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Journal of Network and Computer Applications 204 (2022) 103414

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A comprehensive survey of authentication methods in Internet-of-Things and

its conjunctions
Ashish Kumar a , Rahul Saha a,b , Mauro Conti b , Gulshan Kumar a,b ,∗, William J. Buchanan c ,
Tai Hoon Kim d
School of Computer Science and Engineering, Lovely Professional University, Punjab, India
b Department of Mathematics, University of Padua, 35131 Padua, Italy
c School of Computing, Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
d Glocal Campus, Konkuk University, 268 Chungwon-daero Chungju-si Chungcheongbuk-do, 27478, South Korea


Keywords: Internet of Thing (IoT) is one of the most influential technologies in the present time. People, processes,
Internet-of-Things and things are connected with the Internet through IoT. With the increasing demands of user applications,
Authentication the number of connections is also increasing exponentially. Therefore, security becomes a critical issue in
IoTs. Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability (CIA) services are important for IoT applications. IoTs must
also ensure proper authentication mechanisms to ensure CIA in the second stage. Various researches in this
Research problems
direction address the authentication issues in IoTs.
In this paper, we survey the authentication aspects in IoTs and their allied domains. We analyze the
potentialities of the existing state-of-the art-approaches and also identify their limitations. We discuss the basics
of authentication and its related attacks for the ease of interpretability of the readers. We show a taxonomical
understanding of the approaches and try to connect the evolution of the solution strategies. These connections,
to the best of our knowledge, are novel as compared to the existing authentication surveys. Besides, the
multidimensional vision of this survey for IoT extensions is an add-on to the benefits. We also provide a
discussion on the future direction of research in this domain. In a nutshell, this survey is a one-stop solution
for academia and industry to understand the status quo of IoT authentication schemes/protocols.

1. Introduction The features on which we must focus while providing security to

IoT networks include authentication, encryption, access-control, and
Internet-of-Thing (IoT) is defined as a network of physical devices
availability of the data (Jing et al., 2014). Security must be focused
interconnected with each other to collect, exchange, analyze and con-
on the IoT design while the process or application is developed. IoT is
trol the data with the help of sensors, biometrics, RFID tags, actuators
and using communication technology such as 5G and ZigBee. IoT helps not a single technology; it is a combination of different technologies
to develop a smart process or application such as smart homes, smart connected to provide seamless services. There are many heteroge-
cities, and smart parking system (Ashton et al., 2009; Wang et al., 2013; neous devices connected in an IoT-based application. It works with
Arasteh et al., 2016b). The existing analysis predicts about the existence a backbone architecture. This architecture has a significant role in
of 50 billion device connections in present; it also infers the probability
providing the overall benefits in IoT infrastructure. From a centralized
of 75.44 billion device connections by 2025 (Newgenapps, 2018).
IoTs prevail in all around the world in the form of either business server in a private network to the cloud-based distributed networks,
applications or enterprise applications as processes are connected with all need authentication (Shah and Venkatesan, 2018). The layers in
people and things. It provides various advantages by the utilization the architecture and their functionalities are continuously evolving
of resources efficiently, minimizing the efforts of human intervention, with the dynamic demands of the technology trends. It is important
enhancing the process of data collection, and ease of analysis. However,
because at every level security is a concern and needs to be addressed
on the other side, it fails for efficiency in terms of security, privacy,
complexity, and compatibility with the increasing number of devices appropriately. Therefore, we need to understand the architecture of
and connections (E27, 2018). IoT.

∗ Corresponding author at: School of Computer Science and Engineering, Lovely Professional University, Punjab, India.
E-mail address: (G. Kumar).
Received 19 September 2021; Received in revised form 15 March 2022; Accepted 28 April 2022
Available online 13 May 2022
1084-8045/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Kumar et al. Journal of Network and Computer Applications 204 (2022) 103414

Fig. 1. Evolution of IoT functional layers in architecture.

1.1. IoT architecture domain customizes the basic authentication protocols for the respec-
tive domain requirements. As a result, the existing literature shows a
Various authors and researchers have introduced various architec- number of developments in the direction of IoT authentication. The
tures of IoTs; mainly they emphasize on 3-layer architecture (Frustaci comprehensive summarization based on IoT applications is unavailable
et al., 2017) and 5-layer architecture (Virat et al., 2018). In general, in the literature. This survey is beneficial for IoT architecture designers
the basic architecture of IoT is classified into three layers: application to understand the authentication status of IoTs and its allied domains
layer, network layer, and perception layer as shown in Fig. 1 (Frustaci and select/design an appropriate solution of authentication. It also
et al., 2017). This is the most contemporary and popular architecture of provides a pathway to conceptualize the existing research gaps and
IoT and has been accepted by the research fraternity (Adat and Gupta, thus, moving towards to strengthen the IoT authentication. The major
2018). We first show the 3-layered architecture and then discuss about contribution of this survey are as follows.
the extended layers for 5-layered architecture.
• We provide preliminary understanding of authentication in IoT
• Perception layer: In this layer, heterogeneous devices connect. architectures and security perspectives of IoTs. This is helpful for
These devices include physical devices such as sensors, Radio the novice readers to connect the methods with the basics of IoT
Frequency Identification (RFID) and bluetooth and virtual devices security.
such as barcode, Quick Response (QR) codes, and Global Position- • We show the evolution of the authentication solutions for IoTs to
ing System (GPS). This layer collects data from an end node and understand the scope of the methods in future applications. We
transmits to the network layer. The devices in this layer are often analyze the state-of-the-art authentication schemes based on their
considered as resource constrained. features, pros, and limitations. We consider the medical domains,
• Network layer: It collects the data transmitted by the device/end industrial applications, vehicular networks as the allied parts of
node of the perception layer and transfers it to the application IoTs and also analyze their authentication methods.
layer. The main responsibility of this layer is to provide the • We derive the open research problems for the future researchers.
connectivity to the devices which are added in perception layer. This is helpful in defining future research problems and obtaining
It uses various technology such as 4G and Wi-Fi. It secures the in- the solutions for a stronger IoT applicability.
formation received from the perception layer from various attacks
with the applied security mechanisms.
1.3. Organization
• Application layer: In this layer, the end-users use the applications.
It provides the service as per the users’ needs; users can interact
In this present work, we emphasize on the perception layer and
with technology based on the end node’s function.
its related authentication problems and solutions. As the perception
Apart from the 3-layered architecture, we also observe some inter- layer is the base layer where we add devices, it is more critical to
mediate architectures; this leads to a 5-layered architecture of IoT (Vi- maintain the device’s security with a huge number of connections. We
rat et al., 2018). These extra layers are oriented to the processing classify the remaining part of this survey into the following sections.
of data collected from the perception layer and system management Section 2 describes the objectives of IoT security, premium security
perspectives. We show this transition in Fig. 1. It shows a sequence of attacks in IoTs, and basic security measures. Section 3 reviews the
elements important for IoT architectural designs: identification, sens- existing authentication protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs)
ing, communication, computation, services, and semantics. We can and the evolution of these solutions. Section 4 shows authentication
understand that identification is the very first process in IoTs. There- protocols designed for Industrial IoTs. Section 5 shows the contem-
fore, identification of the devices in perception layer i.e., authentication porary authentication approaches in IoT-based medical applications.
and its verification make a significant importance in IoT applications. Section 6 reports the authentication schemes for vehicular ad hoc net-
works. Section 7 shows some significant contributions for generalized
1.2. Motivation and contribution applications of authentication schemes. Section 8 provides an analysis
of the review to summarize the total research works executed in this
IoT is one of the largest emphasizing dimension in the present world domain of authentication and notifies some open research problems for
of technology. It extends its application feasibilities towards industries, future researchers. Section 9 concludes the paper. We show the layout
vehicular networks, and medical alliances. Each of these application of sections of the paper in Fig. 2.

A. Kumar et al. Journal of Network and Computer Applications 204 (2022) 103414

Fig. 2. Layout of paper organization.

Fig. 3. Classification of authentication attacks.

2. IoT security perspectives Availability. It ensures that the authorized devices in an IoT network
must get access to the data intended as per the security principles and
In networking, security is the property by which the network is access controls.
prevented or protected from unauthorized access, misuse, modification From the above definitions, we can observe that in all the three as-
of data or any other form of maliciousness (Brij B. Gupta, 2020). pects of CIA, it is necessary to distinguish authorized and unauthorized
Security can be a form of the rules, policies or configuration of tech- users or nodes or devices. Therefore, we emphasize on authentication
in this survey. Apart from these, some other requirements are also
nology designed to protect confidentiality, integrity, availability of
considered for IoTs: privacy, data separation, authorization and access
network (Singh et al., 2018; Stergiou et al., 2018). For being efficient,
control, consistency, and trust; however, these requirements are out
IoTs also follow the security objectives. We discuss about the security
of scope in our survey. Information assurance foundation balances
attacks applicable for IoTs and map them with the security objectives
among these requirements and IoT processes. The overall mechanism
under concern. We try to connect the generalized security features for is controlled by security policies and finally, security assessment is
IoT authentication (Brij B. Gupta, 2020). executed on the model.

2.1. Security objectives 2.2. Attacks on IoTs

From an information security perspective, confidentiality–integrity– IoT networks depend on heterogeneous devices and their related
availability is jointly known as CIA security model or CIA triad. connections. There is a prime possibility that these devices have some
inbuilt vulnerabilities which may affect the total network implicitly.
Confidentiality. The heterogeneous devices added in perception layer Moreover, using these devices’ data third party attackers are also able
consist of heterogeneous data. As this data propagates from devices to enter the IoT ecosystem camouflaging the identity or bypassing the
towards clouds through various layers, IoTs objectify to ensure that no required checks. There are various types of attacks exist which often
unauthorized third party gets access to these data. affect IoT perception layer (Tewari and Gupta, 2020). Along with the
inherited security vulnerabilities and problems in wireless architecture,
Integrity. Integrity objectifies to the feature of security that the sender various types of intrinsic and extrinsic security attacks are also possible
and receiver having the same data sent and received respectively in IoT. Fig. 3 shows a categorization of such attacks. The basic two
without any intermediate unauthorized modification. categories are: active and passive.

A. Kumar et al. Journal of Network and Computer Applications 204 (2022) 103414

Active attack. (Butani et al., 2014): An active attack is a malicious Cloning attack. (Tuyls and Batina, 2006): The attacker makes a dupli-
act in which attackers alter the content of the information during the cate/fake node with false identity and tries to get access in the network
transmission from the sender to the receiver. The examples include as an authorized node with some harmful intention in disguise.
Denial-of-Service (DoS), Man-In-Middle (MiM), brute force, etc.
Brute-force attack. (Yang and Hu, 2012): Attacker tries all the possible
Passive attack. (Butani et al., 2014): A passive attack is a malicious combination to get the authentication key, user login information and
act in which the attacker monitors the content of the information any type of data which is helpful to bypass or get access to the authenti-
during the communication between the sender and receiver. They cation system. This type of attack is very powerful but time-consuming
do not alter any data and tries to analyze traffic pattern to create attack; it can be done online as well as offline mode.
a specific attack vector in later stage. Passive MiM such as traffic
Tracking attack. (Lee et al., 2008): Attacker can trace the node and
monitoring, information gathering are the examples of passive attack
execute the reconnaissance of the node’s information. This attack can
in IoT network.
be like location tracking, authentication credential tracking and others.
The main objective of an active attack is to modify the data or
the network parameters and disrupting the Quality-of-Service (QoS); Masquerade attack. (Liao and Hsiao, 2014): In this attack, the attacker
whereas, the passive attacks concentrate on footprinting the network uses fake identity to get unauthorized access to the network using
information and traffic analysis. Therefore, passive attacks are harder permissible access identification. Once the access is granted, attacker
for detection. Some important attacks for IoTs are listed below. We exploits the system for further attack generation process.
show the classification of these attacks in Fig. 3.
Message modification attack. (Jahankhani and Hosseinian-far, 2014):
Denial of Service (DoS) attack. (Liang et al., 2016): The attacker sends Attacker gains unauthorized access into the network and changes or
an unwanted number of requests to a target host/server and the server modifies the data to affect the integrity of the information available in
stops responding to the devices connected to it and all the resources are the network.
exhausted. As a result, services get unavailable. In view of authentica-
tion, an unauthenticated node can attempt to disrupt the authentication De-synchronization attack. (Dass and Om, 2016): Attacker modifies the
engine by sending the unwanted connection request and eventually message due to which some of the entities are updated asynchronously.
bypassing the security measures. As a result, authentication in the network is no more valid and the
attacker can exploit the system.
Impersonation attack. (Katz et al., 1996): Attacker uses the identity at
either end. It can use the identity of an authenticated end-user or the Wormhole attack. (Hu et al., 2006): In this type of attack, many attack-
end node. This identity helps the attackers to enter the network and ers connect with a high-speed off-channel link. They receive several bits
breach the security vulnerability further. of data at one end in the network and drill them to a different point in
that network and from that point, they replay into the network.
Replay attack. (Feng et al., 2017): Attacker creates a delay or repetition
of data transmission due to which source/destination must re-transmit 2.3. Security features
the packets accordingly. If authentication fails in IoTs, unauthenticated
nodes attempts for such attacks. The basic problem in network security infrastructure is to gain
unauthorized access to the network resources in disguise directly or
Smart-card stolen attack. (Lee, 2013): In this type of attack, when the
indirectly. Therefore, to avoid the above security problems, strong
attacker gets any user’s lost/stolen smart card it uses that card for the
authentication mechanisms are required for IoTs. These mechanisms
various unauthorized access in the network. It can launch various other
should possess some basic features for the standard applicability.
types of attacks such as offline data guessing attack.
Key agreement. (Wu et al., 2009): Sender and receiver use the keys
Man-in-the-Middle attack (MiM). (Lin et al., 2017): The attacker puts
for signatures. These signatures depend on public-key cryptography.
itself in the middle of the source and destination; it attempts to change
Therefore, key agreement between sender and receiver must be strong
the message of the communication. Though this is the active version
enough so that an unauthorized user cannot access the keys.
of MiM, it can be also in the passive form where it only tries to infer
knowledge about the traffic pattern. Generally, a poor authentication Mutual authentication. (Hammi et al., 2017): It is a two-way authenti-
system leads to be vulnerable to this attack. cation, where both the communication parties authenticate each other
within the network. It helps in non-repudiation and authorized account-
Eavesdropping and interference. (Lin et al., 2017; Yang et al., 2014): In
IoT, all the communication use wireless connection. So, the attacker
easily monitors the network and are not able to be detected by the Backward secrecy. (Quora, 2015): It ensures that a passive attacker
system. This is also a type of passive attacks and connected with MiM. who knows a subset of group keys is unable to infer knowledge about
the preceding group keys. The correlation among the subsets must be
Key-based attack. (Lin et al., 2017; Yang et al., 2014): Attacker ob-
randomized enough that backward secrecy is maintained properly.
serves the ciphertext by using a random combination of the key used
for encryption or authentication. At the initial stage of the attack, key Forward secrecy. (Katz et al., 1996): It is a feature of a specific key
is unknown but the attacker infers mathematical relationship between agreement protocol. If secrets of session key is compromised, forward
the keys. Side Channel Attack (SCA) based on different parameters secrecy maintains the security of the overall session keys.
such as power consumption, timing, cache, etc, also leads to infer
Anonymity. (Eklund, 2006): It is not a compulsory feature for au-
the statistical relationship between available data and assumed data.
thentication system. However, connected with the nodes’ identities, an
This vulnerable keys further help the attackers for misleading the
authentication system should not reveal the private information of the
authentication systems.
nodes or users. A complete privacy-preserved authentication system
Node capture attack. (Lin et al., 2017; Yang et al., 2014): Attacker must encourage anonymity of the users. Though there are other forms
captures the node or attacker replaces the original node with its del- of privacy parameters exist too. Mutual authentication, where both the
egated node with falsified authentication credentials. By doing this parties require to prove the individual identities, primarily urges for
attacker gets control on the devices and has access to the confidential anonymity.
information like cryptographic keys leading to break the security of IoT When we talk about IoTs, the very first sub-domain that comes
infrastructure. in existence for the applications is Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs).

A. Kumar et al. Journal of Network and Computer Applications 204 (2022) 103414

Apart from this, Industrial IoTs (IIoTs) and Vehicular Adhoc Networks
(VANETs) are also the extensions of IoTs and use the generic au-
thentication systems in majority. Internet of Medical Thing (IoMT)
is another addition in the direction of IoT, where medical devices
connect with the Internet and process human health data and calculate
the required parameters and analyze them. In each of the domains
mentioned above, security is an utmost things for its success. All such
domains are previously controlled with manual operations. With the
advent of IoT, manual operations have become ‘‘online’’ and things
become smarter and more efficient. The distributed technologies also
enhance the IoT operations paving the way towards decentralization
with blockhains. This proliferation of IoTs also opens up huge attack
surface. Thus, security concerns increase from pre-IoT to post-IoT time.
In the following sections, we try to analyze all the specific application-
based domains to obtain a clear understanding about the status of the
state-of-the-art approaches. We also discuss about the authentication
measures that are not specific for any application domain, rather those
authentications can be applied for any domain. Fig. 4. Evolution of TESLA.

3. WSN-based authentication protocols

In this section, we concentrate on the authentication protocols that

majorly contributes in WSN maintaining the WSN objectives. We also
show the evolution of the methods and try to build the connection
among them.

3.1. TESLA

An authentication protocol for WSN called Time Efficient Stream

Loss-Tolerant Authentication (TESLA) is noteworthy here (Perrig et al.,
2000). It is a forward authentication protocol used for WSNs. It uses
a private key cryptographic scheme and the key is based on pseudo-
random function and Message Authentication Code (MAC). Various
features of TESLA include low computation and communication over- Fig. 5. Evolution of BiBa.
head, no buffering at the sender side and high authenticity. Researchers
extend TESLA to 𝜇TESLA (Perrig et al., 2002). It is more effective
for a resource-constrained network. Due to these limited resources,
size of the message where HORS++ is unable to provide security to
generic authentication process with a digital signature (DS) is not used
the signature. To reduce the size of the public key in HORS, HORSIC
here. In place of DS at receiver end the comparison is done on unicast
protocol has been developed (Lee et al., 2012). It is successful to
initial key. We observe an advanced version of 𝜇TESLA as multi-level
reduce the size of the public key but on the other side, computation
𝜇TESLA (Liu and Ning, 2004). The motive for this protocol is to in-
cost, signature generation and verification cost increase. Therefore, a
crease the authentication of key chaining and decrease the complexity
solution based on BiBa is introduced as PORS (Endignoux, 2017). It
of key chaining. Regular Predictable TESLA (RPT) is another version
follows HORS but eliminates the problems in HORSIC. We show the
of 𝜇TESLA (Luk et al., 2006). At the receiver end, it uses MAC for
evolution of BiBa in Fig. 5.
authentication purpose. It fails to protect the network from DoS attacks.
Therefore, a version of 𝜇TESLA protocol is introduced called Long 3.3. LEAP+
Duration 𝜇TESLA (Liu et al., 2012). The main purpose of this protocol
is to increase the level of Key-Chaining (KC) in 𝜇TESLA. It replaces We observe a multi-level key management protocol called Localized
the one-way key-chaining with multi-level key-chaining to overcome Encryption and Authentication protocol (LEAP+) (Zhu et al., 2006).
against DoS attack. We show the evolution of TESLA features in Fig. 4. The calculation of a master key is crucial and considered at the top level
of the system with the utmost security. With the help of this master
3.2. Bins and Balls signature (BiBa) key, all the other keys in the communication are computed. After the
node enters the network, LEAP+ removes this key. The main loophole
The objective to provide better authentication in WSN has led to the of LEAP+ is that if the attacker comes to know the master key, then
introduction of a protocol called Bins and Balls signature (BiBa) (Perrig, it can harm the network in every mean. To overcome this problem an
2001). It is a one-time signature scheme. It emphasizes on the Birthday enhancement of LEAP+ is followed as Time-Based LEAP+ (Jang et al.,
paradox to attain efficiency and security during the authentication 2007). According to this protocol whenever a new end node becomes
process. The very first step in BiBa tells about the end device that the part of a network, it is distinguished into separate intervals. Every
must generate self-authentication value (SEAL) with the help of the interval has a different master key. As a result, if the attacker obtains
one-way chain. It uses multiple SEAL for the authentication but has the master key, it is not possible to affect the entire network. There is
failed to broadcast authentication. Signature size can be increased to some advanced extension of LEAP+. Improved LEAP+ and LEAP-Initial
provide efficiency to the protocol. To overcome this problem a protocol Protection (LEAP-IP) for reducing the computation and communication
is introduced called HORS based on BiBa (Reyzin and Reyzin, 2002). overhead are worth mentioning here (Alsoufi et al., 2012; Yang et al.,
This protocol reduces the signature size, but the size of the public 2014; Nesteruk and Bezzateev, 2018). LEAP-IP is different from other
key becomes large. HORS++ attempts to solve the problems faced in LEAP based protocols due to its non-hierarchical nature of key genera-
HORS (Pieprzyk et al., 2003). The problem lies with the increasing tion. It decreases the complexity of the generic LEAP+ and makes the

A. Kumar et al. Journal of Network and Computer Applications 204 (2022) 103414

WSN. It is a 3-phase authentication protocol that includes a registra-

tion phase (sensor registration and user registration), authentication
and agreement of key phase and changing of password phase. It
provides security from device lost attack, end node sensor attack, de-
synchronization attack, impersonation attack and replay attack. It has
some advantageous security features like untraceability of the node,
bi-directional authentication and key security, forward and backward
secrecy. The problem is that it does not provide a bio-metric updating
process. A lightweight mutual authentication protocol uses asymmetric
key cryptography which is commonly used for a different type of adhoc
WSN in IoTs (Turkanović et al., 2014). This scheme works in four way
authentication mode. The user logs in before the authentication of the
node. Once the login of the user is successful then the authentication
Fig. 6. Evolution of LEAP. of the user is done in the last phase. This scheme provides low
computational cost and have an additional feature of dynamic node
addition. The scheme provides security from password-change attack,
communication simpler among the end nodes. We show the evolution repetition of different users with the same login-ID, stolen-smart card
of LEAP and its variants in Fig. 6. and smart-card bleach attack, replay attack and MiM attack. Some
security problems in this work are identified as shown in Farash et al.
(2016). It shows an improved version of Turkanović et al. (2014).
3.4. Other contributions for WSNs
In Amin et al. (2016), the authors identify some attacks in Farash
et al. (2016). They also provide a solution using smart-card based user
Apart from the above three major evolution of methods, we have ob-
authentication and session key agreement. In Arasteh et al. (2016a), the
served some significant contributions of the researchers for authentica-
authors have proposed a lightweight mutual authentication protocol
tion in WSNs. We have analyzed the approaches to identify the advan-
based on Amin et al. (2016). It is a 3-phase authentication protocol
tages and disadvantages from application perspectives. We summarize with the registration of sensor node and user, login phase and finally
the methods in Table 1. authentication phase. It not only provides security from replay and DoS
Smart card based protocols for WSNs. A smartcard-based security en- attacks, but also handles traceability attack, impersonation attack (sen-
hancement in WSN is introduced in Song (2010). The five phases of sor, gateway and node). In an improvement of Arasteh et al. (2016a),
this protocol includes initial phase, registration phase, login phase, the solution changes the session key agreement and authentication
authentication phase and verification phase. It provides security from phases (Fan and Niu, 2017).
various attacks such as a general online attack, impersonation attack,
replay attack, modification attack and parallel attack. Another such 4. IIoT authentication protocols
protocol uses two phases for providing authenticity to WSN (Vaidya
et al., 2010). The protocol is unable to change or modify the password Industrial IoTs (IIoTs) are the extended version of IoT applications
and there is no mutual authentication among the nodes. Therefore, which have revolutionized the industries. Using IoT as backbone, IIoTs
perform tasks with various sensor-based devices and equipment, and
various attacks are still possible. To overcome the security issues like
control the operation locally or remotely. In both the cases, IIoTs
node by-passing attack and privileged-insider attack, a protocol exists
require to use proper authentication system to verify the device status;
as mentioned in Khan and Alghathbar (2010).
any malicious device eventually can completely shut down with remote
Lightweight protocols for WSNs. The development of lightweight pro- attacks. Thus, IIoTs may face loss of resources and reputation. There-
tocols also enhances the authentication in WSNs. Such a lightweight fore, in this section we discuss contribution of the researchers towards
mutual authentication protocol uses temporal-credential (Xue et al., the authentication solutions explicitly for IIoTs. We also summarize the
2013). It has a three-phase authentication process i.e., registration, pros and cons of the solutions in Table 2.
login, and authentication along with the agreement of key. It provides
security from insider-attack, masquerade attack, smart-card stolen at- 4.1. Authentication with three to five phases
tack, replay attack, and GWN replacing attack. It also has the feature of
securing the password of the user/client and modification of password. The work proposed in Xiong et al. (2020) is a three-phase mutual
We have checked another standardized protocol for WSNs (Kalra and authentication protocol. These phases are initialization, registration,
Sood, 2015a). It is a mutual authentication protocol based on dynamic and authentication phase. It provides various security features such as
identity authentication. This protocol is executed in four different user anonymity, perfect forward secrecy, non-reputation, and hetero-
phases: authentication and registration phase, login phase, authenti- geneity. It provides security from modification attack, replay attack,
cation, and session key agreement phase and updates with password and impersonation attack. The work done in Gu et al. (2020) is a
change phase. It provides security from impersonation attack, smart- Physical Layer Authentication (PLA) mechanism for IIoT-based net-
card stolen attack, DoS attack, online and offline dictionary attack, work. This scheme helps to solve the power allocation problem. This
replay attack, modification of message attack, and protects the identity protocol helps in increasing the system reliability by decreasing the
of client/user. impact on fading. The protocol provides security from jamming attack.
The protocol proposed in Shen et al. (2020) is based on blockchain
ECC-based protocols for WSNs. Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC)- called as the BASA. BASA provides efficient communication but on the
based authentication protocols are worth mentioning here. Such an cost of high communication overhead. The protocol proposed in Es-
example is Yeh et al. (2011). It works with five phases authentication fahani et al. (2019) is a lightweight two-phase mutual authentication
phase: registration phase, login phase, verification phase, and password protocol. The first phase is registration phase and the second phase is
updating or modification phase. It provides security from insider attack, authentication phase. This scheme has low communication as well as
masquerade attack, replay attack, forgery attack, change password computational overhead. It provides various security features such as
securely and brute force attack. The mutual authentication protocol key agreement and confidentiality. It also helps to secure the network
in Li et al. (2017) is based on ECC and biometric authentication for from various attacks such as replay attack, MiM attack, impersonation

A. Kumar et al. Journal of Network and Computer Applications 204 (2022) 103414

Table 1
Pros and cons for WSN authentication.
Reference Pros Cons
Song (2010) 5 phases, strong security Complexity high for WSNs
Vaidya et al. (2010) 2 phase, less complex No mutual authentication, no password update, prone
to cryptanalysis
Khan and Alghathbar (2010) Strong security, mutual authentication 2 factor authentication is cryptanalyzed
Xue et al. (2013) 3 phase, use of temporal credential, strong security, Centralized GWN is prone to failure and availability
light weight attacks
Kalra and Sood (2015a) 4 phase, Use of dynamic identity Random oracle must be tested
Yeh et al. (2011) 5 phase, complexity is higher WSNs applicability reduces with increased number of
Li et al. (2017) Combination of ECC and biometric, high measurement No biometric update, false-rate increases with stale
of security biometric
Turkanović et al. (2014) Lightweight and mutual authentication Storage cost higher
Farash et al. (2016) lightweight, supports dynamic growth of WSNs Storage cost is low
without performance degradation
Amin et al. (2016) Identity change, smart card revocation phase Computation cost and time consumption should be
minimized, replay and DoS attack vulnerability
Arasteh et al. (2016a) Key agreement protocol, more secure than Amin et al. GWN authentication required
Fan and Niu (2017) Improvement over Arasteh et al. (2016a) Complexity analysis must be validated properly

Table 2
Pros and cons for IIoT authentication.
Reference Pros Cons
Xiong et al. (2020) Mutual authentication, 3 phase, heterogeneity Less security, no key agreement, high communication
and computational cost
Gu et al. (2020) PLA mechanism, jamming attack, power Less secure, no mutual authentication, no key
authentication problem, system reliability agreement, no security from major attacks
Shen et al. (2020) Mutual authentication, blockchain usage, key Less secure, high communication overhead
agreement, efficient communication
Esfahani et al. (2019) Mutual authentication, 2 phase, lightweight, key High storage overhead
agreement, security from attacks
Rezaeibagha et al. (2019) Lightweight, certificateless signature, chosen-message Less secure
attack, computationally efficient
Castiglione et al. (2021) Edge–fog–cloud architecture, capture dynamic facial No mutual authentication, no key agreement, less
patter, presentation attack secure
Abuhasel and Khan (2020) 4-layer architecture, less energy consumption No mutual authentication, less secure
Paliwal (2019) 3 phase, mutual authentication, key agreement, highly High execution cost, high communication cost
Verma et al. (2020) 7 phase, strong unforgeability, verifiability, strong Less secure, no mutual authentication
Li and Wang (2019) Honeywords technique, 6 phase, high security, mutual High communication and computational overhead
authentication, key agreement
Shuai et al. (2020) Rabin cryptosystem, 5 phase, mutual authentication, High computational, High communication overhead
key agreement, anonymity, Untraceability, forward
secrecy, low storage cost
Zhu et al. (2019) PPAG, 7-phases, leakage free, tree, DAG, updatable Probabilistic, inefficient

attack, and modification attack. However, storage overhead is more an approach based on SoftMax-DNN (Bridle, 1990) and the RSA im-
as compared to another lightweight authentication scheme. The work proved version. It has 4-layer architecture IIoT sensing layer, gateway
done in Rezaeibagha et al. (2019) is a lightweight CertificateLess Signa- layer, for services layer and finally the cloud layer. Registration is
ture (CLS) scheme which is suitable for IIoT based network. It secures done at very first layer and authentication is being done at the cloud
the network form chosen-message attack. This scheme is computa- layer. This framework helps to reduce the energy consumption. The
tionally efficient. Another lightweight scheme is available in Paliwal work done in Shuai et al. (2020) is a secure authentication scheme
based on the Rabin cryptosystem (Jiang et al., 2017). This scheme
(2019). It has three phases. The first phase is registration phase, au-
is a five-phase mutual authentication scheme: initialization, registra-
thentication and key agreement phase, and finally, it has password
tion, login, and authentication, password change and dynamic node
change phase. It provides security from various attacks such as re- addition phase. It provides various security features such as key agree-
play attack, DoS attack, impersonation attack, MiM attack, privileged ment, anonymity and untraceability, and forward secrecy. It provides
insider attack, stolen card/device attack. It provides various security security from various network-based attacks such as replay attack,
features such as anonymity, unlinkability, and forward secrecy. The impersonation attack, stolen device attack, privileged insider attack,
execution cost is low; however, communication cost is high as compare and de-synchronization attack. However, it has higher computational
to other schemes. The authors in Abuhasel and Khan (2020) show and communication overhead.

A. Kumar et al. Journal of Network and Computer Applications 204 (2022) 103414

4.2. Authentication with more than five phases It also helps to protect from various attacks such as replay attack,
DoS attack, privileged-insider attack, eavesdropping attack, masquer-
The work proposed in Castiglione et al. (2021) is based on edge– ade attack, offline password guessing attack, impersonation attack,
fog–cloud based authentication scheme. It is capturing the dynamic server-spoofing attack. It has low communication cost. BAKMP-IoMT is
facial pattern from the edge of the IoT based device. This scheme an eight-phase mutual authentication protocol based on the blockchain
helps to improve the robustness of the presentation attack. The work technique (Garg et al., 2020). This scheme helps secures the network
proposed in Verma et al. (2020) is a certificate based proxy signature from various attacks such as replay attack, MiM attack, imperson-
(PFCBPS) has seven phases: parameter generation, key generation, ation attack, ephemeral secret leakage attack, privileged insider at-
certification, delegation, DelVerification, ProxySigning, and PSignVeri- tack, device capture attack, and data modification attack. It provides
fication. It provides various security features such as strong unforge- anonymity and untraceability properties. It fails in computational and
ability, verifiability, strong identifiability, prevention of misuse, and communication costs as compare with Deebak and Al-Turjman (2021).
strong undeniability. Also, it helps to secure the network form MiM The authors in Fotouhi et al. (2020) proposes a lightweight and two-
attack. The authentication protocol proposed for IIoT based network factor authentication to meet various security requirements. It is a
in Li and Wang (2019) is a six-phase authentication scheme: pre- 4-phase authentication scheme: initialization, registration phase, au-
deployment, registration, login, authentication, password change, and thentication, and password change phase. It provides various security
dynamic node addition phase. It uses honeywords technique for pro- features such as mutual authentication, forward secrecy, anonymity
viding the security. It helps to secure the network from node capture and untraceability. It secures the network from insider attack, offline
attack, impersonation attack, replay attack and DoS attack. It helps guessing attack, user forgery attack, sensor capture attack, gateway
to provide various security features such as user anonymity, mutual forgery attack, and key disclosure attacks. However, the storage cost
authentication, password protection, session key secrecy. High com- is more for the proposed work. The work done in Soni et al. (2019) is a
munication and computational overhead are the drawbacks of this wireless sensor based mutual authentication protocol for health care. It
approach. The authentication scheme proposed in Zhu et al. (2019) is is an eight-phase authentication scheme these phases are initialization
privacy preserving authentication for general directed graphs (PPAG). phase, sensor node registration phase, user registration phase, login
It is a seven-phase authentication protocol. It provides security features phase, authentication phase, user revocation and re-registration phase
such as unforgeability, leakage free. It also uses tree, DAG, directed and dynamic sensor node addition phase. It provides security from
cyclic graph data structure and has the property of update. insider attack, DoS attack, replay attack, MiM attack, offline identity
and password guessing attack, known session temporary information
attack, smartcard stolen attack, node capture attack, message modifica-
5. IoMT authentication protocols
tion attack. It ensures forward secrecy and user anonymity. However,
it has high communication cost.
Internet-of-Medical Things (IoMTs) and other e-healthcare infras-
tructure use IoT as their baseline. Therefore, it is also necessary to
5.3. Other schemes in IoMT
understand the status of authentication in this domain as IoMTs are
closely connected with IoTs.
The work in Almogren et al. (2021) is a fuzzy logic-based mutual au-
thentication protocol. The protocol is free from sybil attack. However,
5.1. Three-phased authentication schemes
the computation overhead is high. SAMS, a Seamless and Authorised
Multimedia Streaming framework is also noteworth here (Jan et al.,
The work in Aghili et al. (2019) shows the use of lightweight
2019). It is a two-way authentication scheme and helps to secure the
authentication protocol for e-medical system. It consists of three factors
network from various attacks such as replay attack, DoS attack, Sybil
i.e., authentication of user, access control and changing the ownership
attack, eavesdropping attack and insider attack. However, it has high
and this protocol is called as Light-weight three-factor authentication, communication and computational overhead. Secure Vector Machine
Access Control and Ownership transfer scheme (LACO). The work (SVM) authentication protocol proposed in Mawgoud et al. (2019) is
done in Ayub et al. (2020) is a three-phase lightweight authentication based on machine learning technique. It is a two-phase authentication
protocol. These phases are registration phase, login and authentication scheme such as key generation and the authentication phase. The
phase, and password modification phase. There is various security computing overhead is better than PUF protocol. However, the crypto-
analysis has been done such as informal and formal security analysis. It graphic security is not measured in this protocol. The protocol proposed
provides various security features such as mutual authentication, server in Huang et al. (2019) is a privacy preserving authentication based on
impersonation, user impersonation, no violation of user anonymity, ECG signal. In this scheme, user is able to authenticate using its ECG
stolen smart card attack, stolen verifier and privileged insider attack, signals. It provides reliable authentication and indistinguishability. This
and no clock synchronization. It has low storage cost and less compu- scheme is tested on both online database as well as real time data.
tational cost. However, the method fails to reduce the communication However, it fails to protect the network from various other attacks such
cost and to provide security features such as key agreement. The work as replay attack, DoS attack, privileged-insider attack, eavesdropping
proposed in Odelu et al. (2019) is a three-phase mutual authentication attack, masquerade attack, offline password guessing attack, imperson-
protocol. These phases are initialization phase, registration phase, and ation attack, etc. The protocol proposed in Lu et al. (2021), named
finally authentication and key establishment phase. It provides various as xTSeH, works with three different protocols to achieve integrity,
security features such as key agreement, credential privacy, anonymity, verification, and inter-SED authentication. These protocols are trusted
forward secrecy, unlinkability and non-traceability, non-repudiation, booting, remote verification, and node authentication protocol. In node
and no key escrow. It helps to secure the network from impersonation authentication protocol it uses four different phases such as creating
attack. new request, verification, authentication, and the session key distribu-
tion. The communication cost for the node authentication protocol is
5.2. More than three phases of authentication more as compared to Garg et al. (2020) and Deebak and Al-Turjman
(2021). The authentication protocol proposed in Hamadaqa and Adi
The protocol proposed in Deebak and Al-Turjman (2021) is a single (2020) is based on Secret Unknown Cipher (SUC). This protocol helps to
user single sign-in (S-USI) scheme. It is a five-phased mutual au- secure the network form various attacks such as eavesdropping attack,
thentication protocol and provides various security features such as replay attack, impersonation attack, and MiM attack. However, this
key agreement, user anonymity, identity protection, traceability, se- protocol fails at various security features such as key agreement and
cret key update, free password selection, and strong forward secrecy. mutual authentication (see Table 3).

A. Kumar et al. Journal of Network and Computer Applications 204 (2022) 103414

Table 3
Pros and cons for IoMT authentication.
Reference Pros Cons
Aghili et al. (2019) Mutual authentication, 5 phase, strong security High communication overhead
Deebak and Al-Turjman (2021) Mutual authentication, 5 phase, strong security, low High computational overhead
communication overhead
Garg et al. (2020) Uses Blockchain technique, 8 phases, strong security High communication and computational overhead,
high storage cost
Almogren et al. (2021) Fuzzy logic, mutual authentication, sybil attack High computational over
Jan et al. (2019) 2-way authentication, multi-media streaming No mutual authentication, no key agreement, high
framework, low storage cost communication and computational overhead
Mawgoud et al. (2019) 2 phase, key agreement, authentication, uses ML No cryptographic security
Huang et al. (2019) ECG signal, authentication and in-distinguish-ability No security from attacks, no key agreement
Lu et al. (2021) Integrity, verification, inter-SED authentication, 4 High communication overhead, no security from
phase attacks
Hamadaqa and Adi (2020) Secure from attacks: eavesdropping, replay, No mutual authentication, no key agreement
impersonation and MiM
Fotouhi et al. (2020) Lightweight, mutual authentication, 4 phase, strong High storage cost, high communication cost
security, forward secrecy, anonymity and
Soni et al. (2019) Mutual authentication, 8 phase, strong security, High communication cost
forward secrecy, user anonymity
Ayub et al. (2020) Lightweight, 3 phases, mutual authentication, formal No key agreement, high communication cost
and informal security analyses, low computational
cost, low storage cost
Odelu et al. (2019) Mutual authentication, 3 phase, key agreement, High communication overhead, high storage overhead
credential privacy, anonymity, forward secrecy,
unlikability, non-traceability, non-repudiation, no key

6. VANET authentication protocols The authentication protocol proposed in Alshudukhi et al. (2020) is
based on ECC; it uses four different phases. These phases are the ini-
Vehicular Adhoc Networks (VANETs) are changing the status of tialization phase, joining phase, signing phase, and verification phase.
vehicular network and advancing with smart features. VANETs fol- It provides various security features such as privacy preservation, mes-
low the communication process based on IoT backbone. Therefore, sage integrity, authentication, tractability, revocability, and unlinkabil-
it is necessary to discuss the authentication schemes for VANETs. In ity. The method helps to reduce the computational cost. However, it
this section, we show the features of some important contribution in fails to reduce the communication cost. The protocol proposed in Liu
VANET authentication services and also analyze their advantages and et al. (2020) is a hybrid proxy authentication-based scheme. It has
disadvantages. four phases; these include initialization of the system, the generation of
The protocol proposed in Li et al. (2019) is a privacy preserving group keys, the authentication of the system, and the tracking of real
authentication protocol. The has six phases to properly authenticate identity. It provides various security features such as BAN logic is used
the device or the user. These phases are system initialization phase, to provide mutual authentication, privacy preservation, and traceabil-
user and RSU registration phase, key distribution phase, message gen- ity. It also helps to protect the network from replay attack. It provides
eration phase, message authentication and vehicle password change efficient communication and computational overhead. The protocol
phase. It provides various security features such as integrity, privacy-
proposed in Lu et al. (2019) is based on a blockchain called BPPA. The
preservation, conditional privacy, and unlinkability. It provides secu-
scheme uses the Chronological Merkle Tree (CMT) and Merkle Patricia
rity from various attacks such as replay, forgery, modification. The
Tree (MPT) to extend the structure of blockchain. It provides security
work in Alfadhli et al. (2020) is a five-phase authentication scheme.
from various attack models such as MiM attack, replay attack, forgery
These phases include vehicle setup phase, vehicle-to-infrastructure mu-
attack, identity revealing attack, and authority abuse attack. Moreover,
tual authentication phase, beacons exchange phase, vehicle revocation,
this scheme features authentication security, privacy, certificate, revo-
and finally the regional key updation phase. It provides various se-
cation transparency, scalability, and efficiency. The work done in Tan
curity features such as mutual authentication and integrity, privacy-
and Chung (2020) is classified into two sub-groups i.e., authentication
preservation, traceability, unlinkability, non-repudiation, and revoca-
tion. It secures from various attacks such as impersonation attack, and key management using the blockchain. The authentication scheme
replay attack, and cloning attack. The protocol proposed in Zhou has two phases i.e., the offline registration phase and the authentica-
et al. (2020) is based on MCOS and LSPC. It is lightweight privacy tion phase. The key management scheme uses vehicle-to-vehicle group
preservation scheme. There are four different algorithms which work construction employing CRT, and dynamic key updating. It provides
for the proposed scheme: setup, message generation, message filtering, security from message chosen attack, and replay attack. It provides
and message decryption and verification. The authentication protocol various security features such as anonymity, key establishment, iden-
proposed in Zhang et al. (2019) has five different phases: system setup tity privacy preservation, certificateless authentication. The storage
phase, join region phase, message broadcast and authentication phase, overhead of this scheme is less. However, communication cost and
and update Group Session Key (GSK) and track real identity. It provides computational cost for both vehicle and roadside unit are high.
security from various attacks such as impersonation attack, tracking The work proposed in Mundhe et al. (2020) is a Lattice-based Ring
attack, Sybil attack, replay attack, and DoS attack. The computation signature scheme for Message Authentication (LRMA). It has three
and communication cost of this method are less than the other schemes phases; these are key generation, signature generation, and signature
in VANETs. verification. It provides various security features such as anonymity

A. Kumar et al. Journal of Network and Computer Applications 204 (2022) 103414

Table 4
Pros and cons for VANETs authentication.
Reference Pros Cons
Li et al. (2019) 6 phase, mutual authentication, integrity, No key agreement, less secure
Alfadhli et al. (2020) Mutual authentication, key agreement, 5 phase, Less secure
privacy-preservation, revocation
Zhou et al. (2020) Lightweight, 4-algorithm, privacy-preservation Less security, no key agreement, no mutual
Zhang et al. (2019) 5 phases, GSK, authentication, non-repudiation Less efficient, trustworthiness issue
Alshudukhi et al. (2020) 4 phases, ECC, BAN logic, privacy-preservation, No key agreement, less secure, No analysis on
mutual authentication network attacks
Liu et al. (2020) 4 phases, mutual authentication, privacy-preservation, Less secure, no key agreement
efficient communication overhead, efficient
computational overhead
Lu et al. (2019) authentication security, privacy, certificate, revocation No key agreement, performance could be enhanced
transparency, scalability, efficiency
Tan and Chung (2020) 2 sub protocol, certificateless authentication, key Less secure, high communication cost, high
agreement, privacy-preservation, efficient storage computational cost
Mundhe et al. (2020) 3 phase, anonymity, unforgeability, cost effectiveness Less security features
Li et al. (2020) Lightweight, 4 phases, privacy-preservation, mutual No key agreement, High communication cost
Cui et al. (2019) 8 phase, message integrity, non-repudiation, identity No key agreement, less secure from network attack
privacy protection, traceability, revocability, efficient
communication overhead, efficient computational
Wang and Liu (2021) 4 phase, integrity preservation, trajectory, Less secure, no key agreement
privacy-preservation, traceability, mutual

and unforgeability. It also secures from various network-based attacks 7.1. Authentication for RFID enablers
such as identity revealing attack, impersonation attack, forgery at-
tack, and replay attack. In Li et al. (2020), the authors propose a RFIDs are one of the perception layer technology enablers. It con-
lightweight privacy preservation authentication scheme. It has four nects the identities of the devices to the clouds and verifies for its
different phases: initialization, RSU registration, vehicle registration, usage. One such example of RFID application uses ECC-based au-
and message authentication. The method ensures anonymity, unlink- thentication technique (Cong et al., 2014). It provides a solution for
ability, traceability, and mutual authentication. It provides security anti-counterfeiting which is based on RFID tags and Physical Unclon-
from various network-based attacks such as forgery attack, message able Function (PUF). Using this scheme, it provides security from
modification, modification attack, and replay attack. However, it failed active as well as passive attacks during the process of verification of
to give efficient communication costs. The authentication scheme pro- tags. It is able to work in both online and offline modes. RFID tag
posed in Cui et al. (2019). It is an eight-phase authentication protocol; authentication protocol also extends towards a lightweight version (Fu
these phases are system initialization, RSU initialization, vehicle ini- et al., 2010). This protocol is called as Scalable Pseudo-Random RFID
tialization, partial key generation, group key obtaining, key generation, Private Mutual Authentication (SPRA). It is based on Pseudo-Random
message signature, message authentication and malicious vehicle revo- Number Generator (PRNG). In the work (Lee et al., 2008), the authors
cation, and group key update. It provides security from resist forgery have described an Elliptic Curve-based Random Access Control (EC-
attack, MiM attack, modification attack, and replay attack. It provides RAC) scheme. This scheme fulfills the basic security requirement of
efficient communication and computational overhead. The authenti- RFID tags i.e., scalability, anticloning, anonymity, and provides security
cation scheme in Wang and Liu (2021) is called Secure and Efficient from tracking attack. A revised version of ECC-based Random Access
Message Authentication (SEMA). It has four phases: initialization, au- Control (EC-RAC) uses public key cryptography (Lee et al., 2009). Two
thentication, identity revealing, and revocation. Various security analy- basic protocols are used: Schnorr and Diffie–Hellman protocol. This
sis has been performed on this scheme: message integrity preservation, protocol provides server-based authentication to the RFID tags. Another
trajectory, privacy-preservation, and traceability. It also secures the such example uses offline mode of authentication (Batina et al., 2007).
network from various attacks such as frame attack and replay attack. It provides security from eavesdropping and replay attacks; however, it
We summarize the pros and cons of the authentication methods in fails to provide mutual authentication. There are other vulnerabilities
VANETs in Table 4. in this protocol such as the inability to trace the tag and no forward
security. The solution shown in Lee et al. (2010) solves these problems.
7. Other authentication protocols It uses ECC-based asymmetric cryptography.
Researchers in Batina et al. (2012) uses ECC and symmetric key
Apart from the sensor networks and its allied versions, perception cryptography for authentication of RFID tags. Using this protocol, an
layer in IoTs also deal with various enablers such as RFIDs, tags, smart unauthorized verifier is unable to trace the tags, only the trusted
cards. Moreover, as an recent extension blockchains also help IoTs in verifier is having permissions to check the recently added tags. It uses
providing authentication. In this section, we discuss all such authenti- Round Trip Time (RTT) based parameter for processing. The protocol
cation protocols which are not specific for any particular application focuses on prevention from wide–narrow attacks and weak–strong at-
domain of WSNs, IIoTs or VANETs rather, these protocols are general tacks (Vaudenay, 2007). RTT mechanism provides an advantage with
in their configurations and can be applied as required. However, we reduced complexity when already scanned tag access is refused for an
need to check their application feasibility. adversarial reader. In Yang (2012) authors describe Secure Multiple

A. Kumar et al. Journal of Network and Computer Applications 204 (2022) 103414

Table 5
Pros and cons for RFID authentication.
Reference Pros Cons
Cong et al. (2014) ECC, anti-counterfeiting, PUFs PUFs require obfuscated interfaces, stolen identities
are not preventive
Fu et al. (2010) Lightweight, PRNG-based, tag anonymity High cost, low scalability
Lee et al. (2008) Scalability, anti-cloning, anonymity, security from Server-load increases, server failure can lead to
tracing attacks deauthentication of tags
Lee et al. (2009) Separated authentication schemes for tags, password Selection of protocol with increased RFIDs
transfer and server-to-tag
Batina et al. (2007) Strong authentication No mutual authentication
Batina et al. (2012) Small keysize, privacy-preserving two-party Group inclusion is not authenticated separately
grouping-proof, scalable
Yang (2012) Support for mobile RFID, cross different authorities, High complexity, group authentication key verification
and assign transfer targets required
Gui and Zhang (2013) Lightweight Database search technique may create bottleneck with
increased number of RFIDs
Lee et al. (2010) A server (or a reader) can efficiently query for a Prone to side-channel analysis
specific tag without compromising the tag’s privacy
Liao and Hsiao (2014) Small keys, mutual authentication, ID-verifier Complexity, compromised reader possibility controlled
protocol, challenge-response protocol for refreshed by third party
communication messages
Wang et al. (2017) Random oracle, based on Lee et al. (2010) and Liao Side-channel analysis, compromised reader possibility
and Hsiao (2014) controlled by third party
Tewari and Gupta (2018) Lesser computation overhead, Prone to DDoS and spamming attacks

Group Ownership Transfer Protocol (SMGOTP) which is suitable for phases: authentication, verification and identification. Authentication
mobile-based RFID tags. This protocol transfers the ownership tag from and verification id are based on Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm
one authority to another in the network which helps to secure RFID tags Problem (ECDLP) while verification of tag and identification of tag is
from different types of attacks. It can perform transmission of group based on Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) with the
ownership from one-to-many. It provides additional security features help of Quark Light. It protects the network from eavesdropping attack,
like forward secrecy and backward secrecy and protects the location impersonation attack and replay attack.
of tags from the intruder. In Gui and Zhang (2013), the protocol In Porambage et al. (2014), the authors show a two-way lightweight
provides mutual authentication between RFID tags and the database. authentication protocol. The first phase is registration phase and other
This protocol provides various security features like forward security is the authentication phase. Although the protocol is lightweight it
as well as backward security and protects from various attacks like protects the network from session key attacks but fails against DoS
replay attacks and DoS attacks. It also provides an additional feature attacks, insider attacks, impersonation attacks, replay attacks and MiM
to transfer the ownership to tags. Another RFID-based authentication attacks. Its features include forward secrecy and mutual authentication.
protocol has been proposed in Cong et al. (2014), it uses ECC and The authors have proposed a protocol in Chen and Chen (2015) which
symmetric key cryptography techniques. This is basically a grouped is based on Dynamic Token Based Authentication Protocol (DTAP).
RFID authentication protocol introduced for the perception layer. This It uses three-step mutual authentication: request, token and respond.
protocol increases security when a group of RFID tag enters the net- In Gope and Hwang (2015), a light-weight RFID mutual authentication
work. In Liao and Hsiao (2014), the authors have proposed a mutual protocol uses a hash function; authentication is done when RFID tag
authentication protocol which is based on ECC. This protocol provides
is moving to different cluster and each cluster authenticates each of
mutual authentication between the tag and the server, and provides
the tags. It is a two-phase authentication process that includes regis-
confidentiality, anonymity and availability. Wang et al. (2017) shows
tration and authentication phase. The main purpose of this solution
an authentication scheme based on Lee et al. (2010) and Liao and
is to protect the network from the forgery attack and cloning attack.
Hsiao (2014). It uses Random Oracle Model (ROM) and one-sided hash
Apart from this, the presented protocol secures the network from DoS
function makes the process robust against attackers (Bellare and Rog-
attack, replay and tracking of location attack and provides forward
away, 1993). The password which is not used in the security protocol
secrecy to the network. In Dass and Om (2016), authors use some
is removed further. The proposed protocol overcomes the problems
lightweight cryptographic function, PRNGs and hash function. This
caused by replay attack, session key attack; it provides forward secrecy
protocol focuses on the authentication of RFID tags. Other commu-
and better performance in terms of security as shown by Liao and
Hsiao (2014). In Tewari and Gupta (2018), the authors have proposed a nication is assumed to be secure. This protocol helps to secure the
protocol based on various cryptography techniques such as ECC, hash network from replay attack, de-synchronization attack, MiM attack and
function, PRNGs, public-key cryptography for encryption/decryption. DoS attack. It provides mutual authentication; tracing of tag infor-
It provides mutual authentication to both the server and the RFID tag, mation is not possible here. The researchers have proposed another
confidentiality to the RFID tag information, inability to trace the tag, light-weight RFID authentication protocol based on hash function and
and forward secrecy. This scheme protects the network from DoS attack symmetric key encryption technique in Yin et al. (2017). It uses three-
but fails to protect from DDoS attack as attackers can intrude the IoT phase authentication technique starting with registration of RFID tags,
device to use them as Botnets. We summarize the pros and cons of these authentication of tag while moving in different clusters, authentication
approaches in Table 5. if tags while moving in different networks. It provides security from
various attacks like replay attack, DoS attack and location tracking at-
7.2. Lightweight authentication for RFID enablers tack. This protocol is unable to protect the system from a forgery attack
and cloning attack. Cryptanalysis of such lightweight authentication
The protocol proposed in Moosavi et al. (2014) is based on ECC and of RFID tags notifies that there is still scope of improvement in this
D-Quark lightweight hashing techniques. It has three authentication direction (Aakanksha Tewari, 2017). Tewari and Gupta (2017) uses

A. Kumar et al. Journal of Network and Computer Applications 204 (2022) 103414

Table 6
Pros and cons for RFID lightweight authentication.
Reference Pros Cons
Moosavi et al. (2014) Small keysize, lightweight, mutual authentication Computational time optimization required, feasibility
of lightweight techniques must be checked
Porambage et al. (2014) Lightweight certificates Implicit certificates for access control, multicast with
scalability issues
Chen and Chen (2015) Dynamic tokens, anonymous authentication Seed value is static leads to cryptanalysis
Gope and Hwang (2015) Anonymous authentication Storage and computational overhead
Dass and Om (2016) PRNG, tag information follows CIA Seed value is static leads to cryptanalysis
Yin et al. (2017) Randomness parameter in the transmitted data Cache collision may increase the search time and
eventually the complexity
Aakanksha Tewari (2017) Ultra-lightweight with bitwise operations only, ensures Bit manipulation and bit masking problems need
untraceability validation
Tewari and Gupta (2017) Ultra-lightweight with bitwise operations Prone to DoS attack at tag and reader
Khor and Sidorov (2018) Three pass mutual authentication, improvement over Repudiation of tag transfer between tag and reader is
Tewari and Gupta (2017) not validated
Fan et al. (2016) Ultra-lightweight It is vulnerable for reader impersonation attack, tag
forgery attack and message eavesdropping attack. It
fails to preserve mutual authentication
Li et al. (2018) Secret key for each legal reader, improvement over Higher computation and database time consumption,
Fan et al. (2016) tag impersonation and information disclosure

an ultra-lightweight mutual authentication protocol. It applies only that uses a one-way digital signature. Authentication time is also re-
bitwise operator (XOR) and left rotation operation due to which it duced even if the system is under the presence of attackers. The work
gives an ultra-light-weight solution. It provides security from various in Choi et al. (2019) has proposed a light-weight mutual authentication
other attacks such as MiM attack, replay attack, de-synchronization protocol which is based on Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) and
attack, disclosure attack and DDoS attack. It provides confidentiality applicable to Advance RISC Machine (ARM) processor. To increase the
and integrity along with authentication. Some security issues have processing speed for authentication the authors use MAC algorithm.
been noticed in Tewari and Gupta (2017) which are addressed in Khor It provides security from eavesdropping attack, replay attack and the
and Sidorov (2018). Ultra-lightweight solution for RFID authentication modification of message attack. We summarize the discussed methods
is also noteworthy (Fan et al., 2016). It uses GNY logic for security in Table 7.
purpose. Researchers show an improvement of this work in Li et al.
(2018). It modifies the former approach with providing the secret keys 7.4. Lightweight authentication protocols for non-RFID applications
for each of the readers. Some security flaws are identified in it and
further improvements are proposed in Yin et al. (2017). It is able to In the work (Hammi et al., 2017), the authors provide a mutual
secure the network from disclosure attack, impersonation attack and authentication-based protocol that uses an asynchronous One-Time
replay attack. We summarize the pros and cons of these methods in Password (OTP). It is a light-weight authentication protocol and there-
Table 6. fore, it is applicable to any IoT framework. This protocol protects
the network from a replay attack and DoS attack but does not pro-
7.3. Authentication protocols for non-RFID applications vide confidentiality of data. A signature-based mutual authentication
protocol uses eight different phases: Starting with the setting up the
Researchers use HTTP cookies for authentication (Kalra and Sood, system followed by registration of the device (Challa et al., 2017). Then
2015b). This protocol uses 3-step authentication process with regis- registration of the user is executed with login phase and authentication
tration, login and checking the authenticity of the device. It provides and agreement of key with a bio-metric and password setup. Revocation
security from many attacks either on the device or on the system of smart-cards are allowed in the phase and finally, a new device is
like replay attack, MiM, cookies theft attack, eavesdropping attack, added in the network. It uses Burrows–Abadi–Needham (BAN) logic
brute force attack, offline dictionary attack and leak of verifier attack. for providing the security to the system. It exhibits security features
However, it fails at two major points; it is unable to provide mutual like key agreement, forward secrecy and intruder cannot trace the end-
authentication and problems exist in session key agreement. The work devices. End users have permission to update the password too which
in Chang et al. (2017) solves these problems. Authors in Jablon (1996) is advantageous from a user perspective. The authentication scheme
show a method of building hybrid two-factor authentication systems. in Amin et al. (2018) also uses the BAN logic and security validation is
Independent password-only and key-based methods can survive a single done by AVISPA tool (Glouche et al., 2006; Armando, 2018). It protects
event of either key theft or password compromise. In Daddala et al. from various attacks like impersonation attack, replay attack, offline
(2017), the authors show a protocol based on asymmetric crypto- brute-force attack, insider attack and disclosure of session key attack.
graphic technique; it is a customized form of AES. It has various In the work (Dhillon and Kalra, 2017), the authors show a key-
security features such as confidentiality, authentication, integrity and agreement based lightweight authentication protocol; it uses one-way
provides security form MiM attack. The authentication mechanism hash along with perceptual hashing and XOR technique. It has four
in Hao et al. (2018) is based on Multi-Attribute Multi-Observation phases that starts with user registration followed by login. Then au-
(MAMO) technique and PHY-IBC protocol with the enhancement of thentication is done and finally, the user has the right to update
two-way asymmetric authentication protocols (Wang et al., 2016). the password for better security. Another light-weight authentication
There are some pre-requirements for this approach, such as the Serial protocol in Lavanya and Natarajan (2017), it uses symmetric key
Number (SN) should have a unique ID of the end device and the device cryptographic technique for various encryption/decryption; it is based
should be publicly verified and accessible. Another pre-requirement is on IKv2 (Cremers, 2006). In this protocol, the authors use Advanced
the classification of PHY characterization is based on channel and Radio Encryption Standard with Cipher Block Chaining (AES-CBC) for encryp-
Frequency (RF). PHY-AIDED is an asymmetric authentication protocol tion and ECC-based Diffie–Hellman for the generation of key and hash

A. Kumar et al. Journal of Network and Computer Applications 204 (2022) 103414

Table 7
Summary of authentication protocols for non-specific enablers.
Reference Feature Future extension(s)
Kalra and Sood (2015b) 3 layer of authentication, enhancement of security Redirection of cookies, authenticated cookies
against cookie-based authentications management, session key problem
Chang et al. (2017) Solution to the problems (Kalra and Sood, 2015b) Collusion attacks validation can be exploited further
on hash exchange and with compromised session keys
Jablon (1996) Two-factor authentication Possibility of dictionary attack on password based
must be exploited
Daddala et al. (2017) Customized AES, less complex keys Periodic keys update required
Hao et al. (2018) Integration of Device-to-device (D2D) PHY Design of an optimal PHY entropy-based
fingerprinting with asymmetric cryptography-based authentication scheme
End-to-End (E2E) IoT
Choi et al. (2019) LEA-128-CTR and Chaskey algorithms, high-speed Heterogeneity of devices must be exploited
parallelism, lightweight

Table 8
Summary of lightweight authentication for non-specific enablers.
Reference Features Extension(s)
Hammi et al. (2017) Mutual authentication, asynchronous OTP, lightweight Confidentiality problem must be exploited after the
MAC sub-layer association and authentication
Challa et al. (2017) Signature-based, lightweight, BAN logic Delay and scalability correlation should be extended
Amin et al. (2018) Mutual authentication with BAN logic, easy to update Communication cost must be optimized for resource
password and identity from user perspective constrained IoTs
Dhillon and Kalra (2017) Key-agreement based light-weight authentication, Effect of compromised GWN should be experimented
one-way hash along with perceptual hashing, use of
XOR, register through GWN
Lavanya and Natarajan (2017) Advanced Encryption Standard with Cipher Block Collaborative key exchange and TLS-based key
Chaining (AES-CBC) for encryption, ECC based protocols can be compared on the same scheme
Diffie–Hellman for key generation and hash code
Feng et al. (2018) Authentication–attestation, PUFs Collision attack and impersonation attack must be
analyzed on this scheme
Zhou et al. (2019) Lightweight crypto-modules Cryptanalysis of XOR operations, timing attacks,
side-channel analysis can be exploited

code generation. It protects from all the attacks within the bounds. SCAB-IoTA uses the blockchain and hybrid cryptosystem to enhance
The lightweight mutual authentication–attestation protocol called as the security of IoT applications (Vishwakarma and Das, 2021). The
Attestation and Authentication of Low-Resources Things (AAoT) pro- hybrid cryptosystem functions with Advanced Encryption Standard
tocol uses PUFs (Feng et al., 2018). PUFs fill the memory randomly to (AES) and ECDSA. Furthermore, it produces a secure cluster of IoT
reduce memory resources. It creates a trust zone for every end-node devices based on Angular Distance (AD). Each devices authenticates
(device) connected in the system. This trust zone is called PUF-based itself before joining the cluster. Another solution in the direction of
Root-of-trust (PUFRoT). A single-way hash function based lightweight blockchain uses the tamper-resistance keys (Fan et al., 2021). Authen-
authentication protocol is proposed in Zhou et al. (2019). It uses tication schemes also requires to be privacy preserving. Such a solution
three phases: registration phase, user and cloud-server registration, uses blockchain technology and the secret computational model of PUF
and authentication phase. It provides mutual authentication and able model (Patil et al., 2020). The protocol guarantees that IoT devices
to provide security against from offline brute-force attack, insider at- and the miner are authenticated in a faster authentication process
tack, de-synchronization attack and forgery attack. We summarize the compared to current blockchain techniques. The solution ensures data
discussed methods in Table 8 and show some possible extensions for provenance and data transparency in IoT networks. Following the same
research problems. line of research, another privacy preserving PUF-based solution uses
real correlations of challenge-response pairs that are double-encoded
7.5. Authentication protocols for blockchain-based enablers into mapping correlations by a one-time physical identity and the
keyed-hash function (Zhang et al., 2021). In this solution, the used
The newest extension of IoT uses blockchains. There are various blockchain stores MCs, synchronize them efficiently, and incorporate
applications emerging everyday that are using blockchains in any form the multi-receiver encryption to share the physical identity securely.
for IoT applications (Uddin et al., 2021). Therefore, it is necessary Apart from one time authentication, continuous authentication pro-
to account such applications and their related authentication meth- cess is stronger. On this, a distributed and scalable continuous authenti-
ods. One such solution uses the concept of Bubble of Trust (Hammi cation solution, called as CAB-IoT, enables fog nodes layer to tackle the
et al., 2018). It provides mutual authentication based on ECC and limitations of IoT resources (Hussain Al-Naji and Zagrouba, 2020). It
asymmetric key cryptographic technique. Each device communicates in utilizes localized processing of heavy continuous authentication-related
the bubble of trust. Being the blockchain-based application inherited tasks for a group of IoT devices. It also adds on a trust module that
security features strengthen the authentication. A recent interesting depends on the face recognition machine learning model to detect
solution for blockchain-based IoTs uses two types of mutual authen- outliers and abnormal access. Moreover, mutual authentication takes
tication (Aghili et al., 2021). These authentication methods are ap- place between end-users and fog nodes. It is a lightweight proto-
plicable for decentralized closed loop and open loop RFIDs. It uses col. Guo et al. (2020b) shows a master–slave blockchain architecture
BAN-logic to approve the security for the loop-controlled mechanisms. to support distributed cross-domain authentication in IoT. It proposes

A. Kumar et al. Journal of Network and Computer Applications 204 (2022) 103414

Table 9
Summary of authentication for blockchain-based enablers.
Reference Features Gaps or Extension(s)
Hammi et al. (2018) Bubble of trust Decentralized trust calculation
Vishwakarma and Das (2021) lightweight authentication, hybrid cryptosystem Angular distance validity, coordinates verification
Aghili et al. (2021) RFID-based closed loop applications, hybrid Energy-optimization
Fan et al. (2021) ID-based signature authentication Privacy, anonymous authentication
Patil et al. (2020) Blockchain and PUF combination, smart contracts Energy consumption , federation identity
Zhang et al. (2021) Authentication protocol for the multi-server, Energy consumption
cloud–edge IoT systems
Hussain Al-Naji and Zagrouba (2020) localized processing of heavy continuous Scalability, load balance of fog nodes
authentication-related tasks, trust module uses face
recognition machine learning model
Guo et al. (2020b) Master–slave blockchain, distributed cross-domain sybil problem, eclipse attack, double spending on
support, reputation value model, an improved reputation
Byzantine Fault Tolerance algorithm based on
Wang et al. (2020) Identity security, cross-domain authentication Deep learning methods for adaptive and dynamic
credibility matrix credibility matrix
Dong et al. (2020) Cross-domain authentication, cosmos network model Scalability, privacy
Alzubi (2021) Lamport Merkle Digital Signature Generation Signature size optimization
(LMDSG), hash of records
Tian et al. (2020) Identity authentication Selection of consensus mechanism
Huang et al. (2020) ECC-based key generation, hash of public key works as Complexity optimization, lightweight
identity, accounting input information into the block,
Cui et al. (2020) Local blockchain and public blockchain Conditional blockchain merging
Zhaofeng et al. (2021) Avoidance of single side fault Complex for resource constrained devices
Fayad et al. (2019) Mutual authentication Authorization management, security analysis
Cheng et al. (2021) mutual authentication with blockchain, certificateless Complexity, energy utilization
cryptography, elliptic curve cryptography, and
pseudonym-based cryptography
Guo et al. (2020a) Optimized practical Byzantine fault tolerance (PBFT) Scalability and availability
consensus, dynamic name resolution strategy, caching
strategy based on belief propagation
Khalid et al. (2020) Decentralized authentication and access control, Lightweight consensus, trust-based miners
public blockchain
Yavari et al. (2020) Security access management, anonymity Blockchain-based ownership transfer protocols
Vangala et al. (2021) Persistence and auditability, confidence of using the Oracle data feed to smart contract
correct data
Lin et al. (2020) Traceability, Privacy, group signature Attribute-based cryptography for fine-grained access

a reputation value model for slave chain and also designs an improved for IoT identity authentication is much more efficient as compared to
Byzantine Fault Tolerance algorithm based on this reputation value the traditional authentication approaches (Tian et al., 2020). In the
model (RIBFT) to improve efficiency of authentication and minimize same direction of identity based authentication, terminal connection
time delay. Another cross-domain based authentication solution for based experiments the feasibility of the decentralized authentication in
power terminals in IoTs is researched recently (Wang et al., 2020). IoTs (Huang et al., 2020). A recent work of identity authentication in
It analyzes the power communication network. It shows three types multi-WSNs is also noteworthy (Cui et al., 2020). The nodes of WSN-IoT
of processes: identity, in-domain authentication, and cross-domain au- are divided into base stations, cluster head nodes and ordinary nodes.
thentication for terminals. Various security levels in cross-certification A hybrid blockchain network is constructed including local chain and
increases the security. It uses a cross-domain authentication credibility public chain. Local blockchain helps in authenticating ordinary nodes’
matrix. The work in Dong et al. (2020) also supports the cross-domain identities and public blockchain helps in cluster head nodes’ identity
authentication solution. It uses the cosmos network model to encourage authentication.
mobility of the devices and ensures reliability of accessing external Some other blockchain-based proposals are also contributory. For
domain networks. In a recent work, the solution uses Lamport Merkle example, BlockAuth uses a secure registration and authentication strat-
Digital Signature (LMDS) (Alzubi, 2021). It is applicable for healthcare egy (Zhaofeng et al., 2021). A lightweight version of blockchain-based
IoTs. LMDSG model performs the task of authentication of IoT devices authentication solution is shown in Fayad et al. (2019). In a recent
by constructing a tree in which the leaves symbolize sensitive pa- literature, we observe a distributed and trusted authentication sys-
tient medical data’s hash function. A Centralized Healthcare Controller tem based on blockchain and edge computing (Guo et al., 2020a).
(CHC) performs the task of determining the root of the LMDSG by This system consists of physical network layer, blockchain edge layer
using Lamport Merkle Digital Signature Verification (LMDSV). In this and blockchain network layer. Through the blockchain network, an
verification process, when the hash of the public key is equal to leaf, optimized practical Byzantine fault tolerance consensus algorithm is
then it is the root of the tree, and it considers the signature to be valid. designed to construct a consortium blockchain for storing authentica-
Identity authentication is a beneficial option for IoT security. Combin- tion data and logs. In an example of collaborative edge computing,
ing the blockchain security with this, a decentralized system framework the researchers use blockchain, certificateless cryptography, elliptic

A. Kumar et al. Journal of Network and Computer Applications 204 (2022) 103414

Fig. 7. Evolution of authentication mechanisms from 2005 to present.

curve cryptography, and pseudonym-based cryptography to enhance layers are, no doubt, provides granularity to the system; how-
mutual authentication efficiency between edge servers and IoT de- ever, the underlying dependencies must be understood clearly
vices (Cheng et al., 2021). A lightweight extension for blockchain-based for gathering the security requirements and applying the suitable
authentication is shown in Khalid et al. (2020). Devices register in methods. Therefore, the merits and demerits need to be under-
initialization phase and maintains proof-of-concept smart contract for stood properly so that well-defined functions can be associated
proper functioning of authentication. Another similar type of approach with the layers for obtaining the architectural advantages.
is also shown in Yavari et al. (2020). As we have mentioned before, • Security requirements:Authentication of the sender or the data is
IoTs are closely connected with smart applications. Perception layer important for a secure communication. Along with these, it is
also deals with the devices from smart homes, smart farming, etc. Two also necessary to use attestation process for maintaining the in-
solutions from literature are well notifying here. The first one shows a tegrity and authentication intact. Foe example, remote attestation
blockchain-based authentication is smart farming Vangala et al. (2021) for IIoT related patches and software. Though various remote
and the second one shows a blockchain-based mutual authentication authentications are already existing, still there is scope of fur-
for smart homes (Lin et al., 2020). We summarize the blockchain-based ther developments in this direction and using some decentralized
authentication in Table 9. framework.
From the above discussion of the existing authentication protocols, • Decentralization aspects: Generally authentication is proved with
we observe that authentication approaches are important in IoTs and it digital signature. Digital signature uses cryptographic keys. The
has been evolving around with various methods to achieve the lighter key generation process in traditional systems are centralized and
version day by day in terms of computational complexity. We have prone to failure. Researchers have already initiated to explore
summarized the logical evolution of the authentication solutions in the distributed key generation process, but still it needs suitable
Fig. 7. developments for applicability in resource constrained environ-
ments. Moreover, in blockchain-based authentication schemes,
7.6. Comparison with existing surveys consensus is a big issues. We need to look for lightweight con-
sensus or proof of X for such authentications.
In the existing literature, we have observed some surveys connected • Requirement of randomness: The reports from security protocol
with IoT security. Here, we summarize them and also compare the developers and NIST requirements have urged the development
attribute of the existing surveys and our present survey. We show of suitable random and pseudo-random number generators. In the
the inferred information in Table 10. We observe that our survey is state-of-the-art security protocols random numbers are missing
multidimensional as we cover all the IoT-based domains, its direct and
links and therefore some less complex random number generators
indirect enablers to create effect on authentication protocols.
need to be developed. The inclusion of such random numbers
and analyzing the behavior of the existing security algorithms is
8. Open research dimensions
another part of the future research aspect.
• Authentication phase aspects: The presented survey clearly shows
The analysis of the various authentication methods and their en-
that four to eight phases are rarely used for authentication pro-
ablers, and the comparative study of the existing surveys pop out
tocols. Though they have been initially started with efficiency,
some useful research direction in this field of IoT and its security.
multiple drawbacks have create a set back for the phase struc-
The cons of the authentication methods discussed in different sections
tures in the research domain. Therefore, the reasons need to be
also infer that IoTs and its allied domains still require the solutions
identified for these phase structures and algorithms or functions
for authentication as applications are diversified. Based on the appli-
need to be developed to revive them. We also need to understand
cation domain, the cons must be addressed by the future researchers.
that increasing number of phases of a single operation, such
These cons derive the research problems and need to be addressed for
as authentication, may also increase the complexity and other
the maturity and sustainability of IoT security in future. These open
resource consumption; this may lead to the failure of the system.
research problems are helpful for algorithm developers, industry and
academia. In the previous sections, we discuss various research gaps or • Authentication type aspects: IoTs and WSNs both have utilized
scope of extensions for each of the existing authentication protocols. In the generic and standard security protocols for providing au-
this section, we discuss a summarized list of directions for future work. thentication services. IIoTs, IoMTs also follow the same line of
developments and also uses customized authentications specifi-
• Architectural aspects: The review of the research works signifies cally for their respective domains. However, with the increasing
the fact that the three-layered architecture is the most popular sophistication of the devices and limited resource availability
one. Though other architectures are also available but have not have shifted the demand of security protocols from generic to
been researched significantly. Five-layered architecture can be a lightweight and moreover into ultra-lightweight. The future secu-
candidate for future IoT frameworks. We notice that, with the rity protocol designers should take care of the aspect of designing
increasing number of functionalities, IoT designers come up with more robust algorithms with lightweight and ultra-lightweight
additional layers for IoT for handling operations. These add on features.

A. Kumar et al. Journal of Network and Computer Applications 204 (2022) 103414

Table 10
Summary and comparison of surveys.
Reference Attributes
Arasteh et al. (2016b) Security, privacy, heterogeneity, reliability
Butani et al. (2014) Attacks, security features
Lin et al. (2017) Architecture, security, privacy, enabling technologies
Uddin et al. (2021) Digital signature, performance analysis, tools, simulators, challenges
Roy and Kalita (2017) Cyber-attacks, security features
Hameed and Alomary (2019) Cyber-attacks, security features
Meneghello et al. (2019) Security requirements, security attacks, encryption mechanism, lightweight
cryptography, secure hardware, security on IoT communication technologies
Sharma et al. (2020) Protocol security, handover security, framework security, attacks, ideology,
Al-Garadi et al. (2020) Supervised approach, un-supervised approach, semi-supervised approach, attack
surfaces, threat detected
Albalawi et al. (2019) Authentication methods, attacks prevented
Mohammad et al. (2019) Attacks, security features
Bastos (2019) Authentication, authorization, data protocols, encryption in transit, encryption at
rest, cloud service type
Mohammed et al. (2019) Crypto-techniques, authentication techniques, blockchain techniques, data privacy
preservation technique
Jiao and Liu (2019) PUF types, process scale, source of variation, source of authentication
Babun et al. (2021) Topology design, programming language, third party support, extended protocol
support, event handling, security, privacy
Present survey IoT layers, Security perspectives and attacks, WSN-based authentication, IIoT
authentication, IoMT authentication, VANET authentication, Non-specific applications
of authentication, Lightweight authentication, blockchain-based enablers, open issues

• Attack orientation: The survey in this presented work shows that emphasize the development of quantum-based constructions for
IoTs are vulnerable for de-synchronization attacks, message mod- authentication keys or derivatives.
ification attacks, cloning attacks, masquerading problems, node • Hardware-TPM solutions: As we know, the keys for authentications
compromise problems, wormhole problems, and smart card prob- must be secure, we must use the embedded hardware or Trusted
lems. However, research works to handle such attacks are not Platform Module (TPM) for the purpose of key storage. In IIoTs,
significantly researched and having ample scope of advancement IOMTs these options are plenty and therefore, a rigorous research
in the future. on these can raise some valuable points to address.
• Password problem: The whole world is having password problem. • Privacy-awareness: Privacy is another important part of security.
The usability and security dilemma always has affected the secu- Even an authenticated entity can breach the privacy of a data.
rity of the IoT systems. OTPs also follow the same line and add Therefore, researchers should design an authentication mech-
on the phishing issues with shared secret habits. Therefore, IoTs anism that will handle privacy efficiently; besides, the inter-
seek for a full-proof authentication system which can address all dependencies of the privacy parameters should also be in con-
these problems. sideration for authentication.
• Authentication requirements: As per the requirements of the authen- • Authorization integration: We often notice that the legitimate users
tication protocols, backward secrecy and anonymity are desired are more vulnerable for misusing the authorization process. This
for providing suitable authentication features. However, these is very hard to detect if a user is authenticated and not authorized
two properties are less researched and need significant attention for a specific operation. The majority of the authentication veri-
for enhancements. Besides, end-to-end lightweight authentica- fies the identity of the nodes or users and leaves the authorization
tions are more welcome in IoT systems. scope under assumption or as a separated module. However,
• Oracles: Blockchains are using oracles for data feed in smart con- it is the best option to integrate an authentication mechanism
tracts. However, authenticity proofs for these oracles are not well that provides authorization features as a coherent process of the
developed. Therefore, it opens up a research direction to analyze authentication.
the existing state-of-the-art oracle authentication methods and • Scalability: In the literature, we observe that the majority of the
developing an efficient approach. authentication schemes claim that they are scalable. However, in
• Authentication overhead: Developing an authentication protocol practical scenarios, those claims fail. Therefore, the correlation to
is easy but, developing an efficient authentication protocol is scalability with valid proofs is necessary.
difficult. An efficient authentication must not produce overhead • Load balance: There are various algorithms for authentication
by exchanging huge number of messages. In IoTs, this number exist using fog layer as for computing heavy tasks for authentica-
exponentially increases with the increasing number of devices. tion. We need to keep in mind that with the increasing device con-
Moreover, the message size should not be large; therefore, the nections, the load on those fog layer devices increases; therefore,
authentication protocol designers must use limited number of it is necessary to check the load balance factor in authentication
messages with an efficient size limit for the better productivity for edge–cloud computing.
of the authentication system. • Authentication as a service (AaaS): Authentication as a Service
• Post-quantum sustainability: One of the biggest problem arises with (AaaS) provides various authentication services such as multi-
the progress of the quantum computing is that the insecurity factor authentication, single sign-on, and password management
of sustainability of the existing cryptosystems. To enable the in the cloud. Though the clouds provide such authentication,
robustness of the authentication protocols, the designers must clouds inherit some intrinsic security loopholes for security breach.

A. Kumar et al. Journal of Network and Computer Applications 204 (2022) 103414

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of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA (working with Prof. Mario Gerla). In 2011, he
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joined University of Padua, Italy , (among the best Italian universities) as Assistant
Comput. Appl. 36 (1), 316–323.
Professor (tenured faculty). In the summer of 2012, 2013, and 2014 he was visiting
Yang, M.H., 2012. Secure multiple group ownership transfer protocol for mo-
Assistant Professor at UCI — University of California, Irvine, CA, USA (working with
bile RFID. Electron. Commer. Res. Appl. 11 (4), 361–373,
Prof. Gene Tsudik). From 2012, he is a EU Marie Curie Fellow . In October–November
1016/j.elerap.2012.01.004. URL:
2013 he was a DAAD Fellow at the Center for Advance Security Research Darmstadt
(CASED), TU Darmstadt, Germany (working with Prof. Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi). In 2014,
Yang, M.H., Hu, H.Y., 2012. Protocol for ownership transfer across authorities: with
he was elevated to the IEEE Senior Member grade and in 2020 to the ACM Senior
the ability to assign transfer target. Secur. Commun. Netw. 5 (2), 164–177.
Member grade. In 2015 he became Associate Professor, and Full Professor in 2018. He
Yang, X., Shi, P., Tian, B., Zeng, B., Xiao, W., 2014. Trust-e: a trusted embedded
is member of the Blockchain Expert Panel of the Italian Government. In 2021 he was
operating system based on the arm trustzone. In: 2014 IEEE 11th Intl Conf on
nominated Fellow of the Young Academy of Europe (YAE). From 2020, he is Head of
Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing and 2014 IEEE 11th Intl Conf on Autonomic
Studies of the Master Degree in Cybersecurity at University of Padua.
and Trusted Computing and 2014 IEEE 14th Intl Conf on Scalable Computing and
His research interests are mainly in the area of security and privacy. In this
Communications and Its Associated Workshops. IEEE, pp. 495–501.
area, he published more than 400 papers in topmost international peer-reviewed
Yavari, M., Safkhani, M., Kumari, S., Kumar, S., Chen, C.-M., 2020. An improved
journals and conferences, including IEEE TIFS, IEEE TDSC, ACM TOPS, IEEE TPDS,
blockchain-based authentication protocol for IoT network management. Secur.
Commun. Netw. 2020.
Security, NDSS, ACM AsiaCCS, ACM WiSec, ACM SACMAT, ACM MobiHoc, ACNS,
Yeh, H.-L., Chen, T.-H., Liu, P.-C., Kim, T.-H., Wei, H.-W., 2011. A secured authen-
IEEE ICDCS, and ESORICS. He is Area Editor in Chief for IEEE COMST- Vehicular and
tication protocol for wireless sensor networks using elliptic curves cryptography.
Sensor Communications, and has been Associate Editor for several journals, including
Sensors 11 (5), 4767–4779.
IEEE COMST, IEEE TIFS, IEEE TNSM, IEEE TDSC and Elsevier Computer Networks,
Yin, Y., Xu, M., Zhang, Q., Chen, J., 2017. Cryptanalysis of a new lightweight
and he served as Program Committee member of several conferences, including ACM
RFID mutual authentication protocol with cache in reader for IoT. In: 2017
IEEE 2nd Information Technology, Networking, Electronic and Automation Control
IEEE PASSAT, IEEE MASS, and ACNS. He was General Chair for several conferences,
Conference. ITNEC. IEEE, pp. 909–913.
including SecureComm 2012, ACM SACMAT 2013 and ACSN 2022, and Program Chair
Zhang, Y., Li, B., Liu, B., Hu, Y., Zheng, H., 2021. A privacy-aware PUFs-based multi-
for several conferences, including ICISS 2016, WiSec 2017, ACNS 2020 and CANS 2021.
server authentication protocol in cloud-edge IoT systems using blockchain. IEEE
Internet Things J. 1.
Zhang, C., Xue, X., Feng, L., Zeng, X., Ma, J., 2019. Group-signature and group session Gulshan Kumar is working as a Post Doctoral Researcher at University of Padua
key combined safety message authentication protocol for VANETs. IEEE Access 7, and Associate Professor in Lovely Professional University, Punjab India and did his
178310–178320. B.Tech from Amritsar College of Engineering, Amritsar (2009) in Computer Science
Zhaofeng, M., Jialin, M., Jihui, W., Zhiguang, S., 2021. Blockchain-based decentralized Engineering, M.Tech and Ph.D. from Lovely Professional University, Punjab India
authentication modeling scheme in edge and IoT environment. IEEE Internet Things with area of specialization in Position and Location computation in Wireless Sensor
J. 8 (4), 2116–2123. Networks. He has many publications in well renowned International journals and
Zhou, J., Cao, Z., Qin, Z., Dong, X., Ren, K., 2020. LPPA: Lightweight privacy-preserving Conferences.
authentication from efficient multi-key secure outsourced computation for location-
based services in VANETs. IEEE Trans. Inf. Forensics Secur. 15, 420–434. http:
// William J. Buchanan is currently a Professor of cryptography, and was awarded
Zhou, L., Li, X., Yeh, K.-H., Su, C., Chiu, W., 2019. Lightweight IoT-based authenti- an OBE for his services to Cybersecurity, in 2017. He also leads the Blockpass ID
cation scheme in cloud computing circumstance. Future Gener. Comput. Syst. 91, Lab, Edinburgh Napier University. He has authored 30 academic books and over 250
244–251. research articles. His main research interests include distributed ledger technology,
Zhu, S., Setia, S., Jajodia, S., 2006. LEAP+: Efficient security mechanisms for large-scale identity systems, trust-based infrastructures, and cryptography. Along with this his work
distributed sensor networks. ACM Trans. Sensor Netw. 2 (4), 500–528. has supported the creation of a number of spin-out companies and international patents.
Zhu, F., Wu, W., Zhang, Y., Chen, X., 2019. Privacy-preserving authentication for
general directed graphs in industrial IoT. Inform. Sci. 502, 218–228.
Tai-hoon Kim received B.E., and M.E., degrees from Sungkyunkwan University in Korea
and Ph.D. degrees from University of Bristol in UK and University of Tasmania in
Australia. His main research areas are security engineering for IT products, IT systems,
development processes, and operational environments.


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