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Preguntas de examen

1. What’s the idea of law?

2. Explain the order?
3. What’s Law?
4. Explain the four characteristic of Law
5. What are Norms?
6. Explain the importance of Law
7. What’s the meaning of ‘Sources of Law’
8. Explain the principal classification of ‘Sources of Law’
9. What’s Legislation?
10. What are the two characteristics of customs (costumbres)?
11. Explain the jurisprudence
12. What are the individualized norms?
13. What’s the difference between Public and Private law?
14. Explain the three principal differences between Nacional and International Law about the
15. What’s the main difference between Public International Law and Private International Law?
16. What are the kids of Public International Law?
17. Announce the principal subjects of Public International Law
18. What’s the concept of Public International Law?
19. Explain the three branches of Domestic Law
20. Explain the principal examples about the role of force in the international law (R= Economic
sanctions, institutional Sanctions, for the security council of United Nations)
21. Self-Help it’s procedure to resort the force or to take violent actions to defend certain rights of
the illegal acts of other states
22. What’s the Doctrine of Consensus?
23. According to Grotious where do the basic principals of the Law derive from?
24. How does Huffendor refer to Natural Law?
25. What kind of doctrine was introduced by Vatte?

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