The Cell Cycle Reviewer

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 This is created in S-phase in

The Cell Cycle interphase.

 Cell cycle - regular sequence of growth Chromosome Structure

and division that eukaryotic cells Chromosome - a structure that
undergo. contains genetic information.
*Prokaryotic cells undergo binary fission  Made up of DNA and proteins that
carry genetic information.
Cell cycle is divided into three main stages: Genes - Segments of Dna that code for a
i. Interphase - the cell grows into it’s particular protein.
mature size, makes a copy of it’s DNA, Centromere - Point where the chromatids
and prepares for division. are joined.
ii. Mitosis - One copy of the DNA is Chromatid - Chromosomes contain
distributed into each of it’s daughter identical parts
cells.  Strands composed of chromatin that
iii. Cytokinesis - The cytoplasm divides makes up the chromosomes.
and organelles are distributed into the Chromatin - Makes up the chromatid
two new cells.  Composed od Dna and proteins

Cycle begins
G1 - cell grows Interphase
R- Cell decides whether to continue
S- Replication of DNA G1/ Growth phase
G2 - cell prepares to divide - Cell doubles in size
M - cell division (mitosis) - Cell produces all of the structures it needs
to carry out it’s functions.
Interphase is the stage that the cell is in for S/DNA copying
most of it’s life. It is made up of three - Cell makes a copy of it’s own DNA
separate parts. (replication)
1. G1 - This happens because the new cell needs
2. S all of the directions for it’s function and
3. G2 survival.
- Think of this phase as placing the Dna on a
Sister Chromatids & Chromosomes copy machine.
Human somatic cells (any cells other than a
gamete) have 23 pairs of chromosomes - G2/Preparation
one from mom and one from dad. These are - Cell prepares to divide
called homologous chromosomes. - Cell produces structures needed for cell
1 chromatid - Copy of chromosome from - Think of this phase as the cell double
mom or dad. checking everything it needs to divide.
 The chromatid will undergo
chromosome duplication and will
become sister chromatids. MITOSIS AND CYTOKINESIS
 Then, chromosome made in S phase of Mitosis
Interphase resulting in chromosome  During mitosis, the cells’ copied
distribution to daughter cells. genetic material separates and the cell
prepares to split into two cells.
 The cell’s chromatin condenses into  This allows the cells’ genetic material
chromosomes. to pass into the new cells.
 The chromosomes look like an “X” (The resulting daughter cells are genetically
 Each chromosome is made up of the identical.)
identical sister chromatids attached by
a centromere.
Where to find the DNA? Fertilization - He proposed that an egg and
 Chromosomes are in every nucleus of a sperm fuse to produce a zygote.
every cell. - The zygote contains two copies of each
 Chromosomes are made up of DNA. chromosome (one copy of the sperm and
 Genes are pieces of Dna that contain one copy from the egg). These are calles
the instructions for building a protein. homologous chromosomes.
Fertilization is the name for the fusion of
4 Stages of Mitosis gametes.
(Remember ProMetaAnaTela/PMAT)
 Metaphse  Since the sperm and the egg contain
 Anaphase only half the number of chromosomes,
 Telophase they cannot be formed from mitosis.

 Nucleus disappears
 Spindle fibers form in the cytoplasm
 Spindle fibers attach to sister

 The sister chromatids are pulled to the
center of the cell
 They line up in the middle of the cell.

 Spindle fibers begin to shorten
 The sister chromatids are pulled to the
opposite ends of the cell.


 The division of the cytoplasm
-In animal cells, It is accompanied by using
microfilaments to “pinch” the cytoplasm.

 In plants, a cell plate forms between

the two daughter nuclei.

Meiosis - the process of cell division that
produces haploid gametes (half the number
of chromosomes. Humans:23)

Discovery of Meiosis
Pierre-Joseph van Beneden - found
different numbers of chromosomes in
different cells. He observed that gametes
(sperm&egg) contain half the number of
chromosomes compared to somatic cells
(non-reproductive cells).

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