Reading Learning A Foreign Language

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Learning a foreign language takes time and (1) dedication, but still millions of people do this DEDICATE

every day. And it is no wonder, for there are so many (2)_____________ spheres and situations where a DIFFER
foreign language can be (3)___________. HELP

Work and Career

More and more businesses need workers who can communicate in different languages and understand
other cultures. If your work involves regular contact with (4)_________of foreign languages, being able to SPEAK
talk to them in their own language will help you build direct relationships with them. (5)______________ KNOW
of foreign languages may also increase your chances of finding a new job, getting a (6)____________ or a PROMOTE
transfer (7)_____________, or of going on foreign business trips. No matter what career you SEA
choose, if you’ve learned a second language, you’ll have a real advantage. A (8)____________ who knows TECHNIC
Russian or German, the head of a company who knows Japanese or Spanish, or a salesperson who knows
French or Chinese can work (9)________________ with many more people and in many more places than SUCCESS
someone who knows only one language.

Study or research
You may find that information about subjects you are (10)_____________ in is published mainly in a INTEREST
foreign language. Learning that language will give you access to the material and enable you to
communicate with colleagues.

Studying abroad
If you plan to study at a foreign university, college or school, you will need a good knowledge of the local
language. Your institution will probably provide (11)_______________courses to improve your language PREPARE
skills and continuing support throughout your main course.

When you move to a different country or region, learning the local language will help you to communicate
and integrate with the local community.

Perhaps you are planning to go on holiday abroad. If so, knowledge of the language(s) you are
(12)________ to meet will be useful. It is always a good idea to learn some basic language phrases to help LIKE
you to 'get by', i.e. to order food and drink, find your way around, buy tickets, etc. If you have a more
(13)___________ knowledge of the language, you can have real conversations with the local people, ADVANCE
which can be interesting and will add a new dimension to your holiday.

Family and friends

If your partner, in-laws, relatives or friends speak a different language, learning that language will help
you to communicate with them (14)______________. It is also the most effective way you will learn about DIRECT
and appreciate their culture.

Maybe you are interested in the literature, (15)____________, films, TV programs, music or some other POET
aspect of another culture? Studying another language, allows you to have an insider’s view, thus to feel
closer and more (16)____________ to other cultures. CONNECT

Whatever the reason, learning a language opens up doors to many opportunities and benefits.

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