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2020 11th International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (ICECE)

Harmonic Reduction for Non-linear Loads using

Simulink Based Filter Design
Ali Ahmed Afridi* Md Adel Enayet Ullah Shah Mohazzem Hossain
Dept, of EECE, MIST, Bangladesh Dept. of EECE, MIST, Bangladesh Dept. of EECE, MIST, Bangladesh
2020 11th International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (ICECE) | 978-1-6654-2254-3/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ICECE51571.2020.9393076

*afridi0717@gmail, com

Abstract— Persistent use of non-linear loads both in three

phase and single phase creates harmonic distortion. This is a key
element in reducing power quality. Shunt active power filter
(SAPF) is a prominent strategy to ameliorate power quality. In
this paper two control scheme of SAPF is scrutinized. The
control scheme is based on p-q theory and d-q-0 theory. Both
schemes demonstrate satisfactory results in reducing Total
Harmonic Distortion (THD). The THD is reckoned to be 1.97%
for p-q theory controlled SAPF and 0.77% for d-q-0 theory
controlled SAPF which is within the IEEE-519 standard. The
distorted neutral current is quite retained by the proposed Fig. 1. The basic structure of a SAPF
SAPF control scheme. This investigation demonstrates d-q-0 filters etc. [7]. Amid those passive and active filters are the
theory is the most prospective theory for SAPF control. The most prevailing devices used in recent years. Passive filters,
proposed strategy is executed by MATLAB-Simulink model. having some drawbacks like new resonance creating,
bulkiness, working on specific reactive power, have elevated
Keywords— SAPF, instantaneous power theory, SRF theory,
the use of active power filters (APF). Different mechanisms
VSI, hysteresis band current controller, THD
are going under research regarding APF development [2], [8].
I. In t r o d u c t io n Series APF require major modification in the established grid
lines. Hence, in this paper a shunt APF topology is used to
For the past few decades, the rapid rise in non-linear loads reduce the harmonic contents. Fig. 1 shows the basic structure
usage has aggravated the major concern of power quality. of a SAPF.
Power quality refers to voltage and current waveforms being
purely sinusoidal and in phase. Pure sinusoidal power is II. Sh u n t Ac t iv e Po w er Fil t er
generated & delivered by the generating stations. Non-linear
SAPF is primarily a compensating device. SAPF
loads consist of ac-dc converters, switching devices, arc
generates current for compensation having an identical
furnaces, adjustable speed drives (ASD) etc. Zero and
magnitude but at a phase opposite with the harmonic current.
negative sequence components derived from using single
phase injects voltage and current harmonics to the grid. It uses switching strategy of devices of power electronics to
generate the current for compensation. The SAPF scheme
Further unbalanced loads, voltage sag & swell, power-line
investigated here is constructed with a voltage source inverter
flicker etc. generate harmonics [1]. In developing countries
(VSI). The VSI is controlled by current pulses triggered by
solar photovoltaics usage is also increasing rapidly as a
PWM. The VSI is concluded to be the foremost unit of a
microgrid system which too gives rise to harmonics in the
SAPF system [4]. In this paper MOSFET is used in the VSI
established system of power grid.
to attain the desired current waveform for cancelling the
Harmonics is explicated as a concoction of any kind of current harmonics. Perfect control of switching of the VSI is
unwanted components which distorts the voltage and current obligatory to obtain the required current waveshape. This
waveforms. Unanticipated pulses are drawn from the grid by pulses for actuating the gate of MOSFET is generated by a
loads being non-linear. These unwanted pulses merge with controller of the hysteresis band current (HBC). This
source impedances and give rise to voltage and current switching tactics for VSI is the most preferred mechanism for
distortion [2], [3]. Mark McGranaghan, in his research, stated current controlled VSI.
that power electronics-based loads or non-linear loads are
giving rise to the concern of harmonic distortion at the
consumer’s end more than ever [4]. Heat generating devices
such as microwave ovens are generally sensitive to harmonics.
Metering devices working inappropriately, the flow of Pulse
unwanted neutral current, disturbance of drivers & motoring
devices, resonance complications, electro-magnetic
interference in communication systems, distribution power Fig. 2. Hysteresis band current controller
loss etc. are some of the major difficulties in the power system
precipitated by harmonics [4], [5], [6]. In Fig. 2 a traditional single-phase HBC controller is
shown where Icom is the actual compensating VSI output
Numerous researches have been accomplished and some
are undergoing for reducing this harmonic distortion. Various current and Ire f is the reference current. This reference
devices are used to reduce harmonic contents such as in-line current generation is the main concern as there are many
reactors or chokes, zigzag transformers, phase shifting renowned strategies established regarding this issue. This
transformers, isolation transformers, passive and active power paper investigates two major strategies for the reference

978-1-6654-2254-3/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE


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current generation of SAPF, most acquainted p-q theory and S. Bhattacharya in [11]. The d-q-0 transform is the
the emerging d-q-0 or SRF theory. combination of Clarke and Park transform, PT (named after
Robert H. Park). The voltage and current in a-b-c co-
Ill. In s t a n t a n eou s Po w er Th e o r y
ordinates are first converted to a-fi-0 co-ordinates by Clarke
This is also acknowledged as p-q theory. It is the most transform. After this they are again converted from a-fi-0 co-
mainstream strategy which was first propounded by Akagi in ordinates to rotating d-q-0 co-ordinates by PT. But it is more
[9]. The author developed this theory for using in three phase commodious to transform the voltage and current directly
systems having four wires. This method is based on Clarke from a-b-c co-ordinates to d-q-0 co-ordinates by using only
Transformation, CT (named after Edith Clarke). It converts PT which is done by the following equation [12]:
the voltage and current in a-b-c co-ordinates to a-fi-0 co- cos(9 120 r cos(9 + 120°) iLa
ordinates by the following equations, where C t is the 2 sin(9 120 r sin(9 + 120°) * ¡■Lb
iq (3)
transformation matrix [6]: 1
io 2 -i-Lc
ia lLa Va ■ Vsa
Here, d = mt is the angle by which d-q-0 frame rotates.
lP - Ct * lLb ; VP - C t * Vsb
y 0_
This mt is calculated from the voltage of the source. A circuit
}o_ ¡Lc - Vsc
of PLL strategy was utilized in this regard. The generated
T o calculate the a-fi instantaneous real and imaginary currents id , iq of (3) consist of both dc and ac components
power p and T , zero-sequence instantaneous power po shown in (4), (5) which contain the harmonics to be
following equations are used: eliminated. So , this converted current is passed through a LPF
Va 0 for eliminating the harmonic contents. After the elimination
p VP
q = 0 process id , iq and i0 is again converted from d-q-0 co-
-V P Va
P o. 0 0
ordinates to a-b-c co-ordinates by inverse PT as per (6),
which generates the required reference current for HBC

¡p ; i-P - Vpia controller.

Below equations show that instantaneous power p and q
id id(dc) + id(ac) ...... (4); iq iq (dc) + iq (ac) ......(5)
consists of both average and oscillating parts [11]:
ira cosd sin9 1 id
p - p +p q- q +q cos(9 - 120°) sin(9 - 120°) 1
irb - 1-q (6)
The average or dc part p contains harmonics and needs to irc c o s (e + 120°) sin(e + 120°) 1 io
be eradicated. Hence, an LPF is implemented. After
The transformation plane for d-q-0 transform is shown in
elimination, the reference current in a-fi-0 co-ordinates is
Fig. 3 [12]. The diagram for SRF mechanism is illustrated in
calculated by inverse Clarke transform as per below equation:
Fig. 4.

i rp
= Va2+Vp 2

Fig. 3. Transform from a-b-c co-ordinates to a-fi and d-q co-ordinates

The reference current ir0 is equal to io which is

compensated with zero sequence power. N o w the current ira ,
irp and ir0 in a-fi-0 co-ordinates is finally converted to a-b-c
co-ordinates by inverse Clarke transform. Fig. 3 shows the V. Si m u l a t io n Re s u l t s

co-ordinate plane for CT [1], [6], [10]. The whole system is built using MATLAB-Simulink
software. Different kind of Simulink block is used. The basic
1 1 0 '
V2 structure of the proposed system with SAPF is shown in Fig.
i ra ir0
2 1 1 5. The main difference is in the control strategy for generating
irb C2 2 2 ira (2)
reference current. These strategies were discussed
i rc i 1 irP
- H previously. Inside the reference current calculation block in
-p2 2 2-
Fig. 5, the control strategies are given based on p-q and SRF
Equation (2) gives the desired reference current ira, irb, irc. theory. Each phase of the non-linear load contains RL load
The HBC controller then initiates gate pulses by PWM with supplied after rectification by a diode. The values of each RL
these reference currents. load for each phase are given in Table I. Before compensation
IV. Sy n c h r onous Re f e r en ce Fr a me Th e o r y
the current of the source and load is shown in Fig. 6, which
demonstrates source current is distorted miserably due to
The synchronous reference frame (SRF) theory refers to non-linear load. This current of source includes harmonics
the direct-quadrature-zero axis or d-q-0 theory is an emerging which necessitate diminution.
strategy for controlling SAPF. This scheme was instigated by


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D is c r e te
5 e -0 8 s.

p o w e rg u i

T h re e -P h a s e S o u rc e S o u rc e C u rre n t M e a s u re m e n t

L o a d C u rre n t M e a s u re m e n t
N o n - lin e a r L o a d

R L B ra n c h
S o u r c e V o lta g e
M e a s u re m e n t

IIc o m ^>-

C o m p e n s a tln g
C u rre n t
M e a s u re m e n t

R e fe r e n c e H y s te r e s is
C u rre n t B a n d C u rre n t
C a lc u la tio n C o n tr o lle r

*V dd

L o s s C a lc u la tio n C a p a c it o r vo/fage S o u r c e In v e r te r
V o lta g e

Fig, 5. Simulink diagram of the proposed system

TABLE I. Di f f e r ent Pa r a met er s of No n -l in e a r Lo a d TABLE Il. THD o f Lo a d a nd So u r ce Cu r r en t

Non-Linear Load (unbalanced) Total Harmonic Distortion (THD)

Phase Types p -q th e o r y b a s e d S A P F d -q -0 th e o r y b a s e d S A P F
V a lu e o f th e r e s is ta n c e V a lu e o f th e in d u c ta n c e
Load Current 47.95% 47.95%
A 80 Q 1.75 H
B 65 Q 1.35 H Source Current 1.97% 0.77%
c 70 Q 1.55 H
Phase A
The three phase source voltage do not distort much from y f/ y y s y y y y y y y y y
the fundamental frequency as non-linear loads mainly hamper . y\

the current waveforms.
The first experimental simulation is done based on p -q kJ k k \ k k 'S k k k N 'S- k k -A/ k n -s-

theory controlled SAPF and the current ica, icb and icc is y y -y
Phase B
y y\

shown in Fig. 7. The three phase source current is shown in
Fig. 8, which shows that at first the current fluctuates having /
higher magnitudes and then reduces systematically. After
kl kJ kl kJ kl kl kJ kJ kJ kJ kJ kJ kj kl kJ kJ
about 200ms it comes to an approximately constant i

Phase C
waveform. The neutral current for load and source is y
/ y. y ¡y y y y.

illustrated in Fig. 9 and 10. The source neutral current shows
little fluctuations initially. \
B / •y "A- 's - k N 'S - k s. 'S - 5» k s. 'S
Then simulation was done based on SRF theory controlled 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
350 400
Time (ms)
SAPF and the current ica, icb and icc is shown in Fig. 12. The Fig. 6. Source and load current before compensation
three phase source current is shown in Fig. 13, which shows
that the current waveforms fluctuate at a magnitude more than
that of p - q theory based SAPF and then decreases
correspondingly. But it comes to an approximately constant
waveform way before 200ms. The neutral current for load and
source is shown in Fig. 9 and 11. The source neutral current
shows fewer fluctuations initially than p - q theory based SAPF
THD was measured by FFT analysis. The THD for non-
linear load current is found to be 47.95% which is needed to
be compensated at the source end. After using p - q theory
based SAPF the THD is reduced and found to be 1.97% at the
source end. This value is within the standard given in IEEE
519-2014 [13]. After using SRF theory based SAPF the same
THD is reduced to 0.77% which is less than p - q theory based
SAPF. The THD values are summarized in Table II. Fig. 7. Compensating current provided by SAPF (p-q theory)


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Fig, 8. Three phase source current using SAPF (p-q theory)
Fig. 13. Three phase source current using SAPF (SRF theory)

best of different compensation techniques. The inspected

strategies in this paper for SAPF controlling illustrates
harmonic reduction to be within standard designated by
IEEE-519. Amid the studied strategies SRF theory controlled
SAPF demonstrated superior results by retrieving source
current faster, diminishing THD to 0.77% and keeping neutral
current of source less fluctuating.
Fig. 9. The neutral current of non-linear load (p-q theory & SRF theory)
Re f e r en ces

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