Uses of Multiplexer and Why It Is Needed in Telecommunications

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Uses of multiplexer and why it is needed in telecommunications.

A multiplexer combines multiple signals into a single, higher-

bandwidth signal. In telecommunications, used to combine multiple
lower-speed communication channels into a single, higher-speed
channel. This is done to make efficient use of the available bandwidth
and to reduce the number of physical connections needed. In
telecommunications, this allows multiple communication channels to
share the same physical infrastructure, such as a cable or a wireless
link. This can lead to significant cost savings and improved efficiency.
The use of a multiplexer allows for a good amount of data to be
transmit over a given amount of bandwidth, which can improve
communication speeds and reduce latency.
The two main types of multiplexing use in telecommunications are
time-division multiplexing (TDM) and frequency-division multiplexing
(FDM). TDM is used to divide a communications channel into time
slots, with each slot being assigned to a different signal. FDM is used
to divide a communications channel into frequency bands, with each
band being assigned to a different signal. Both types are used in
various applications such as smartphone, TV, and satellite

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