Penggunaan Do & Does

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Latihan Soal DO & DOES

1. Mr.Clark asked me to do the school assignment.

2. Sita and I do the group project together, I do the

research, and she does the writing.

3. My parents does the house work together.

4. My cat does its funny habit, it catches her tail.

5. My brother cooks for dinner, and I does the dishes to

help him.

6. We do not want to buy the snack.

7. Dad does not know that I am home.

8. I want to go the Italian restaurant, but she do not want

to go there.

9. William does like spaghetti, but I do not like it.

10. The boss does not want to raise the salary. you know that Michael was here yesterday?

12. I do not want that, do she want that?

13. do Mr. Harold like the cake?

14. Hello Mr. Fitzgerald, do you have appointment?

15. Lukas, ddooes Emma like coffee?

Isilah titik-titik pada soal cerita ini
dengan Do atau Does!

Jossi and Lorens are classmates. They (16) do school

project together. They want to make article about History
of Their School. Jossi (17) .does the book research and
Lorens (18).do the teacher interview. Then, they (19)
do.the article writing together and (20).do the project

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