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Department of computer science

General physics (phys1011) Assignment

1, find a vector(s) of length √15m in the x-z plane that is perpendicular to the vector A= (2i+3j+k) m.

2, suppose the velocity of a particle is given by the equation, V=m+nt2, where m=10cm/s and n=2cm/s3

3, the following equation shows the position of a particle in time t, x=at 2i + btj where t is in second and x
is in meter. A=2m/s2, b=1m/s. Find

A, the average velocity of the particle in the time interval t1=2sec and t2=3sec

B, the velocity and acceleration at any time t.

C, the average acceleration in the time interval given in part (a)

4, a car is traveling along a straight road at a velocity of 30m/s when its engine cuts off. For the next ten
seconds, the car slows down, and its average acceleration is a1. For the next five seconds, the car slows
down further at a velocity of 24m/s, and its average acceleration is a2. The ratio of the average
acceleration values is a1/a2=1.5. Find the velocity of the car at the end of the initial ten-second interval.

5, a certain force is expressible as F= 10i+bj. What is the value of b if the magnitude the force is 26N?

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