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Energy Strategy Reviews 38 (2021) 100696

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Energy Strategy Reviews

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The COVID-19 shocks on the stock markets of oil exploration and

production enterprises
Di Chen a, Haiqing Hu a, Chun-Ping Chang b, *
School of Economic and Management, Xi’an University of Technology, China
Shih Chien University, Taiwan


JEL classification: Using daily data from January 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021, this research explores COVID-19 shocks on the stock
JEL market of 15 representative oil exploration and production enterprises from 7 countries. We measure the COVID-
G14 19 epidemic from two levels, government response stringency index and number of confirmed cases, and employ
stock prices and stock market returns to reflect the stock market. Our research results confirm that both the
government response stringency index and the number of confirmed cases have a significantly negative influence
on stock prices. We further find that the negative reaction of the stock market to the government response
COVID-19 pandemic
stringency index is greater than that from confirmed cases. Finally, we conclude that the government response
Confirmed cases stringency index have a significantly positive effect on stock market returns of oil exploration and production
Government response stringency index enterprises. Similar findings arise from analyzing specific enterprises. Overall, our conclusions provide some
Oil exploration and production enterprises useful information for the decision-making of oil exploration and production enterprises’ investors and policy
Stock market makers.

1. Introduction to financial markets [2–4]. As the stock market is a barometer of eco­

nomic development [5], the panic mood of investors in various countries
The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (COVID-19) increased during the pandemic.2 Previous studies have shown some
epidemic erupted at the end of December 2019 and rapidly spread to major emergencies have caused extreme turbulence in stock markets,
more than 200 countries, with the United States, Brazil, India, and such as wars [6], infectious diseases [7–9], and natural disasters
Russia having suffered serious epidemics. On March 11, 2020, COVID- [10–12]. However, due to the spread, speed, high mortality rate, and
19 was designated as a true pandemic by the World Health Organiza­ uncertain control time of the COVID-19 epidemic, its shocks to the stock
tion (WHO) and by August 2, 2020, more than 17.66 million confirmed markets of various industries has been far-reaching [13].
cases and 680,000 deaths accrued worldwide. In addition to medical Unlike previous studies’ focus of the COVID-19 epidemic’s influence
measures such as treatment and vaccine development, governments on stock markets as a whole, this paper targets its impact on the stock
have adopted non-medical policies such as city lockdowns, isolation of market of oil exploration and production enterprises. Oil, as the most
patients, school and factory closures, travel cancellations, the prohibi­ widely used energy in the world, is called “the blood of industry” and is
tion of gatherings, and so on [1]. Although these policies did contribute an essential basic material in the process of economic development and
to prevent the rapid spread of the COVID-19 epidemic, they unfortu­ modernization of all countries [14–16]. The huge fluctuations in oil
nately caused tremendous damage to global economic activities and prices have had a clear impact on the economy and stocks of the oil
prompted the worst recession since the Great Depression.1 The sector. The interruption of demand relative to excess supply during the
COVID-19 epidemic at the same time brought great panic and pressure epidemic period made the benefits of oil exploration enterprises

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: cpchang@g2.usc.edu.tw (C.-P. Chang).
The United States GDP contracted by 4.8 % in the first quarter of 2020, which was the lowest level in nearly 12 years, while that of China shrank by 6.8 %, which
hit a record low ever since its reform and opening up in 1979.
The CBOE Volatility Index (VIX), which measures market panic, rose to 82.69 on March 16, 2020, reaching its highest point exceeding the peak value during the
2008 global financial crisis. The U.S. stock market triggered market circuit breakers many time, while the stock indices of the UK, Germany, France, and other
countries fell by more than 40 %.

Received 18 December 2020; Received in revised form 2 July 2021; Accepted 28 July 2021
Available online 9 August 2021
2211-467X/© 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
D. Chen et al. Energy Strategy Reviews 38 (2021) 100696

uncertain, which affected their stock prices and stock returns. and sometimes spread negative news to investors, especially in the oil
Under the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the measures taken by market, which caused fear and panic in the oil markets due to bearish oil
governments to prevent and control the epidemic, such as city lock­ market earnings (Mailal, 2011 [22]; and increased volatility and un­
downs, workplace closures, and closing public transport, caused wide­ certainty in the oil stock market. Based on the real option theory, when
spread production to stop [17,18]. While rigid expenditures such as rent, facing uncertainty in the energy market, investors have the right to
staff wages, and financial expenses remain unchanged, downstream oil postpone investment, change the capital distribution of the oil market,
firms and industries faced the risk of cash flow interruption and reduced and re-organize their asset allocation and portfolio to avoid investment
demand for oil, which caused an overall deterioration of the oil pro­ risk [23]. Hence, this ultimately leads to drops in energy stock prices.
duction and supply chain environment. Furthermore, it affected the cash Governments eventually adopted a series of containment and closure
flow of oil exploration and production enterprises, making their income policies, such as blockade and travel restrictions. Although the imple­
uncertain and influencing their industry’s stock market. Therefore, it is mentation of these policies brought short-term adverse economic effects,
of crucial significance to clarify the COVID-19 epidemic shocks to the these measures can reduce the infection rate of the COVID-19 epidemic
stock market of oil exploration and production enterprises through [24], saving more lives that could have been infected or died by the
empirical research. epidemic, and contribute to the prevention and control of the epidemic
This research thus discusses the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic on (Narayan, Phan and Liu 2020b). In this way, with the further control of
the stock markets of oil exploration and production enterprises. On the the epidemic, investors’ confidence in the future economic recovery and
one hand, according to the results herein, a government can evaluate the development and the improvement of corporate performance will in­
severity of an epidemic’s impact on the oil exploration and production crease, and stock market returns should subsequently rise [25].
market and adjust the breadth of its oil reserve policy in time during an The influence of the COVID-19 epidemic on the social economies and
epidemic period. On the other hand, the government can form reverse financial markets has also attracted the attention of many scholars [26,
feedback information of its epidemic prevention and control policy and 27]. Some have discussed the COVID-19 epidemic impact on the stock
adjust the tightness of the epidemic prevention policy according to the market [13,25,28–36], but these studies mainly focus on the global
degree of the epidemic’s effect on the oil market. This strand of research stock market or a country’s stock market as a whole, with few studies
can also help oil exploration and production enterprises adjust their targeting a single industry. Other scholars have studied changes in oil
expectations for the future stability of the oil market according to the demand [37,38,39], oil prices (Narayan et al., 2020 [40]; Gil-Alana and
dynamic changes of the epidemic situation and fine-tune their short- Monge; 2020; Sui et al., 2020; [41]), energy enterprises [42] as well as
term and long-term oil development plans to reduce the cost of pro­ the relationship between oil markets and economic variables (Jeris and
duction risk during the epidemic period. Nath, 2020) during the COVID-19 epidemic. In addition, Akrofi and
The COVID-19 shocks on oil exploration and production enterprises’ Antwi [19] discuss the measures taken by government energy de­
stock markets can theoretically be explained from the following three partments in Africa in response to the COVID-19 epidemic. From the
angles. First, its shocks influenced the supply and demand relationship perspective of avoiding investment risks, Gharib et al. [43,44] test and
in the oil market, resulting in turbulent oil prices, which in turn affected confirm that investment in the oil market is risky during the period of
the stocks of oil exploration and production enterprises. From the supply COVID-19 epidemic, while gold can be considered as a reliable
perspective, oil exploration, production, and processing all have the safe-haven asset.
characteristics of being labor-intensive. Measures taken by governments Although these studies have analyzed the influence of the COVID-19
in response to the COVID-19 epidemic, such as workplace closures, epidemic on oil from multiple perspectives, it is still unclear how stock
restricted the normal market workforce and affected the production of market of oil exploration and production enterprises reacted to the
many enterprises. At the same time, measures such as the closure of epidemic by considering oil sources, energy, and the stock market
public transport, restrictions on internal movement, and suspensions of together. At the same time, we note that the proxy indicator for
international travel negatively influenced the transportation of oil, measuring the epidemic shocks in most existing literature mainly focus
increasing the cost of oil storage for enterprises and thus affecting oil on the number of confirmed cases or deaths, which only reflect the
supply. From the perspective of oil demand, the slowdown in global development trend of the epidemic situation intuitively, and there may
economic growth has put heavy pressure on the energy industry, espe­ be underreported confirmed and deaths in countries. By comparison,
cially oil as it is the most representative and frequently traded com­ government responses to the epidemic situation and the prevention and
modity. Government responses to the COVID-19 epidemic have led to control measures adopted give more connotation to the judgment over
shrinking industries, falling transport usage, and a halt in air traffic. Oil the COVID-19 epidemic shocks’ severity. In particular, the reduction in
demand even dropped to the lowest level in the last twenty years [19]. oil prices depends on government prevention and control measures,
Therefore, it is not difficult to infer that the COVID-19 epidemic has such as restricting travel and closing factories. Therefore, it is necessary
affected the supply and demand relationship of oil and caused turbu­ to discuss the impact of the epidemic on the stock prices of oil enter­
lence therein. Under this situation, most of the world’s oil exploration prises according to different proxy variables. At the same time, as Elliott
and production enterprises have faced bankruptcy.3 Some oil producers et al. [45] mentioned, we find that most of the existing studies on the
have even applied for bankruptcy protection, thus impacting sector COVID-19 epidemic’ impact use Difference in Difference (DID), tradi­
performance even more [20] and leading to a decline in oil exploration tional time series, and panel data model. However, these methods tend
and production enterprises’ stock prices. to ignore endogeneity problems and cross-sectional dependence in the
Second, according to the theory of emotion, the impacts from news variables, resulting in a decrease in the effectiveness of the researches.
on the different emotions of investors and financial markets vary widely To overcome the shortcomings of the above research, this paper
[12]. Generally speaking, negative news is more likely to cause stock discusses the COVID-19 epidemic shocks on the opening and closing
market volatility than positive news [21]. In the case of COVID-19, the prices of 12 oil exploration and production enterprises from 5 countries
media has paid close attention to the development trend of the epidemic in the world from January 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021. To describe the
COVID-19 epidemic shocks more comprehensively, we select the num­
ber of daily new confirmed cases of COVID-19 per million people (CASE)
3 like in previous studies and also choose the government response
See the website of http://finance.sina.com.cn/stock/t/2020-06-27/doc-ii
rcuyvk0601533.shtml. According to statistics, China’s daily oil demand fell
by about 3 million barrels. Schlumberger, which is the largest oilfield service
company in the world, announced that 21,000 of its employees would be laid

D. Chen et al. Energy Strategy Reviews 38 (2021) 100696

stringency index (GRSI) in consideration of the role governments play in √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅

controlling the pandemic.4 We also use the stock prices and stock returns 2T ∑N− 1 ∑N
CD = ρ (2)
of oil exploration and production enterprises to denote the stock mar­ N(N − 1) i=1 j=i+1 ij

ket’s response to the epidemic.

We first use the cross-section dependence (CSD) test of Pesaran [46] Here, ρij represents the product correlation errors of countries i and j.
and Pesaran [47] to test whether CSD exists in this paper.5 The CSD test Pesaran [47] puts forward the weak cross-sectional dependence test,
solves the cross-sectional dependence problem in the variables and also which can be applied with a small sample and heterogenous slope:
deals with the endogeneity problem in the DID method seen in the ∑
T ∧ ∧
previous literature. Once it is confirmed that there is CSD in the variable, uit ujt
∧ ∧ t=1
the Cross-sectionally Dependent Augmented Dickey Fuller (CADF) test ρ =ρ =
ij ji
∑T ∧ 2 ∑T ∧ 2
proposed by Pesaran [48] is adopted to test the stability of the variable. ( uit )1/2 ( ujt )1/2
Considering that the univariate variable time series may undergo
t=1 t=1

structural changes, we next utilize the minimum Lagrange multiplier Here, u represents the estimation residual.
(LM) unit root test model with structural break proposed by Refs. [49,
50] to test the stability of the variable and execute the endogenous (2) Panel unit root test
multiple structural break test of Bai and Perron [51] to confirm the
existence of structural break points. Finally, to clarify the exact Once the existence of CSD in panel members is confirmed, the
COVID-19 shocks on the whole or specific oil exploration and produc­ traditional panel unit root test proposed by Maddala and Wu (1999) and
tion enterprises’ stock market, we employ the newly developed panel Levin et al. (2002) is invalid. This paper takes the CADF test, which is
data mean group (MG) estimation proposed by Chudik and Pesaran newly developed by Pesaran [48]; to judge the variables’ stationarity.
[52]. Overall, whether in the full samples or for specific enterprise, the This method is suitable for CSD of variables. The model for the unit root
research results confirm that the COVID-19 epidemic negatively in­ test of Pesaran [48] is defined as:
fluences oil exploration and production enterprises’ stock prices, and the ρ
∑ ρ

government response stringency index has a positive impact on the stock △yit = δi + βi yit− 1 + φi yit− 1 + λij △yit− 1 + νij △yt− j + dit + εit (4)
returns of oil exploration and production enterprises. j=1 j=0

The remaining structure of the article is arranged as follows. Section ∑

Here, yt = N1 Ni=1 yit , which represents the unobserved common fac­
2 introduces the research methods. Section 3 explains the data source
tor; βi stands for the coefficient of first lag; φi , λij , and νij stand for the
and statistical description of the data. Section 4 presents the empirical
test results and analyzes them. The last section is the conclusion and individual specific effect, individual linear trend, and common time
some policy suggestions. effect for all individuals, respectively; and εit is the error term. According
to Pesaran [48]; the stationarity test depends on the t-value of βi , either
2. Methodology separately or jointly.
Although the CADF method considers the existence of variables’
The panel model has many advantages, such as a large information CSD, as the univariate variable time series is subjected to a major shock,
dataset, reducing collinearity between variables, making more accurate it will often undergo structural changes and may lead to a misidentifi­
predictions of individual results, and improving the effectiveness of cation of the time series by the unit root test. Therefore, to reduce the
model estimation [53]. However, previous studies have confirmed that probability of rejection of an alternative hypothesis in the unit root test
cross-section dependence problems may often exist in panel models. and obtain more accurate stationarity results, in the revised manuscript
Therefore, in this paper we exploit some new developed methods to we add the minimum Lagrange multiplier (LM) unit root test model with
explore COVID-19 shocks on oil exploration and production enterprises’ structural break, as proposed by Refs. [49,50]. We then employ the
stock prices. endogenous multiple structural break test of [51]; hereafter BP) to
confirm whether the sequence has a structural break and the location of
(1) Cross-sectional dependence the structural breakpoint.

The first-generation panel unit root test assumes that each variable is (3) Panel long-run estimates
independent on the cross-section. If the existence of CSD is ignored, then
the empirical results will be biased [54]. Based on this, before examining We finally use MG proposed by Pesaran [55] to estimate the
the COVID-19 shocks on oil exploration and production enterprises’ long-term estimation parameters of GRSI and stock market as well as
stock prices, this paper first follows Pesaran [46] and Pesaran [47] to CASE and stock market. At the same time, to understand the influence of
check whether there is CSD in the panel dataset. factors in the long-term estimation, we also use the MG method to es­
We define the model as follows: timate the long-term parameters of the impacts of GRSI and CASE on the
stock prices and returns of 15 oil exploration and production enterprises.
yit = αi + βit xit + uit (1) The model is calculated as:
Here, i = 1, 2, 3 … …N, as N represents the sample size; t = 1, 2 …… ΔCLOSEit = ψ 0 + ψ 1 ΔGRSIit + d2 (wt ) + μit (5)
T, where T represents the time period; βit represents the K × 1 parameter
vector for the explanatory variable denoted by xit ; αi represents the in­ ΔRETURNit = ξ0 + ξ1 ΔGRSIit + d1 (wt ) + μit (6)
dividual constant parameter; and μit represents the regression residual.
The statistic of Pesaran [46] can be calculated as follows: ΔCLOSEit = ρ0 + ρ1 ΔCASEit + d4 (wt ) + μit (7)

ΔRETURNit = ϕ0 + ϕ1 ΔCASEit + d3 (wt ) + μit (8)

Some studies have also used the number of daily cases of deaths from Here, the term wt represents any excluded idiosyncratic process that
COVID-19 to measure the epidemic. Upon request, we can provide the empir­ evolves over time. We calculate stock returns (RETURN) as follows:
ical results.
5 RETURNit = (CLOSEit − CLOSEi(t− 1) )/CLOSEi(t− (9)
In fact, in macroeconomic panel data, different variables are likely to be 1)

jointly impacted by a common event, which often leads to cross-sectional

dependence among various units in the panel [60].

D. Chen et al. Energy Strategy Reviews 38 (2021) 100696

3. Data description epidemic prevention and control measures, and so GRSI has a rising
trend. At the same time, national economies shrank during this period,
This paper aims to investigate COVID-19 shocks on the stock prices especially due to the more stringent epidemic prevention and control
of 15 representative oil exploration and production enterprises in 5 measures such as factory closures and travel bans, resulting in a further
countries from January 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021. As mentioned decline in oil demand and a drop in oil prices. As a result, the stock prices
earlier, we use CASE and GRSI as proxy indicators of the severity of the of oil exploration and production enterprises showed a downward trend.
COVID-19 epidemic. Data on the number of confirmed cases per million However, with the governments’ responses to COVID-19, investors’
people in each sample country are from https://ourworldindata. confidence in them controlling the epidemic and in an economic re­
org/grapher/new-covid-cases-per-million. The higher the values of covery was enhanced. Therefore, in Figure 2, with the rise of GRSI in this
CASE are, the greater is the severity of the COVID-19 epidemic. GRSI period, RETURN gradually increases from a negative value.
reflects the information of different policies adopted by governments in The second stage is from April 2020 to July 2020. Government re­
response to the pandemic, collected by the Oxford COVID-19 Govern­ sponses to the epidemic played a significant role in the control of the
ment Response Tracker (OxCGRT). The data of GRSI are from https:// epidemic. At this stage, the number of cases gradually decreased.
ourworldindata.org/grapher/covid-stringency-index. The variable is However, considering the incubation period of the virus, and the global
composed of nine indicators from the aspects of containment and closure epidemic situation was still relatively severe, GRSI remains at a stable
and health system, including school closures, workplace closures, high level despite a slight decline. During this period, in order to hedge
cancelling public events, restrictions on gatherings, closure of public against the negative impact of the epidemic and stabilize the liquidity
transport, public information campaigns, stay at home mandates, re­ crisis, governments successively issued a variety of positive fiscal pol­
strictions on internal movement, and international travel controls. GRSI icies and loose monetary policies, which helped stock markets to
is the weighted average value of these nine indicators, and the value is rebound. Therefore, CLOSE shows an upward trend, and RETURN is in a
from 0 to 100. A higher value means the more severe the government’s positive and stable trend.
policy toward the pandemic is and, to some extent, the more serious the At the end of July 2020, the epidemic in many countries such as the
epidemic situation is. United Kingdom and Canada rebounded, and the probability of virus
The 15 representative oil exploration and production enterprises are transmission became greater than in the winter. Therefore, the number
chosen following the guidance provided by Our World in Data.6 The 15 of confirmed cases increased, and GRSI remains stable at a high level.
enterprises include Beach Energy (BCHEY), Cairn Energy (CRNCY), The fourth stage is from January to March 2021. During this period,
Enquest Lon (ENQUF), Genel Energy (GEGYY), Harbour Energy the epidemic was under control, CASE shows a downward trend, CLOSE
(HBRIY), Hurricane Energy (HRCXF), Inpex (IPXHY), Kosmos Energy rises, and GRSI and RETURN maintain a stable trend. To further clarify
(KOS), LEKOIL (LEKOF), Nostrum Oil & Gas (NSTRY), Pantheow Resrcs the COVID-19 shocks on oil exploration and production enterprises’
(PTHRF), Pharos Energy (SOCLF), Tullow Oil (TUWOY), Vaalco Energy stock prices, we shall conduct a quantitative analysis in the next section.
Inc. (EGY), and Vermilion Energy (VET), which are listed in the seven Table 2 presents the data descriptive statistics of each variable dur­
sample countries of Australia, Canada, Japan, Netherlands, Nigeria, ing January 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021. For CASE, the maximum value
United Kingdom, and the United States. The reasons why we choose (MAX) is 1004.507, while the minimum value (MIN) is 0, and the
these 15 enterprises are as follows. On the one hand, these sample en­ standard deviation (SD) is 182.868. The MAX and MIN of GRI are 83.96
terprises are the top stocks among international oil and gas exploration and 0, respectively, and SD is 25.187. These huge differences show the
enterprises as reported by the website of Our World in Data. Their severe situation of the COVID-19 epidemic in different countries where
comprehensive strength in terms of exploration, development, and the sample enterprises are located, and the responses of governments to
production of crude oil and natural gas assets are at the top level in the the epidemic situation also varied a lot. In the early stage, the epidemic
world. On the other hand, the stock exchanges these sample enterprises may not have looked serious, and government responses were relatively
are listed on, such as London Stock Exchange, American Stock Exchange, slow. However, with the spread of the epidemic and the number of
Tokyo Stock Exchange, and Toronto Stock Exchange, are among the confirmed cases increasing, their responses to the epidemic gradually
world’s leading international financial centers in terms of total market intensified.
value, trading volume, and liquidity. To sum up, we believe that the We also see huge differences between MAX (35.72) and MIN (0.01)
stocks of these enterprises are strongly representative of the oil explo­ of CLOSE as well as and MAX (17) and MIN (− 1.21) of RETURN. This
ration and production sector during the COVID-19 epidemic. We collect illustrates large differences and fluctuations in the stock markets of
the daily closing prices (CLOSE) of these oil exploration and production energy exploration and production enterprises, which likely were
enterprises from https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/industry/222 caused by the impact of the epidemic. Therefore, it is necessary to
/international-e-p. explore the effect of the COVID-19 epidemic on the stock markets of oil
Fig. 1 describes the trend chart of CLOSE of 15 oil exploration and exploration and production enterprises.
production enterprises and the trend charts of CASE and GRSI of coun­
tries to which these enterprises belong. Figure 2 depicts the stock market 4. Empirical results
returns of the 15 oil exploration and production enterprises and the
trend charts of CASE and GRSI. It is obvious that each country’s CASE 4.1. Cross-sectional dependence test
shows a trend of first rising and then falling and then rising and falling,
while GRSI presents a stable rising trend. On the contrary, the CLOSE Before analyzing the correlation between COVID-19 and oil explo­
charts of most oil exploration and production enterprises show a trend of ration and production enterprises’ stock prices, we first check whether
first declining and then rising and then declining and then rising, while there is the problem of CSD in all the variables. Table 3 shows the CSD
RETURN presents a stable rising trend. test results of four variables. We can see from the test results of Pesaran
We analyze the trend charts of COVID-19 epidemic and the stock [46] and Pesaran [47] that all the P-values for the CSD test are 0,
market from four stages. The first period is from January 2020 to March indicating under the two tests that the four variables all reject the null
2020. In the middle of January 2020, with the outbreak of COVID-19, hypothesis, which means there is CSD in the variables and reveals that
CASE shows a rising trend, and the governments actively introduced the stock prices and stock returns of each enterprise and the develop­
ment of COVID-19 epidemic situation in every country are related to
each other.
https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/industry/222/international-e-p; the
complete list can be found at this link.

D. Chen et al. Energy Strategy Reviews 38 (2021) 100696

4.2. Panel unit root test investors have undoubtedly increased their demand for safe-haven as­
sets, leading to a shift in the layout of the oil capital market. The
Considering the existence of CSD for variables, the second- COVID-19 epidemic shocks broke the balance of supply and demand in
generation CADF method, which is newly developed by Pesaran [48]; the oil market and transmitted negative sentiment to investors, which
is exploited to test the stability of CLOSE, RETURN, CASE, and GRSI. eventually led to the poor performance of oil exploration and production
From Table 4, except RETURN, CLOSE, GRSI, and CASE all accept the enterprises and a decline in their stock prices.
null hypothesis, which means that these three variables all are The remarkable thing in Table 7 is that the negative shocks of GRSI
non-stationary. We then perform first-order difference processing for on CLOSE are significantly higher those of CASE on CLOSE. Specifically,
CLOSE, RETURN, CASE, and GRSI. In Table 4, the test results confirm at for every 1 % increase in GRSI, CLOSE decreases by 13.1 %, and for
the 1 % significance level that all variables after first-order difference every 1 % increase in CASE, CLOSE drops by 7.9 %. The potential rea­
processing reject the null hypothesis - that is, the variables of ΔCLOSE, sons may lie in the following two aspects. First, CASE only objectively
ΔRETURN, ΔCASE, and ΔGRSI are stationary. reflects the number of confirmed cases, while GRSI denotes the gov­
If there is a structural breakpoint in the variable, then it may influ­ ernment’s response to the COVID-19 epidemic. This latter indicator in­
ence the effectiveness of the unit root test results. Therefore, the LS cludes the health system, containment, and closure measures adopted by
(2003, 2004) test with structural breaks is then used in this section to the government, which cover more information than CASE. These
test the stability of the variables. Table 5 presents the LS test results with measures affect a whole country’s economic activity, which in turn is
an intercept (Model A) as well as intercept and slope break (Model C). It transmitted to the capital market.
can be seen that the null hypothesis of Model A is rejected in some Second, GRSI reflects epidemic prevention and control measures
variables, while the null hypothesis of Model C is rejected in all vari­ such as closing factories and public transportation and restricting in­
ables. Since Model C performs better than Model A and provides more ternational travel and movement. These measures directly reduced the
information for mean regression [56], we believe that all variables are demand for oil consumption in industrial production and transportation,
stable. spurring oil prices to fall further. Compared with CASE, the information
We next use the Bai and Perron [51] test on the structural break for in response to GRSI provides oil investors with evidence on oil price
all variables. The results appear in Table 6. It can be seen from Table 6 fluctuations caused by the epidemic more directly and comprehensively.
that the values of UDmax statistic and WDmax statistic of CASE in 7 Therefore, the GRSI shocks on oil exploration and production enter­
countries, GRSI in 5 countries, CLOSE in 15 enterprises, and RETURN in prises’ stock prices are naturally greater than the shocks of CASE on
2 enterprises are respectively significantly greater than their critical stock prices in past research, where only CASE is used to measure the
values, indicating that there are structural breakpoints in these vari­ COVID-19 epidemic, which undoubtedly weakens the shock of the
ables. For GRSI, the breakpoints may occur in March 2020, June 2020, COVID-19 epidemic upon the stock market.
August 2020, November 2020, and January 2021; for CASE, the We further draw an interesting conclusion that the increase of GRSI
breakpoints occur in March 2020, May 2020, September 2020, did not lead to a decrease of RETURN, but rather that an increase of GRSI
November 2020, and January 2021; for CLOSE, the breakpoints occur in raised RETURN, but the impact of CASE on RETURN is not significant.
March 2020, May 2020, August 2020, November 2020, and January The results indicate that a government’s policy in response to the
2021; and for RETURN, the breakpoints of the two enterprises occur in COVID-19 epidemic can improve the stock market returns of oil explo­
March 2020, June 2020, August 2020, November 2020, and January ration and production enterprises. The implementation of restrictions
2021. In general, the BP test results show that the time series of GRSI and and closure policies, such as closing schools, workplaces, and public
CASE in most countries, as well as CLOSE in enterprises, have structural transportation, had a negative impact on economic activities in the short
breakpoints, thus confirming the necessity of the LS test to a certain term and affected stock prices. However, the implementation of this
extent. series of policies strictly controlled social distancing, reduced the flow of
people, and thus decreased the probability of epidemic infection. This
4.3. Panel long-run estimation analysis sent a positive signal for investors’ confidence in governments’ control
of the epidemic and in the future economic recovery. Therefore,
This paper uses the MG method to further explore the impact of GRSI although the COVID-19 epidemic brought about a decline in the stock
and CASE on the stock prices and returns of oil exploration and pro­ prices of these enterprises, government policies toward the COVID-19
duction enterprises. The results are in Table 7. From Table 7, at a 1 % epidemic were able to slow down the decline of stock prices by
significance level, GRSI has a long-run negative impact on CLOSE. enhancing the confidence of investors, thus bringing positive market
Similarly, in the long term, CASE significantly negatively influences returns. The studies of Phan and Narayan Phan and Narayan (2020) and
CLOSE. The results indicate that the more people there are who are Chang et al. [25] also confirm our conclusion.
confirmed with COVID-19, the greater is the probability that the stock
prices of oil exploration and production enterprises decrease accord­ 4.4. Long-run parameters’ estimations for a specific enterprise
ingly. Similarly, increases in the strictness of prevention and control
measures by government in response to the COVID-19 epidemic also Taking into account the heterogeneity of companies is an important
have a negative shock on stock prices. This is because, on the one hand, factor in exploring the COVID-19 epidemic shocks on the stock markets
the COVID-19 pandemic caused great harm to the world from medical of oil exploration and production enterprises. Therefore, after discussing
treatments to economic growth [19]. On the premise of ensuring the the overall impact of the epidemic on the stock markets of oil explora­
health of citizens, various government departments are forced to tion and production enterprises in the previous section, this section uses
introduce policies that sacrifice economic development, such as closing the MG method to analyze the impact of the epidemic from the
schools and factories and mandating citizens stay at home. The shut­ perspective of specific enterprises. Here, we report the estimate results
down of production, tourism, and the aviation industry undoubtedly led of the shocks of GRSI or CASE on CLOSE and RETURN for each specific
to the decline of oil demand in the market as well as an increase in the listed firm for purposes of a more in-depth investigation.
cost of oil transportation and storage for oil exploration and production The results are shown in Tables 8 and 9. As we have speculated,
enterprises [57]. Overall, this spurred a significant drop in oil prices and among the stock prices of the 15 oil exploration and production enter­
reduced revenue for oil exploration and production enterprises, which in prises affected by the COVID-19 epidemic, GRSI significantly negatively
turn affected stock prices. On the other hand, the large-scale real eco­ affects their stock prices at a 1 % significance level. When using CASE as
nomic depression caused by the epidemic has brought potential risk the proxy indicator, only 2 (LEKOF and PTHRF) of 15 enterprises’ stock
factors to financial and capital markets. In the face of uncertainty, prices experience a positive impact, while the stock prices of the

D. Chen et al. Energy Strategy Reviews 38 (2021) 100696

remaining 13 enterprises are significantly negatively affected by the stock prices.

COVID-19 epidemic. The research findings have important significance for investors and
In Table 9 we see among the stock returns of the 15 oil exploration government decision-making. Previous studies believe that the COVID-
and production enterprises affected by the COVID-19 epidemic that 10 19 epidemic had a negative impact on economic development and the
enterprises’ returns are positively affected by GRSI, and 7 of these 10 are stock markets, yet according to the research conclusions herein, we
significantly affected. CASE has a positive impact on the stock market believe that governments should indeed firmly implement epidemic
returns of 11 enterprises, but only 1 has a significant impact. Therefore, prevention and control policies during an epidemic period. On the one
the shock of the epidemic on the specific enterprises’ stock prices and hand, these efforts can reduce the negative impact on oil and stock
returns varies with different proxy indicators. However, generally markets caused by the numbers of confirmed cases and deaths. On the
speaking, the MG estimation results of specific enterprises are basically other hand, such efforts can reduce investors’ fear over the uncertain
consistent with the results of the whole sample in the previous section. impact of the epidemic, enhance their confidence, and contribute to the
The stock prices of most oil exploration and production enterprises were stability of the financial market. For investors in the oil capital market,
initially negatively affected by COVID-19, while the stock returns of they should clearly realize that epidemic prevention and control policies
most enterprises were positively affected by COVID-19, especially when have dual attributes. On the one hand, they do bring short-term stock
GRSI is used to measure the severity of the epidemic. This conclusion price fluctuations, but on the other hand, they show a government’s
further reveals that the COVID-19 epidemic has negatively shocked the determination to deal with the epidemic and restore the economy. In­
stock prices of most specific oil exploration and production enterprises, vestors could obtain good profit opportunities in the oil capital market
and government responses to the epidemic enhanced investors’ confi­ by accurately grasping the dynamic change signals of epidemic pre­
dence and had a positive impact on the stock returns of most enterprises. vention and control policies.

5. Conclusion Declaration of competing interest

During the period of the COVID-19 epidemic outbreak, the situation The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
facing the global oil market was extremely grim, and oil prices plum­ interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
meted at an unprecedented rate, with even some futures contracts the work reported in this paper.
experiencing negative prices. In this context, we incorporate the COVID-
19 epidemic and the stock prices of oil exploration and production en­ Acknowledgments
terprises into a research framework. Using data of 15 oil exploration and
production enterprises along with variables of COVID-19 epidemic We would like to thank the Editor and the anonymous reviewers for
development from January 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021, this paper ex­ their helpful comments and suggestions. Haiqing Hu is grateful to Na­
amines the shock of the pandemic on their stock prices and returns. On tional Natural Science Foundation of China (72072144, 71672144,
the basis of previous studies using the number of confirmed cases to 71372173, 70972053), Research Fund for the National Soft Science
measure the epidemic situation of COVID-19, this paper also introduces Research Program (2014GXS4D153), the Doctoral Program of Higher
the government response stringency index from the perspective of Education (20126118110017); the key project of Shaanxi soft science
government intervention. At the same time, we discuss the impact of research plan (2019KRZ007), Science and Technology Research and
COVID-19 on the stock market from two aspects of oil exploration and Development Program of Shaanxi Province (2021KRM183,
production enterprises: stock prices and stock returns. Our study pre­ 2017KRM059, 2017KRM057, 2014KRM28-2). Also this research was
sents some interesting results. supported by Key projects of Shaanxi Natural Science Basic Research
The results based on the MG estimation test show that GRSI and Plan (2015JZ021), Key Project of Shaanxi Provincial Development and
CASE have a negative impact on the stock prices of oil exploration and Reform Commission (SJ-2019-000046-4), Key Projects of Social Science
production enterprises. In particular, the information of the COVID-19 Planning of Xi’an (17J85), Shaanxi technical innovation guidance
situation as reflected by GRSI is more comprehensive, and the impact project (2017CG-016), Shaanxi Natural Science Foundation Project
of GRSI on the stock prices of oil exploration and production enterprises (2021JQ-491), General projects of Social Science Foundation of Shaanxi
is greater than that of CASE. On the other hand, GRSI has a significantly Province (2019S016), Research project on major theoretical and prac­
positive impact on the stock returns of oil exploration and production tical problems of philosophy and Social Sciences of Shaanxi Province
enterprises. Similar conclusions are drawn from the impact of the (2021ND0241, 2021ND0254), Project supported by science and tech­
COVID-19 shock on specific oil exploration and production enterprises’ nology plan of Gansu Province (20JR10RA333), and Postdoctoral fund
stock prices and stock returns. This shows that although the epidemic of Xi’an University of Technology (2019M653710), Youth project of
had a negative impact on the economy and stock prices, the strict National Natural Science Foundation of China (71804146, 71902156),
epidemic prevention and control policies brought confidence in Doctoral foundation of Xi’an University of Technology (105-
epidemic control and economic recovery for investors in the capital 451118012), and Shaanxi Natural Science Basic Research Program
market to a certain extent and even alleviated the negative impact on (2017JQ7009).


D. Chen et al. Energy Strategy Reviews 38 (2021) 100696

Fig. 1. Trend Stock Price, GRSI, and Confirmed Cases. Note: The green curve represent CLOSE of each oil exploration and production enterprise, while the blue curve
and the red curve report the trend of GRSI and CASE, respectively. Taking into account the difference in the value range of each variable and in order to show the
trend of each variable more accurately, the left ordinate axis represents the value scale of GRSI and CASE, and the right ordinate axis represents the value scale

D. Chen et al. Energy Strategy Reviews 38 (2021) 100696

Fig. 2. Trend Stock Return, GRSI, and Confirmed Cases. Note: The black curve represent RETURN of each oil exploration and production enterprise, while the blue
curve and the red curve report the trend of GRSI and CASE, respectively. Taking into account the difference in the value range of each variable and in order to show
the trend of each variable more accurately, the left ordinate axis represents the value scale of GRSI and CASE, and the right ordinate axis represents the value scale

D. Chen et al. Energy Strategy Reviews 38 (2021) 100696

Table 1
The literature about the impact of COVID-19 epidemic on stock markets and oil.

Author(s) COVID-19 Stock market/Oil Findings

[29] CASE and DEATH Stock market in China Both CASE and DEATH negatively influence stock returns.
[33] CASE 21 stock indices CASE has a significantly negative impact on the stock index trend.
[31] CASE 12 stock markets COVID-19 epidemic increases the risk of the financial market.
Badar et al. (2020) CASE and DEATH 64 countries Stock returns decrease with CASE.
[34] Panic Index, Global Sentiment Indices for the world The panic caused by media’s epidemic news relates to the violent fluctuation of financial
Index, and Media Coverage and the U.S. markets.
[35] Government intervention 20 OECD countries CASE negatively influence stock markets, and governments’ intervention measures magnify
the negative effect of COVID-19 on stock returns.
[37] Daily cumulative infected people in Oil and electricity of The severity of the epidemic directly and indirectly affects the demand for electricity and oil.
China China
Jeris and Nath CASE and DEATH Brent oil COVID-19 has a long-term impact on the uncertainty of UK economic policy, and Brent crude
(2020) oil prices negatively influence the uncertainty of UK economic policy equilibrium.
Devpura and CASE and DEATH Oil price COVID-19 increases oil prices volatility.
Narayan (2020)
[58] – WTI crude oil prices The shocks of COVID-19 to oil prices are transitory, albeit have long-lasting effects.
[59] DEAT WTI crude oil price COVID-19 epidemic strength significantly impacts oil prices.
Note: CASE represents the number of daily confirmed cases from COVID-19. DEATH represents the number of daily death cases from COVID-19.

Table 2
Summary of descriptive statistics.

Variable N Mean SD Min Median Max

CLOSE 4663 3.968 6.701 0.01 1.18 35.72

RETURN 4663 0.007 0.274 − 1.21 0 17
GRSI 4633 58.544 22.184 0 67.13 87.96
CASE 4633 116.722 182.868 0 27.075 1004.507

Table 3
Cross-section dependence tests.

[46] [47]

Variable CD-test p-value Corr abs (corr) CD P

CLOSE 78.41*** 0.000 0.435 0.499 13.701*** 0.000

RETURN 13.71*** 0.000 0.076 0.097 83.281*** 0.000
GRSI 162.12*** 0.000 0.899 0.899 158.141*** 0.000
CASE 127.36*** 0.000 0.706 0.764 125.977*** 0.000
Notes: ***, **, and * denote statistical significance at the 1 %, 5 %, and 10 % levels, respectively.

Table 4
Results from the CADF panel unit root test.



CADF − 0.77 − 13.934*** − 14.813*** − 18.935*** 3.366 − 5.414** − 1.231 − 9.124***

Notes: The statistic of CADF is t-bar, and the critical value of t-bar for the CADF test of the ALL sample at the 1 %, 5 %, and 10 % levels is − 2.770, − 2.650, and − 2.590,
respectively. ***, **, and * denote statistical significance at the 1 %, 5 %, and 10 % levels, respectively.

Table 5a
Results from the LM unit root test for CLOSE.

Series Model A Model C

TB K St-1 Bt TB K St-1 Bt Dt

BCHEY 20,210,216 8 − 0.01 (-0.86) − 0.14 (-0.11) 20,200,219 8 − 0.12***(-4.41) − 261.01***(-3.17) 175.73***(4.79)
CRNCY 20,200,504 8 − 0.03 (-1.30) − 0.21 (-1.09) 20,200,219 8 − 0.13***(-4.40) − 267.78***(-3.17) 180.62*** (4.77)
ENQUF 20,200,526 8 − 0.08 (-1.60) − 0.01 (-0.34) 20,200,219 8 − 0.13***(-4.40) − 268.92***(-3.17) 181.35*** (4.77)
GEGYY 20,200,415 8 − 0.05** (− 2.45) − 0.05 (-0.09) 20,200,219 8 − 0.20*** (− 4.78) − 2.53*** (− 2.66) 1.30*** (4.33)
HBRIY 20,200,616 8 − 0.03*(-1.71) 0.13*** (2.90) 20,200,219 8 − 0.13*** (− 4.39) − 268.99***(-3.17) 181.46*** (4.76)
HRCXF 20,210,129 8 − 0.04***(-3.07) − 0.002 (− 0.25) 20,200,219 8 − 0.13*** (− 4.39) − 268.92***(-3.17) 181.39*** (4.76)
IPXHY 20,200,120 8 − 0.01 (-1.21) − 0.09 (-0.27) 20,200,219 8 − 0.12*** (− 4.41) − 266.91***(-3.19) 179.85*** (4.80)
KOS 20,210,210 8 0.00 (-1.08) − 0.02 (-0.05) 20,200,313 8 − 1.59***(-33.59) 3211.01***(32.10) − 3212.96***(-33.57)
LEKOF 20,200,218 8 − 0.006 (-0.83) 1.99 (0.03) 20,200,218 8 − 1.59***(-33.55) 3210.01***(32.06) − 3211.83***(-33.50)
NSTRY 20,200,226 8 − 0.04**(-2.30) 0.92 (0.98) 2,020,727 8 − 0.65*** (− 9.76) 8.60***(8.06) 8.06*** (− 9.70)
PTHRF 20,200,224 8 − 0.08**(-2.18) 0.02 (0.2412) 20,210,112 8 − 0.97***(-10.14) 0.55*** (6.68) − 0.44*** (− 10.25)
(continued on next page)

D. Chen et al. Energy Strategy Reviews 38 (2021) 100696

Table 5a (continued )
Series Model A Model C

TB K St-1 Bt TB K St-1 Bt Dt

SOCLF 20,200,501 8 − 0.05***(-2.46) 0.01 (0.49) 20,200,221 8 − 0.14*** (− 4.62) − 268.51***(-2.85) 171.60*** (4.24)
TUWOY 20,210,117 8 − 0.68***(-4.41) 0.02 (0.20) 20,200,219 8 − 0.77***(-6.39) − 0.24***(-2.82) 0.13***(5.74)
EGY 20,200,526 8 − 0.03 (-1.63) − 0.003 (-0.04) 20,200,219 8 − 0.22*** (− 5.17) − 0.42*** (− 2.85) 0.24***(4.83)
VET 20,200,415 8 − 0.05**(-2.45) − 0.06 (− 0.11) 20,200,219 8 − 0.20***(-4.82) − 2.53***(-2.67) 1.30*** (4.37)
Notes: TB, T1, and T2 are structural breakpoints. St-1 is the t statistic of LM. Bt is the coefficient of intercept term. Dt is the coefficient of the slope term. *** significance
at 1 % level; ** significance at 5 % level; * significance at 10 % level.

Table 5b
Results from the LM unit root test for RETURN.

Series Model A Model C

TB K St-1 Bt TB K St-1 Bt Dt

BCHEY 20,200,708 8 − 1.44***(-5.97) − 0.11**(-2.40) 20,200,218 8 − 0.12***(-4.41) − 261.01***(-3.17) 175.73***(4.79)

CRNCY 20,200,424 8 − 1.07***(-5.35) 0.002 (0.02) 20,200,407 8 − 0.57***(-6.15) 0.29***(2.84) − 0.15***(-5.91)
ENQUF 20,201,120 8 − 1.18***(-5.54) − 0.07 (-0.83) 20,200,827 8 − 1.22***(-5.99) 0.11 (1.35) − 0.05***(-4.18)
GEGYY 20,200,226 8 − 0.02 (-1.51) − 0.45 (-0.54) 20,200,218 8 − 0.17***(-5.14) − 326.23***(-3.35) 211.20***(4.74)
HBRIY 20,200,220 8 − 0.06**(-2.07) − 0.05 (-0.32) 20,200,313 8 − 0.44***(-6.01) − 0.37**(-2.47) 0.39***(5.74)
HRCXE 20,200,915 8 − 0.23***(-2.68) 0.02 (0.26) 20,200,203 8 − 1.2047***(-7.1382) − 0.24**(-2.46) 0.15***(6.31)
IPXHY 20,200,429 8 − 1.20***(-6.84) − 0.02 (-0.80) 20,200,507 8 − 1.23***(-7.15) 0.05 (1.54) − 0.005 (-1.59)
KOS 20,210,210 8 0.00 (-0.84) − 0.04 (-0.17) 20,200,218 8 − 1.59***(-33.55) 3209.95***(32.06) − 3211.79***(-33.50)
LEKOF 20,210,111 8 0.00 (-0.85) − 1.11***(-4.68) 20,200,218 8 − 1.59 (-1.59) 3209.99***(32.06) − 3211.83***(-33.50)
NSTRY 20,200,220 8 − 0.01 (-1.08) 6.99 (0.10) 20,200,810 8 − 0.66***(-9.47) − 9.73***(-7.79) 10.21***(9.46)
PTHRF 20,200,220 8 − 0.16**(-2.53) − 0.03 (-0.41) 20,201,203 8 − 0.83***(-7.21) − 0.27***(-3.12) 0.26***(7.31)
SOCLF 20,200,220 8 − 0.06*(-1.92) − 0.01 (-0.11) 20,200,303 8 − 0.39***(-5.11) − 0.13*(-1.67) 0.16***(4.67)
TUWOY 20,200,814 8 − 0.40***(-3.21) 0.01 (0.10) 20,200,723 8 − 1.54***(-7.12) − 0.22**(-2.08) 0.27***(6.84)
EGY 20,200,320 8 − 0.01 (-1.10) − 13.85 (-0.19) 20,210,209 8 − 1.20***(-20.86) 2420.63***(19.29) − 2423.74***(-20.82)
VET 20,200,226 8 − 0.02 (-1.54) − 0.45 (-0.54) 20,200,218 8 − 0.17***(-5.17) − 326.43***(-3.37) 211.18***(4.78)
Notes: TB, T1, and T2 are structural breakpoints. St-1 is the t statistic of LM. Bt is the coefficient of intercept term. Dt is the coefficient of the slope term. *** significance
at 1 % level; ** significance at 5 % level; * significance at 10 % level.

Table 5c
Results from the LM unit root test for GRSI.

Series Model A Model C

TB K St-1 Bt TB K St-1 Bt Dt

AUS 20,210,211 8 − 0.01 (-1.12) − 13.55 (-0.19) 20,200,403 8 − 1.21***(-20.95) 2419.19***(19.38) − 2421.26***(-20.92)
CAN 20,201,124 8 − 0.04 (-1.44) 0.28 (0.03) 20,200,221 8 − 0.14***(-4.71) − 283.37***(-2.96) 180.76***(4.35)
GBR 20,200,220 8 − 0.01 (-1.16) 1.91 (0.02) 20,210,308 8 − 1.14***(-19.22) 2295.21***(17.58) − 2231.95***(-19.18)
JPN 20,200,219 8 − 0.04*(-1.94) − 3.99 (-1.63) 2,020,036 8 − 0.37***(-6.91) − 12.69***(-4.36) 8.39*** (6.81)
NGA 20,200,327 8 − 0.09***(-2.93) − 1.04 (-0.38) 20,200,409 8 − 0.22***(-5.16) − 5.47* (− 1.77) 4.65*** (4.84)
NLD 20,200,421 8 − 0.06*(-1.83) − 4.65 (-0.22) 2,020,029 8 − 0.15***(-4.80) − 301.46***(-3.02) 190.30***(4.47)
IPXHY 20,200,408 8 − 0.02**(-2.41) 29.85 (1.53) 20,210,208 8 − 0.21***(-5.08) 243.09***(2.66) − 250.61***(-4.73)
Notes: TB, T1, and T2 are structural breakpoints. St-1 is the t statistic of LM. Bt is the coefficient of intercept term. Dt is the coefficient of the slope term. *** significance
at 1 % level; ** significance at 5 % level; * significance at 10 % level.

Table 5d
Results from the LM unit root test for CASE.

Series Model A Model C

TB K St-1 Bt TB K St-1 Bt Dt

AUS 20,200,330 8 − 0.09 (-2.49) − 0.87 (-0.26) 20,200,406 8 − 0.35***(-6.69) − 11.33***(-2.95) 8.84***(6.62)
CAN 20,200,708 8 − 0.06 (-1.76) − 0.12 (-0.01) 20,200,218 8 − 0.17***(-5.15) − 326.91***(-3.36) 208.73***(4.75)
GBR 20,201,113 8 − 0.07 (-1.58) − 0.03 (-0.001) 20,210,104 8 − 0.36***(-5.43) − 46.56**(-2.10) 42.4676***(5.68)
JPN 20,200,219 8 − 0.03 (-1.43) 2.11 (0.76) 20,200,318 8 − 0.56***(-9.40) 34.27***(8.94) − 20.86***(-9.34)
NGA 20,200,209 8 − 0.01 (-1.09) − 13.82 (-0.19) 20,200,407 8 − 1.21***(-20.92) 2425.72***(19.35) − 2428.95***(-20.89)
NLD 20,210,210 8 − 0.02*(-1.91) 7.20 (0.33) 20,210,211 8 − 0.18***(-4.57) 200.01***(2.22) − 193.26***(-4.28)
IPXHY 20,200,409 8 − 0.004**(-2.53) 26.96 (1.83) 20,210,122 8 − 0.99***(-16.69) 1941.32***(15.01) − 1922.27***(-16.62)
Notes: TB, T1, and T2 are structural breakpoints. St-1 is the t statistic of LM. Bt is the coefficient of intercept term. Dt is the coefficient of the slope term. *** significance
at 1 % level; ** significance at 5 % level; * significance at 10 % level.

D. Chen et al. Energy Strategy Reviews 38 (2021) 100696

Table 6a
Results from Ref. [51]] for GRSI.

Series Break (1) Break (2) Break (3) Break (4) Break (5) UDMax WDMax

AUS 20,200,318 20,200,522 20,200,729 20,201,027 20,210,108 3.8484 6.2233

CAN 20,200,313 20,200,618 20,200,824 20,201,102 20,210,118 542.22*** 542.22***
GBR 20,200,320 20,200,527 20,200,812 20,201,019 20,201,223 113.39*** 148.89***
JPN 20,200,127 20,200,521 20,200,728 20,201,001 20,201,120 15.59*** 30.96***
NGA 20,200,320 20,200,630 20,200,909 20,201,112 20,210,121 66.94*** 104.88***
NLD 20,200,311 20,200,529 20,200,804 20,201,009 20,201,215 808.41*** 1061.47***
USA 20,200,313 20,200,612 20,200,909 20,201,112 20,200,121 167.47*** 167.47***
Note: ***, **, and * denote statistical significance at the 1 %, 5 %, and 10 % levels, respectively.

Table 6b
Results from Ref. [51]] for CASE.

Series Break (1) Break (2) Break (3) Break (4) Break (5) UDMax WDMax

AUS 20,200,312 20,200,702 20,200,908 20,201,111 20,210,120 24.33*** 43.28***

CAN 20,200,325 20,200,601 20,200,908 20,201,111 20,210,125 238.53*** 597.06***
GBR 20,200,324 20,200,529 20,200,908 20,201,111 20,210,120 21.16*** 52.96***
JPN 20,200,401 20,200,708 20,200,911 20,201,116 20,210,125 37.05*** 75.91***
NGA 20,200,319 20,200,526 20,200,730 20,201,005 20,201,209 133.03*** 264.12***
NLD 20,200,313 20,200,522 20,200,729 20,201,005 20,210,108 58.41*** 79.34***
USA 20,200,325 20,200,625 20,200,903 20,201,109 20,210,121 149.48*** 319.60***
Note: ***, **, and * denote statistical significance at the 1 %, 5 %, and 10 % levels, respectively.

Table 6c
Results from Ref. [51]] for CLOSE.

Series Break (1) Break (2) Break (3) Break (4) Break (5) UDMax WDMax

BCHEY 2020/4/29 2020/7/6 2020/9/11 2020/11/16 2021/1/25 82.7979*** 165.2055***

CRNCY 2020/3/9 2020/5/15 2020/8/3 2020/11/10 2021/1/19 60.4555*** 151.3234***
ENQUF 2020/3/13 2020/5/28 2020/8/13 2020/10/21 2021/1/7 174.2849*** 174.2849***
GEGY 2020/4/20 2020/6/24 2020/8/28 2020/11/4 2021/1/12 262.7821*** 521.7434***
HBRIY 2020/3/9 2020/6/4 2020/8/18 2020/11/10 2021/1/19 60.4446*** 92.7030***
HRCXF 2020/3/9 2020/5/20 2020/9/3 2020/11/10 2021/1/19 61.9432*** 104.3951***
IPXHY 2020/3/9 2020/5/13 2020/9/10 2020/11/13 2021/1/22 19.78*** 39.17***
KOS 2020/3/10 2020/5/14 2020/8/31 2020/11/12 2021/1/21 28.06*** 70.24***
LEKOF 2020/3/10 2020/5/22 2020/8/10 2020/10/14 2020/12/18 30.13*** 75.43***
NOG.L 2020/3/9 2020/6/5 2020/8/11 2020/10/19 2021/1/5 8.0354* 15.95***
PTHRF 2020/3/10 2020/5/14 2020/7/21 2020/9/24 2020/12/30 147.34*** 176.26***
SOCLF 2020/3/10 2020/5/14 2020/7/21 2020/9/25 2020/12/11 91.84*** 182.34***
TUWOY 2020/3/10 2020/6/2 2020/8/20 2020/11/11 2021/1/20 16.74*** 41.90***
EGY 2020/3/10 2020/6/3 2020/8/26 2020/11/12 2021/1/21 31.05*** 77.72***
VET 2020/3/10 2020/5/14 2020/9/1 2020/11/16 2021/1/25 29.57*** 59.54***
Note: ***, **, and * denote statistical significance at the 1 %, 5 %, and 10 % levels, respectively.

Table 6d
Results from Ref. [51]] for RETURN.

Series Break (1) Break (2) Break (3) Break (4) Break (5) UDMax WDMax

BCHEY 2020/3/11 2020/5/15 2020/7/23 2020/11/9 2021/1/15 3.70 9.25

CRNCY 2020/3/18 2020/6/2 2020/8/24 2020/10/28 2021/1/5 3.90 5.48
ENQUF 2020/4/3 2020/6/10 2020/8/21 2020/11/5 2021/1/13 17.56*** 17.56***
GEGY 2020/3/25 2020/6/1 2020/8/5 2020/11/4 2021/1/19 3.25 5.01
HBRIY 2020/3/16 2020/6/5 2020/9/1 2020/11/10 2021/1/19 4.22 6.82
HRCXF 2020/3/13 2020/5/19 2020/7/24 2020/10/2 2020/12/8 3.57 5.39
IPXHY 2020/3/17 2020/6/5 2020/8/25 2020/10/30 2021/1/12 10.36** 13.09
KOS 2020/3/19 2020/6/8 2020/8/26 2020/11/6 2021/1/14 7.39 10.65
LEKOF 2020/3/19 2020/5/26 2020/7/30 2020/10/21 2020/12/28 3.16 5.37
NOG.L 2020/3/20 2020/6/10 2020/8/17 2020/10/23 2021/1/4 5.38 5.38
PTHRF 2020/4/13 2020/6/26 2020/9/1 2020/11/5 2021/1/13 5.12 6.73
SOCLF 2020/3/20 2020/6/2 2020/9/4 2020/11/11 2021/1/20 9.61** 9.61
TUWOY 2020/3/16 2020/6/10 2020/8/24 2020/10/30 2021/1/19 17.80*** 17.80***
EGY 2020/3/23 2020/6/5 2020/8/12 2020/11/2 2021/1/12 7.68* 7.68
VET 2020/3/18 2020/6/8 2020/8/17 2020/10/28 2021/1/20 8.31* 13.45
Note: ***, **, and * denote statistical significance at the 1 %, 5 %, and 10 % levels, respectively.

D. Chen et al. Energy Strategy Reviews 38 (2021) 100696

Table 7
Results of the MG panel data estimation method.


GRI − 0.131*** 0.040**

(-4.79) (2.43)
CASE − 0.079*** 0.057
(-4.19) (1.08)
Trend 0.0007*** 0.001*** 0.0004 0.004**
(2.64) (2.93) (0.09) (2.13)
Cons 1.415*** 1.142*** − 1.704*** − 0.401
(4.71) (4.24) (-2.85) (-1.64)
N 4663 4663 4663 4663
Wald 22.95*** 17.54*** 5.89** 1.17
Notes: ***, **, and * denote statistical significance at the 1 %, 5 %, and 10 % levels, respectively. Z statistics are in

Table 8
Firm-specific long-run estimates for CLOSE (MG estimator).

Firm GRSI CASE Trend Cons

BCHEY − 0.111*** − 0.002** 3.712***

(-10.43) (-1.97) (102)
− 0.067*** − 0.009*** 3.441***
(-5.80) (-8.16) (62.67)
CRNCY − 0.206*** 0.003*** 1.912***
(-19.66) (26.20) (57.05)
− 0.068** 0.003** 1.393***
(-7.01) (13.12) (58.14)
ENQUF − 0.043*** 0.0001*** 0.317***
(-13.90) (3.93) (32.36)
− 0.032*** 0.0004*** 0.226***
(-17.81) (10.28) (50.24)
GEGYY − 0.064*** 0.006*** 1.239***
(-8.58) (6.99) (51.84)
− 0.048*** 0.001*** 1.100***
(-9.87) (9.20) (92.56)
HBRIY − 0.150*** − 0.0003*** 1.015***
(-16.89) (-3.34) (35.76)
− 0.100*** 0.0004*** 0.682***
(-17.10) (3.09) (47.12)
HRCXF − 0.043*** − 0.0003*** 0.318***
(-23.029) (-16.46) (53.00)
− 0.013*** − 0.0004*** 0.208***
(-6.47) (-10.01) (43.55)
IPXHY − 0.157*** − 0.0002** 2.520***
(-12.20) (-2.05) (72.19)
− 0.056* − 0.002 2.124***
(-3.94) (-1.21) (122.02)
KOS − 0.334*** 0.002*** 2.045***
(-26.88) (13.23) (51.41)
− 0.217*** 0.004 1.498***
(-16.46) (11.97) (40.92)
LEKOF − 0.006*** 0.0001** 0.060***
(-5.01) (2.38) (14.24)
0.003 − 0.001 0.041***
(1.26) (-0.88) (18.85)
NSTRY − 0.101*** 0.001*** 2.666***
(-10.35) (-3.09) (92.50)
− 0.102*** 0.001*** 2.562***
(-6.03) (2.73) (71.34)
PTHRF − 0.029*** 0.001*** 0.204***
(-7.69) (30.93) (17.23)
0.011*** 0.009*** 0.114***
(4.40) (15.05) (17.75)
SOCLF − 0.105*** 0.0003*** 0.589***
(-26.08) (6.74) (45.90)
− 0.052*** 0.0004*** 0.341***
(-13.78) (5.85) (36.69)
TUWOY − 0.057*** 0.0004*** 0.334***
(-16.66) (9.78) (30.46)
− 0.036*** 0.001*** 0.205***
(-15.05) (11.59) (34.81)
EGY − 0.202*** 0.002*** 1.292***
(-22.10) (20.93) (44.14)

(continued on next page)

D. Chen et al. Energy Strategy Reviews 38 (2021) 100696

Table 8 (continued )
Firm GRSI CASE Trend Cons

− 0.160*** 0.004*** 1.003***

(-21.74) (23.31) (49.18)
VET − 0.352*** 0.001*** 2.932***
(-21.85) (6.12) (59.13)
− 0.220*** 0.002*** 2.222***
(-10.25) (4.55) (51.02)
Note: ***, **, and * denote statistical significance at the 1 %, 5 %, and 10 % levels, respectively.

Table 9
Firm-specific long-run estimates for RETURN (MG estimator).

Firm GRSI CASE Trend Cons

BCHEY − 0.007 0.003 − 0.095

(-0.68) (1.20) (0.868)
0.007 0.002 − 0.397
(0.16) (1.02) (-0.94)
CRNCY − 0.003 − 0.014 − 6.910**
(-0.33) (-0.47) (-2.18)
− 0.003 0.018 − 2.169
(-0.33) (1.07) (-1.06)
ENQUF − 0.110 0.064 3.321
(-0.36) (0.72) (0.23)
0.020 0.015 1.193
(0.56) (0.19) (0.1)
GEGYY − 0.012 0.005 0.221
(-0.81) (1.06) (0.31)
0.0001 0.002 − 0.161
(0.01) (0.55) (-0.29)
HBRIY 0.071* − 0.011 − 2.491***
(1.81) (-0.93) (-1.33)
0.0001 0.003 − 0.239
(0.13) (0.31) (-0.16)
HRCXF 0.015 0.006 − 1.727
(0.36) (0.50) (-0.87)
− 0.001 0.010 − 1.321
(-0.17) (0.95) (-0.86)
IPXHY 0.008 0.003 − 0.784
(0.39) (1.04) (-1.32)
0.019 0.002 − 0.522
(0.86) (0.69) (-1.33)
KOS 0.059** − 0.002 − 2.867**
(2.19) (-0.33) (-2.09)
0.005 − 0.001 − 0.572
(1.41) (0.900) (-0.56)
LEKOF 0.077* − 0.005 − 2.635
(1.70) (-0.39) (-0.92)
0.788 − 0.009 0.833
(1.24) (-0.63) (0.39)
NSTRY 0.051** − 0.010 − 1.304
(2.43) (-1.53) (-1.34)
− 0.001 0.002 − 0.083
(-0.24) (0.24) (-0.09)
PTHRF − 0.001 − 0.001 0.901
(-0.02) (-0.13) (0.63)
− 0.002 0.001 0.768
(-0.50) (0.14) (0.70)
SOCLF 0.050** − 0.002 − 2.829**
(2.14) (-0.28) (-2.55)
0.001 0.007 − 1.241
(0.24) (1.24) (-1.43)
TUWOY 0.061* − 0.008 − 2.154
(1.72) (-0.73) (-1.26)
0.0003 0.005 − 0.223
(0.07) (0.50) (-0.17)
EGY 0.020 0.002 − 1.343
(0.257) (0.49) (-1.52)
0.006*** − 0.004 − 0.361
(2.66) (-0.82) (-0.55)
VET 0.060*** − 0.002 − 3.179***
(2.98) (-0.41) (-3.24)
0.010 0.003 − 1.068
(1.06) (0.50) (-1.36)
Note: ***, **, and * denote statistical significance at the 1 %, 5 %, and 10 % levels, respectively.

D. Chen et al. Energy Strategy Reviews 38 (2021) 100696

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