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Participation Scale

-Is reprimanded more than three times

0 during the lesson and does not show
quality participation throughout the lesson.

- Participates at 100% for between 50% and

1 90% of the lesson, or is reprimanded for
activity once during class.

- Participates at 100% for over 90% of the

2 lesson.

Name: McMillan James Santos

*Please write complete sentences. If you know any of these words, please use
them in your short-term goals.

Cardiovascular Body Muscular Muscular Flexibility

Endurance Composition Strength Endurance

Short Term Goal #1:

• Improvement in the duration that I can continuously jog.

Short Term Goal #2:

• Weight loss with proper diet.

Short Term Goal #3:

• Muscle development and improvement.
Five components of Physical activity Worksheet
Name: McMillan James Santos

Cardiovascular Endurance
Heart Rate Trial #1: 60
Heart Rate Trial #2: 57

Body Composition
How do I improve my own body Composition?
• Exercise
• Balance Diet

• Proper Sleep
• Meditation

Muscular Endurance
Types of sit-ups I did today?
• Heel touch
• Crisscross

• Russian Twist
• Plank
• Reverse Crunch
• Bicycle Sit -ups

Muscular Strength
Muscles I used?

• Neck
• Hips and Abs
• Obliques

Muscle/body parts Stretch

Hamstrings Bridge Pose

Quadriceps Squats

Calf’s Standing Calf Raise

Lower Back Shrugs

Shoulders Front Raise

Triceps Overhead Extensions

Ankles Towel Stretch

Buttocks Pigeon Pose

Neck Middle Scalene Stretch

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