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English Department

Grade 4

Quarter 3 Revision

Choose the correct answer:
1. They really………….. to win the game because they trained hard.
a. swelled b. escorted c. deserve d. relied
2. I ………… on the map to go to the hotel, but it was wrong.
a. worthy b. churning c. rewarded d. relied
3. He worked…………… although he had stress.
a. Patiently b. symbol c. graduate d. proposed
4. A great number of musicians will…………… in the festival.
a. reputation b. perform c. territory d. dedicate
5. I …………… a trip to Florida, but we went to San Francisco.
a. capitol b. supplies c. proposed d. violence
6. Molly tried hard and…………….. her fear of flying.
a. overcame b. conflict c. association d. drought
7. Mr. Smith takes care of marketing and…......... ,so he made many posters to promote
the new product.
a. confidence b. ceremony c. publicity d. territory
8. The crops grew until they reached to the………………. .
a. horizon b. violence c. reputation d. interpreter
9. This restaurant has a good …………….. ,a lot of my friends tried it.
a. patiently b. satisfied c. reputation d. association
10. Keep calm and the ……………. will be solved easily.
a. swelled b. situation c. confidence d. capitol
Fill in the gaps :
( drought – association – capitol – dedicated – route – interpreter -foster – graduate – swelled-
territory – confissed - violence- satisfied – corps - churning )

1. I had my driving test this morning and my stomach was…………. .

2. The balloon………...... out with gas.
3. He will…………….. from university this year.
4. My kittens were placed with………….. caretakers when I traveled in summer holiday.
5. The………… did a lot of harm to the crops.
6. The governors came to the ……….. to discuss an emergency issue.
7. The migrants had no …………… to help them to get their rights.
8. The poor migrants………… themselves to their work to earn more money.
9. The explorers took the wrong ………… to reach the Pacific Ocean .
10.An …….. is needed to help us to understand what the Japanese tourists say.
11.The poor people will be rich if they are ……………… .
12.He…………… that he committed the crime.
13.It’s not allowed to speak and behave in…………. with young and old people.
14.Cairo Tower is an Egyptian …………….. .
15. We participated in a drum……….. .
Write the synonym, antonym and part of speech of the underlined word:
1. They worked a lot under the hot, brilliant sun.
Syn. …………… Ant. …………….. P. ……....
2. How can we defend our homeland if we don’t have any army?
Syn. ……….. Ant. ……………. P. ………..
3. This book is worthy of being read.
Syn. ………….. Ant. ……………. P. ……….
4. How dare you disobey your parents?
Syn. …………. Ant. ……………. P. ………
5. Sometimes there’s a conflict between grandparents and their grandchildren.
Syn . …………. Ant. ……………. P. ……….
Write the synonym and the part of speech of the underlined word:
1.After a month of bad weather, the explorers’ supplies finished.
Syn. ……………. P. ………..
2. The heart shape is a symbol of love.
Syn. ……………. P. ………..
3. Their wedding ceremony will be held in May.
Syn. ……………. P. ……….
4. He rewarded me for my help.
Syn. …………………. P. ……….
5. A huge ship escorted our ship to the harbor after it was broken down.
Syn. ………………. P. ………
B. Grammar:
Part One: Identifying Adjectives and Adverbs
Underline adjectives and circle adverbs.
1. Toby was just a regular horse.
2. He had big hooves, and he could run quickly, but he was not magical.
3. One day, Toby went to the big red barn to get some new horseshoes.
4. 4.Toby cautiously entered the creepy barn and looked around carefully.
5. He was startled by an old horse-wizard with a long beard, a tall hat, and a sparkly cloak.
6. Toby calmly explained that he was looking for some new shoes because his old shoes
were worn out.
7. The horse-wizard waved his hooves around mysteriously and offered Toby two gold
8. Toby accepted the bright gold horseshoes and turned to shake the mysterious hoof of the
9. The dark horse-wizard had quite amazingly vanished into thin air and Toby was deeply
10. Toby figured that he should put on the shiny new horseshoes to see how well they fit.
11. He was relieved that the horseshoes fit so snuggly and comfortably on his big hooves.
12. His legs felt powerful and nimble, and he couldn’t believe how fast he could move.
13. As he was running through the lush meadow, Toby took flight and soared through the
blue sky.
14. He was deftly flying through the cool air across a lonely canyon, and he was good at it
15. As he travelled the empty sky, beautiful rainbows and neon hearts streamed from the
magic shoes.
16. Toby suddenly bumped into an evil unicorn; the skies went black and Toby was very
17. The evil unicorn shot a grey beam of sad faces at Toby, and Toby barely dodged them
by rolling left.
Choose the correct transition word to the sentences below:

1. (Because / Before )it was raining . I didn’t walk my dog this evening.
2. I love chocolate,(although / so) I eat chocolate candy whenever I can.
3. The test was really hard,(therefore /then),only five students passed.
4. First , you have to answer the questions .(Next / So) you hand in your paper.
5. Ben needs to go to bed early ,(otherwise/although) he will be late for school.
6. He really loves reading .(Despite / In fact)s , he reads almost all the time.
7. Ms. Williams ate her sandwich however / then she didn’t like tomato.
8. First / As a result of the cold winter , the lake was frozen.
9. My favorite subject are Math , Creating writing , and / so Science.
10.The room was quite. First / Suddenly there was a loud sound that rang in the air.

Choose the correct answer:

1.Which suffix means full of?

A. ly B. ful C. less D. ed
2.Which suffix means without?

A. ly B. able C.less D. ful

3.Which word means full of cheer?

A.cheerable B. cheerly
C. cheerful D. cheerless
4.Which words means without a home?

A. homeful B. homeless
C. homer
5.Which suffix can be added to the word taste to change its meaning to 'without taste'?

A. ful B.less C. er D. es
6.My puppy was very playful with his new bone. playful means

A. not able to play

B. in a way that plays
C. full of play
D. needing to play

7."tion" is a suffix because it…

A. is placed at the end of a sentence.

B. is placed at the beginning of a word.
C. falls in the middle of a word.
D. is placed at the end of a word.

8.What is the suffix in the word exhibition ?

A. exhibit B.ex C.bit D. tion

9.What is the base word or root word in the word admiration? B.admire C. Admirate D.tion

10.The suffix less, like in the word fearless means…

A. full of B.without
C. with a way

Underline the compound word in the sentence below:

1.Which team is the most likely to win the championship?

2.She has beautiful dark eyelashes.
3.He has a set of spray guns and does airbrush art.
4.You look silly wearing sunglasses indoors.
5.My sister went to college and now she’s homesick.
6.We live in a house on the hillside above the lake.
7.A Bulldozer was used to clear cement blocks from the road.
8.She started to daydream ,looking out the window.
9.There are many milkweed plants near the lake.
10.The overcoat was too big for John.


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