Means of Communication

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Means of Communication

 Communication is a medium through which people connect each other in the world
 Through communication, all kinds of news can be spread across the world
 Here we have some of the means of communications. Let’s see what they are!
In early times, kings used to write and send messages through pigeons and used them as
messengers. Also soldiers in war used to send messages using pigeons as pigeons are good in
remembering route to home from where they have come from.
Postal Communication:
A written form of communication which replaced pigeons based communication by humans
where in a postal card or letter is exchanged between sender and receiver with a proper
address of delivery. It is a means of one to one communication. Post box is a box to collect all
letters or postal cards.
Newspaper is a means of mass communication. People all around the world can read news
and events happening all around the world. Also, these are printed in different languages as
per the requirement of the region.
Television is another means of mass communication where in the news and information of
events are telecasted in a faster means to viewers. With the help latest technologies, we can
receive news or information live from the place of origin like News, Cricket match, Football
match, Republic Day Parade , Darshan of God etc.…. at the same time.
This is a one to one means of communication between two persons and it helps to replying
to the communication instantaneously, express ideas and views. Later it has developed as
wireless technology like Walkie –Talkie, Mobiles phones etc....
Laptop / Computer:
With the continuous development of technology, invention of Internet and World Wide Web
(WWW), one can communicate to outside world using internet services through Computer /
Laptop. Email, Facebook, Twitter are some of the applications using Internet to
A satellite is a man-made space object which revolves around earth which helps in
communication from one place to another like Radio, Television, GPS, Voice communication

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