CTE 443 - Work Breakdown Structure

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Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

A Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is a hierarchical decomposition of a project into smaller, more manageable
components. It is used to organize and define the total scope of a project, and to identify and assign specific
tasks and deliverables to team members. The WBS typically includes a high-level summary of the project, as well
as detailed sub-tasks and subtasks. The WBS is a visual representation of the project's scope and can be used to
guide project planning, execution, and control. The figure below shows the diagram of a WBS structure:

The importance of WBS can be summarized as follows:

• Helps to ensure that all aspects of the project are considered and that nothing is overlooked.
• Helps to keep the project organized and on track.
• Helps to identify and mitigate potential risks and issues.
• Helps to create project schedules, budgets, and resource plans.
• It is a living document that is updated and refined throughout the project as needed.

WBS conventions include the following:

• Each task in the WBS is assigned a unique identifier, which is used to track the task throughout the
• The WBS can be represented in different ways, such as a tree structure, a flowchart, or a spreadsheet.
• The WBS is typically created at the beginning of a project, but can also be updated as the project
• The WBS is divided into levels, with the highest level representing the project's overall objectives, and
lower levels representing more detailed tasks and subtasks.
• The WBS should be reviewed and approved by key stakeholders before the project begins.
• The WBS should be consistent with the project's scope statement and other project management

Example: Design a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) for the development of an e-commerce application.


The WBS for a software application development project might be organized as follows:

1. Project Initiation

• Defining the project scope, objectives, and constraints

• Establishing project team and stakeholders
• Identifying project dependencies and risk

2. Analysis

• Conducting interviews
• Identifying and documenting the requirements
• Reporting needs

3. Design

• Prototype design
• Architecture design
• Improving site performance

4. Developing

• Designing the software user interface

• Designing the software database
• Designing the software algorithms
• Designing the software API
• Coding the front-end of the software
• Coding the back-end of the software
• Coding the database of the software
• Coding the API of the software
• Developing automated tests
• Integrating the front-end with the back-end
• Integrating the back-end with the database
• Integrating the API with the rest of the software

5. Testing and Deployment

• Conducting unit testing

• Conducting integration testing
• Conducting system testing
• Conducting user acceptance testing
• Conducting performance testing
• Installing the software on the target system
• Configuring the software for the target system
• Testing the software on the target system

6. Maintenance

• Providing ongoing support and maintenance for the software

• Identifying and resolving bugs
• Implementing new features
• Updating the software
Steps involved in designing WBS

Designing a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) typically involves the following steps:

1. Define the project's objectives and deliverables: Clearly define the overall project goals and objectives, as
well as the specific deliverables that need to be produced.
2. Identify the major project components: Break the project down into its major components or phases.
These components should be high-level and represent the main areas of work that need to be completed.
3. Break down the major components: Take each of the major components and break them down into
smaller, more manageable tasks or subtasks. These tasks should represent the work that needs to be
completed to achieve the project's objectives.
4. Assign unique identifiers: Assign a unique identifier to each task or subtask. This will be used to track
the task throughout the project and to identify dependencies between tasks.
5. Create a visual representation: Create a visual representation of the WBS, such as a tree diagram or a
flowchart, that clearly shows the relationship between tasks and subtasks.
6. Review and refine: Review the WBS with key stakeholders, such as project team members and project
sponsors, to ensure that it is comprehensive and accurate. Refine the WBS as necessary to address any
issues that are identified.
7. Update the WBS: As the project progresses, new information and changes may arise, and the WBS should
be updated accordingly to reflect these changes and ensure that the project remains aligned with its

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