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Visual Programming

Department of CSE, QUEST

Dr. Irfana Memon
Dr. Irfana Memon
Department of CSE, QUEST
Course Content
Review of C# Syntax: Overview of Writing Applications using C#, Data types, Operators, and
C# Programming Language Constructs, Creating Methods
Invoking Methods, Handling Exceptions, Creating overloaded Methods

Developing the Code for a Graphical Application: Implementing Structs and Enums
Implementing Type-safe Collections: Creating Classes, Organizing Data into

Department of CSE, QUEST

Dr. Irfana Memon
Collections, Handling Events, Defining and Implementing Interfaces
Creating a Class Hierarchy by Using Inheritance, Extending .NET Framework Classes,
Creating Generic Types
Accessing a Database: Creating and Using Entity Data Models, Querying and Updating Data
by Using LINQ
Designing the User Interface for a Graphical Application: Using XAML, Binding Controls to
Data, Styling a User Interface
Improving Application Performance and Responsiveness: Implementing Multitasking by
using Tasks and Lambda Expressions
Performing Operations Asynchronously, Synchronizing Concurrent Access to Data
Implementing Type-
safe Collections:
Creating classes,
Organizing Data into

Department of CSE, QUEST

Dr. Irfana Memon
Collections, Handling
Events, Defining and
interfaces 3
Classes and Object in C#
• One can create new reference types by defining classes.
• Classes provide templates’ from which these direct instances
are generated.
• When you define a class, you define a blueprint for a data

Department of CSE, QUEST

Dr. Irfana Memon
What are classes?

• Classes are a core feature of Object Orientated Programming

(OOP) languages.
• They are a logical grouping of methods and properties
representing and encapsulating a problem concept.
• You've already met a class before, the Program class:

Department of CSE, QUEST

Dr. Irfana Memon
using System;
public class Program
public static void Main()
Console.WriteLine("Hello World");
} 5
How do create classes?
• Classes are declared in C# using the class keyword.
• As you can see in the example below, we've declared a class
called Person .

using System;

Department of CSE, QUEST

Dr. Irfana Memon
public class Program
public static void Main()
} 6
How do create classes?
• Classes are declared in C# using the class keyword.
• As you can see in the example below, we've declared a class
called Person .

using System;
public class Person

Department of CSE, QUEST

Dr. Irfana Memon

public class Program

public static void Main()
{ 7
Define your own class named Animal with no methods or

Department of CSE, QUEST

Dr. Irfana Memon
Define your own class named Animal with no methods or

using System;

public class Animal


Department of CSE, QUEST

Dr. Irfana Memon

public class Program

public static void Main()

Members Of Class
Class is a mechanism to implement the encapsulation, it bind the data and a function
in a single unit. Therefore data and functions are the members of class, which is
known as member data and member function.
There is an example of full class:

class circle

Department of CSE, QUEST

Dr. Irfana Memon
double radius;
public void get_radius(double r)
radius = r;
public double area()
return ( 3.14 * r * r);
} 10
Member Access Modifiers

• Access modifiers provide the accessibility control for the members

of classes to outside the class.
• They also provide the concept of data hiding.
• There are five member access modifiers provided by the C#

Department of CSE, QUEST

Dr. Irfana Memon
By default all members of class have private accessibility. If we want a
member to have any other accessibility, then we must specify a 11
suitable access modifier to it individually.
Defining a Class (Example)
using System;
namespace BoxApplication
class Box
public double length; // Length of a box
public double breadth; // Breadth of a box
public double height; // Height of a box

Department of CSE, QUEST

Dr. Irfana Memon

Defining a Class (Example)
class Boxtester
static void Main(string[] args)
Box Box1 = new Box(); // Declare Box1 of type Box
Box Box2 = new Box(); // Declare Box2 of type Box
double volume = 0.0; // Store the volume of a box here
// box 1 specification
Box1.height = 5.0;

Department of CSE, QUEST

Dr. Irfana Memon
Box1.length = 6.0;
Box1.breadth = 7.0;
// box 2 specification // volume of box 1
Box2.height = 10.0; volume = Box1.height * Box1.length * Box1.breadth;
Box2.length = 12.0; Console.WriteLine("Volume of Box1 : {0}", volume);
Box2.breadth = 13.0; // volume of box 2
volume = Box2.height * Box2.length * Box2.breadth;
Console.WriteLine("Volume of Box2 : {0}", volume);
C# Constructors

• Constructor is method of class to allocate the memory of

object and initialize the variables of class.
• When you declare a variable of a class, a special method
must be called to initialize the members of that class.
• This method is automatically provided for every class and it

Department of CSE, QUEST

Dr. Irfana Memon
is called a constructor.

• A default constructor does not have any parameter but if

you need, a constructor can have parameters.
• Such constructors are called parameterized constructors.
• This technique helps you to assign initial value to an object
at the time of its creation.
C# Destructor
• A destructor is a special member function of a class that is
executed whenever an object of its class goes out of scope.
• A destructor has exactly the same name as that of the class
with a prefixed tilde (~) and it can neither return a value nor
can it take any parameters.
• Destructor can be very useful for releasing memory

Department of CSE, QUEST

Dr. Irfana Memon
resources before exiting the program.
• Destructors cannot be inherited or overloaded.

Exercise : creating class with
instance method, constructor
and destructor

Department of CSE, QUEST

Dr. Irfana Memon
// Namespace Declaration
using System;

// Program start class

class ExampleClass
// Main begins program execution.
public static void Main()

Department of CSE, QUEST

Dr. Irfana Memon

// Namespace Declaration
using System;

// helper class
class OutputClass
string myString;

Department of CSE, QUEST

Dr. Irfana Memon
// Program start class
class ExampleClass
// Main begins program execution.
public static void Main()

// Namespace Declaration
using System; // Program start class
class ExampleClass
// helper class {
// Main begins program execution.
class OutputClass
public static void Main()
string myString;

// Constructor }
public OutputClass(string inputString) }

Department of CSE, QUEST

Dr. Irfana Memon
myString = inputString;

// Namespace Declaration
using System; // Program start class
class ExampleClass
// helper class {
class OutputClass // Main begins program execution.
public static void Main()
string myString;

// Constructor }
public OutputClass(string inputString) }

Department of CSE, QUEST

Dr. Irfana Memon
myString = inputString;

// Instance Method
public void printString()
Console.WriteLine("{0}", myString);
// Namespace Declaration
using System; // Program start class
// helper class class ExampleClass
class OutputClass {
// Main begins program execution.
public static void Main()
string myString; {
// Constructor
public OutputClass(string inputString)
{ }
myString = inputString; }

Department of CSE, QUEST

Dr. Irfana Memon
// Instance Method
public void printString()
Console.WriteLine("{0}", myString);
// Destructor
// Some resource cleanup routines
// Namespace Declaration
using System; // Program start class
// helper class class ExampleClass
class OutputClass {
// Main begins program execution.
public static void Main()
string myString; {
// Constructor // Instance of OutputClass
public OutputClass(string inputString) OutputClass outCl = new
{ OutputClass("This is printed by the
myString = inputString; output class.");
// Call Output class' method

Department of CSE, QUEST

Dr. Irfana Memon
// Instance Method outCl.printString();
public void printString()
Console.WriteLine("{0}", myString);
// Destructor
// Some resource cleanup routines
C# Exception Handling
• An exception is a problem that arises during the execution
of a program.
• A C# exception is a response to an exceptional
circumstance that arises while a program is running, such
as an attempt to divide by zero.
• Exceptions provide a way to transfer control from one part

Department of CSE, QUEST

Dr. Irfana Memon
of a program to another.
• C# exception handling is built upon four keywords:
 Try
 Catch
 Finally
 throw.
C# Exception Handling
• Assuming a block raises an exception, a method catches an
exception using a combination of the try and catch
• A try/catch block is placed around the code that might
generate an exception.

Department of CSE, QUEST

Dr. Irfana Memon
• Code within a try/catch block is referred to as protected
code, and the syntax for using try/catch looks like the
following −

Wish You Good Luck

Dr. Irfana Memon


Department of CSE, QUEST

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