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I n t e r p re t a c i ó n d e l a re g l a d e Modelo de Wilson-Sommerfield

cuantización de Bohr 2π E 2π E E
∮ ∮
p dx = = = Como E = nhν p dx = n h
ω 2π ν ν
p2 k x2 p2 x2
Oscilador armónico E=K+U= + 1= +
2m 2 2m E 2 E/k Esta integral está cuantizada

p2 x2

1= + a= 2E/k b= 2mE Esta regla es válida para cualquier par de variables pq dq = nq h
b2 a2 conjugadas en un movimiento periódico
2E 2π E pr2 L

p dx = π a b = π 2m E = En un movimiento ante una fuerza central E= + + U(r)
k 2m 2mr 2

∮ ∫0
L dθ = n h L dθ = 2πL = n h L= = nℏ
2a 2π

un detalle del modelo es que dado el potencial central U(r), la trayectoria

Interpretación de D’Broglie es función del ángulo, es decir r(θ) y la regla de cuantización se puede
extender a r (pues es periódico también)

m v r = pr = L = L dθ = nθ h

4πε0 n 2ℏ2

h pq dq = nq h a=
pero para el electrón p= μ Z e2

(b )
h nh a

r= ⇒ 2π r = nλ pr dr = nr h ⇒L − 1 = nrℏ
λ 2π nθ

n ( nθ 4 n )
μ Z 2e 4 α2 Z2 1 3
E=− 1+ − n ≡ nr + nθ
(4πε0)22n 2ℏ2
principal quantum number. Corresponding to each value of the principal quantum
The quantity a is a pure number called the fine structure constant. Its value is
number n there are n different allowed orbits. One of these, the circular orbit, is just
7.297 x 10-3 the orbit described by the original Bohr model. The others are elliptical. But despite
a =4 E 0 c = ^ 137 the very different paths followed by an electron moving in the different possible orbits
In Figure 4-19 we represent the first few energy states of the hydrogen
for a atom
giveninn, (4-26c) tells us that the total energy of the electron is the same. The total
terms of an energy-level diagram. The separation between the severalenergy
levels with
of athe electron depends only on n. The several orbits characterized by a
common value of n has been greatly exaggerated for the sake of clarity. Arrows in-
common value of n are said to be degenerate. The energies of different states of motion

( nθ The4 wavelengths
μ Z 2e 4 between
dicate transitions α 2 Z 2energy
the various 1 states3whichrepresented
produce the lines of the
E = atomic
− spectrum. 1 +
Lines corresponding −
to the transitions "degenerate"
by the solid to the same total energy.
arrows )22n 2ℏ2in the hydrogen
are0observed n spectrum. of these lines are Principio de Correspondencia (1923)
in very good agreement with the predictions derived from (4-27a).
However, the lines corresponding to the transitions represented by dashed arrows ng = 2
1 are
in Figure 4-19 e 2not found in the spectrum. The1transitions concerned do not take 1. Las predicciones de la teoría cuántica para
el comportamiento de
α =Inspection of the
place. = figure
7.297will 10−3 ≈ that transitions only occur if
× demonstrate cualquier sistema físico deben corresponder
a la predicción de la
4πε0 ℏ c nei — no f = ±137
1 (4-28)
física clásica en el límite en que el número cuántico que especifica el
estado del sistema se vuelve muy grande.
n=3, ne =3
—3, ne =2
n= 3, ne =1 2. Una regla de selección es válida para todo el rango del número
r r TV .^n = 2, n8 =2

n= 2, ne =1 cuántico en cuestión. En consecuencia, cualquier número de

Figure 4-18 Some elliptical Bohr-Som-
merfeld orbits.selección
The nucleus isque
at necesario para obtener la correspondencia
the common focus of the ellipses, indi-
requerida en el límite clásico (n grande) también se aplica en el límite
cated by the dot.
n = 1, no = 1
cuántico (n pequeño)
Figure 4-19 The fine-structure splitting of some energy levels of the hydrogen atom. The
splitting is greatly exaggerated. Transitions which produce observed lines of the hydrogen
spectrum are indicated by solid arrows.

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