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C&MA Sun Kei Secondary School Monthly Writing Practice (Feb) S6 English Language (YH)

Name: Class & Class Number: Date:

Part A
1. You work as an intern at the Hong Kong Tourism Board. Your department is designing a new leaflet for
first-time young visitors to Hong Kong.
Write the leaflet with the help of the following mindmap.

Tips on Top activity to

travelling do in Hong
around HK Kong

Hong Kong

? Top place you

must visit

Part B
2. Learning English through Sports Communication

To motivate more citizens to work out, the Leisure and Cultural Services Department is planning a
citywide sports campaign lasting for a month in the coming year. It is collecting opinions from the public.

• Write a proposal to the Leisure and Cultural Services Department.

• Propose at least two activities to be held during the campaign, and explain how they could
encourage the general public to participate in sports more.

3. Learning English through Workplace Communication

You are a student helper of the school’s Careers and Life Planning Team. The next issue of the school
magazine will focus on jobs with promising prospects in the 21st century. You have been assigned to
write an article to introduce a job.

• Write an article for the school magazine.

• Introduce the selected job by describing its work duties and explaining why it offers a good career
prospect. Give advice to students on how they can prepare themselves for the job.
• Include a title for your article.

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C&MA Sun Kei Secondary School Monthly Writing Practice (Feb) S6 English Language (YH)
4. Learning English through Social Issues

The following excerpt appeared in a letter to the editor in Hong Kong Post:

Modes of communication among human beings have been ever evolving – From face-to-face interaction,
instant messaging to video communications like Zoom. However, not all changes are considered a
blessing, particularly the recent trend in which people indulge themselves in communicating with AI
Chatbots like ChatGPT.

• Write a newspaper article for Hong Kong Post in response to the above excerpt.
• Describe the key features of AI Chatbots and discuss its positive and negative impact on society.
• Include a title for your article.

5. Learning English through Debating

Your team have joined the Inter-school Debating Competition and the motion is as follows:

The BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) policy in the workplace is causing more good than harm.

• Choose one side of the motion and write a debate speech.

6. Learning English through Popular Culture

You came across an article in Hong Kong Daily with the title below:

Hong Kong couples spend the most on Valentine’s Day in the world, according to recent statistics.

• Write a letter to the editor of Hong Kong Daily in response to the issue captioned.
• Explain the causes of this phenomenon and suggest how couples can celebrate Valentine’s Day
without excessive spending.

7. Learning English through Drama

In recent years, Korean dramas have taken over the world. Comparatively, Hong Kong dramas have
virtually reached rock bottom ever after its golden era. Some people start worrying about the influence
of Korean dramas on our society.

• Write a blog entry.

• Discuss the factors that account for the success of Korean dramas, its negative influence on local
society and what the entertainment field in Hong Kong can learn from the success of Korean dramas.
• Include a title for your blog entry.

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C&MA Sun Kei Secondary School Monthly Writing Practice (Feb) S6 English Language (YH)
8. Learning English through Poems and Songs

Your recently received the following letter from your younger cousin in Secondary 4:

Hi Chris,

Our school’s Inter-class Singing Competition is approaching, yet our class don’t seem to be
making any progress. It is so hard to get everyone together since everyone is occupied by their
own business. Worse still, we often have quarrel over how we should deliver the song. The
competition will be held in a month’s time and as the class chairperson I really don’t know what I
can do. Can you give me any suggestion?


• Write a letter of reply to your cousin.

9. Learning English through Short Stories

You are entering a short story competition. Use the following beginning to write a short story. The
winning entry will be featured in Teens Weekly magazine.

Alex wakes up with a huge headache. He opens his eyes, slowly adjusting to the dim lighting. Alex
doesn’t know where he is or how he got here. He tries to remember what happened to him, but his
mind is blank ...

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