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Chemical Geology 353 (2013) 83–95

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In situ U\Pb age determination and Sr\Nd isotopic analysis of perovskite from the
Premier (Cullinan) kimberlite, South Africa
Fu-Yuan Wu a,⁎, Roger H. Mitchell b, Qiu-Li Li a, Jing Sun a, Chuan-Zhou Liu a, Yue-Heng Yang a
State Key Laboratory of Lithospheric Evolution, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, P. O. Box 9825, Beijing 100029, China
Department of Geology, Lakehead University, Ontario, Canada P7B 5E1

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: South Africa is characterized by multiple episodes of kimberlite intrusion. However, the age and Sr\Nd iso-
Accepted 8 June 2012 topic compositions of the primary magma of most of the earlier emplacement events remain unresolved.
Available online 15 June 2012 Using in situ secondary ion mass spectrometry and laser ablation multi-collector inductively coupled plasma
mass spectrometry, the U\Pb ages and Sr\Nd isotopic compositions were obtained for perovskite from the
Premier (Cullinan) kimberlite: one of the oldest diamondiferous kimberlites. The U\Pb perovskite ages are
Emplacement age
Nd\Sr isotopes
1150 ± 16, 1151 ± 9, and 1156 ± 12 Ma for the brown, black, and green kimberlites, respectively, demon-
Perovskite strating that the different phases of the kimberlite were emplaced contemporaneously at ~ 1150 Ma. In situ
Premier kimberlite Sr\Nd isotopic analyses of perovskite yield initial Sr isotopic ratios and εNd(t)1150 values of 0.7031 ± 4 and
1.9 ± 0.9 for the brown; 0.7025 ± 1 and 1.8 ± 0.4 for the black; and 0.7030 ± 2 and 0.8 ± 0.7 for the green
kimberlites. These are essentially identical within analytical uncertainties and suggest that the kimberlites
were derived from a moderately-depleted mantle source. In contrast, whole-rock data yield variable
Sr\Nd isotopic compositions, confirming that whole-rock isotopic data cannot be used to constrain the char-
acter of the source of kimberlitic magma due to crustal contamination, later alteration and/or weathering.
Our data also indicate that kimberlite emplacement might be considered as a prelude to mantle plume
activity beneath a craton.
© 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction determination, Sr and Nd isotopic analyses (Heaman, 1989; Paton et

al., 2007; Woodhead et al., 2009; Yang et al., 2009a, 2009b; Malarkey
Kimberlite is a unique ultramafic rock derived from the deep mantle, et al., 2010; Reguir et al., 2010; Wu et al., 2010a; Tappe et al., 2011),
and can, together with entrained mantle xenoliths, provide information by traditional isotopic dilution and/or in situ ion or laser ablation
on the nature of its mantle source and the overlying lithosphere methods.
(Mitchell, 1986). In particular, multiple stages of kimberlite emplace- Four stages of kimberlitic activity have been identified in south-
ment within an individual craton can also shed light on the evolution ern Africa: Kuruman (~ 1600 Ma); Premier (~ 1200 Ma); Zimbabwe
of their mantle sources. (~ 500 Ma); and “Southern African” (~ 250–50 Ma) (Allsopp et al.,
Radiogenic isotopes, such as Sr and Nd, are widely used to constrain 1989). In terms of isotopic data, the “Southern African” kimberlites
the source characteristics of kimberlite. However, it is difficult to obtain have been divided into Group I (unradiogenic Sr, radiogenic Nd and
reliable Sr\Nd isotopic compositions of the primary kimberlitic magma Pb), Group II (radiogenic Sr, unradiogenic Nd and Pb) with minor
as it contains diverse mantle and crustal xenolithic material. Post- transitional kimberlites (Smith, 1983; Skinner, 1989). Note that the
emplacement alteration can also result in changes in isotopic composi- term “Group II kimberlite” is a misnomer as these rocks have been
tion. Previous studies have demonstrated that the whole-rock composi- shown to be the local expression of potassic magmatism in the Kaapvaal
tions cannot provide reliable information constraining the isotopic craton, and are termed orangeites or lamproites (var. Kaapvaal) by
character of the primary kimberlitic magma (Yang et al., 2009a, 2009b, Mitchell (1995), Mitchell (2006) and ultramafic lamprophyre or aillikite
and references therein). However, it is now recognized that perovskite by Donnelly et al. (2011) and Tappe et al. (2006). Several aspects of the
can circumvent the above problems due to its early crystallization and age data previously obtained remain somewhat equivocal, as most were
robustness to later alteration and weathering (Heaman, 1989). Thus, obtained by whole-rock, phlogopite K (Ar) \Ar, Rb\Sr, and U (Pb) \Pb
groundmass primary perovskite is now widely used for U\Pb age methods (Allsopp et al., 1989), with only a few determined by zircon
and perovskite U\Pb techniques (Davis et al., 1976; Kramers and
Smith, 1983; Smith et al., 1989; Zartman and Richardson, 2005;
⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: + 86 10 82998217; fax: + 86 10 62010846. Batumike et al., 2008; Wu et al., 2010a). Hence most of the previous
E-mail address: (F.-Y. Wu). age data need to be re-evaluated due to either the application of

0009-2541/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
84 F.-Y. Wu et al. / Chemical Geology 353 (2013) 83–95

inappropriate analytical methods and/or large age errors associated

with these methods. The initial subdivision of kimberlites into isotopic
groups was based on whole-rock data which, as noted above, cannot
represent the isotopic compositions of primary kimberlitic magma due
to the combined effects of contamination and post-emplacement alter-
ation. According to our knowledge, few perovskites have been extracted
from kimberlites and subsequently analyzed for Sr or Nd isotopic com-
positions (Woodhead et al., 2009; Wu et al., 2010a), and in no instance
have both radiogenic isotopes been determined on a single perovskite
sample. Isotopic data are available mainly for the youngest Cretaceous
kimberlites (belonging to the “Southern African” group), and only limit-
ed data have been reported for those of the older groups (Nowell et al.,
2004; Donnelly et al., 2011).
In this study, we report U\Pb ages and Sr\Nd isotopic data for
perovskite from the Premier (Cullinan) kimberlite. In addition, we
provide Sr isotopic data for perovskites previously analyzed for their
Nd isotopic composition (Wu et al., 2010a).

2. Geological setting

Located in the central part of the Archaean Kaapvaal Craton (part of

the Kalahari Craton) (Fig. 1), the Premier (now Cullinan) kimberlite is
well known as one of the oldest kimberlites in the world (Field et al.,
2008). The kimberlite is one of a cluster of eleven intrusions near the
town of Cullinan, 30 km northeast of Pretoria (Gauteng) (Fig. 1). The Pre-
mier kimberlite has an elliptical outline with a long axis of 1 km at sur-
face (Fig. 2), and is considered as the largest pipe found in South Africa
(Field et al., 2008). According to surface and underground investigations,
Fig. 2. Simplified plan and section of the Premier kimberlite (Modified from Hoal
the Premier kimberlite intruded rocks of the Transvaal Supergroup, the
(2003) and Field et al. (2008).
Bushveld Igneous complex and the Waterberg Group, and was later cut
by an 1115 ±15 Ma gabbroic sill (Allsopp et al., 1967). Subsequently
the uppermost 300 m of the intrusion has been removed by erosion. (macrocrystal) kimberlites, and a final intrusion of calcite-bearing
The pipe, having contributed more than 25% of the world's largest aphanitic kimberlite dyke. The Black kimberlite is associated with a vari-
(+400 carats) diamonds, is a complex body with numerous distinct ety known as the Piebald kimberlite. The “Brown” and “Grey” tuffisitic
phases of diamondiferous kimberlite (Fig. 2). The southeastern Brown kimberlites are the major rock types of the pipe (Field et al., 2008). With-
tuffisitic kimberlite was emplaced earlier than the other phases, and in the pipe, abundant mantle xenoliths have been found and studied,
was followed by the Grey (tuffisitic), Black (macrocrystal), and Green with a conclusion, based on osmium isotopic data for the peridotitic xe-
noliths, that the lithospheric mantle was formed during the Archean–
Paleoproterozoic, and probably modified by the ~2.06 Ga Bushveld ther-
mal event (Walker et al., 1989; Pearson et al., 1995; Carlson et al., 1999).
In this study, six samples (Fig. 3) were collected from each phase of
the Premier kimberlite (Prem-A: hypabyssal, Prem-B: piebald, Prem-C:
black, Prem-D: brown, Prem-E: green, Prem-F: grey), with the objective
of determining emplacement age and the isotopic composition of the
primary kimberlitic magma. A common feature of these samples is
that they contain megacrysts of serpentinized olivine, pyroxene, garnet,
and ilmenite (Fig. 3). Samples Prem-E and Prem-F are relatively more
altered than the others.

3. Analytical methods

3.1. Major and trace element analyses of perovskite

The sample preparation and mineral separation were conducted

at the Geological Survey at Langfang, Heibei Province, China. The
kimberlite samples were first crushed using a corundum jaw crusher,
then small chips without surface alteration were powdered using
an agate mortar. The crushed material was processed for perovskite
extraction by magnetic separation, and then pure perovskite grain
without any inclusion was handpicked under a microscope.
Separated perovskites were mounted in epoxy resin, and polished
until the centers of the grains were exposed. Before isotopic analysis,
back-scattered electron (BSE) images were obtained using a JEOL
JXA8100 electron microprobe, in order to assess internal composi-
tional variation and textures, and identify potential target sites for
Fig. 1. Kimberlites in southern Africa, showing the location of the Premier kimberlite. U\Pb and Sr\Nd analyses.
F.-Y. Wu et al. / Chemical Geology 353 (2013) 83–95 85

Fig. 3. Petrographic images of the Premier kimberlite, which is mostly tuffisitic in texture.

Major element compositions were obtained using a JEOL–JAX8100 18 nA. The analyzed ellipsoidal spot size is about 20× 30 μm in size. Pos-
electron microprobe with a 15 kV accelerating voltage and 12 nA itive secondary ions were extracted with a 10 kV potential.
beam current. Counting times were 20 s. Total iron is expressed as All samples analyzed in this study were cast in epoxy mounts.
FeO. The analytical uncertainties are within 2% for TiO2 and CaO, but Each mount was coated with about 30 nm of high-purity gold to
~ 10–20% for other elements due to their low concentrations. reach b20 Ω resistance. Sample changing effects were minimized by
Trace element compositions (including REE) were determined using optimizing the energy offset to maximum transmission in the 60 eV
an Agilent 7500a quadrupole inductively coupled plasma mass spec- energy window at the start of each analysis using the 40Ca 48Ti216O4
trometry (Q–ICP–MS), which is equipped with a 193 nm excimer ArF reference peak at mass 200. This peak of 40Ca 48Ti216O4 is a matrix ref-
laser ablation system (GeoLas Plus). Helium gas was flushed to mini- erence for centering the secondary ion beam, energy and mass adjust-
mize aerosol deposition around the ablation site, and mixed with ments, as well as reference for mass 200.5 (background). The field
argon gas downstream of the ablation cell. During analyses, a spot size aperture was set to 5000 μm, and the transfer optic magnification
of 30 μm was used with a repetition rate of 6 Hz. Every five sample anal- was adjusted to 200 with Max Area of 40 μm. Rectangular lenses
yses were followed by one NIST SRM 610 measurement. Each spot anal- were activated in the secondary ion optics to increase the transmis-
ysis consisted approximately of 30 s of background acquisition and 60 s sion at high mass resolution. A mass resolution of ca. 8000 (defined
of sample data acquisition. Trace element concentrations were calculat- at 50% peak height) was used to separate U, Th and Pb isotopes
ed using GLITTER 4.0 and calibrated using 40Ca as an internal standard from isobaric interferences, such as oxides of REE (e.g., Williams,
and NIST610 as an external reference material (Jackson et al., 2004; 1998). A single electron multiplier was used in the ion-counting
Griffin et al., 2008). mode to measure secondary ion beam intensities by a peak jumping
sequence. Each measurement consisted of 10 cycles, and the total an-
alytical time was ca. 16 min. The mass fractionation of Pb isotopes and
3.2. In situ U\Pb analyses Pb hydrides (requiring a mass resolution > 30,000) were not consid-
ered because previous studies have shown that these two effects are
The U\Pb analyses were performed in situ using the CAMECA1280 negligible and there appears to be a mutual cancellation of each effect
secondary ion microprobe installed at the Institute of Geology and Geo- (Li et al., 2010).
physics in Beijing, with the data given in the Supplementary Table 1. During analyses, Ice River perovskite served as the primary standard
The instrument description and analytical procedure can be found in and was measured with every three unknown perovskite grains. Howev-
Li et al. (2010), and only a brief summary is given here. The O2− primary er, note that an average 206Pb/238U age of 356.5 ±1.0 Ma for the Ice River
ion beam was accelerated at 13 kV, with an intensity between 10 and perovskite was applied for calibration of our data (Heaman, 2009),
86 F.-Y. Wu et al. / Chemical Geology 353 (2013) 83–95

whereas a revised age of 361.7 ±1.0 Ma is given by Tappe and Simonetti was used to calibrate the machine and the exponential law was applied
(2012). The Tera–Wasserburg diagram was used to give, from the lower for mass bias correction assuming 146Nd/ 144Nd = 0.7219. During laser
intercept, the crystallization age of the analyzed perovskite, assuming analyses, the interferences are caused principally by Ce (142Ce on 142Nd)
the common lead content follows the model of Stacey and Kramers and Sm (144Sm on 144Nd). However, our work indicates that the influence
(1975). However, for calculation of individual analysis, four correction of Ce on Nd isotope analysis is insignificant (Yang et al., 2008, 2011), al-
methods (i.e., 204Pb, 206Pb, 207Pb and 208Pb) can be employed for perov- though much attention has to be given to the isobaric interference of
skite U\Pb age determination (Williams, 1998). For relatively young Sm on 144Nd (McFarlane and McCulloch, 2007). In this study, the
minerals, the ages are usually calculated from the 206Pb/238U ratios, mass bias of Sm (βSm) was directly obtained from the 147Sm/149Sm
and hence, the 206Pb correction method is less used for the Phanerozoic ratio on the sample itself and then applied in the isobaric interference cor-
minerals. In addition, the high Th contents and Th/U ratios make a 208Pb rection following the method proposed by McFarlane and McCulloch
correction inappropriate for perovskites (see details in Williams, 1998). (2007) assuming 147Sm/149Sm=1.08680 (Dubois et al., 1992) and
Therefore, the 204Pb and 207Pb corrections are the most widely used 144
Sm/149Sm=0.22332 (Isnard et al., 2005). Further, 145Nd/144Nd ratio
methods for perovskite common Pb corrections when using TIMS and was used to evaluate the feasibility of our method as it has a constant
SIMS analytical techniques (Williams, 1998). The 204Pb and 207Pb cor- value of 0.348415 (Wasserburg et al., 1981). As suggested by recent
rection methods were used for individual analysis, and an average studies (Fisher et al., 2011; Iizuka et al., 2011), an in-house perovskite
Pb/238U age with 2σ or 95% confidence level was calculated using standard (AFK, TIMS values of 147Sm/144Nd and 143Nd/144Nd are
ISOPLOT 3.0 (Ludwig, 2003). During analytical session, fifty-six analyses 0.0659 and 0.512609 ± 27, respectively) was used for the external cor-
on a secondary standard of our in-house AFK perovskite yielded a weight- rections of 147Sm/144Nd and 143Nd/144Nd in order to overcome the po-
ed 206Pb/238U age of 382.7±1.7 Ma (MSWD=1.1, n=56), identical to tential matrix-matched effects. The 147Sm/144Nd and 143Nd/144Nd
the TIMS age of 381.6±1.4 Ma (Wu et al., 2013–this volume). ratios obtained during our analyses are 0.0660 ± 17 and 0.512587 ±33
(n= 46, 2SD), respectively, hence no correction was conducted for the
3.3. In situ Sr\Nd isotopic analyses by laser ablation target analyses. In addition, the 147Sm/144Nd and 143Nd/144Nd ratios
obtained from an apatite standard (AP2) are 0.0772±16 and
The in situ Sr\Nd isotopic analyses were conducted using the 0.510990 ± 37 (n=, 2SD), comparable with the TIMS values of 0.0763
Neptune MC–ICPMS instrument. Detailed analytical protocols were and 0.510999 ± 12 (n= 5, 2SD) (Yang et al., 2009a, 2009b).
given by Yang et al. (2008, 2009), and only brief summary is given
here. 3.4. Whole-rock major and trace element compositions
The Sr isotopic data were acquired in static, multi-collector mode
with low resolution using nine Faraday collectors, and the mass con- The major element contents of the rock powders were determined
figuration array from 83Kr to 88Sr, monitoring Kr and Rb (Yang et al., on glass beads by X-ray fluorescence (XRF) using a RIGAKU 2100
2009a, 2009b). Prior to analysis, collectors were aligned using a tun- spectrometer. Thirty-eight standards, ranging from ultramafic to
ing solution which contains Rb, Sr, Er, and Yb. An aliquot of 200 ppb felsic rocks and sediments, were used to construct calibration curves.
NBS 987 standard was used regularly for controlling the quality and The standards and samples (0.5 g) were mixed with 3.6 g of Li2B4O7,
optimizing the operation parameters, including the torch position, 0.4 g of LiF, 0.3 g of NH4NO3 and a small quantity (b20 mg) of LiBr.
the Ar flow rate, and the ion lens focus, to obtain maximum sensitiv- A glass bead was formed by fusion of this mixture at ~1100 °C. The
ity. During the data reduction process, the effects of interfering ele- current and voltage for the XRF analyses was 50 mA and 50 kV, re-
ments were accounted for in the order of Kr +, Yb 2+, Er 2+ and Rb +, spectively. According to the measured values of standards (GSR-1
but interferences from Fe dioxides, and Ga and Zn oxides, are not con- and GSR-3), the uncertainties are ~1% for elements with concentra-
sidered due to their low signals during actual analyses. Similarly, no tions > 1.0 wt.%, and about 10% for the elements with concentrations
corrections for 176Lu 2+ and 176Hf 2+ on 88Sr were considered as b1.0 wt.%.
their interferences on 88Sr are negligible. Prior to every analytical ses- Trace element concentrations, including the REE, were deter-
sion, the Neptune MC–ICPMS was always configured to monitor Kr in mined using an Agilent 7500a inductively coupled plasma mass spec-
the Ar gas after optimization, especially when a new liquid Ar tank trometer (ICP–MS). About 50 mg of crushed whole-rock powder was
was installed. During analyses, a 50 second measurement of the gas dissolved using HF/HNO3 (2:1) mixtures in a Teflon reaction vessel
blank was carried out before ablation in order to correct for Kr. On which was heated on a hot plate at ~ 140 °C. This was followed by
the basis of the method proposed by Ramos et al. (2004), we moni- evaporation to dryness, redissolving with 1.5 mL HF and 1.5 mL
tored the presence of 167Er 2+, 171Yb 2+ and 173Yb 2+ at masses 83.5, HNO3 before sealing and placing in a steel jacket, and heating in an
85.5 and 86.5. Then the contributions of 168Er 2+ and 168Yb2+ to 84Sr, oven at 190 °C for 48 h. The third step was evaporating the solution
170 2+
Er and 170Yb 2+ to 85Sr (+85Rb), 172Yb 2+ to 86Sr, 174Yb 2+ to 87Sr to dryness, re-dissolving it with 3 mL HNO3, and drying. Subse-
(+87Rb), and 176Yb2+ to 88Sr were calculated according to the isotopic quently, 3 mL HNO3 was added before sealing and heating at
abundances of Er and Yb (Chartier et al., 1999; Vervoort et al., 2004). 140 °C for 12 h. Finally, the solution was extracted after cooling,
The natural ratio of 85Rb/ 87Rb (2.5926) was used for isobaric correction and diluted to 80 g. External standards BHVO-2, AGV-2 and G-2
of Rb by the exponential law, assuming that rubidium has the same were used to monitor drift in mass response during mass spectro-
mass discrimination as strontium (Ehrlich et al., 2001). In order to metric measurement.
avoid the potential matrix-matched effect, an in-house perovskite
(AFK) standard was used for potential external correction. During anal- 3.5. Whole-rock Sr\Nd isotopic analyses
yses, our standard AFK perovskite yielded a weighted 87Sr/86Sr ratio of
0.70333 ± 2 (n= 35, 2σ) or 0.70333 ± 12 (n= 35, 2SD), identical to Strontium and Nd isotopic analyses of kimberlites were conducted
the TIMS value of 0.70335 ± 4 (n= 5, 2SD). Therefore, no external cor- at the MC–ICP–MS Laboratory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing
rection was conducted for data obtained. However, in order to verify the using a Thermo Fisher Scientific Neptune multi-collector-ICP–MS.
reliability of our methods, we have analyzed an in-house apatite stan- About 150 mg of sample were dissolved in sealed Savilex TM beakers
dard (LAP), which yielded a weighted 87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.71138 ± 2 for more than 2 weeks. Sr and Nd separation was made using a three-
(n= 31, 2 s) or 0.71137 ± 11 (n= 31, 2SD), identical to the TIMS column ion exchange technique as described by Yang et al. (2010). Dur-
value of 0.71138 ± 2 (n= 4, 2SD) (Yang et al., 2009b). ing measurements, 87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd ratios were normalized
The laser ablation Nd isotope technique is similar to that for Sr iso- to 86Sr/88Sr = 0.1194 and 146Nd/144Nd= 0.7219 using the exponential
tope analysis as described above. Before analysis, a standard Nd solution law, respectively. In the course of this study, two analyses of the NBS-
F.-Y. Wu et al. / Chemical Geology 353 (2013) 83–95 87

987 Sr standard yielded 87Sr/86Sr = 0.710268 ± 17 and 0.710265± 15, 35.7 to 47.9 wt.%, and MgO concentrations range from 25.5 to
two analyses of the JNdi-1 Nd standard yielded 143Nd/ 144Nd = 28.9 wt.%, indicating that the Premier kimberlites are not primitive
0.512113 ± 10 and 0.512116 ± 8. Analyses of BIR-1 reference mate- (according to the proposed criteria of Mitchell, 1986; Price et al.,
rial as an unknown sample yielded 87Sr/ 86Sr = 0.703173 ± 19 and 2000; Le Roex et al., 2003; Kopylova et al., 2007) , and have been
Nd/ 144Nd = 0.513076 ± 32, and the above values of AGV-2 as un- contaminated by crustal material. This is consistent with their
known sample are 0.704023 ± 22 and 0.512794 ± 11, respectively. tuffisitic character and the occurrence of quartzite xenoliths within
All these data agree well with those recommended values (Yang et the kimberlite.
al., 2010). In terms of trace elements, the Premier kimberlites have high Ni
(1066–1263 ppm), Cr (1031–1379 ppm), and Ba (138–823 ppm) con-
4. Analytical data tents. The primitive mantle normalized “spidergrams” demonstrate a
strong enrichment of the incompatible elements, such as Ba, Th, U, Nb,
4.1. Whole-rock geochemistry Ta, Pb, Sr and light rare earth elements (LREEs), with depletions of K,
Sr, Zr, Hf, and heavy REE (Fig. 4a). The REE patterns show that this kim-
Six different phases of kimberlite were analyzed for bulk composi- berlite is LREE enriched with (La/Yb)N ratios ranging from 28–95
tions (Table 1). The gain of mass on ignition was ~5.6–10.9 wt.%, consis- (Fig. 4b), slightly lower than other kimberlites (Mitchell, 1986; Tappe
tent with their high contents of volatiles and alteration as seen by et al., 2011), and the primitive kimberlite proposed by Price et al.
petrographic investigation. However, most of our samples have lower (2000).
contamination indicies (C.I.) of ~1.4–2.0 than those reported by Fesq
et al. (1975) and Kable et al. (1975), but comparable to those by Hoal 4.2. Perovskite composition
(2003) and Maier et al. (2005). The SiO2 concentrations range from
The major and trace element data for the perovskites investigated
are listed in Table 2 and rare earth element (REE) distribution pat-
Table 1 terns are shown in Fig. 4b. These perovskites have similar composi-
Whole-rock compositions of the Premier kimberlite.
tions to those occurring in other kimberlites (Chakhmouradian and
Sample Prem-A Prem-B Prem-C Prem-D Prem-E Prem-F

SiO2 35.65 39.27 40.34 42.63 40.99 47.94

TiO2 1.73 2.01 2.16 2.40 1.85 1.66
Al2O3 2.64 3.16 2.90 3.66 3.76 3.46
TFeO 8.66 9.69 9.78 9.65 9.02 8.89
MnO 0.20 0.13 0.14 0.15 0.13 0.12
MgO 25.64 27.09 28.85 25.47 27.54 25.82
CaO 13.01 7.23 5.38 6.49 6.34 5.04
Na2O 0.23 0.24 0.29 0.85 0.46 0.54
K2O 0.61 0.96 0.83 0.91 0.39 0.34
P2O5 0.18 0.56 0.19 0.31 0.15 0.15
LOI 10.90 9.05 9.05 7.40 8.78 5.57
Total 99.45 99.39 99.91 99.92 99.41 99.53
C.I. 1.43 1.47 1.43 1.73 1.60 1.96
Cs 1.4 21 12 3.2 14 1.7
Li 5.2 17 7 21 25 22
Sc 9.8 12 11 11 10 9.1
V 78 102 114 126 99 94
Cr 1170 1072 1379 1058 1140 1031
Co 81 83 90 83 89 82
Ni 1109 1181 1403 1123 1263 1066
Cu 76 59 54 71 39 64
Zn 201 65 68 74 63 61
Ga 6.0 6.9 5.9 6.6 6.8 6.1
Rb 47 145 79 53 42 18
Sr 383 373 309 462 281 173
Ba 453 345 453 823 231 138
Zr 80 108 77 126 96 103
Hf 1.8 2.3 1.8 2.6 2.2 2.3
Nb 190 93 87 116 74 70
Ta 7.3 8.1 8.0 10.1 7.8 7.3
Pb 32 3.1 5.3 7.0 3.9 18
Th 5.2 5.6 4.7 7.3 5.0 5.4
U 2.4 1.4 1.0 1.6 1.1 1.2
La 99 58 32 46 26 27
Ce 181 89 61 80 49 54
Pr 21 9.5 6.7 9.0 5.6 6.2
Nd 69 32 23 31 19 21
Sm 10 4.7 3.6 4.7 3.0 3.4
Eu 2.8 1.3 1.1 1.3 0.69 0.88
Gd 7.5 3.7 2.9 3.6 2.4 2.6
Tb 0.82 0.42 0.34 0.43 0.30 0.33
Dy 4.2 2.6 1.9 2.5 1.8 2.0
Ho 0.52 0.36 0.27 0.35 0.27 0.30
Er 1.1 0.84 0.61 0.82 0.64 0.73
Tm 0.13 0.12 0.09 0.12 0.09 0.11
Yb 0.68 0.71 0.49 0.68 0.56 0.65
Lu 0.09 0.10 0.07 0.10 0.09 0.10
Fig. 4. Spidergrams and REE distribution patterns of whole-rocks and perovskites from
Y 14 9.1 7.2 9.7 6.8 7.9
the Premier kimberlite. Normalized values of the primitive mantle are from Sun and
C.I. (Contamination Index) = (SiO2 + Al2O3 + Na2O)/(MgO + 2 ∗ K2O). McDonough (1989).
88 F.-Y. Wu et al. / Chemical Geology 353 (2013) 83–95

Table 2 points with the least Pb loss (n = 6) yield a lower intercept age
Compositions of perovskite from the Premier kimberlite. of 1155 ± 23 Ma on the Tera–Wasserburg diagram (Fig. 6c), and
Sample Prem-C Prem-D Prem-E Pb/ 238U ages of 1156 ± 19 ( 207Pb correction) or 1150 ± 16
( 204Pb correction) Ma (Fig. 6d). All these ages are comparable
TiO2 56.97 55.33 56.60
Al2O3 0.20 0.00 0.00 to those of the Prem-C. The Pb loss is consistent with the alter-
FeO 0.72 0.86 0.81 ation observed by the BSE investigation.
CaO 39.52 37.89 39.26 Perovskite from sample Prem-E shows less Pb isotopic variation
La2O3 0.15 0.42 0.19
than Prem-C, hence the obtained lower intercept age of 1164± 28 Ma
Ce2O3 0.09 0.87 0.19
Nd2O3 0.13 0.51 0.22 on the Tera–Wasserburg diagram has a larger error than that of sample
Nb2O5 0.36 0.47 0.35 Prem-C (Fig. 6e). However, the weighted 206Pb/238U ages of 1155 ± 12
ThO2 0.02 0.24 0.05 (207Pb correction) and 1156± 12 Ma (204Pb correction) are consistent
Total 98.16 96.59 97.67 with those of Prem-C (Fig. 6e and f). Therefore, these data indicate
Rb 0.73 1.0 27
that three samples of perovskite from the Premier kimberlite yield al-
Sr 869 1198 1460
Ba 15 6419 763 most the same U\Pb ages of ~1150 Ma.
Nb 2412 7805 2522
Ta 330 1377 142 4.4. Sr\Nd isotopic data of perovskite and whole-rock
Zr 164 632 2451
Hf 6.7 32 51
Pb 55 255 20 The perovskite Sr contents are ~870 (Prem-C), 1200 (Prem-D) and
Th 637 5061 162 1500 (Prem-E), with very low Rb contents (Table 2), making it possible
U 77 274 35 to obtain in situ Sr isotopic analyses using laser ablation techniques.
La 2238 10341 880 Among the three samples, Prem-D shows a large range of Sr isotopic
Ce 4998 22,861 1715
composition, indicating that this sample is not a closed Rb\Sr isotopic
Pr 561 2625 187
Nd 2200 10,135 697 system, or was reset during a later process (Fig. 7a). The analysis point
Sm 318 1383 106 with the lowest 87Sr/86Sr ratio is 0.70321, corresponding to an initial Sr
Eu 82 334 30 isotopic ratio of 0.7031 (Table 3). However, perovskites from Prem-C
Gd 165 673 61
and E give initial Sr isotopic ratios of 0.7025 and 0.7030, respectively
Tb 17 67 7.4
Dy 68 249 33
(Table 3). Therefore, the Premier kimberlite has an initial Sr isotopic
Ho 8.8 31 4.9 ratio of ~0.7025–0.7030, similar to those determined by Woodhead et
Er 15 51 10 al. (2009).
Tm 1.3 4.2 1.2 In contrast to Sr isotopes, all three perovskite samples are closed for
Yb 6.0 19 6.4
Nd isotopic systems (Fig. 7b), and give εNd(t)1150 values of +1.8 ± 0.4
Lu 0.6 1.6 0.7
Y 151 518 129 (Prem-C), +1.9± 0.9 (Prem-D) and +0.8 ± 0.7 (Prem-E), respectively
(Table 3). In the Sr\Nd isotopic diagram (Fig. 8a), the three perovskites
show a limited compositional variation.
Mitchell, 2001), in consisting mainly of TiO2 (55.3–57.0 wt.%) and CaO The whole-rock samples have a range of initial Sr isotopic ratio from
(37.9–39.5 wt.%) with minor FeO (0.7–0.9 wt.%). With respect to trace 0.7005 to 0.7076 (Table 3), and hence very different to those of the pe-
elements, the perovskites are characterized by high concentrations rovskites (Fig. 8). Similarly, the whole-rock samples have more variable
of Sr (869–1460 ppm), Nb (2412–7805 ppm), Ta (142–1377 ppm), Nd isotopic compositions (εNd(t)1150 values from +3.4 to −2.9) than
Zr (164–2451 ppm), Hf (5–51 ppm), U (35–274 ppm), Th (162– perovskites although both have similar 147Sm/144Nd values (Table 3
5061 ppm), and minor Rb (0.7–27 ppm). The REE distribution patterns and Fig. 8). For our samples, the initial Sr isotopic ratios increase,
can be divided into two subgroups. Prem-C and Prem-D perovskites while εNd(t)1150 value decrease with increasing of SiO2. However, an in-
show extreme light REE (LREE) enrichment with La abundances of 7106 verse trend exists with increasing of Sr concentration (Fig. 9). Among
and 32,828 times higher than those of chondrites and with (La/Yb)N ratios these samples, Prem-F, with the highest SiO2 content of 47.9 wt.%, has
of 248 and 365 (Fig. 4b). However, Prem-E perovskite has much lower the least depleted isotopic compositions with initial 87Sr/ 86Sr ratio of
REE concentration and lower (La/Yb)N ratio of 60 from those of Prem-C 0.7076 and εNd(t)1150 value of −2.9 (Table 3).
and Prem-D (Fig. 4b).
5. Discussion
4.3. Perovskite U\Pb age
5.1. Emplacement age of the Premier kimberlite
Among the six samples, perovskite was only recovered from
Prem-C, Prem-D and Prem-E. Microprobe analysis indicates that the According to the available data, the Premier intrusion has been
perovskite from each sample is homogeneous with respect to major considered as one of the oldest kimberlites in the world. However,
elements. However, compared to the other two samples, perovskite precise age data for this kimberlite are lacking although numerous
from Prem-D shows some degree of alteration as revealed by BSE im- isotopic techniques have been applied during the past three decades
aging (Fig. 5). This sample of perovskite is also low in CaO and TiO2, (Table 4). Using the Pb\Pb technique, Kramers and Smith (1983)
but high in rare earth elements (Table 2), as clearly shown by its obtained an isochron age of 1202 ± 72 Ma for the whole-rock, mag-
REE distribution pattern (Fig. 4b). netic and non-magnetic fractions from this kimberlite. The other
Perovskite from Prem-C, D and E were analyzed by CAMECA 1280 ages were obtained from the megacrystal garnet, clinopyroxene,
SIMS using the technique described above. For sample Prem-C, twenty orthopyroxene and ilmenite, with an additional Rb\Sr isochron age
analyses define a discordia line with a lower intercept age of 1163± of 1115 ± 15 obtained from biotite in the late gabbroic sill (Table 4).
19 Ma on the Tera–Wasserburg diagram (Fig. 6a), if an initial common For those ages obtained by isochron technique, it is not assured that
lead composition is assumed according to the model of Stacey and the analyzed minerals are cogenetic. For two Ar\Ar ages (1185 ± 94
Kramers (1975). The weighted 206Pb/238U ages are 1147±10 Ma for and 1198 ± 28 Ma) provided by Burgess et al. (1989) and Phillips et
Pb correction, but 1151±9 Ma for 204Pb correction (Fig. 6a and b). al. (1989), the analyzed mineral was clinopyroxene, which, is not a
Perovskite from Prem-D has experienced significant Pb loss (Fig. 6c suitable mineral for Ar\Ar geochronology due to its low potassium
and d), making age determination difficult. However, the analytical content. In addition, some ages were obtained from the mineral
F.-Y. Wu et al. / Chemical Geology 353 (2013) 83–95 89

Fig. 5. BSE image of perovskite from the Premier kimberlite.

inclusions within diamond; these cannot be used to constrain the 1151 ± 9 (Prem-C, Black kimberlite), and 1156 ± 12 Ma (Prem-E,
kimberlite eruption time. In summary, the available age data range Green kimberlite), respectively. From the geological investigation
from 1150 to 1266 Ma with some unusually old ages of 1930 Ma (Fig. 2), the Brown and Green kimberlites are considered as the earli-
(Richardson et al., 1993). These data are not precise and reliable est and the latest phases of the kimberlitic intrusions The perovskite
enough to constrain the emplacement age of the Premier kimberlite, U\Pb ages indicate that the different phases were contemporaneous
although it is generally accepted that this pipe was emplaced at with a weighted average age of 1152 ± 6 Ma, which we consider as
~ 1.2 Ga. the best estimate of the emplacement time of the Premier kimberlite.
Perovskite provides an excellent opportunity to remove the un-
certainties in the determination of the age of the Premier kimberlites 5.2. Sr\Nd isotopic composition of the Premier kimberlite
as it crystallizes directly from the kimberlitic magma and contains
enough U for precise Pb isotopic analyses, and hence reliable U\Pb The Premier kimberlite has not been extensively investigated with
age determination (Kramers and Smith, 1983; Heaman, 1989; Smith respect to its Sr and Nd isotopic composition (Table 3). Mitchell and
et al., 1989; Wu et al., 2010a and references therein). Currently, pe- Crocket (1971) initially reported Sr isotopic data and obtained an initial
rovskite U\Pb isotopic analyses are usually conducted by traditional Sr isotopic ratio of 0.7093–0.7169 for three weathered kimberlites. Sub-
TIMS (Kramers and Smith, 1983; Heaman, 1989; Smith et al., 1989; Li sequently, Basu and Tatsumoto (1979) found that one sample yielded
et al., 2010, 2011; Tappe et al., 2011, 1012), and in situ techniques, in- an εNd(t)1150 value of −2.1. A Piebald kimberlite analyzed by Nowell
cluding SIMS (Kinny et al., 1997) and laser ablation (Cox and Wilton, et al. (2004) yielded an initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.7034 and εNd(t)1150
2006; Batumike et al., 2008; Yang et al., 2009a, 2009b; Reguir et al., value of +2.4. Recently, Woodhead et al. (2009) analyzed two kimber-
2010; Wu et al., 2010a). Recent studies by Yang et al. (2009a, lite perovskites and obtained initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.70282± 13 and
2009b) have indicated that perovskite is not as resistant to alteration 0.70262 ± 31 using in situ laser ablation technique.
as previously thought, and some Pb loss has been documented, In this study, six whole-rock samples yielded a large range of initial
suggesting that in situ isotopic analyses might be better to provide Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.7005–0.7076 and εNd(t)1150 values of −2.9–+3.4
more reliable age information. (Table 3, Fig. 8). However, these compositions cannot be considered
In this study, three samples were selected for perovskite U\Pb as the isotopic composition of the primary kimberlitic magma due to
isotopic analyses. These data indicate that perovskites from Prem-D crustal contamination and/or later alteration as shown in Fig. 9.
show variable amounts of Pb loss, confirming the conclusion of In contrast, it has been found that perovskite crystallizes early
Yang et al. (2009a, 2009b) that perovskite is not resistant as previous- from the kimberlitic magma, and relatively, it can significantly resist
ly thought. Excluding those with significant Pb loss, the perovskite later alteration, compared with other minerals (Chakhmouradian
analyses yield U\Pb ages of 1150 ± 16 (Prem-D, Brown kimberlite), and Mitchell, 2001). Therefore, perovskite has proven to be an
90 F.-Y. Wu et al. / Chemical Geology 353 (2013) 83–95

Fig. 6. U-Pb Concordia diagrams after Tera–Wasserburg (data plotted not corrected for common Pb) and Wetherill (common Pb corrected) of the Premier perovskites.

excellent mineral to provide the Sr\Nd isotopic composition of the +0.9–+1.9, much narrower than those obtained from the whole-
primary kimberlitic magma (Heaman, 1989; Yang et al., 2009a, rock analyses (Fig. 8). As a groundmass mineral crystallized earlier
2009b; Wu et al., 2010a; Tappe and Simonetti, 2012; Beyer et al., from the magma, it is accepted here that perovskites record the isotopic
2013–this volume). Note that Malarkey et al. (2010) have proposed compositions of the primary kimberlitic magma, and the whole-rock
that apatite and phenocrystal olivine might provide better estimates compositions do not represent the compositions of the primary
of initial isotopic compositions. However we consider that olivine is a magma from which the rock crystallized. Consequently, the Premier
most unsatisfactory mineral for this purpose as it is commonly exten- kimberlite has a low initial Sr isotopic ratio and a positive εNd(t)1150
sively altered and has extremely low Sr and Nd contents. Moreover, value, implying derivation from a moderately depleted mantle source.
the limited Sr and Nd contents might originate from tiny fluid and/or This conclusion is comparable to those derived from perovskite data
melt inclusions, and not from olivine lattice sites. Among our analyses, obtained from other kimberlites (Fig. 10).
perovskites from sample Prem-D show a large Sr isotopic variation,
but not Nd isotopic composition. Combined with petrographic 5.3. Geodynamic implications
examination, we propose that this variation results from alteration. If
the lowest 87Sr/86Sr ratio is accepted to record the primary Sr Kimberlites are an example of continental intraplate magmatism
isotopic composition, sample Prem-D has an initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio of whose geodynamic setting remains controversial (Mitchell, 1986;
0.7032 ± 4 (Table 3). As documented for other cases, perovskites from Ernst and Buchan, 2003; Jelsma et al., 2009; Kaminsky, 2012). The
Prem-C and Prem-E do not show any Sr and Nd isotopic disturbance, emplacement of the Mesozoic kimberlites of southern Africa is not
and have 87Sr/ 86Sr ratios of 0.7025 ± 1 and 0.7032 ± 2, and εNd(t)1150 related to rifting or focused hot spot magmatism and is controlled
values of +1.8 ± 0.4 and +0.8 ± 0.7. by major crustal lineaments (e.g., Mitchell, 1986; Schissel and Smail,
In summary, analyses of perovskites from the Premier kimberlites 2001; Jelsma et al., 2009; Moore et al., 2008). In this case, it appears
yield 87Sr/ 86Sr ratios of 0.7025–0.7032 and εNd(t)1150 values of that the lithosphere structure (rheological anisotropy not only
F.-Y. Wu et al. / Chemical Geology 353 (2013) 83–95 91

Fig. 8. Sr\Nd isotopic compositions of perovskites from kimberlites in South Africa.

Fields of Group I, Group II (orangeite) and Transitional kimberlites are from Becker
and Le Roex (2006); Becker et al. (2007); Fraser et al. (1985); Heaman (1989); Nowell
et al. (2004) and Smith (1983). Whole-rocks data are from Hoal (2003) and Nowell et
al. (2004) and this study.

cannot be lithospheric mantle which has been enriched during later

metasomatism. In addition, the heat source for the production of
kimberlitic magma is also enigmatic. Many kimberlites occur in clusters
and do exhibit linear distribution patterns, indicating that a large scale
thermal anomaly is necessary for the initiation of kimberlitic magmatism.
On the basis of the xenocryst suite and mineral inclusions in dia-
mond, it is proposed that the kimberlite eruption might be triggered
by a mantle plume (Haggerty, 1994; Harte, 2010; Kerschhofer et al.,
2000; Walter et al., 2011, and references therein), a concept which
is also supported by a regional investigation based on the precise
age data of kimberlite (Heaman et al., 2004), hence the popular idea
for the generation of kimberlite. However, the genetic relationship
between the small volumes of kimberlite magma and the much larger
volumes of mafic rocks remains unresolved, as the latter are generally
Fig. 7. In situ Sr\Nd isotopic compositions of the Premier perovskites. 87Rb/86Sr = 0.06 considered as the representatives of the large igneous provinces
is the maximum limit to get reasonable correction for 87Rb on 86Sr (Yang et al., 2009b.). (picrites-flood basalts and/or related ultramafic–mafic intrusions)
triggered by mantle plumes (Ernst and Buchan, 2001). Data for the
localized the sites of kimberlite eruption but also provided the re- Phanerozoic indicate that the kimberlites can pre-date, be coeval with,
quired conditions for decompressional melting of metasomatized or post-date the eruption of flood basalts (Chalapathi Rao and Lehmann,
mantle lithosphere. 2011). For example, in the Kola alkaline province, the “kimberlite” and al-
As illustrated by Fig. 9, kimberlites are characterized by moderately- kaline ultramafic rocks were emplaced at ~380 Ma (Wu et al., 2010c,
depleted isotopic compositions, which require that the kimberlite source 2013–this volume), i.e. approximately ~10–20 Ma earlier than the

Table 3
Sr\Nd isotopic data of perovskites from the Premier kimberlite.
Sample Location Mineral Age (Ma) Rb/86Sr 87
Sr/86Sr 2σ ISr 147
Sm/144Nd 143
Nd/144Nd 2σ εNd(t) 2σ fSm/Nd Reference

Prem-A Premier WR 1150 0.3551 0.70967 2 0.7038 0.0901 0.512006 4 3.38 0.08 − 0.54
Prem-B Premier WR 1150 1.1260 0.71909 3 0.7005 0.0902 0.511925 5 1.79 0.10 − 0.54
Prem-C Premier WR 1150 0.7401 0.71376 2 0.7016 0.0935 0.511963 5 2.02 0.10 − 0.52
Prem-D Premier WR 1150 0.3320 0.71007 2 0.7046 0.0921 0.511906 3 1.14 0.06 − 0.53
Prem-E Premier WR 1150 0.4326 0.71101 3 0.7039 0.0948 0.511855 6 − 0.27 0.12 − 0.52
Prem-F Premier WR 1150 0.3012 0.71260 2 0.7076 0.0970 0.511737 4 − 2.90 0.08 − 0.51
Prem-C Premier Prv 1150 0.0047 0.70253 13 0.7025 0.0946 0.511957 22 1.76 0.43 − 0.52
Prem-D Premier Prv 1150 0.0069 0.70321 36 0.7031 0.0912 0.511937 44 1.87 0.86 − 0.54
Prem-E Premier Prv 1150 0.0111 0.70315 23 0.7030 0.0934 0.511900 33 0.82 0.65 − 0.53
Premier Premier WR 1150 0.0933 0.511752 27 − 2.06 0.53 − 0.53 1
P-Piebald Premier WR 1150 0.0077 0.70353 10 0.7034 0.0941 0.511985 6 2.38 0.12 − 0.52 2
SHR207 Premier WR 1150 0.2413 0.70642 0.7024 0.511870 3.07 3
Premier WR 1150 0.1535 0.7156 1 0.7131 4
Premier WR 1150 0.5271 0.7180 5 0.7093 4
Premier WR 1150 0.2752 0.7214 7 0.7169 4
173/53/K001/51 Premier Prv 1150 0.7028 5
SA133 Premier Prv 1150 0.7026 5

References: 1: Basu and Tatsumoto (1979); 2: Nowell et al. (2004); 3: Hoal (2003); 4: Mitchell and Crocket (1971); 5: Woodhead et al. (2009).
92 F.-Y. Wu et al. / Chemical Geology 353 (2013) 83–95

Fig. 9. Whole-rock Sr\Nd isotopic variations. Data for sample SHR207 are from Hoal (2003).

Pripyat–Dneiper–Donets mafic flood basalts (Wilson and Lyashkevich, Griffin et al., 2005), approximately ~5–10 Ma younger than the main
1996). In the Saõ Francisco craton of Brazil, the kimberlites are mostly mafic event. In southern African, however, multiple occurrences of man-
emplaced at ~90–100 Ma, followed by kamafugite, carbonatite and alka- tle plumes make correlation problematic (Schissel and Smail, 2001).
line syenite emplaced at ~90–80 Ma, and finally by the ~80 Ma Trindade Within the Precambrian, the above temporal relationships are less
mafic event (Gibson et al., 1995; Wu et al., 2010b; Guarino et al., 2013– clear. For the Bushveld igneous event in South Africa, our work indicates
this volume). The Siberian area, which is characterized by extensive that the Phalaborwa carbonatite is about 5 Ma older than the main
flood basalt and related mafic–ultramafic intrusions at ~251 Ma Bushveld mafic intrusion (Wu et al., 2011). Additionally, it has been pro-
(Reichow et al., 2009, and references therein); with the related posed that the ~1.4–1.1 Ga kimberlite, alkaline rocks and carbonatites in
Kharamai kimberlite emplaced at ~240–245 Ma (Kinny et al., 1997; southern Africa, represent another period of plume activity, accompanied
by a large scale of mafic event in the Mesoproterozoic (Fig. 1a, Hanson et
al., 2006; Kumar et al., 2007). The available data indicate that the alkaline
syenites (Pilansburg and Pienaars River) and carbonatites (Stukpan and
Spitskop) were emplaced at 1.35–1.40 Ga (Hanson et al., 2006), some
Table 4
Geochronological data of the Premier kimberlite. 200–250 Ma earlier than the Premier kimberlite. In contrast, mafic intru-
sions, having an area of ~2 ×106 km2 and represented by the Umkondo
Sample Age (Ma) Method Reference
mafic sills and related volcanic rocks in Zimbabwe, Botswana, Namibia
Kimberlite 1202 ± 72 Pb\Pb isochron Kramers and Smith and South Africa, were emplaced within a narrow time frame at
(WR-mineral) (1983)
1112–1106 Ma (Fig. 1a, Hanson et al., 1998, 2004, 2006; Wingate,
Unknown 1179 ± 36 Rb\Sr isochron (Cpx) Allsopp et al. (1989)
Megacryst 1198 ± 32 Sm\Nd isochron Jones (1987)
2001), approximately ~ 40 Ma later than the Premier kimberlite, in
(Gt-Cpx) accord with the intrusion of gabbroic sill into the Premier kimberlite
Eclogite 1150 ± 60 Sm\Nd isochron Richardson et al. (1993) (Fig. 2c). Therefore, if the Meso-proterozoic igneous activity was re-
(Gt-Cpx) lated to a mantle plume, it changed from alkaline and carbonatitic, to
Inclusion in diamond 1185 ± 94 40Ar/39Ar (Cpx) Burgess et al. (1989)
kimberlitic and ultimately to mafic magmatism.
Inclusion in diamond 1198 ± 28 40Ar/39Ar (Cpx) Phillips et al. (1989)
Peridotite xenolith 1150 ± 41 Sm\Nd isochron Pearson et al. (1995) From a global viewpoint, a contemporaneous ~1.1 Ga igneous event
(Gt-Cpx-Opx) is widely developed in other areas of the world (Hanson et al., 2006;
Megacryst 1192 ± 62 Sm\Nd isochron Nowell et al. (2004) Kumar et al., 2007). In northern America, the ~1.1 Ga magmatism
was documented by various types of magmatic rocks, including
Megacryst 1266 ± 51 Lu\Hf isochron Nowell et al. (2004)
ultrapotassic and alkaline rocks, the Midcontinent rift tholeiites, and
Gabbroic sill 1115 ± 15 Rb\Sr isochron (Biotite) Allsopp et al. (1967) the extensive layered mafic intrusive rocks (Hanson et al., 2006). Age
Brown kimberlite 1150 ± 16 U\Pb (Perovskite) This study determinations indicate that the carbonatite, kimberlite and alkaline
Black kimberlite 1151 ± 9 U\Pb (Perovskite) This study rocks were mainly emplaced at 1160–1130 Ma (Heaman et al., 2004;
Green kimberlite 1156 ± 12 U\Pb (Perovskite) This study
Rukhlov and Bell, 2010; Wu et al., 2010c), whereas the Midcontinental
F.-Y. Wu et al. / Chemical Geology 353 (2013) 83–95 93

3) In situ Sr\Nd isotopic analyses of perovskite suggest that the

Premier kimberlite magma was derived from moderately depleted
mantle, and is thus comparable to other kimberlites;
4) Kimberlite is usually emplaced prior to the eruption of extensive
flood basalt in a mantle plume setting, and can serve as a prelude
to major plume-related magmatism,

Supplementary data to this article can be found online at http://


Xian-Hua Li, Yu Liu, Guo-Qiang Tang, Wei-Qiang Ji, Zhi-Chao Liu, Qin
Zhou, Jing-Yuan Chen and many other staff of the SIMS and MC–ICP–MS
laboratories at the Institute of Geology and Geophysics are thanked for
their assistance during sample preparation and analyses. Roger Mitchell
thanks DeBeers Consolidated Mines for access to the Premier kimber-
lite. Constructive comments by Sebastian Tappe, Jan Kramers and an
anonymous referee improved the manuscript. This work was supported
by the Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant 41130313).

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