience perspectives. At least five different harvesting techniques have
been identified that have different effects on product quality, current efficiency, current distribution,
growth morphology and ease of stripping. Each method is examined from fundamental principles to
understand what occurs during the harvesting process and why the particular effects are manifested.
Experience from plants operating the harvesting method is provided to show that the fundamental
understanding is relevant. Best practice harvesting method and harvesting management are described.


Copper, electrowinning, stainless steel cathode, product quality, harvesting method,


The method of harvesting copper deposited on stainless steel cathodes during electrowinning
operations has a profound effect on the copper quality. A number of harvesting methods have been, and
are being used, in the industry with various degrees of impact on the deposit quality. The quality
parameters that are usually measured are:
 Sulphur
 Lead
 Ease of stripping the copper
 Presence of nodules or rough surface texture

In all cases considered in this paper, there is an assumption that the harvesting is conducted live.
This infers that the current is not reduced during harvesting but kept at the normal level for that particular
plant. One of the principal reasons for doing live harvesting is to protect the anodes and cathodes from
damage if no current is flowing. In copper electro-refining the copper anode and copper deposit on the
cathode leach very slowly in electrolyte, and do not set up a galvanic couple. In electrowinning however
the copper on the cathode and the lead anode do set up a reverse voltage. The resultant reverse current
flow can have dramatic impacts on electrodes and copper product:
 Copper is dissolved from the cathode creating a porous structure that contains electrolyte and lead
flake. These contaminants create off specification product.
 Once the copper is dissolved from the cathode, the underlying stainless steel mother plate is subject to
impressed current corrosion leading to pitting and destruction of the plate as a viable deposition
 The anodes are subject to the same reverse current leading to changes in corrosion product chemistry
and morphology. The resultant spalling of the lead dioxide layer into the cell contributes to high lead
in cathode.

The current that would be applied to the cathodes removed for harvesting is redistributed to the
other local cathodes (and anodes) raising their operating current density for the entire period that the
cathodes are out of the cell. It is the effects of the extra operating current, the absolute current density on
the remaining cathodes, the timing of when it is applied in the growth cycle and the time for which it is
applied, which has significant impacts on the deposit quality. An excellent recent paper by Blackett and
Nicol (2010) provides the basis for modelling the current re-distribution and the propagation along the cell
row during harvesting.

The major production aspect of EW harvesting is the efficiency and productivity of the materials
handling system for the harvested and returned stripped cathodes. This productivity includes not only the
crane(s) and stripping machine(s) but also the human interactions with these units. Some alternate
management practices have been implemented that have increased personnel productivity by providing
opportunities for internal personal motivations to take effect without external impetus.


In order to provide a coherent description the following EW layout is assumed for a relatively
simple plant. Other much larger operations can be sub-divided into this type of simple block. Figure 1
shows the layout of two cell aisles each with three blocks of cells. The harvesting is assumed to be on a six
day cycle to allow the operating sequence to be described more simply. Figure 2 provides three alternative
cathode numbering systems that relate to the method of their harvesting.
Figure 1 - Cell House Overall Arrangement.

Figure 2 - Alternative Cathode numbering: 2a every third cathode, 2b every second cathode, 2c three
blocks of cathodes.

A number of alternate methods of cathode harvesting have been identified as in use by the
industry. Some are direct copies of starter sheet operations, others are a hybrid of starter sheet and
stainless cathode methods. Others have elements of electro-refining ‘dead’ harvesting, while two methods
have been developed especially for use with stainless steel cathodes.

‘Every Third’ Method

In this method of harvesting every third cathode is removed from each cell. It is the method from
the XT ISAKIDD tankhouse group and recommended in all installations of their technology. Firstly the
“A” cathodes are harvested (Figure 2a) and the stripped cathodes are replaced. The “A” cathodes are
removed from every cell in sequence in the tankhouse in a period of two days. Secondly the “B” cathodes
from every cell in the tankhouse are similarly harvested and stripped cathodes replaced; also over a period
of two days. Lastly the “C” cathodes are harvested and stripped cathodes replaced from the whole
tankhouse. In this method, the harvesting proceeds in three separate passes around the entire tankhouse
each pass taking two days

The current density and temporal pattern on the cathodes is relatively benign:
 The “A” cathodes are subject to 150% of nominal current density for two periods while the “B” and
“C” cathodes are harvested. The two periods are separated by two days with the first occurring two
days after first deposition with a time of approximately ten minutes each.
 The “B” cathodes are subject to 150% current density for two periods while the “C” and “A” cathodes
are harvested. The two periods are separated by two days and last approximately ten minutes each.
 The “C” cathodes are subject to 150% current density for two periods while the “A” and “B” cathodes
are harvested. The two periods are separated by two days and last approximately ten minutes each.

There are a large number of operations in the industry using this method of harvesting.

‘Every Second’ Method

In this method of harvesting every second cathode is removed from each cell. It is the method
from OUTOTEC and used in all installations of their technology. Firstly the “A” cathodes are harvested
(Figure 2b) and the stripped cathodes are replaced. The “A” cathodes are removed from every cell in the
tankhouse in a period of three days. Secondly the “B” cathodes from every cell in the tankhouse are
harvested and stripped cathodes replaced; also over a period of three days. In this method, the harvesting
proceeds in two separate passes around the entire tankhouse each pass taking three days

The current density and temporal pattern on the cathodes are more severe than the ‘every third’
method with:
 The “A” cathodes are subject to 200% current density for one period while the “B” cathodes are
harvested. The period lasts normally ten to twenty minutes, but can be up to two hours, depending on
the harvesting management; and occurs three days after first deposition.
 The “B” cathodes are subject to 200% current density for one period while the “A” cathodes are
harvested. The period lasts ten to twenty minutes, but again can be up to one to two hours; and occurs
three days after first deposition.

There are around four or five ‘Every Second’ operations in the industry, and one other at BHAS
(D. J. Readett, personal communication, November 5th 2013) using this method of harvesting.

Starter Sheet Style

In this method all cathodes are harvested from each cell before moving to the next cell. Firstly the
“A” cathodes are harvested (Figure 2a) and the stripped cathodes are replaced. Secondly the “B” cathodes
from the same cell are harvested and stripped cathodes replaced. Lastly the “C” cathodes are harvested and
stripped cathodes replaced. The harvesting then proceeds to the next cell along the cell aisle; until the
block of cells for the day is completed

The current density and temporal pattern on the cathodes are more extreme with:
 The “A” cathodes are subject to 150% current density for two periods while the “B” and “C” cathodes
are harvested. The two periods are very soon after the stripped cathodes are replaced in the cell;
generally within ten minutes of each other; and for about ten minutes.
 The “B” cathodes are subject to 150% current density for two periods while the “C” and “A” cathodes
are harvested. The two periods are separated by the full six day growth cycle, with the first very soon
after the stripped cathodes are replaced in the cell (“C” cathode harvesting); while the second is at the
end of the “B” cathode growth when the “A” cathodes are stripped. The time span for the high current
density is about ten minutes each.
 The “C” cathodes are subject to 150% current density for two periods while the “A” and “B” cathodes
are harvested. The two periods are at the end of the “C” cathode growth cycle; generally within ten
minutes of each other; and for periods of ten minutes.

At least three operations have been investigated that have used this style of harvesting; although
more are likely to be doing so.

Modified Starter Sheet Style

The modified starter sheet operation is similar to a mixture of the starter sheet style and the Every
Third method. In this method of harvesting the cathodes are removed in sequence from each cell; in the
block of cell to be harvested for the day. Firstly the “A” cathodes are harvested (Figure 2a) and the stripped
cathodes are replaced. The harvest then moves to the next cell in the block; and so on until the “A”
cathodes have been harvested in the day’s block. Secondly the “B” cathodes are harvested and stripped
cathodes replaced; once again proceeding until all the “B” cathodes in the day’s block of cells are
harvested. Lastly the “C” cathodes are harvested and stripped cathodes replaced. The “C” cathode
harvesting then proceeds to the next cell along the cell line; until the block of cells to be harvested for the
day are completed.

The currently density and temporal pattern on the cathodes is still relatively extreme for the “A”
and “B” cathodes:
 The “A” cathodes are subject to 150% current density for two periods while the “B” and “C” cathodes
are harvested. The two periods are separated by about three hours and last approximately ten minutes.
 The “B” cathodes are subject to 150% current density for two periods while the “A” “C” cathodes are
harvested. The periods are of about ten minutes with one at the start of nucleation period, and the
second end the end of the deposition cycle.
 The “C” cathodes are only subject to 150% higher current density at the end of the growth cycle for
two periods of ten minutes each with a three hour gap between them.

At least four operations have been investigated that have used this style of harvesting; although
more are likely to be doing so.

Electro-refining Block Stripping

This method of stripping was a direct transfer from the ‘dead’ stripping used in electro-refineries
where the section to be stripped is isolated from the DC current supply. However in electro-wining the
harvesting is ‘live’. In this method (Figure 2c) a complete block of one third of the cathodes (Block “A”) is
removed from the cell for harvesting; leaving a large space with no current flow. Once the stripped
cathodes are replaced in the cell the second block of one third of the cathodes (Block “B”) is harvested;
also leaving a large gap in the cell for concentrating current flow. Finally the last one third block of
cathodes is harvested (Block “C”); again leaving a large gap in the tankhouse DC current flow.
The currently density and temporal pattern on the cathodes and anodes are ultra-extreme:
 The “A” Block and “C” Block cathodes next to the harvested “B” Block cathodes are subject to
extreme current densities in the first few cathodes next to the harvested block. It is difficult to
estimate the current but up to +250% nominal current density is expected in the nearby cathodes. The
ultra-high current densities are imposed for periods of about ten minutes and with ten minutes between
the episodes.
 The “B” Block cathodes next to the harvested “A” and “C” Block cathodes are also subject to extreme
current densities as described above.
 The cathodes in each block remote from the harvested block (outside cell ends on blocks “A” and “C”;
and inside block “B”) have only minor increases in their operating current density.
 The current flow to the majority of lead anodes is stopped in the blocks from which cathodes are

Block Stripping of the “A” cathodes from a number of cells is shown in Figure 3. With at least
three cells harvested (or ‘open’) the time of applied extreme poor current distribution will ensure that there
are a lot of shorts and heavy growths at the block margins.

Figure 3 – Block stripping the “A” cathodes in three cells.

The electro-refining block stripping method has been implemented at one operation in Australia
(Riles and Lancaster, 2000) that was then relocated to the Democratic Republic of Congo. The same
stripping method was implemented without modification (G. Miller, personal communication, September
27, 2013). The same method was also employed in one operation in the USA.


The effects of harvesting on cathode quality are primarily related to two fundamental aspects of
the process of copper deposition: the time and limited current density required for consistent nucleation of
crystal growth in the preferred orientation of parallel to the plate. Higher nucleation current densities for
longer periods of time will result in more cathodes with the non-preferred growth direction, perpendicular
to the cathode plate. Nucleation and growth in this orientation will lead to more dendrites and generation of
growth shorts with lower current efficiencies. Once initiated in the non-preferred orientation, it is very
difficult to change the growth orientation back to the preferred one; until the copper has been harvested.
With the incorrect growth orientation the crystals are not packed tightly on the cathode which results in
brittle copper that is difficult to strip and contains high levels of occluded electrolyte.
If high current densities are imposed on already properly nucleated and partially grown copper,
then a change in crystal growth orientation can occur to grow dendrites. The operating current density at
which this occurs has been increasing in recent years but is in the region of 550 - 650 A/m2, dependant on
the particular cell operation characteristics and the duration of high density operation. Longer periods lead
to a higher proportion of cathodes with undesirable crystal growth orientation. Once the growth orientation
has been changed to the non-preferred state, it difficult to change it back until the copper has been removed
by harvesting.

Another aspect of high local current densities is the increased anode corrosion. This occurs from
both the high applied current and the sudden changes in current density, including cycling anodes to zero
current; that can cause the lead corrosion product to spall from the anode. It is not unusual to have both
poor copper quality, from high current density effects, and to experience concurrent high product lead
levels. By considering the absolute current density and the temporal pattern of high current density
application; fundamental reasons are provided to explain the effects on copper quality and anode life.

‘Every Third’ Method

The ‘every third’ method has the lowest locally and average imposed increased current densities
during harvesting. It also has the second longest time of two days between replacing a stripped cathode and
subjecting it to a higher current density when stripping its immediate neighbour. The initial copper growth
has the best opportunity to start in the preferred orientation during the first two days of average current
density operation. For the short ten minute period when it is subject to 150% of average current density the
copper is not subject to sufficient stress to force a change to the alternate crystal growth orientation.
Operating typically at 320 A/m2 the higher harvesting current density is limited to an average 480 A/m2.

Aslin & Eriksson (2011) have tested the current distribution during harvesting. Figure 4 shows
that during ‘every third’ harvesting of cell 69, there is little current distortion between cathodes, and
current distribution remains uniform.


800 cell 70
cell 69
700 cell 68
Plate current Amps







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Electrode Number

Figure 4 - ‘Every third’ stripping cathode current distribution for 3 consecutive cells

Figure 5 shows the effects on anode current distribution using the ‘every third’ method. Uniform
current distribution is maintained across the cell for the remaining cathode plates (with the exception of
short circuits in cathodes 26 and 41). Anode current density is more erratic as two out of three anodes have
one companion cathode missing and therefore draw less current. Importantly however all the anodes stay
active (albeit at lower current) which helps to avoid oxidation / spalling and prolongs anode life.
cathodes cell 69
anodes cell 69
Plate current Amps







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Electrode Number

Figure 5 - ‘Every Third’ stripping current distribution for anodes and cathodes

With the cathodes having the preferred crystal orientation, the copper is stiff and relatively easy to
strip with simple flexing of the mother plate. The lack of high current density driving force to change the
crystal growth orientation means that growth shorts are minimised and current efficiency is high. The hard
deposits are low in intra-crystal electrolyte so that sulphur levels are low. The low level of shorts
minimises any lead contamination from direct cathode- anode contact.

The anodes are also only subject to short duration (ten minutes) higher current density events with
long intervals of two days between them. As a result the electrical stresses are spread out over time, giving
the brittle anode lead dioxide corrosion product a chance to recover coherence. With less lead discharged
from the anode, there is generally lower lead levels in the product cathode. A further benefit from the
benign conditions on the anodes is that their operating lifetimes are extended.

‘Every Second’ Method

The ‘Every Second’ method harvests every second cathode from a cell. This means that the
imposed current density on the other growing cathodes will be 200% of the nominal average current
density. When operating at nominally 320 A/m2 the resulting average density is 640 A/m2, with several
electrodes at higher levels depending on the current distribution within the cell. This is the highest
universally imposed current density of any harvesting method. As a result the product quality can be
variable with changes in the growth morphology from the period of 200% of nominal current density. The
current density imposed may be beyond the limiting current density for commercial copper plating which
would have a significant impact on crystal structure. The growth upset time is actually higher than the
nominal harvesting time as the high current density through the remaining cathodes is propagated
throughout the tankhouse. As shown by Blackett & Nicol (2010) more than five cells can be affected by
the mal-distribution, for the cumulative period of the harvest, usually several hours per day.

Evidence of this is provided by examination of the microstructure in Figure 6 of a typical deposit

grown under these conditions (Aslin & Eriksson, 2011).
Figure 6 - Microstructure of ‘Every Second’ style harvested copper

Comments on the microstructure are:

 Band of porosity mid-way through the growth cycle - caused by ultra-high current density (640A/m2)
during harvesting of the companion cathodes.
 Growth changes from close-packed elongated grains (good structure) prior to the event, to dendritic
growth after the event.
 The outer porous structure of the deposit will occlude electrolyte generating a high concentration of
sulphur. As an example the inclusion of as little as 0.25% v/v electrolyte (with 35 g/L Cu and 180 g/l
H2SO4) within the interstitial grain structure, the product sulphur level will typically be +20 ppm.

As a result of the change in growth morphology there is an increase in short generation; leading in
turn to low current efficiency. The presence of shorts will increase the lead content of the cathode from
direct contact. Anode corrosion rates will be high with significant discharge of scale from the high current
density shock during harvesting.

The high currents and current density on the cathodes also cause thermal heating effects on these
electrodes. Warping of the stainless steel blade and sagging of the header bar can result (Weston & Web
2003). These dimensional changes can increase the number of poor alignment proximity shorts; with
consequent lower current efficiency and high lead in the product copper.

Operations using this stripping method have had severe and long term issues with product quality
and market acceptance (Readett & Mark; P. Hutchinson, personal communication, October 10th 2013).

Starter Sheet Style

The major issue with the starter sheet style of harvesting is the very short period of time that the
“A” and B” cathodes have to start nucleation before being subjected to 150% of current density. The “A”
cathodes are stressed twice within a small 20 minute window of being replaced; and the B cathodes on one
occasion; but again after only a few minutes of being put back into service. As expected from this current /
time interaction, product quality is generally poor with occasional good results being obtained.
Observation of a typical set of buttons from three cathodes (diagonal punched in a nine-hole pattern) in
Figure 7.
Figure 7 - Sample buttons from starter sheet style harvested cathodes

The individual buttons have been labelled as:

P poor quality from the “A” cathodes
G good quality from the “C” cathodes
S suspect of poor quality from the “B” cathodes

The visual indicator of good quality is a smooth bright exterior with no signs of nodulation or
surface cracking. This shows that the crystal growth pattern is across the mother plate – forcing the crystal
edges to grow together and force out any interstitial electrolyte. As a result the sulphur in this sample will
be low.

With the different deposit growth morphologies evident in the product from this harvesting
pattern, the stripping characteristics are also profoundly different.
 The “A” cathodes are brittle and difficult to strip coming off the mother plates in pieces and chunks.
Many do not strip and need to be rejected for hand removal and plate remediation.
 The “B” cathodes are not as brittle but are still difficult to strip in a machine; and require significant
manual intervention to remove the flexible copper from the mother plate. Rejection of poorly stripped
plates is still an issue.
 The “C” cathodes are easy to strip and show few rejects for poor copper removal.

The poor crystal structure of the deposit is a prime diver for the development of dendritic growth
and development of shorts. Typically tankhouses using this harvesting method have difficulty in
maintaining current efficiency above 75% (D. Jacobs, personal communication, September 16, 2013).
With the significant number of shorts, the lead content in cathode from the short contact on the anode is
generally elevated with + 5 ppm common in run of plant sample tests.

The anodes have been subject to short duration 150% current density increases but at short time
intervals. As a result they tend to have higher corrosion rates from flaking of the lead dioxide layer. This is
particularly true of the anodes around the “A” cathodes where they have two such incidents within thirty
minutes. Overall this can result in elevated lead levels in the entire product from the floating flakes
exfoliated from the “A” anodes.

A number of plants using this style of harvesting have been changed to the “one in three’ style.
Immediate positive changes have been seen with the product morphology becoming much harder and
easier to strip (R. Silwamba, Personal communication, July, 2008). The sulphur levels dropped
immediately. The lead levels have taken longer to return to specification as the accumulated lead scale
inventory needed to be removed from the cells.

Modified Starter Sheet Style

The modified starter sheet style of harvesting has longer times between the return of the high
current density to the recently replaced stripped cathodes. As a result the changes in growth morphology
are not as marked as with the true starter sheet method. Even so the same types of results are evident, but
to a lesser degree. Shorts are common, elevated lead is common and current efficiency is still low, albeit at
a slightly higher level of around 80% (S. Williams, personal communication, September 8, 2013).

One recently commissioned operation began harvesting using this method in a number of separate
electrowinning plants. Low current efficiencies prompted a trial of the full ‘one in three’ harvesting
method. The results were positive with an immediate reduction in the number of shorts and with an
increase in current efficiency to 85%. One of the attributes of the ‘one in three’ harvesting is that every
third cathode has a two day growth difference with its neighbours. There was an immediate reduction in
the number of shorts per cell simply due to the lack of growth on two thirds of the cathodes. Short
detection and removal was easier and quicker; and the consequent upset in current distribution reduced. .

Electro-Refining Block Stripping

The outcomes from this method of harvesting can be quite diabolical. The ultra-high current
density on the few cathodes near the end of the block being harvested is so high that dendrite growth and
shorts are almost always apparent in every cell. These are most prevalent in two rows cathodes down the
entire cell house. The rows are at the block A-B and block B-C interfaces, where the ultra-extreme current
density is imposed. Since the stripping is carried out down the cell aisle the ultra-high imposed current
density is propagated to all the other cells; increasing the time and number of incidents that each is subject
to the high currents.

When operating at nominal capacity the cathode weights at these interfaces were up to 60 kg per
side while those from the outer ends of the cells were 40 kg per side (T. Lancaster, personal
communication, 2002). Correspondingly there were a large number of shorts and low current efficiency
(Riles & Lancaster, 2000). However when operating at low average current density of less than 200 A/m 2
the product quality is better as the peak current density during harvesting is limited. Shorts are reduced,
deposit morphology is acceptable for stripping and a majority of the product meets Grade A specification.

Figure 8 shows the effects on measured cathode current distribution for ‘block’ harvesting
methods (N. Aslin, personal communication, November 4, 2013). Block stripping produces distortions in
current distribution for both the cell being harvested (69) and its immediate neighbours. This effect has
been shown by Blackett and Nicol (2010) to propagate several cells from the one being harvested. Plates
close to the removed ‘A’ block cathodes are subject to higher than normal current density and frequently
experience short circuits (e.g. plate No.40). In the neighbouring cells there is a clear reduction in current
density of 30% to 40% for the plates adjacent to the A-block and a corresponding increase in the remainder
of the cell.

900 cell 70
cell 69
800 cell 68
Plate current







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Electrode Number

Fig 8 - Block stripping cathode current distribution for 3 consecutive cells

Figure 9 shows the effects on anode current distribution using the “block” harvesting method.
During block stripping most of the anodes in Block A become inactive as expected, and are therefore
subjected to corrosion and thermal stresses described previously. The small current flow occurring in some
of the anodes is the result of ‘stray’ current flow to the next closest cathodes.

Fig 9 - Block stripping current distribution for anodes and cathodes

Other impacts on the EW are also severe with the localised high currents at the ends of the blocks
that remain in the cells.
 The inter-cell copper bus bar and electrode insulators often melt.
 The capping boards and electrode chairs are damaged by heat and fire.
 A significant number of electrode hanger bars melt or weld themselves to the inter-cell bus bar.
 Thermal stresses from heating of the electrodes can cause significant warping and twisting with
consequent proximity shorts, low current efficiency and shorten electrode life.
 Local acid mist evolution can become extreme with operating conditions unfit for personnel without
breathing apparatus.
 Increased local corrosion of the electrode header bars from the increased acid mist and oxygen
The relocated plant in the DRC has changed the harvesting from this style to the one-in-three
style. In order to achieve the outcomes the stripping conveyors were extended, the conveyor drives
upgraded and a new cathode lifting bale procured. A change over plan was developed so that no cathode
had more than eight days’ growth, and less than four days. The change-over was successful with
immediate benefits in the elimination of the effects of the ultra-high local current densities. Product
quality has improved with the lessening of shorts. Stripping effectiveness has improved with the harder
more dense deposits. Current efficiency has increased from 75% to 85% without changing any other
parameters (A. Modi, personal communication, October 10, 2013).


In most operating plants best practice operation is not generally carried out fully. Specific
operation conditions may preclude some of the practices from being implemented. However it is
appropriate that in a discussion of harvesting methods that the best practice methods should be included to
allow the industry to at least be aware of them as potential methods to reduce the costs of operation.

The most important one is to minimise the amount of time that plates are exposed to high current
density, particularly with half‐cell (‘Every Second’) harvesting. In this way the potential effect on the
crystal morphology can be minimised. In order to ensure that this is the case a supply of stripped cathodes
is needed in or at the stripping machine to allow an early return of cathode blanks to the harvested cell.
Methods of implementing this arrangement can include:
 Plates from the first cell are taken to the cathode stripping machine (CSM) at the start of the day’s
 The crane immediately returns with blank plates from storage
 Storage is either
o The CSM stripped cathode conveyor (or rack) or
o A rack(s) of spare plates kept on the ground floor to be used for backfilling cells in the event of a
CSM breakdown or extended stoppage.
 At the end of the day’s stripping excess plates are returned from the CSM to the storage racks.

This procedure should limit high current density exposure to 10 to 20 minutes; thereby improving
cathode quality by reducing nodulation with the shorter time of exposure.

One ‘Every Second’ type operation followed a recommendation to back-fill cells straight away
during harvesting (Aslin & Eriksson, 2011). This reduced the exposure time to very high current density
from one to two hours to less than 20 minutes. An improvement in cathode quality resulted from this
change as well as other changes made at the same time.

The second most important is to select a harvesting method that has the lowest increased current
density on all growing deposits when their neighbours are being harvested. The harvesting methods in
increasing order of harvesting current density are:
 ‘Every third’, modified starter sheet, starter sheet – all equal (150%)
 ‘Every Second’ (200%)
 Block (300% on nearby cathodes)

The third most important is to select the harvesting method that has the longest time between the
replacement of the new cathodes and their being subject to higher current density operation when their
neighbours are being harvested. The harvesting methods with the longest to shortest times are:
 ‘Every Second’ (three days)
 ‘Every third’ (two to three days)
 Modified starter sheet (four to six hours)
 Block and starter sheet (ten to twenty minutes)
The effect of changing from one harvesting method to another can be significant. When changing
from Starter Sheet to ‘every third’ harvesting, an immediate improvement in product quality was obtained
(R. Silwamba, personal communication, July, 2008; D. Jacobs, personal communication, September 16,
2013). When changing from Modified Starter Sheet to ‘Every third’ there is an increase in product quality
and a decrease in shorts (S. Williams, personal communication, September 8, 2013). Similarly changing
from a Block harvest to an ‘every third’ harvest an immediate product quality improvement was evident as
well as significantly reduced damage to anodes, cathodes and cell top furniture and bus bars (A. Modi,
personal communication, October 9, 2013).

Considering the practical effects of following the combined best practices, the consistent and best
quality copper is produced with short exposure time, low increased harvesting current density and with
long periods between impositions of harvesting current densities. The ranking of harvest methods based on
commercially achieved product quality is:
 ‘Every third’,
 Modified starter sheet
 ‘Every Second’
 Starter Sheet
 Block


There is an effect on product quality, current efficiency and anode life from the harvesting method
that is used for stainless steel cathodes. The effect is reduced for those methods that have lowest current
density during harvesting, on remaining cathodes when combined with the shortest time of high current
density and long intervals between episodes of high current density. Some of the harvesting methods
exceed the critical nucleation current density (on some of the cathodes) with consequent very poor product
Fundamentally and practically, the ‘every third’ method of harvesting (with extraction of every
third cathode every two or three days) produces the most consistent high quality cathode copper. Best
practice is to minimise the time that growing cathodes are subject to the harvest current density by ensuring
a ready supply of stripped cathodes to replace into the harvested cell. The majority industry acceptance of
the ‘every third’ harvesting method, as recommended by the XT’s ISAKIDD tankhouse group, is due to the
more consistent and higher quality product that this method produces.


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